Destined Fanfic: Pyromania AU!

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  • #144273
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Alright, first, TAGS!

      @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @acancello @dekreel @euodia-vision @smiley @princesachronicle22 @loopylin @theloonyone @keilah-h @mineralizedwritings @thearcaneaxiom @lydia-s @felicity @joy-calle @awsumfaith @starshiness @e-m-trepke @hybridlore @whalekeeper @esther-c @freedomwriter76 (Ik ur on break but if u ever get a chance to come back on, I have a feeling you will want to read this, so I’m going to tag u in the updates 😉) @anyone-else

      Okay so…first thing I want to say is this- I probably won’t be super active in the RPs.

      I really need to get my life in order lol, and sometimes the motivation to RP just comes and goes so don’t be surprised if I’m on like crazy one day/week and then off another, ya know? But yea I wanted to say that.


      I’ll still be on KP to share book progress, talk about WIPs, share art, things of that nature but yea 😊



      NEXT! The point of this forum!!

      Freedom and Keilah made a forum about their fanfics and it really made me want to write one of my own but about my charries…

      And then I came up with an AU that WILL NOT LEAVE (at least not rn XD)

      It’s called Pyromania AU.


      So this is a forum for that Fic!


      now idk how much I’ll  post of it or how long I’ll stick with it. I’m gonna have to find a way to keep my actual WIP the focus despite this exciting fanfic idea 😂


      But the premise was birthed from some Inspo off my previous Villains AU, except changed some.

      And it’s basically, What if November (or Brenven) had stayed with his Family? And thus, grew up with Corvina?


      so ya, that’s the making premise of the fic, and it basically changes everything 😏

      ANYWAY!! I really want to write some of this now sooo be expecting at least some details about it (if I follow thru XD)


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2243


        This is such a cool idea, and I get the RP thing. I’ll be sure to read it as it comes out

        I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
        ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2215


          Yeah!! 😁

          "Don't shine so that others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him." ~ C. S.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4308

            ToTaLLY stickin around

            Also don’t worry about taking breaks from the RP 🙂

            "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3076

              Oh that would be really interesting if he had stayed with them! I’m curious…


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3757

                Ooooh, that would be so interesting!! I can’t wait to hear more about it!

                Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 812


                  I’m subscribing to this forum. 🙂 Awesome idea!

                  I really need to get my life in order lol, and sometimes the motivation to RP just comes and goes so don’t be surprised if I’m on like crazy one day/week and then off another, ya know? But yea I wanted to say that.

                  Totally get that, girl! No worries. Take your time and do what’s best for you!

                  He must increase, but I must decrease.

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1308

                    Ooooooooo, I love this AU idea… can’t wait to hear more!

                    I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @godlyfantasy12 OOOH!!!!! CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!

                      *settles down in a comfy couch with a container of popcorn* 🍿


                      I can’t wait to see where this goes 👀😏





                      but uhhhhhh…don’t do anything too bad to THE BABY…ok? 🥺

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4308


                        Learn to loooove without consuuuuuming 😂 I’m glad I influenced you

                        "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6727


                          HELLO EVERYONE!! GUESS WHAT!!!


                          Chapter 1 is done….


                          SCREEEE!!! YALL IT TURNED OUR SO GOOD 😭 WHY WAS THIS SO EASY TO WRITE BUT MY ACTUAL BOOK IS SO HAAAARD?! I’m hoping this will help inspire me with my actual WIP XD

                          ANYWAY HERE IT IS!!!

                          Btw!! In this fic im thinking Bren (November) is around 16, Ara is also like 16 nearing 17 (but she’s 16 rn) Corvina is around 19, Lyn 16, Grimm 17, Pax like 12 or so, Luna 14 or so, Nyx 14 or so.


                          but first, the foreword….

                          Everyone has a choice.
                          This is how the Light One has deemed it to be.
                          Our choices decide who we are, and what we will become.
                          Our choices shape the courses of our Destiny.
                          So be forewarned, before reading this tale, that those within are not the heroes you’ve come to know.
                          For a single choice is like a stone falling into a river. While inconsequential at first, that stone could one day change the entire course of nature.
                          Thus it is, with a single decision made, by one  determined mother.
                          To keep her child.

                          Chapter 1
                          A thin line of fire shot from the boy’s fingers, circling his cold breath. The slithering flame moved between his playful fingers, heating his blood, yet never touching him.

                          He inhaled. Exhaled.

                          His breaths were like smoke, icy cold from the wind around him. A small, dry chuckle left his throat.

                          Imagine if Mother were here.

                          He could already hear her voice, telling him to retreat back inside, before he catch his death.

                          An odd way of phrasing it…he always thought.

                          How exactly did one catch death?

                          Could death really be caught?

                          The flame swirling around the boy’s fingers flickered as he raised his hand to his head, staring into the glowing embers. He tilted his head, inching the fire ever closer to his lips. His skin.

                          The slightest bit of warmth echoed within his veins; a side effect of the fire being within him. But otherwise…he could not feel it’s warmth.

                          Fire connected with skin.


                          “You know what Mother would say if she saw you?”

                          The flame fizzled, then sparked, until it disappeared. Nothing more then a dream, carried away by the wind.

                          Brenven looked up, and, pulling his lips taut, could barely contain his amusement.

                          It was a known fact his sister disliked the cold, but she still always amazed him with how many layers she could fit herself into.

                          Currently, she was wearing a simple, sleek-fitting black dress, but over it she’d thrown on as physically possible; A jacket, leggings, boots, gloves, a scarf.

                          Ah…and the cape.

                          Always a cape.

                          This time she’d chosen one with a hood, obviously to accompany the other layers she was using to try and shield herself. Still, even with this immense protection, his sister still stood on the upper bridge shivering.

                          “Me? Look at you.”

                          “As if she’d care,” Corvina blew out a breath, shuddering still, though she managed an eye roll. She smiled at her baby brother, wrapping her gloved hands around herself, “You were her favorite.”

                          Bren twitched, turning back to the sights in front of him. The endless gray-lands and deserted forests that surrounded their home.

                          “Don’t…say that.”

                          Corvina shrugged, still smiling, eyes also on the landscape. “It’s true.”

                          “Still…” Bren leaned forward, blowing out another cold breath. He lit another flame between his fingers, shooting it out in front of his eyes and allowing it to dance for a while.

                          The wind battered at it, moving it around a bit, but the flame held its ground, controlled by Bren’s own inner heat.

                          “You get all bundled up just to tease me?” The boy asked, moving his fingers. The flame moved in tandem.

                          Corvina’s smile faded, her gray-blue eyes growing foggy. The cold shivers left, replaced by an eery stillness in her being as her eyes stared blankly ahead.

                          Bren paused, and in doing so, the flame dissipated, blown out by the wind.


                          Corvina’s shoulders lifted with a sigh. “He wants to see us.”

                          Brenven raised his brows a bit in understanding. “Ah. Yea. Why do you think I’m out here?” Sparked another flame.

                          “You know why.”


                          “We have been preparing our whole lives…”

                          Bren shrugged.

                          Corvina remained quiet, rubbing her shoulders. She watched as her teenage brother continued to play with the fire in his palms.

                          “Well…at least you’ll finally get to meet your mystery girl.”

                          Bren let out a long suffering sigh. “Not this again.”

                          Corvina laughed. “Oh, come on. I know you still sneak in to watch her sometimes…don’t lie!” Corvina shook her head. Her smiled faded slightly. “You’re lucky no one has found out…”

                          Bren waved a hand. “Who is going to tell? You?”

                          “….You know I’d never.” Corvina’s arms fell to her side, face serious, if not a bit sad. Bren met her eyes, all teasing gone. He gave her a small half-smile.

                          “…I know.”

                          Corvina looked down at her gloved hands, eyes weary, as if her shoulders held the weight of the world.

                          Bren raised a brow.

                          “Hey…what’s up? Is everything alright?” Bren stood, anxiety creeping into his chest. “What’s happened? Are you…?” He reached out a hand.

                          Corvina looked up, a few stray tears in her eyes. She laughed. A wet laugh. Shook her head.

                          “N-No…I’m fine! I just…A bit worried I guess? I don’t know…” She bit the bottom of her lip, looking back out over the landscape. The sun was slowly beginning to set, casting a darkness over everything, and making the night colder.

                          “Just…promise, whatever happens…you’ll be careful, alright?” She met Bren’s bright blue eyes, smiling softly. Her hand went to her neck, where her scarf was wrapped, and her cape started. Bren swallowed the sudden in his throat as she did. “After all, can’t have my baby brother go getting himself into trouble, can I?”

                          Bren smiled, as best he could anyway.

                          He flicked his hand out, sending a rocket of fire spiraling towards his sister. It veered before hitting her, instead encircling around her a few times before coming to rest in front of her hands, forming a rose in the air. It bloomed, erupting into small embers that fell to the stone under their feet.

                          Corvina laughed. Bren smiled.

                          He loved when his sister laughed.


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4308



                            Bren is so interesting… 😏❤ So flippin cool, or should I say hot? 😂

                            Love it ❤ love it ❤ love it ❤ aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

                            "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6727

                              @whalekeeper IKR!!! HE IS!!!!! And yussss he is sooo hooottt XD like I can see him in my head 😂


                              bot that normal November isn’t hot, but he’s the adorable, sweet cinammon roll type that u just want to eat with a spoon (which I also love to death!) this one’s more like hot bad boy but sweet on the inside type XD


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6727

                                But it is so interesting, looking at the same person, but as two entirely different versions of themselves.

                                Brenven and November.

                                Its just so… idk how to explain it.

                                Two sides of the same coin.


                                Just really shows how things affect our growth and view of the world around us.


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6727

                                  @freedomwriter76 gonna go ahead and tag ya 😂


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