Character Castle!

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  • #140522
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @freedomwriter76 @princesachronicle22 @lightoverdarkness6 @godlyfantasy12 @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h


      “Dante!? Hey, it has been a while…how are you doing? Is…something wrong?” Steve’s kind blue eyes stared at him, waiting for a response.

      Dante cleared his throat and glanced down at the ground. A recent memory was playing in his mind. The fight at the twins’ ship. Dante being grabbed by the collar and forced to look into Steve’s angry face.
      Steve had been completely justified in his anger, yet here he was now, treating Dante like an old friend who had never done anything wrong in his life. It was clear that Steve had forgiven him. But it still didn’t feel real.

      Dante composed himself in a spit second and then flashed a grin at Steve.

      “Nah, I’m fine.” He thrust his hands into his pockets and nodded towards the group of people crowded down the hallway. “Want to see what they’re all gawking at?”

      Official KP archivist ✨

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @loopylin @freedomwriter76 @mineralizedwritings @princesachronicle22 @keilah-h imma just RP as Ara watching everyone so they know she’s here but idk what to say rn XD


        After being introduced, Ara had remained in the background for most of the conversations, gripping Asher’s hand, as the boy also seemed a bit out of place.

        A few of the people seemed To know each other and were reuniting, while others were getting to know each other.

        Ara’s mind, however, was…otherwise occupied.

        Were her friends safe?

        She hadn’t seen any sign of them in a while…

        “A-Ara?” Asher stuttered, flushing a bit.

        “Hm? Oh, sorry Asher,” she smiled. The boy seemed to flush a bit of pink around the ears. “Just thinking.” She sighed.


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @princesachronicle22 @thearcaneaxiom either of y’all wanna RP for our group? 😊

          no rush, just curious ❤️

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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            Yeah I have no idea who went last 😅

            Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
            And guess what? His is eternal (:

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @princesachronicle22 I believe you did. 🙂

              I think that means it’s your turn???

              The last RP was back on page 374 of the RP😊

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1318

                @princesachronicle22 @godlyfantasy12


                “Quite a grip you’ve got there, considering  your arm looks completely shattered. That sword must be pretty important.” She said, I didn’t respond, Kirrtes didn’t need to hold my tongue for that. Curiosity must be boiling in their minds. I felt Kirrtes’s desire to have a closer look into the two women’s thoughts, but it gave me no urge.

                They continued talking as I was lost in thought. “No, I don’t know why you’re here. I’ve been brought to this castle at random many times over. Along with…others. I’ve no idea what this place is or the kind of magic it possesses, but it’s rather irksome. Now, would you be so kind, as to help me up?” The woman snarked. Wait, so she’s not from here either, and she left and came back? So this can’t be the Out, can it? You can’t cheat death, though I’ve experienced death a thousand times over through the eyes of others, seeing the window of the end, but always being denied its touch. Could this woman be the same, but she’s made it through, only to be sent back, denied also? I wanted to ask her, but Kirrtes held my peace.

                Namal helped lift her up with what looked like little effort, but looking none too happy about it.

                “Well that was fun and all, and it was great to meet you Miss Prickly, ” the man said, turning towards Namal, “But I say we still strive towards that utterly important goal of looking for food. Or more accurate dessert.”

                The woman also mentioned this castle specifically, Why this castle? I was outside earlier, can I leave? Sudden thoughts of that darkness leaking from that edge of the severed world as the sun began falling out. That darkness, crawling and caressing over every tree, rock, and creature. I wanted to shiver, hoping Kirrtes would agree with my inclination to stay. Is it still out there? But that woman’s replication of it, manifesting shadow… a physical manifestation of shadow, creeping from the dark corners of the hall. What if she was from that darkness, or what if she brought that darkness? But this place still seemed so strange and beyond, the darkness isn’t everything. Is this even Tycem? I didn’t want to consider the possibilities that would lead to, world’s outside of Tycem, beyond the Out. The thought brought further discomfort.

                “We’re taking the woman,” Namal said. “And if these so-called others are working with you and try to pull any moves, know that they won’t be seeing you again. Now move.” Namal jerked her head down the hall, seeming to be keeping an eye on me as well. The man and I followed closely behind, as I continued to contemplate the strange place…

                (More just introspection on the setting for this one, sorry I took so long.)

                He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @godlyfantasy12 @loopylin aww, Dante!!! 😭😭😭 @princesachronicle22 @mineralizedwritings @lightoverdarkness6 @keilah-h


                  “Want to see what they’re all gawking at?”

                  Steve nodded and gave Dante a small grin. “Sure. I’ve kinda been wondering what they’ve all been talking about and looking at.”

                  Dante nodded, but Jason cleared his throat and the new, armored man turned, instantly drawing weaponry and getting into a defensive position.

                  The woman didn’t move though, and he looked over at her. “Serin, do you know them?”

                  Steve hadn’t even met Dante’s new friends…and there was already someone new to meet.


                  The armored woman’s gaze fell on Steve, likely noting his uniform that looked odd to a lot of people. “Not all of them…”

                  Steve gave her a small smile…and turned to Dante, dropping his voice to a whisper. “Who are all of these people, Dante…???”

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1318


                    Ok, I’ll work on it!

                    He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @thearcaneaxiom 👍

                      take all the time you need! 😊

                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 5910

                        @godlyfantasy12 @loopylin @princesachronicle22 @mineralizedwritings @lightoverdarkness6 @freedomwriter76

                        Allen (I honestly don’t remember when I RP’ed last for him, so here we go….)

                        “Serin, do you know them?”

                        “Not all of them…” Serin looked around. There were several new people.

                        Dante seemed to recognize one of the human men, though.

                        Allen stepped up. “We don’t mean any harm….Kun’en, if that’s your name. Call me Allen.”

                        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @keilah-h @theloonyone he ran away with this one…and I didn’t even see it coming 0_o




                          Elliot clambered up the apple tree, gathering an armful of apples.

                          Hitchens sighed, rolled his eyes, and looked away at the garden.

                          It reminded him of his family’s garden…back in England. It was filled with beautiful bushes… topiaries…the brightest flowers he had ever seen. And with it came a huge, marvelous mansion. He had lived in it his entire childhood, yet still hadn’t explored every room of his own home. He explored everywhere he could go, even outside of the limits of his home.


                          Not that his adventures were gently and lovingly accepted. His adventures had always been frowned upon. He always got himself dirty, covered in mud, or stuck in some predicament.

                          He was just a boy trying to have fun.

                          He plopped down on the front step.

                          The slave woman bent over him, gently applying stinging medicine to his scrapped knees.

                          He’d gone on another adventure full of life, discovery, and best of all, freedom. He loved to adventure. It was just something that was good and fun, compared to his boring, studious, strict life at home.

                          The woman finished applying medicine, wrapped his knees in bandages, gave the young master a gentle bow, and made her leave of the area.

                          Boots thudded against the cobblestone walkway. A sword in a sheath hung from his belt. His shined boots almost glowed in the bright England sunlight. He slicked back his black hair, feet taller than his youthful, mud-covered son. His father clicked his tongue. “Another adventure, James? Need I remind you that you have studies you need to attend to?”

                          “But father-“

                          “No argument, James. Do you want to end up as a vagabond on the streets? No more adventures. Studies are more important than adventures. Adventures are beneath you, James. No more of them…ever.”

                          Tears sprang to the boy’s eyes at the prospect of losing the one thing that brought a sense of freedom and joy into his life. “But father-!”

                          “I said no arguing, James,” he snapped, army coat swaying in the wind, “obey me. Go clean up, and then you have studies to attend to.”

                          He stumbled to his feet, knees stinging, tears falling. “Adventures were fun, Father…they made me happy!”

                          “It’s not my job to make you happy. No more adventures, James. Don’t you want to be like me when you get older?”

                          James shook his head.

                          His father looked away and sighed. The disappointment in his eyes was what the boy always saw…even in his dreams. “How did I end up with a son like this?” 


                          An apple rolled to his foot and stopped just mere inches from his shined boot. Hitchens bent to pick it up.

                          The others had apples as well, and Elliot was still dropping some from the tree.


                          Hitchens took a bite out of his apple.


                          He’d prove his father wrong…he’d prove them all wrong.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2816

                            @freedomwriter76 Having Dante introduce people is one of my favorite things to write I don’t know why XD   @princesachronicle22  @lightoverdarkness6 @godlyfantasy12 @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h


                            “Who are all of these people, Dante…???” Steve whispered.

                            Dante looked around warily. There were a lot of people he didn’t know, but he did his best to answer.

                            “Well…” he whispered back “The blue woman with murder in her eyes is Princess Serin. Then there’s Layson and his daughter Maylee. The blonde one there is Silvia. She’s a healer. And that guy there is-”

                            Allen stepped forward before Dante could finish. “We don’t mean any harm….Kun’en, if that’s your name. Call me Allen.”

                            “Yeah. Allen.” Dante continued “You should hear his full name, though. Sounds like complete gibberish.”  He ran a hand through his hair.

                            “Alright, Steve. Your turn. Who are your new friends?”

                            Steve smiled and then began naming people in a low voice. Dante glanced at each in turn and flashed a smile at a pretty girl who Steve had called Ara.

                            • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Loopy.

                            Official KP archivist ✨

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              i didn’t even know this about him until now XD

                              welp, I guess I know his motivation now 😅

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                btw, @loopylin, would you want to do Dante since he’s talking to Steve right now?😊

                                only if you want to! ❤️

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @loopylin haha, nvm, just now saw that you just RPed 🤣

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