A Place to share/write whatever we’re working on: Worldbuilding, plot, etc

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  • #180175
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @rae @esther-c @whalekeeper Thank you!

      I came up with his name just last night. I was trying to find something that would make a good ship name mixed with Frost, but I kinda gave up

      “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

      The Ducktator
        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 723


        Thank you! 💙


        Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          @savannah_grace2009 @freed_and_redeemed @theducktator @iknowimmisssingsomeoneee @anyoneinterested

          Here’s a scene I wrote earlier this afternoon from Worth All the World. Apparently Easton was in a mood (which I feel like is a little out of character, but right now, idc because it actually might work XD). Warning: unedited 😬

          (ok I’ll stop talking now…)


          Easton slid through the back door and Mrs. Bailey turned to see who had come in. “Oh hello, Easton! Tyler’s up in his room.”

          “Thanks, Mrs. Bailey. How are you doing today?” He walked farther into the kitchen, resting his elbows on the counter.

          “I’m doing well. Thank you for asking.” She gave him her warm smile and put a doughnut wrapped in a napkin in his hand. “Leftovers from yesterday.”

          Easton pretended to smell the doughnut which had long since lost its warmth and tantalizing smell. “Nothing like day-old doughnuts from the bakery. Benefits of having a friend whose dad owns a bake shop.”

          “Very true.” Mrs. Bailey gave him a look Tyler always did when he said that—chin tucked, a small smile, and one eyebrow slightly higher than another. Their similarities in appearance always made Easton smile.

          He hurried up the stairs and entered Tyler’s room without knocking. Tyler sat at his desk, his chin in his hand, staring out the window.

          “Done with your homework yet?”

          Tyler startled and turned around. “Oh, um, almost. But I can finish it later. What’s up?”

          Easton tilted his head. In this case, he should be the one asking that question. Tyler was acting odd. Like something was on his mind. “Is something going on?”

          Tyler’s small smile disappeared. He opened his mouth to speak, but changed his mind, sinking into his chair with a sigh. “You know what… I promise I’ll answer that question. Just not today. Deal?”

          “Sounds good.” And the topic was dropped. Though it still nagged at the back of Easton’s mind. “I came over to see if you were interested in going to the mall with me this weekend to see if we can find some tuxes for homecoming.”

          “Is homecoming really that soon?”

          “A few weeks away. You asked her yet?”



          “I know, I know. You have to give her time and all that. But what if she doesn’t want to go with me?”

          Easton laughed. “You’ve been hanging out with her ever since the beginning of school. What’s that been? A month? She clearly loves to be around you and I’d be quite shocked if she turned you down.”


          “Trust me. You suddenly lose your self-confidence whenever the situation has to do with a girl.”

          “I do not.”

          Easton cocked an eyebrow.

          “Ok, fine, maybe I do.” Tyler was clearly trying to hide a smile. “They’re just different, you know? I don’t want to make her upset, but what if she is upset? How do I make her feel better?”

          Easton shook his head, smiling. “Chillax. First of all, yes, they’re different. That was God’s plan from the start. Two, you’re great at making people feel better, you know that. And three, you’re clearly interested in her if you’re this nervous about just asking her to a dance.”

          Tyler pushed a hand through his dark hair. “You’re a terrible friend, you that, right?”

          Easton stood and pat Tyler on the back. “Yep. And yet you benefit from it. An odd course of events, don’t you think?”

          “Alright, I’ll go to the mall with you this weekend.”

          “Great. Hallie and Jennifer are tagging along.”

          “Do they have dates to the dance?”

          “Jennifer does.”

          “No surprise there,” Tyler muttered.

          “Hallie… no.”

          “But for some reason that surprises me.”

          “I don’t mind.” Easton shrugged and started towards the door.

          “Of course you don’t, you overprotective brother.” Tyler chucked a pillow at the back of Easton’s head

          Easton dodged it just in time, but almost dropped his doughnut. “Overprotective? Of course not! I’m taking Brandon’s place since he’s away at college and I’m helping Dad out since he doesn’t go to school with us.”

          Tyler just shook his head, following Easton out of the room.

          “Hey, you’d feel the same way if you had younger siblings.”


          “If I let you borrow Hallie for a day you’d know what I mean.”

          “You’re almost starting to sound like Hallie with your wordy pep talk back there and your defense against your overprotectiveness.”

          “Maybe I’m just excited about the dance since I’ve got someone to go with.” Easton flashed Tyler a cheesy grin. “You’d know if you had one.” He ran down the stairs before he had to face any of Tyler’s comebacks.

          “Mom! Easton’s not allowed in the house any more. He’s being mean,” Tyler complained as he came down the stairs and into the kitchen.

          “Oh really?” Mrs. Bailey raised an eyebrow, looking between Easton’s goofy grin and Tyler’s hiding smile. “Maybe I’ll let him in more often.”

          But despite Tyler’s laugh, there was something in his eyes that made Easton worry a little bit. His laugh wasn’t as full and his smile didn’t seem as wide. Something was going on, but Easton would just have to be patient if he was to eventually find out.

          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 648


            I can’t wait to read more! And I feel like you did a good job dropping a few hints in there but not giving too much information up front.

            "Real love is for your good, not for your comfort." -Justin Whitmel Earley

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2535


              I love that sooo much! How are you so good at character dialogue? Like, you’re amazing at having your characters tease each other and make funny situations! I wish I could do that, lol

              LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2535


                I love that!

                Felicity’s snort came out louder than expected. “Lois? Isn’t that a girl’s name?”

                “No, it’s not. It’s mine.”

                I love that sooo much!

                LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3141


                  Cuuuute XD

                  “Everything is a mountain”

                  The Ducktator
                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 723


                    I love it! Does Tyler LIKE Hallie??? I must know.

                    Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3421


                      Thanks!! The foreshadowing and pacing in this book is definitely stretching me and it’s been a learning curve, but I’m slowly figuring it out. (I think… XD)


                      Aww, thanks!!

                      Um… practice? I don’t know, but honestly it’s just practice. XD Now I will confess, I used to throw tons of action tags on dialogue and it slowed down the pacing sooo much, but I’m learning how to balance that and simply just let the dialogue speak for itself. (No pun intended, lol)

                      Another confession though…. Sometimes I will lie in bed at night and play through future conversations in my mind that could happen but probably wouldn’t, filled with witty banter or joking around. I’ll even think about how I could have made past conversations go differently… 😂 I seriously think it’s an ambivert thing XD (If you look up Frank James’s YouTube videos on ambiverts, you’ll probably know what I mean, lol)


                      I knowwww XD

                      I love my cast of charries so much 🥰😂


                      Thank you!!

                      *gasps* Girl I think you just opened up my brain to a whole possible backstory here….

                      But, um, no. He doesn’t, lol. I didn’t specify in this scene who he was thinking about asking to homecoming cuz it had already been discussed previously. And it’s not Hallie.

                      I actually have Hallie paired up with another guy… a really sweet Mexican boy. 👀🥰

                      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2535


                        *GASP* you should have a bunch of drama with Tyler and Hallie….like Hallie could like Tyler (and that’s why when he passes away it affects her so much) and it could distract her from God too, because she’s trying to impress him!

                        Or she might not actually like him, but she tells herself she does because everyone else likes someone and she wants to fit in, so she convinces herself she’s in love with him, and then it confuses her!!!

                        Also….you don’t have to take any of my ideas because it’s your story, I was just rambling lol

                        LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2210


                          Girl!! I love your writing so much!! And yoir characters are always amazing

                          And you are really good at convos between characters


                          Like seriously I’ll writing the most amazing scene in my head and then wake up and cry because “why isn’t it in the computer???!!” And it drives me insane lol

                          Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3421


                            Waitttt, that’s not a bad idea!! I’m definitely going to consider that. My original idea that I’m working with now is that Hallie ends up joining/hanging out with a group of girls who are “popular”ish. They give her advice and pretend to be nice to her. In fact she ends up spending a lot of time with them since all her other friends become busy. But when things start to go downhill with Tyler, she finds out that these girls were only using her to get to people she knew. Like Easton, Antonio, or Tyler. It’s still in the works, but we’ll see how it turns out.


                            Aww, thanks so much, girl!! 🥰

                            YES YOU’RE NOT THE ONLY ONE!! 😂😂 Yesss, that can be so annoying!!!

                            Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 648


                              Like seriously I’ll writing the most amazing scene in my head and then wake up and cry because “why isn’t it in the computer???!!” And it drives me insane lol

                              Lol this is why I’m scared to keep writing scenes in my head while I try to fall asleep! I’m afraid I’ll forget it till morning.

                              "Real love is for your good, not for your comfort." -Justin Whitmel Earley

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2535


                                Okay haha! I should try to write contemporary fiction sometime, it sounds super fun!


                                I never write scenes in my head….but I always replay conversations in my head….or think about all the embarassing things I have ever done in my life XD

                                I also think about a bunch of comebacks I could have said to people who were being mean or who were being jerks….and then I get mad that I didn’t say them earlier!

                                Or sometimes I think of things I should have said to my crush…instead of the cringy stuff I said because I blanked…lol

                                LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                                The Ducktator
                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 723

                                  @esther-c @smiley

                                  I write scenes in my head at night too! Sometimes I get great ideas, and then suddenly I’m too excited to sleep.😆


                                  I do all of those too. Especially the comebacks I should have said to jerks and didn’t. And then I make up conversations in which I can say them, which is rather weird, since I really don’t like being insulted. And then I picture him sad and repentant and apologetic. 😂 And the crush one…I hate when that happens. 😳😅


                                  Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

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