Active 1 week ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 728
Trailblazer replied to the topic What Happened to the Moderators? in the forum Questions and Support 1 week, 1 day ago
I use Slack for work, and that might work, but again there would be more limitations on how many channels can be created, and messages disappearing after 90 days. I also don’t think GroupMe would work very well, from the minimal experience I’ve had with it. I’ve never had Discord, so I can’t speak for that one.
Is anyone on here techy enough to…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic What are some interesting things you've learned through story research? in the forum Topic of the Week 1 week, 1 day ago
Most of the research I do for my writing has to do with history… quite often I’ll be writing and then suddenly I’m like hmmmm how did this little detail fit into their lives?
This past week I was researching Christmas traditions in the 1800s, what kinds of gifts people gave one another, and trying to dive into how it would differ…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic Worth All the World in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 week, 6 days ago
This reminded me of a time a visitor to our church told my dad that the number of kids he had intimidated her. She was completely serious and never came back. There were only four of us at the time too. XD
Lol that lady would never survive where I live… I think the majority of families I know in church and outside of church have at…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic Contemporary writing in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 week, 6 days ago
Nothing immediately comes to mind for the first idea you mentioned, but for the second one, maybe a point of conflict could be something that both brothers are trying to achieve and it turns into a competition… you could go as deep into this as you want, whether it’s just petty sibling arguments or if it goes farther into one of them…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic Contemporary writing in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks, 2 days ago
I’ve written a handful of contemporary (not finished them though lol), and I’m by no means an expert in this field, but I’d say it really comes down to adding conflict, even if it’s as simple as a strained relationship with a family member. I don’t know your characters, and I’ve also never read The Penderwicks so it’s hard to know h…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic Worth All the World in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 weeks, 3 days ago
I’m loving this story! It has a warm and cozy feel but also real challenges high schoolers face.
Easton brought his sand bike to a halt a few feet from the campfire the rest were beginning to set up. He removed his helmet, shaking out his hair.
OK I was majorly confused here at first- I didn’t know who “the rest” was referring to until…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic Character Party! in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks, 4 days ago
Hahaha I forgot about Fire Face! That was hilarious!
Trailblazer replied to the topic Character Party! in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks, 4 days ago
Wow I forgot about this RP lol
Trailblazer replied to the topic How do you want to improve? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 weeks ago
Oops why do I do that? Lol. See above.
Trailblazer replied to the topic How do you want to improve? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 weeks ago
I feel like I’m usually pretty good at getting down the idea of where I want my story to go, but then when it comes to actually writing out the scenes (and especially the in-between scenes that are necessary but not easy to write) I struggle a lot with inspiration. For example, I know I want that brother-sister relationship to work…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic Rainbows, unicorns, and random questions in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 3 weeks, 2 days ago
Way to go for standing up for what you believe even if it has put you in a pickle! I was homeschooled up until my senior year, so the only religion teacher I had was my mom lol. But in the one year that I was in public school I had some disagreements with one teacher- fortunately he was very open-minded and we were able to have healthy…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic Rainbows, unicorns, and random questions in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 3 weeks, 3 days ago
Ok here are some of my initial thoughts- I haven’t thought about this all fully, but this is what comes to mind after reading what everyone else has said thus far.
I agree with what @savannah_grace2009 said about stating what you believe rather than immediately coming against someone else. Often if someone feels attacked, they put up…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic How do your other interests/hobbies bleed into your writing? in the forum Topic of the Week 3 weeks, 6 days ago
I really enjoy politics and government. This interest started around 2020 with the election, and has only grown since then.
Lol same! I didn’t pay much attention to politics until 2020 but especially after the election I’ve kept up with it a whole lot more!
My previous fantasy WIP was basically a war between two groups. My current…
Trailblazer replied to the topic How do your other interests/hobbies bleed into your writing? in the forum Topic of the Week 4 weeks ago
I’m not super artistic, but I do enjoy photography, which is a form of art, so sometimes I like to mess around with photo editing to create potential covers (but the editing softwares I have don’t have great font options, so I don’t usually put any writing on them).
I also like hiking/mountains, so you won’t be as likely to find my…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 month ago
“those d*** Christians” Did she say dumb? Or something else Idk about… but besides that, I think that would take patience, not snapping back at them.
No- I didn’t type the whole word because most people consider it a cuss word- she said “damn”. I don’t consider it as bad as the f-word but I definitely still don’t use it.
Trailblazer replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 month ago
1. What are your thoughts on Catholic reconciliation?
I don’t think we have to go to a priest to have our sins forgiven. Jesus is our great High Priest, and He is the One through whom our debt has been paid and sins forgiven, so all we have to do is ask Him for forgiveness and we can receive it. Now if it is a sin against a…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic Topic of the Week…? in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month ago
Likewise I am not very familiar with how this works but it sounds like a fun idea!
Trailblazer replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 2 weeks ago
You know you’re a writer when you come back from camp thinking about all the people you met and what parts of them are going in a book. I can finally picture one of my character’s hair now!
Haha I definitely have put real people into my stories before…. Mostly strangers who had interesting quirks or personalities or something abou…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic ⚔️Fantasy WIP⚔️ in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 2 weeks ago
This sounds interesting! I’m excited to hear more!
now you gotta put a chili pepper in a random scene somewhere as a joke.
Also I agree with @keilah-h, that would be really funny!
Trailblazer replied to the topic The Quote Archive in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Worst. Idea. Ever! My brothers won’t stop jabbering about all the new stupid slang! XD
Yeahhh I considered telling my brothers and then decided against it lol. There is so much new “brain rot”, as my brother would say, that sometimes I feel out of touch with my own generation. I can’t tell you how many times I pretend I know w…[Read more]
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