Active 30 minutes ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 933
Potato reporter replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 6 days ago
thank you. And yes, I was surprised to see how cute a baby snail was.
Potato reporter replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 6 days ago
I am so sorry for being so mean… I have an apology gift for you…
It is a baby snail… please forgive me… I didn’t mean ALL soccer players are jerks… but all of my “team”mates were 🙁
Potato reporter replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 6 days ago
Potato reporter replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 6 days, 14 hours ago
I guess you’re right….
Sorry… I was only annoyed when you assumed I would get annoyed… AM I JUST THAT PREDICTABLE 😭😭 I have a problem… you are right.. I rage too much, I don’t give people fair chances… I am too narcissistic! just by typing this I am drawing attention to myself… UGH!!!!!!!!!
Potato reporter replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 6 days, 17 hours ago
ha ha ha…. a “bad” experience is a little under exaggerated…. I had the worst time of my life in soccer. But it is nice you had a good time ig…. also you can not really take a hint… I was clearly venting out my trauma that I have from soccer and the reason I hate it… because I never have done so to anyone else… this…[Read more]
Potato reporter replied to the topic The potato army WIP. in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 days, 23 hours ago
Hello whom ever cares
But I think I might just quit writing. I am not very
goodexceptional at it. My writing is bland, a brick wall has more depth than my characters. My story lines make no sense, and my pacing is faster than sonic the hedgehog. -
Potato reporter replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 1 week ago
soccer IS the worst sport…. It kinda is really boring XD and like everyone who plays it is a jerk. And don’t forget how the rules make no sense, or how it is really painful…. or how if you miss to block a goal someone calls you an awful name… or the fact on how you are the reason why it is all your fault why the team lost,…[Read more]
Potato reporter replied to the topic What Happened to the Moderators? in the forum Questions and Support 1 week ago
“where did they go?”
Me: Where did they go?
Everyone else: We don’t know.
Me: Could they be there?
Loopylin: not there.
Someone else: That is a pear.
Me: Where did they go?
(These are two Haikus! I made them myself! A Haiku is a form of poem where the first sentence has five syllables, the second has seven, and the third has five again.…[Read more]
Potato reporter replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 week ago
lol, I was thinking of making it a poem and calling it “google search” but maybe later XD
Potato reporter replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 week, 1 day ago
How do you cure bored?
Happiest potato ever
Best potatoes for the world
who is the most evil potato?
What do bones taste like?
OOPS,…. this isn’t google is it?
Potato reporter replied to the topic What Happened to the Moderators? in the forum Questions and Support 1 week, 1 day ago
Here is the fixed version!
Quacking with you
Why do ducks suddenly appear
Every time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Quacking with you
Why do ducks fly in the sky
Every time you walk by?
Just like me, they long to be
Quacking with you
On the day that you were born the duck king got together
And decided to… -
Potato reporter replied to the topic What Happened to the Moderators? in the forum Questions and Support 1 week, 1 day ago
oop, rip XD
Potato reporter replied to the topic What Happened to the Moderators? in the forum Questions and Support 1 week, 2 days ago
This is a parody version of (barely anything has changed) of Close To You.
It is called, Quaking with you
Why do ducks suddenly appear
Every time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Quaking with you
Why do ducks fly in the sky
Every time you walk by?
Just like me, they long to be
Quaking with you
On the day that you were…[
Potato reporter replied to the topic What Happened to the Moderators? in the forum Questions and Support 1 week, 2 days ago
Potato reporter replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 week, 4 days ago
Potato reporter replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 week, 4 days ago
Lol, you’re fine! And you are lucky that has never happened for you!
Potato reporter replied to the topic Prayer Requests for Anyone in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 week, 4 days ago
Lol, yeah! My fave bugs are the dung beetle, scarab beetle, lady bug, and the praying mantis! In conclusion, I like beetles XD
Potato reporter replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 week, 4 days ago
@linus-smallprint @ellette-giselle @hybridlore @raxforge @keilah-h @rae @whalekeeper@loopylin @theshadow @arcticanimals @theducktator and @liberty @esther-c @highscribeofaetherium @jonas @grcr
Everyone I can think of! I just got a random person I met on YouTube to join Kingdom pen!!!!! She is a Christian writer! Just like us!!!!! We met in the…[Read more]
Potato reporter replied to the topic Prayer Requests for Anyone in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 week, 4 days ago
They are no more than the dung beetles treasure XD(Dung beetles are one of my fav animals!)
Potato reporter replied to the topic Prayer Requests for Anyone in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 week, 4 days ago
yeah… and I don’t think many people really “agree” with it…🤢
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