Forum Replies Created
@ariel-ashira A hearty welcome from the KP writing team! Can’t wait to see you around the Forum!
@slylilhuntress Better late than never! The KP writing team, also known as the lords of procrastination and masters at meeting deadlines a minute before midnight, extends you an official welcome 🙂
@cindygreen because she’s amazing enough to start something lovely like this and be friends with me even though I declared her “the worst” of my friends less than 30 seconds ago.
@BRANDON-MILLER for being an amazing staff writer who never fails to make the rest of us laugh. You’ve been the life of the writing team.*sniff* You’re both exactly what makes being a member of the KP team so incredible.
@dekreel That’s utterly hilarious! Thanks for tagging me or I would have missed it. I seriously need to get on here more.
@mariposa Ooh, that right. How could I forget 😀 Although that was technically a song. Still. *adds making it into TWO pieces of KP fanwriting to list of Life’s Accomplishments*
@anne-of-lothlorien Aww! I think this is the first time I’ve made it into KeePeer fanfiction. Thank you so much; I feel quite honored 🙂
@cindygreen It was published an entire hour ago. Chill out 😀 But I thank you anyway since it probably would have escaped my notice.@aratrea Clearly I need to get on the forum more, but putting someone’s username underneath their actual name to save all that extra clicking was a stroke of genius.
@amy-l-klob *sweeps hat off and bows with a flourish* Always an honor to be of service to writers of the Kingdom 😉
Charismatic Rebel… I’ll have to work on that.
Woohoo! The mobile version looks awesome too!
I completely get the feeling- both the hardship of watching your mom struggle and how sometimes there’s nothing you can do except not add to the burden. I will definitely be praying.
@that_writer_girl_99 @Daeus I will definitely be praying for both of you. Writing’s hard enough without dealing with isolation/depression.
@dragon-snapper So I got here a week and a half late, read your incredible story, and then had to wade through 24 pages of personality type and Frozen rants just to see if you did a sequel yet 😀 That was hilarious! And I’m seconding Brianna’s suggestion to refer to Josiah as “The Wiser” from now on 😀
Anyhoo, just thought I’d add my voice to the chorus of sequel requests 🙂
@daeus Just posted this in the Young Writers Workshop Facebook group:
Hi everyone! One of my friends over at Kingdom Pen has put together a cool survey on reader habits for research purposes. He’s aiming for a thousand people to take it so that the information’s useful, so if any of you have a few minutes to take a look that would be fantastic. Thanks 🙂
Just a side note, the word ‘Christian’ in your opening (Hi, I’m Daeus, a christian author) ought to be capitalized. Just pointing that out because you can see it right in the Facebook link, and being the grammar Nazi that I am, I know it would bug me 🙂
You should try sharing it in the Young Writers Workshop Facebook group (the one started by Brett Harris). It’s pretty active and has over 500 members.