Active 4 hours, 12 minutes ago- Rank: Chosen One
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hybridlore replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 27 minutes ago
The END????
I feel like Marius and Prince Dietrich will come back. The way you left it, it does sound like an eyewitness saw their deaths, but… Why would you have cut the scene off so soon? It feels unfinished. If you didn’t intend that, maybe you should make it clearer that they did die.
I don’t know, I guess I’m just used to…[Read more]
Potato reporter replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 34 minutes ago
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 hour, 24 minutes ago
And this page is gonna blow up.
No one saw ANY of that coming.
whaley replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
Thank you! I have a secret idea for using this color pallet again but it’ll take some practice. 😅
Hey that’s very stylized! To be fair, roses are difficult to draw at the right angle, and I think you did a great job.
*Gasp* How dare you
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 hour, 26 minutes ago
@hybridlore @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon @liberty
@linus-smallprint (I know you haven’t had a chance to get to yesterday’s, but I’m impatient. Sorry.) 😂
NEXT SECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Night had fallen about the city, and the occupants of the palace were retiring to their rooms. Prince Dietrich had excused him…
Ellette Giselle posted an update 1 hour, 33 minutes ago
@koshka @linus-smallprint @hybridlore @elishavet-pidyon
I’m not sure if you are aware, but google is about to get really dangerous. Starting this Spring they are going to start combing emails, chats, search histories, google docs, etc. and selling the info they find. My family is canceling all Gmail accounts, (I have Proton already)…[Read more] -
Potato reporter replied to the topic Potato news 64 in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 hours, 43 minutes ago
“I would like to inform you, POTATO CITY NEWS IS, getting a n update!”
Potato reporter replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 2 hours, 46 minutes ago
Potato reporter replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 2 hours, 48 minutes ago
Wait… we started?! Oh man 😓 Uhm… I still need to work on mine… But good art,
Prepare for a pile of garbage! Because that is what mine will prob look like! XD
-GRCR- replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 3 hours, 38 minutes ago
…totally not overthinking it. totally.
-GRCR- replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 3 hours, 40 minutes ago
This was…quite difficult to say the least. I don’t think I’m quite happy with how it turned out. At all. But here is mine. My beloved Brayden—red, purple, cream (?). I wanted to do it all traditionally with markers and such, but the lineart I had turned out so beautiful that I didn’t want to ruin it by my lacking skills.
I’m painfully a…[Read more]
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 3 hours, 46 minutes ago
You know what….. i need to stop having characters with varied spelling of the same name. Yes, this is Dietrich. Deidrich belongs to CR. 🙄
*pumping my fist in the air* This is Awesome!!
*claps hands excitedly*
This is so hilarious! He nonchalantly says those words and Julian and Aelic are shocked.
lolololol. I…[Read more]
-GRCR- replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 3 hours, 50 minutes ago
Here is a random unfinished page of a comic I started a year or two ago. Of course I recreated it digitally and revamped some things, but it follows the basic ideas of the original panels.
I was gonna do two pages—because I have just enough content for that—but I got so exhausted from this one that I probaby won’t. Seriously took way too much…[Read more]
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 3 hours, 59 minutes ago
Well, I think that is where you and I differ in doctrine.
As a reformed Baptist I believe that women are not to teach or hold authority over men, so while much of what Leon said can be applied to the women, it will not be the same as the application the men will receive. If that makes sense.
I have no problem with women witnessing to…[Read more]
The Ducktator posted an update 11 hours, 33 minutes ago
If 666 is evil, then 25.806975801127 is the root of all evil.
Liberty replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 15 hours, 2 minutes ago
Diedrich said.
Um…its Dietrich?
“I can’t get up,” Julian moaned. “I need to take my boots off.”
I love these lines!
At that moment, Leon knew what he had been missing the whole time. “Yes,” he whispered. “This is war.”
*pumping my fist in the air* This is Awesome!!
“Someone shot it at me last night.” He rose and stumbled to t…
whaley replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 16 hours, 34 minutes ago
Oh and credit where credit is due, I used a photo of a normal person for the face because I’m horrible at drawing faces, lol.
Keilah H. replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 16 hours, 42 minutes ago
@rae that’s awesome!
whaley replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 16 hours, 43 minutes ago
Alriiight. This is… snaky lady. Redhead Medusa? I really don’t know. She was fun to draw though. ;P
I really liked the red, olive green and peach combo, so I went with that, and I’m probably going to do it again with another idea I had.
Koshka replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 17 hours, 46 minutes ago
Oh good gravy, yes… that’s way too true. XD
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Thank you for the heads up!
Huh, weird. Thanks for letting me know.
yeah, you’re welcome.