Active 1 year, 2 months ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 550
Joy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 2 months ago
@hannah-c What’s up, I’m here. 😀 Sorry it took a bit to arrive, hahah.
I’ve kind of drifted away from writing and into art instead. I still blog though. 😛@emma-flournoy @dragon-snapper @alia Great to hear from you guys again! 😀 How are y’all doing?
I shall tag more peeps. @rochellaine @seekjustice @catwing @ariel-ashira @valtmy @j…[Read more]
Hannah C replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 2 months ago
@dragon-snapper hobbits? Is that what you’ve been eating?
Ahhh. I hope when you cuddle up on that pile of blankets they are straight out of the dryer. So cozy!
Snapper replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@hannah-c We all have our habits, or hobbits. XD
I mean, as a dragon, I generally like to just chill by the fireplace, though sometimes I just cozy up on a mound of fleece blankets.
Hannah C replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@dragon-snapper I am the same way with writing in first person. Its hard to get out of it.
A great affliction, indeed. May I ask, how do you sleep?
Snapper replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@hannah_c Thank you! I’ve been writing sci-fi for the past … four year now, I think, and I can’t seem to get myself out of it! XD Yeah, he has a struggle with it. Because #evil_author
Very true, both of those things. I mean, if my legs get tired I can just use my wings, and I don’t dare to melt couches. Chairs … now those can be spared.
Hannah C replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@alias alas, we all have one of some sort. How is your book?
Hannah C replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@dragon-snapper thanks!
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Wow! I am not usually interested in Sci-fi but that sounds interesting! What a great idea. Your poor, confused MC. 😊</p>
Well we all have our faults. Yours is better than burning down houses or raiding defenseless villages but your legs must get awfully tired.
Hannah C replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@dragon-snapper thanks!
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Wow! I am not usually interested in Sci-fi but that sounds interesting! What a great idea. Your poor, confused MC. 😊</p>
Well we all have our faults. Yours is better than burning down houses or raiding defenseless villages but your legs must get awfully tired.
Snapper replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@hannah-c ;-; A sad curse indeed, though a necessary one. 😛
That sounds awesome! I wasn’t ever able to get into historical fiction, though it’s really interesting to read. <3 And an autobiography. That sounds fun too! Good luck with both of them.
Rn I’m writing a science fiction set in a world that is torn between industrialism and…[Read more]
Hannah C replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@dragon-snapper ah its the curse of the starving writer. Its either work or suffer for our art.
I have a couple in progress but the one I have been working on the longest and most is a historical fiction set during wagon train era and follows a girl and her family moving from Maine to Washington Territory. I am also working on an autobiography of…[Read more]
Hannah C replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@dragon-snapper ah its the curse of the starving writer. Its either work or suffer for our art.
I have a couple in progress but the one I have been working on the longest and most is a historical fiction set during wagon train era and follows a girl and her family moving from Maine to Washington Territory. I am also working on an autobiography of…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@hannah-c Same here! It probably won’t be for quite some time yet since I just recently sent it off to betas, but one way or another I’m planning to send it to them. 😛
Oof I know how that goes, since I did work over the summer. But your book will always be there for you. <3 What’s your current WIP about?
Unicorns are some of our closest…[Read more]
Hannah C replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@snapper that’s great! I can’t wait to see how things turn out when you send your book into the publisher! Sounds like you have really been busy.
Unfortunately, since I started an adult job I haven’t had a chance to work on my book much all summer. Hopefully I’ll be getting more of a chance soon.
I am glad you have fed your dragon self lately. I…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@hannah-c Heya! I’m kind of sort of still here. Not often, really, unless I get tagged. But lately, I’ve been writing a ton of sci-fi, doing NaNo, finishing my 6th book, and editing another to get ready to send to agents. (!!!!!)
And I sure hope I’ve fed my dragon lately… because I am one. XD
How about you? How’s the writing going?
Hannah C started the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
Hey, all! Since everyone is talking about bringing back the old alma mater, I want to see how many of the original peeps are still here. Give a shout out! What are you doing, what have you done, have you published that book yet, and has anyone actually fed their dragon lately?
Joy's profile was updated 5 years, 4 months ago
Joy replied to the topic KP-versaries!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 4 months ago
@jenwriter17Â Right? As I was looking for this topic with the search bar I saw so many old posts that gave me those old KP vibes that I thought I had forgotten, and I literally almost teared up. It was great. I’m happy I met you too! I’m glad we’re still in touch.
@rochellaine We did. I miss them dearly. I’m doing okay! God has blessed me d…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic KP-versaries!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 4 months ago
Is it already two years?!
MAN, it still feels like just a few weeks ago when I posted my first KP-versary notice, but it feels like ages since I first joined. Things have changed drastically!
Anyway, I’m not going to give an “inspiring speech” like I did last year. XD But hello, peeps! It’s been a while. @jenwriter17 @rochellaine @ariel-ashira …[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic Writers' Corner 323 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 7 months ago
. . . You guys have been quiet. . .
I’m going to try to write a bit. Would anyone like to join me?
@catwing @rochellaine @jenwriter17 @epicaddie2 @ariel-ashira @alia @seekjustice @anyone
Joy replied to the topic Writers' Corner 323 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 8 months ago
@epicaddie2 @rochellaine @catwing @jenwriter17 @seekjustice @peeps
I’m writing for my blog. Is anyone able to join me?
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