Active 1 day, 18 hours ago- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 3060
hybridlore replied to the topic KP GOOGLE MEET!!!!!!!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 day, 5 hours ago
Yeah, it’s rough, I feel you. Exactly, it’s just that sometimes the things that feel so big to us don’t matter so much to other people, or they’re too hard to explain.
Okay, sounds good! Hopefully someday we can plan one you’ll be able to make. 😊
whaley replied to the topic How do you want to improve? in the forum Topic of the Week 5 days, 2 hours ago
Tagging some people to make them aware of this area on KP!
@mineralizedwritings @savannah_grace2009 @linus-smallprint @ellette-giselle @freed_and_redeemed @rae @godlyfantasy12 @theshadow @princesachronicle22
Y’all are also free to answer last week’s question if you like.
hybridlore replied to the topic KP GOOGLE MEET!!!!!!!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 week, 1 day ago
Sorry! That went into my Promotions, unfortunately.
Unfortunately she didn’t feel qualified to take my case and sent me to the clinic where she learned and they messed up pretty bad. I improved a lot due to the diet changes they made for me (Apparently I’m allergic to a ton of stuff) but declined a good bit from a ther…
whaley replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 1 week, 2 days ago
@loopylin @mineralizedwritings @rae @ellette-giselle @anyone
Where does everyone get their photo references for practice? I used Pinterest for the art on the last page, but I’m wondering if there’s a better source…?
Pinterest has lots of stuff, I’m just curious. XD
whaley posted a new activity comment 1 week, 2 days ago
Sorry, notifs are laggy XD
@mineralizedwritings Thanks! My week has been okay. I get tired of schoolwork fast, but I’m trying to get some stuff done. I also have random bouts of art, so if you check out the Art for All chat, I have some stuff there from yesterday. 🙂 How have you been holding up?
@loopylin Yeah, I’m glad to figure out som…[
hybridlore replied to the topic KP GOOGLE MEET!!!!!!!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 week, 3 days ago
I’m sorry, that sounds really hard. You were able to find a doctor that seemed like she knew what she was doing, right? Have they been able to figure out different ways to help you?
Yeah, it can be hard, but most of the time it’s not too bad. Same. Mine’s more guilt/compulsive thoughts. Mainly just enhanced anxiety, but i…[Read more]
hybridlore replied to the topic KP GOOGLE MEET!!!!!!!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 week, 4 days ago
Aw, I’m sorry!! I’ve been praying for you. Is it the health stuff, or just everything?
I’m doing pretty good. I still struggle with my OCD a bit, but for the most part it’s better. I do still have bad days though.
Okay. What time zone are you in? I believe the next one will be at 11 EST, but I guess that still counts…[Read more]
whaley posted a new activity comment 1 week, 4 days ago
@loopylin @mineralizedwritings Sorry, I just wanted to tell somebody, and I don’t know who to tag. XD
hybridlore replied to the topic KP GOOGLE MEET!!!!!!!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks, 1 day ago
@mineralizedwritings (Hi! How are you? Haven’t seen you in forever!) @theducktator @savannah_grace2009 @grcr @whalekeeper @esther-c @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @ellette-giselle @loopylin @highscribeofaetherium @theshadow @liberty @freed_and_redeemed @kyronthearcanin @trailblazer @acancello @anyone-else-i-forgot
Hear ye, hear ye! God willing, t…[Read more]
Esther started the topic Worth All the World in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 weeks, 6 days ago
Hey everyone!! So my lovely beta-reader (@hybridlore ) was so awesome in giving me feedback on the first draft of an older WIP (this was the one I had asked for help with a little while back). I’m planning to start digging into the editing phase this week and hopefully have the second draft finished sometime in March (we’ll see… sometimes life…[Read more]
whaley started the topic Topic of the Week…? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 weeks ago
So, Topic of the Week! Do we want to start it up again somehow? Please discuss here – if you want it to come back, or if you have any strong opinions about how it should be revitalized.
I’m hesitant to take Kathleen’s job. However, I have plenty of ideas of my own, and would be delighted to do it myself. If this becomes the game plan, I am eager…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Thoughts: Art, Illustrating, &c. in the forum Art 3 weeks, 3 days ago
Oof, yeah technology can be it’s own personality sometimes. XD I will definitely look into the Lide and those programs.
Good to know! I guess any form of social interaction depends on the group. You want to connect on several levels, not just art form or values separately. I’m so thankful for KP. ❤️
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Thoughts: Art, Illustrating, &c. in the forum Art 4 weeks, 1 day ago
I have a lot more experience making art than selling it lol… I’ve done fun commissions for free and stuff, but nothing for sale
Well, that’s a little more experience than I have. The most I have done others is cards. XD
You could charge for your stuff though. It’s really good! Your style is so distinctive. I love look…[Read more]
freedom started the topic ⚔️Fantasy WIP⚔️ in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month ago
@rae @savannah_grace2009 @godlyfantasy12 @kyronthearcanin @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @theloonyone @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @queen_of_alvastia @gwyndalf-the-wise @thearcaneaxiom @princesachronicle22 @esther-c @keilah-h @ellette-giselle @theducktator @smiley @highscribeofaetherium @grcr @trailblazer @acancello @godlyfantasy12…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic First Draft Blues in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month ago
Miiinnnn, hey girl!! Has life been chill with you?
I realized afterwards this was just the author being really smart. The match wasn’t super important, and by the main character having it explained to him we get it summarized as readers.
I shall remember this in case of emergency boring scene, then. XD Sometimes you just go…[Read more]
Esther posted an update 1 month ago
Ok, I’m tagging a lot of people for this, but don’t feel obligated to reply.
So, I’ve gotten stuck in my current WIP, but as I work through that slowly, I want to return to an older WIP that I worked on over the summer and really want to refine. It’s only in a first draft, but I’d like to have a critique partner for it.
The type of critique…[Read more]-
Actually, I’mma remake the moodboards, hehehe. So they shall be revealed later this week. :PP
I replied but didn’t tag you. Not sure if you got it.
I would be willing to try and help with this. You know my views on Romance are rather different than norm, and I believe highschool romantic relationships aren’t healthy. But I’m willing to give it a shot.
I also do edit. I’m not a line-by-line editor, but I have worked as a plot/character/story editor before.
We do have different beliefs on…[Read more]-
I appreciate the offer!! Truly!
But like you said, we might not work super well together because of our different viewpoints. So yeah, right now I’d say no, but I will keep you in mind! :))-
No problem! I can be your last resort if no one else offers. 😉
Sounds good. 😉 Let me know if you want to be tagged when I post the chapters on here some time! :))
Mm. Sounds interesting, but I’m totally unqualified. I don’t think I’d be able to help much… Sorry… 😅😑
Hey no worries! 🤗
I’m sorry, I don’t think I can help you 🙁
That’s totally fine, girl! ☺️
I’m definitely interested in reading your novel, but I’ve read almost no YA, so I wouldn’t be much help.
No worries! I’ll be sure to tag you tho when I start sharing it on here!!
Awesome! 🙂
@esther-c I would love to help! This went into my spam for some reason, so I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you. Are you still looking for someone?
Actually…I think you might be perfect. You gave some great feedback on my short story, so I’m sure you could do the same for my novel! :))
I’ll PM you later this week with more details and the link to the doc. Thank you so much!!! 🤗-
Awesome! I love family and sibling dynamics, and I also read a good amount of YA, so this seems right up my alley! (Although I won’t be able to help much with the 90s references, haha.)
Do you still have my email from the short story critique?-
Yay yay!! (Oh I know, right?? I’ve asked my parents and some other older writers I’ve met through KDWC, and even though they gave me a lot to use [plus Google, lol], there’s still something difficult about getting it right since I didn’t live then 🤪)
Yes I believe so!-
@esther-c Yeah, that totally makes sense! I was gonna say, ask your parents xD. But I’m sure it’s still difficult.
Great!! 😄
I may have to get some YA recs from you sometime, because I struggle to find clean fiction that I would actually enjoy 😭
Oh definitely! I’m sure I can come up with a list. Middle grade stuff can be great if it’s well done, because content is so much better. 😉
Please tag me if you post recommendations! I want to read YA, but it’s usually filthy and cringe. -
For sure!! Until you come across that one middle school relationship that somehow works out perfectly. 😂
Ok for some reason even though I still see your comments on the short story doc, it won’t let me view your email. 😅 Could you share that again with me so I can share the other doc?? I’ll tell you as soon as I see it if you don’t want to leave your email up.
Awesome! Tysm!! I’ll probably send you the doc tomorrow since I need to make a few notes on it first. :))
Ok I added you to the document! You should get an email about it I believe. (:
Hoo boy. I’d love to, but uhhhh…I wouldn’t be any help. I’m a terrible critiquer and my romance experience is practically nil. You would probably help me more than I help you….sorry!
Funny enough though, my own romance work (a fanfic) took place in 1970 in New Mexico. What are the odds?
Ahh, no problem! :))
No way! That’s so cool! XD-
Yeah it was just a consequence of how the original story was set up, but it’s funny to think about.
I doubt your characters will experience anything even close to mine though lol-
Oh dear, was it a Star Wars fanfic?? In that case, I hope my charries aren’t handling the types of weapons they use. 🤣
No, it was something else, but yeah there were a lot of weapons involved XD
My Star Wars fanfics don’t really cross over into our world. Yet.
Though I suppose in a fanfic, you could do whatever 🤷🏻♀️
Oh duhhhh 🤦🏻♀️ I’ve watched like all the Star Wars movies, I should know they don’t take place on earth 🤣
lolllll no biggie.
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic Mood Boards/Aesthetics in the forum Characters 1 month ago
@freed_and_redeemed @liberty @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @rae @whalekeeper @esther-c @hybridlore
(tagging people who seem to like mood boards.
Maybe) @savannah_grace2009 @godlyfantasy12 @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @keilah-hNew Character I just added into my WIP. (originally he was the be…[Read more]
freedom replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
@koshka @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12 @rae @ellette-giselle @mineralizedwritings @theducktator @smiley @keilah-h @savannah_grace2009 @anyone-else-idk
Snippet of a future probable scene for The Bois’ book
(and I promise Leo isn’t usually this harsh. He’s just going through a lot when this scene takes place and running off of very little…[Read more]
freedom replied to the topic Mood Boards/Aesthetics in the forum Characters 1 month, 1 week ago
@ellette-giselle Thank you! :3
The second oldest is Joshua 😉 Jakob is the one in the middle who ends up marrying Angelina (Riker’s sister). (From left to right they are: Leo, Joshua, Jakob, Reuben (Reuben is @mineralizedwritings‘s tho💜😂), and Wolfgang)
I’ll be sure to tag you!…[Read more]
freedom replied to the topic Mood Boards/Aesthetics in the forum Characters 1 month, 1 week ago
@koshka @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12 (I think you’ll wanna see this😜) @rae @ellette-giselle @mineralizedwritings @theducktator @smiley @keilah-h @savannah_grace2009 @anyone-else-idk
✨The Bois Aesthetic/Moodboard✨
Also consider this my announcement that, though it’s not my main main project, I have officially began drafting The Bois’…[Read more]
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Wow, that’s such a cool discovery! I’m iron deficient too but not a lot so I just take the pills. I hope something good comes if this for you and good luck! How has your week been?
That’s great that you know what’s going on!