Active 1 month, 2 weeks ago- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1657
MineralizedWritings replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 6 months ago
@freedomwriter76 @lightoverdarkness6 @anyone else
Yall i just needed somebody to tell, I’m having such a hard time this past week. I have had health problems for a long time, but I never really get sad about it until it interrupts my life. Anyways, I had to miss that cubing competition I signed up for because I was sick in the morning. I feel…[Read more]
GodlyFantasy12 replied to the topic Character Castle 2.0 in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 6 months ago
@lightoverdarkness6 sure! I’m good with it if @freedomwriter76 is. May not be all the time but yea
-GRCR- replied to the topic Hi everyone! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 6 months ago
Cool! That was a cute story idea. 🙃
Yeah… very scary… I used to want to be a marine biologist, but I think I’d rather just work at a aquarium or zoo or something… where you can look at and care for the creatures without having to worry about the slight chance of running out of oxygen… 😶
MineralizedWritings posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago
@freedomwriter76 @smiley @hybridlore @highscribeofaetherium @whalekeeper @godlyfantasy12 @kyronthearcanin @acancello @lightoverdarkness6
Thank you guys who replyed– sorry I didn’t get back to you guys lol, love yall too 😂🥰
It went really well, the drive was so long though and part of the interstate was closed because of fires, anyways yeah my…[Read more]
-GRCR- replied to the topic Hi everyone! in the forum Start HERE 1 year, 6 months ago
Hi!! Nice to meet you!
…. heh heh….
If I could have any character be real…. oof, I don’t know… probably my character Rashion (I pronounce his name Rash-E-on). Well, one reason I’d want him is because I know a lot about him…. He’s really chill, kind-hearted, and he cares a lot about his friends, which I think…[Read more]
Euodia posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago
Hellooooo everyone! Just dropping in real quick to let y’all know I probably won’t be on much this week. This is ✨fair week✨ for me and I have shows every day basically all day, so pretty much living at the fair. 😂 I tried replying to everything I could today (except the School RP, I’m not even trying XD)
Know a lot of you are starting school…[Read more]-
I hope it goes well!! 🥰 -
That’s cool!
I was displaying at a Lego convention this weekend (that’s why I haven’t been on the past five days) so I totally get it! I hope you have fun! -
Have fun at the fair!
Totally get it. 😉 Hope you have an awesome time!!
MineralizedWritings posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago
@freedomwriter76 @smiley @hybridlore @highscribeofaetherium @whalekeeper @godlyfantasy12 @kyronthearcanin @acancello @lightoverdarkness6
Hey yall! I’m leaving for a 4ish day trip to help move my sister to college! I won’t be able to respond much because I’ll be using my phone data if I do, so don’t feel obligated to tag me. To those of you who…[Read more]
To those of you who write Marvel Amv’s
I feel called out XD
But of course girl!!!!!!!! and have a great time, and as one of those people who conserves their data like a raccoon I totally understand
and I hope you have a good time with your sis, and I’m sure it’s hard for her to leave, I have an older brother but he’s not that much older than m…[Read more]-
Dude, how tired must I have been to type marvel amv’s instead of AU’s LOL I suppose yall know what I meant XD
Hope you have fun with your sister!
No problem girl! I hope you have a great time!! 🥰
Bye girl!! Hope you have a good time!! 💕💕 Love ya! <3
Loopy replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 7 months ago
@whalekeeper @lightoverdarkness6 @hybridlore @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @highscribeofaetherium @otherpeeps
Hey! Sorry I just kinda disappeared off the face of the planet for a bit there. How have you guys been doing?
Smiley replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 7 months ago
@euodia-vision @lightoverdarkness6 @freedomwriter76
Civil War is a favorite of mine
Bucky makes me so sad
but my favorites are Natasha and Wanda
Nat wants her family to stay together, but in the end, calling out Tony’s wrong
And Wanda *cries* she’s just so broken in that movie and I love her, and her and Vision *sighs* they’re so good…[Read more]
Euodia replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 7 months ago
I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!!!!! It’s my favorite Marvel movie. 😍😍😍I just love how it’s technically a Captain America movie but there are so many different story lines going on. Steve, Bucky, Tony, Wanda, etc. And idk, there’s just something about it that is beautiful and heartbreaking.
I think Zemo is also one…[Read more]
Euodia replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 1 year, 7 months ago
oops, missed one. XD
Smiley replied to the topic Talking about are Fanfics in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 7 months ago
@freedomwriter76 and I’ve already written the first chapter XD @euodia-vision @keilah-h @godlyfantasy12 @mineralizedwritings @lightoverdarkness6
“I got an eye on the target,” Yelena communicated, aiming her sniper rifle.
She didn’t truly know what she was doing, she just knew this was her mission. And she truthfully wanted to do it.…[Read more]
MineralizedWritings replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 7 months ago
@freedomwriter76 @hybridlore @acancello @godlyfantasy12 @lightoverdarkness6
Yall I have an idea…
So just for context, there’s a portion of a chapter narrated by Tauren, where he talks about himself. This is pretty common in manga, Ik it seems a little weird in text.
For me, life feels content. I don’t have much of a pass time, besides a…
Esther posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago
@acancello @euodia-vision @awsumfaith @felicity @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @gwyndalf-the-wise @highscribeofaetherium @hybridlore @lightoverdarkness6 @livingwoodchronicles @landric @thearcaneaxiom @princesachronicle22 @whalekeeper @smiley @starshiness @janellebelovedpig @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h @kyronthearcanin
Hello everyone!! I hope…[Read more]-
Ok!! Yeah, we’ll also be starting school soon.
Cool! You homeschool, right? What grade are you going into?
Freshman 😬-
Fun! I am homeschool and I’m gonna be a freshman too! I’m excited, but the workload is definitely going to be more. Science is probably going to be pretty hard this year. Are you excited?
Yeah, I’m exited and I’m also a little terrified, though not nearly as much as I would be if I went to public school.
Yeah, definitely understandable. 😉 I’m taking one class at a hybrid school near where we live, and I’m a little nervous, but it’s a Christian school and the people there are wonderful. And it’s not just Christian by name. Like, these people are awesome. 😊
Alrighty!! Yeah we started a few months ago so that’s why I’ve been so quiet lately XD
Oh yeah, I totally get it. XD
Oooh exciting! Are you looking forward to taking any new classes this year?
I get it! My school starts back pretty late. Good luck with volleyball and your classes! <3
@freedomwriter76 Do you ever have people in person tell you that you seem old for your age?! I would have never known you were going into tenth from the way you talk 😂
Thanks!! <3
Have fun! We also start this week, it will be fun! I am now a sophomore like @freedomwriter76 and I’m also home schooled! How do you like volleyball? I have the opportunity to join this year, but have never played.-
Awesome! 😊
Oh my goodness, I love volleyball so much!! I was really bad at it when I started, but this is my third year and I’ve gotten SO much better. It’s super fun. It looks easy, but if you wanna do it right, then it’s a challenge. But I love it nonetheless. 😁 Definitely my favorite sport.
Lol I get it alot, but I think it’s because I’m good at small talk? (After much of embarrassing practice, mind you. I prayed about it and uh it did come about but not without much failure XD)I’m also old for my grade! If I were a couple months older I could be in the next grade.
Yeah mentally you are a lot odler, but I’d…[Read more]
Oh yes, ASL is so cool!! I have a couple friends who know ASL.
Oooh, 4-H sounds fun!! I know some people who do that kind of stuff all the time. It’s probably not something I’d be into tho. XD But if your interested, you should totally go for it!!-
I think Spanish is pretty easy to learn. (But I haven’t actually taken a class sooo… XD) But I really want to learn French. I think that’d be so neat. 😁
That’s a great question. 😉 XD So the first two years I played, I played with a school that let homeschoolers on their teams. This year, I’m playing with a hybrid school. So basically the schoo…[Read more]
Lol small churches always seemd really cool to me, I’ve never consistently attended one though. Our last one was quite big and I only new the names of the youth, not a lot of other people. -
Lol that sounds great! XD
(I have come to the attention Esther is getting notified for each of these comments 😶 feel free to not respond I will in no way take it as a ghosting XD)
You guys are fine. 😂-
Ah, yes, that makes sense girl. ❤ We’re starting school soon. Since I do 4H we usually try to start after the fair, so early September. I’d technically be a senior this year but I’m in the process of graduating early. 😆 Have fun with volleyball! My sister played for a few years and my dad coached!
Oh yeah, I’ve heard 4-H can be pretty hectic sometimes. 😉
Oooh, that’s so exciting!! 😆 Are you planning on attending a college in the future?
Cool! Thanks!!-
Haha yeeeeah, it is. But it’s a fun hectic.😅
Um, atm I’m not feeling called to something that requires college. So I’m going to spend what would be my senior year just pouring into the things I enjoy, i.e. art and photography. I’ll be taking online courses and improving my skills. I’ll also be getting a job. But yeah!-
Awesome!! That’s really cool! 😊
Euodia replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 7 months ago
Ahhhh that’s so exciting girl!
honestly I just want to skip to Endgame now because I already know how it ends.
*whispers* nooooo don’t do it! Endgame is probably one of the best Marvel movies period.
And YES to all of your thoughts!
Yessss girl!! I actually just watched it a few days ago for the first time…
Euodia replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 1 year, 7 months ago
Bucky is my favorite ofc out of the Marvel ones. 😆 but Becca and Peter are ADORABLE!!!!!
(I’m currently drawing Peter rn XD)
Thanks for sharing, girl!!
@Freedom @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings
Cheers to Bucky fangirls!!!
(also, what is this Bucky…[Read more]
Keilah H. replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 7 months ago
@lightoverdarkness6 I can see your reasoning! I agree on the making his own choices part, I guess I’m just a bit more used to him with longer hair, so….
Ha, and Hunter’s not my charrie either, he’s one of six MCs from Star Wars: The Bad Batch, a TV show I think I’m a little over obsessed with, lol. But in my mind, he’s mine, completely mine,…[Read more]
Keilah H. replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 7 months ago
@lightoverdarkness6 @freedomwriter76 @smiley @euodia-vision
I’ve been watching a lot of Marvel movies this past week, as I’m sure I’ve already iterated…..
We watched half of Infinity War yesterday (half, because my brother got freaked out when those six-legged beast thingies started attacking. I don’t blame him, cause it was like 9:30 at…[Read more]
Keilah H. replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 7 months ago
@lightoverdarkness6 Thanks! He’s really cool. So are your characters.
And that’s a lotta Bucky pictures……lol
Do you like him better with longer or shorter hair? I like the longer look, but that’s kinda because my brother’s hair looks just like that.
@euodia-vision that’s too funny!!
Euodia replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 7 months ago
BUT YESSSS, AREN’T STEVE AND BUCKY AMAZING!!?????? (especially Bucky 😂😂)
YES! YES! YES!!!!!!! We have a young man living with us and he hasn’t seen any Marvel movies and he watched it with us. He was on the edge of his seat the whole time! It was so fun. When Bucky was thinking back on everything that h…[Read more]
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I’m glad it went well!! 🥰 I’ll be praying that you find the right college and I hope your cubing competition goes well! I mean, even usually sub 30 is pretty amazing! I can solve a 3 by 3 sometimes xD I haven’t done it in a while, but it usually takes me a few minutes. Are you going to be competing in 2 by 2 and 3 by 3…[Read more]
Thanks so much! Yeah, I’ll be doing 2 by 2 and 3 by 3. It’s a pretty small competition, but I don’t know any of the other events anyways. I stopped cubing for a long time because my area had no competitions, so I got rusty. I was averaging 25 at some point I think, so yeah 30 seconds makes me feel a little washed up 😂 competing is a…[Read more]
Of course! Ooh, ok! I hope it goes well!
Oh wow, xD Yeah I could see that.. don’t worry, it’ll come back to you 😉 That’s cool!
Thanks! I hope so lol 😅
Thanks girl! Ikr… college is kinda scary! What degree are you looking into getting?
Woah that’s so cool! Literally just half a year ago that’s what I thought I was going to become lol 😂 I’m looking into dental hygeine school rn, but everything I’m finding is saying it’s pretty much a 1.5-2 year full on grind until you get your degree… but there’s good pay and part time work once you finish, meaning I could…[Read more]
@freedomwriter76 XD
Yeah I just read it 😭😭 his drawing his mom is so sad but so realistic
@freedomwriter76 it’s so realistic though too! My art is affected by my mood, even the colors I use change.
Oh and btw how’s the art going? <3
Oh! Pls do share them!
Oh no lol! I didn’t know they were down ;(