Active 6 years, 12 months ago- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 144
Lady Iliara replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Lady Iliara replied to the topic Writing Prompts in the forum Art 7 years ago
@ariella-newheart Ok, ok, you’re right. I checked. 😉 And yes, WRITE MORE QUOTE STORIES.
Here’s a couple of prompts:
There’s a difference between someone not present but accounted for—and someone present but not accounted for.
One’s late, and the other’s a spy.
“It was vitally important that the building be painted red!”
“Well,…[Read more]
Lady Iliara replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@dekreel Whoops! I guess you might be an Aethasian soon though? *wink wink nudge nudge*
And yeah, I fotgot to tag someone….I tag @foreverme to write a poem about…Methuselah! (If you don’t remember, he’s the oldest guy in the Bible 😆😆)
Lady Iliara replied to the topic Writing Prompts in the forum Art 7 years ago
@ariella-newheart HOLD UP hold up! Wasn’t I the cook for the Aethasian Community (or whatever wacky name we ended up calling it)? I thought we agreed I could make quesadillas for everyone. 😛😛
Lady Iliara replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@ariella-newheart You sneaky-sneak…😛
*rubs hands* Rhyming nonsense poems are my specialty, so BEWAREEE MWAHAHA!!!
The Steampunk Cat
You want to me write a poem, you do?
Well beware of the One-Man Writerly Zoo!
You honestly think that you gave me a challenge?
I’m an expert at this, nay I don’t even cringe!
So before I write this epic adv…[
Lady Iliara posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Yaya! Super excited!😄
*whispers* Aethasians are taking over the world!
Joking aside, looks like Air answered your questions (so far). I hope we see you soon! -
Lady Iliara replied to the topic Encouragement Thread in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@dekreel Aw thx! 😄😄 I’ll second that to the rest of you Aethasians! You always make my day!
Lady Iliara replied to the topic Poems and Songs by Ariella in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@ariella-newheart So sorry I didn’t get the chance to respond until now! Those are beautiful poems!
Lady Iliara replied to the topic What's Your WIP? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@ariella-newheart Ooo I love it!
My WIP is the story of Alex the spy and Ian the innkeeper, but I really need a solid plot because currently it has none hehe…
But my main work-in-planning is Lillian and Lucy. I’ve had the idea for it since 2011, so… a long time now. Lillian is the main character, she’s 15, and her best friend is Lucy, who…[Read more]
Ariella Newheart and
Lady Iliara are now friends 7 years, 1 month ago
Lady Iliara replied to the topic Hi, I'm Ari! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 1 month ago
@ariella-newheart YOU’RE HERE! EEEEEE!
*hugs my arbitrary ally*
P.S. I’m deeply ashamed to admit this, but I haven’t been on Kingdom Pen for at least a month…I’m too busy 😁 I can’t keep track of everything going on here, so I’ve kinda given up…but tag me, and I will emerge from the shadows to give writerly advice and share personal an…[Read more]
Lady Iliara replied to the topic A Catwing Christmas in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 2 months ago
Thanks! @catwing 😄
Lady Iliara and
Gloria Oldenpinner are now friends 7 years, 2 months ago
Lady Iliara replied to the topic Just a bunch of stick people. Nothing to see here… in the forum Art 7 years, 2 months ago
Lady Iliara replied to the topic A Wrinkle In Time in the forum Book Discussions 7 years, 2 months ago
BOOM *rushes in and claims topic for her own* *threatens those who don’t like the books with her flamethrower* 🔥
I love her writing!! I’ve read A Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in the Door, and A Swiftly Tilting Planet (which is probably my favorite), and I really like her characters! I used to be a bit annoyed by Meg in Wind, but every time I reread…[Read more]
Lady Iliara replied to the topic Writers' Corner #12 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 2 months ago
I’m sorry this is a bit off-topic but I HAVE TO KNOW
@0-0enyali0-0 NO KIDDING YOU ARE GOING TO THE JUNIOR THEATRE FESTIVAL?? Wait…is it the one on the West Coast? Cause I’m going to the one in Atlanta…
😳😭 For a second I thought we might be able to actually meet each other…
if you are coming to the one in Atlanta please tell me!! Ƕ…[Read more]
Lady Iliara replied to the topic The Last Jedi in the forum Film 7 years, 2 months ago
Yeah. I didn’t ship it at all in the Force Awakens, but now I do…SO MUCH
We watched it on opening night, which was super awesome because my sister and I dressed up, plus there were a ton of people, and the whole crowd clapped at various points in the movie…the opening title (of course), the fight between Luke and Kylo, Luke’s dea…[Read more]
Lady Iliara replied to the topic What Stan and I did on Christmas in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 2 months ago
@sam-kowal This was so sweet and funny! I love it! 😍
Lady Iliara replied to the topic A Catwing Christmas in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 2 months ago
Could I make a cameo at some point, pretty please?? 😁😁😁 I’m very arbitrary, Aethasian, and all-round LOTR geekish. And I enjoy logic, rearranging sentences, and the etymological, literal, symbolic, and sarcastic meaning of words….
If you can fit me in, I would be honored. 🍪 🍪 🍪 &…
Lady Iliara replied to the topic Yet Another Aethasian!!! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 2 months ago
@foreverme I apologize for the bombardment…but it’s great to have you, Glow! WOO-WOO!
As for the rest of you…you’d better not mess with @aislinn-mollisong or her arm. I’ve got a flamethrower, and I ain’t afraid to use it. Not even on sparkles.
P.S. I apologize for not being on here much, Keepers! Life has been busy and I can’t keep up w…[Read more]
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*whispers back* Great, looks like us Kapeefers will have some competition them 😉
Thank you! I’m excited, too!