Active 1 day, 9 hours ago- Rank: Chosen One
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Liberty replied to the topic Short Short Story Prompt War! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month ago
Liberty replied to the topic Short Short Story Prompt War! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month ago
500 words or more.
hybridlore posted a new activity comment 1 month ago
@esther-c Yeah, that totally makes sense! I was gonna say, ask your parents xD. But I’m sure it’s still difficult.
Great!! 😄 -
hybridlore posted a new activity comment 1 month, 1 week ago
@esther-c I would love to help! This went into my spam for some reason, so I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you. Are you still looking for someone?
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic NEW and IMPROVED WIP!!!!! in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 month, 1 week ago
Okay good lol
Also, Paynes cannot become Pythonos because of genetics, but I’m not sure how to incorporate that in the book quite yet…don’t worry though, I’ll make that clearer in other drafts.
Okay perfect! Thank you!
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic NEW and IMPROVED WIP!!!!! in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 month, 1 week ago
@jonas @theducktator @ellette-giselle @linus-smallprint @grcr @esther-c @whalekeeper @anyone-else
I haven’t heard from you guys in a while and I was just making sure you were still up for reading through my draft? It’s okay if you’re not, just please let me know…I don’t want to annoy anyone with tags XDXD
TheShadow replied to the topic Prayer Requests for Anyone in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 month, 1 week ago
Ellette Giselle posted a new activity comment 1 month, 1 week ago
I replied but didn’t tag you. Not sure if you got it.
Potato reporter replied to the topic WIP Suggestion in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 1 month, 1 week ago
Oh, then yes, and no.
Yeah, I am still considering which time periods I should choose from! And fort the very important question, I have already started working on her origin! I was thinking maybe that she had a test or a choice that was like a choice from God, and she was given the curse of immortality or something like that!…[Read more]
Liberty replied to the topic Short Short Story Prompt War! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
Participants/potential participants:
@hybridlore @ellette-giselle @raxforge @esther-c @savannah_grace2009 @grcr @theshadow @keilah-h
The others:@power @calyhuge  @whalekeeper  @theducktator  @elishavet-pidyon @the_lost-journal @trailblazer  @jonas @beth-torres @euodia-vision @thearcaneaxiom @smiley  @freed_and_redeemed @loopylin @felicity @esther-c
Thank you!!! I like him a lot!
(which is dangerous for him) -
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic Mood Boards/Aesthetics in the forum Characters 1 month, 1 week ago
@freed_and_redeemed  @liberty  @koshka  @elishavet-pidyon  @rae  @whalekeeper @esther-c @hybridlore
(tagging people who seem to like mood boards.
Maybe) @savannah_grace2009  @godlyfantasy12  @lightoverdarkness6   @mineralizedwritings    @loopylin  @keilah-hNew Character I just added into my WIP. (originally he was the be…[Read more]
Potato reporter replied to the topic WIP Suggestion in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 1 month, 1 week ago
should I tag? Eh why not!
@keilah-h @rae @ellette-giselle @theducktator @grcr @linus-smallprint @hybridlore@raxforge @whalekeeper @loopylin @arcticanimals @esther-c @jonas and @liberty @stephine
and @shadow
(I am so sos sososososossoso sorry If I put you tag more…[Read more]
Potato reporter replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 month, 1 week ago
Your welcome!
Potato reporter replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 month, 1 week ago
My sister says to stop replying to this argument… but… I just want to say,
Context and History is all in the Bible. Reading other passages helps you understand other passages.
understanding the background of the time can be immensely helpful and even open your eyes to things that you might not have noticed b…
Loopy replied to the topic Fantasy/Modern School AU RP in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
@koshka Hold on, I think everyone (at least the active people) needs to agree to move to the next day first. There are people role playing inside where there’s light, but no not during day yet.
@whalekeeper @elishavet-pidyon @savannah_grace2009 @esther-c
Is it alright with everyone if we move on to the next day?
I think we could fudge the…[Read more]
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 month, 1 week ago
I meant within the service.
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 month, 1 week ago
Are y’all talking about non-denominational churches? I’d be willing to answer your questions about them, although I can’t guarantee that my answers would be true for every non-denom church.
Indeed. For context, here is what I said in my first post:
For not understanding, I don’t understand the whole set up of a contemporary non-den…
Potato reporter replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 month, 1 week ago
Bye! <3 (I understand…)
Well there isn’t much to disagree about, seeing as we all worship God and believe in Christ who has come to save us from sin.
Yikes, I believe that too… but I haven’t really been acting like that… or much of a christian for that matter… @Rae.. I am sorry.
Ah, this one. I think that it is go…
Stepheroni and Cheese replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 month, 1 week ago
I believe God created the world is six literal days and that evolution is false theory that is biblically and scientifically inaccurate.
Not only is evolution biblically inaccurate…it’s not a very good scientific theory either.
Where are all of the fossilised bones of animals in the transitional stages of evolution?…[Read more]
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Actually…I think you might be perfect. You gave some great feedback on my short story, so I’m sure you could do the same for my novel! :))
I’ll PM you later this week with more details and the link to the doc. Thank you so much!!! 🤗
Awesome! I love family and sibling dynamics, and I also read a good amount of YA, so this seems right up my alley! (Although I won’t be able to help much with the 90s references, haha.)
Do you still have my email from the short story critique?
Yay yay!! (Oh I know, right?? I’ve asked my parents and some other older writers I’ve met through KDWC, and even though they gave me a lot to use [plus Google, lol], there’s still something difficult about getting it right since I didn’t live then 🤪)
Yes I believe so!
@esther-c Yeah, that totally makes sense! I was gonna say, ask your parents xD. But I’m sure it’s still difficult.
Great!! 😄
I may have to get some YA recs from you sometime, because I struggle to find clean fiction that I would actually enjoy 😭
Oh definitely! I’m sure I can come up with a list. Middle grade stuff can be great if it’s well done, because content is so much better. 😉
Please tag me if you post recommendations! I want to read YA, but it’s usually filthy and cringe.
For sure!! Until you come across that one middle school relationship that somehow works out perfectly. 😂
Ok for some reason even though I still see your comments on the short story doc, it won’t let me view your email. 😅 Could you share that again with me so I can share the other doc?? I’ll tell you as soon as I see it if you don’t want to leave your email up.
Awesome! Tysm!! I’ll probably send you the doc tomorrow since I need to make a few notes on it first. :))
Ok I added you to the document! You should get an email about it I believe. (: