Active 14 hours, 1 minute ago- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 3725
Keilah H. replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 13 hours, 43 minutes ago
@ellette-giselle it’s doing it to me right now, how about you?
whaley replied to the topic DnD QNA in the forum General Writing Discussions 13 hours, 58 minutes ago
Awesome, thanks for the answers!
Should a KP DnD campaign?
Me and Loops have talked about setting up a campaign. I think it would have to be dependant on who wants to, and who is willing to participate through Zoom.
I want to find a manual first and run things past my dad, since he used to play in high school.
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 13 hours, 58 minutes ago
whaley replied to the topic Dark Castle (RP) in the forum General Writing Discussions 14 hours, 3 minutes ago
Wait why are we talking about Fantasy School deaths?
whaley replied to the topic Dark Castle (RP) in the forum General Writing Discussions 14 hours, 5 minutes ago
And then there was that time multiple characters destroyed a flesh monster
whaley replied to the topic Dark Castle (RP) in the forum General Writing Discussions 14 hours, 6 minutes ago
Hugo has also stabbed Alpha and would have killed him if Alpha was anyone else – but if I remember correctly, Ruth was the one who decided Alpha was in range of the knife. It was kind of an accident. XD
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic Dark Castle (RP) in the forum General Writing Discussions 14 hours, 7 minutes ago
whaley replied to the topic Dark Castle (RP) in the forum General Writing Discussions 14 hours, 7 minutes ago
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic Dark Castle (RP) in the forum General Writing Discussions 14 hours, 9 minutes ago
I think whaley decided that he did.
Rory left him wounded.
Barnes found him dead.
BESIDES! The thug was beating him up and was gonna kill him!
Keilah H. replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 14 hours, 40 minutes ago
and then after a little while or a few posts, it returns to normal.
Keilah H. replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 14 hours, 40 minutes ago
does anyone else notice that KP sometimes goes into weird formatting? I was trying to post a picture here and it did exactly that. I’m trying to figure out if it happens at a specific time or something, or if it’s just random.
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ posted an update 15 hours, 17 minutes ago
@keilah-h @whalekeeper @esther-c @grcr @theducktator @theshadow @anyone-else
hybridlore replied to the topic Prayer Requests for Anyone in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 15 hours, 36 minutes ago
Praying!! 🙏 -
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 15 hours, 49 minutes ago
Do you have an actual game this is based off?
There were several games like this medieval children played, and later on they evolved to Jacks and Marbles. So in a way, yes.
Aww!!!😍 I love this part!
Me too! So glad!!
I’m pretty sure Aelic is remembering the priest from his town when he says this…and how that guy wanted to sac…
Keilah H. replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 15 hours, 49 minutes ago
“Shooting stones” sounds like something along the lines of marbles, maybe?
Liberty replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 15 hours, 53 minutes ago
shooting stones
Do you have an actual game this is based off?
“A story of a great warrior hero who loves children and saves his bride,” Julian repeated. He looked at Roland who gave him a smile. “I think I know just the story.”
Aww!!!😍 I love this part!
“You do that,” Aelic replied coldly.
I’m pretty sure Aelic is remembering…[Read more]
Keilah H. replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 16 hours, 48 minutes ago
@ellette-giselle exactly!
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 16 hours, 49 minutes ago
Well thank you!! Children characters always drive me insane. I dislike them so much because they are written so badly. We either have super tall toddlers or super short adults.
It’s something I really try to get right, so thanks for mentioning it!
Keilah H. replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 16 hours, 51 minutes ago
@ellette-giselle You wrote children as, well, children. It’s the same in your other books.
So many writers write kids as if they’re little adults.
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 16 hours, 53 minutes ago
Really? How so?
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oh wow!
so in order to exert his power he needs to steal from her. Interesting.
yeah, he gets power off of the lies she believes. but she doesn’t know that yet.
I feel terrible for her. That life seems excruciating.
yeah…it is *cries*
Wait whattt
Iverrrr 🧐