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  • in reply to: Fanfiction? #69487
      • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
      • Total Posts: 37

      @dekreel Yeah, I have two fanfictions going on right now, and they are pretty far from being done too (I don’t even really have a plot for one of them) although one of them is moving along pretty nicely (last time I checked it was at 5374 words, and I’ve added to it since then 😀 ). I’m not doing anything based on anything from those people luckily. No, they’re not about Aetherlight (although I’m not saying that I’ll never write anything about them…), one story is about Sonic Forces with some possible references to Sonic Mania, and the other is about Sonic the Hedgehog (all their games I’ve played in general, not just the other two I mentioned) and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic put together. 🙂

      That’s okay. 🙂 Have you ever written any fanfiction(s)/are writing any?

      Okay. That was all I was asking for. I wouldn’t want to get you in trouble, I just want to stay out of trouble myself. 🙂 Thanks for the link!

      in reply to: The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton #69284
        • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
        • Total Posts: 37

        @dekreel I… Was in… THE KPA?!!! *steals Pinkie Pie’s party cannon and covers the entire Kingdom of Pen and half of Aethasia in glitter and cupcake scented confetti* whoops. That’ll take a while to clean up…

        Thanks for including me. *sniffs* you remembered me. 🙂

        (BTW, I’m subscribed to this topic and have already read all the parts. 😀 I just haven’t been commenting on them since I’ve been reading them in my email on my kindle. So, great job! *thumbs up* I’ve really liked the whole story. And I can totally relate to Jenna. 😉 )

        in reply to: Character Name Exchange #63542
          • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
          • Total Posts: 37

          @rochellaine , Thank you. 🙂 I was trying to fix the rest of the tags… and then THAT happened.

          in reply to: Anyone Admit an Affection About Animation? #56026
            • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
            • Total Posts: 37

            @leumeister Cool!

            That’s funny that you mention those Autodesk programs, I use Maya 2016 and have attempted to use 3D Studio Max 2016. I’m taking a homeschool course from a site called School of Game Design that teaches you pretty much everything you’d need to know to make 2D and/or 3D games, and Maya and 3DS Max were two of the programs that they recommended and showed you how to use for 3D modeling and animation, and so I was able to get both under a free three year education license. Now, Maya doesn’t exactly work that great for me, but I’m not entirely sure if it’s the software or the computer. I have tried Maya on two different computers, and it does work a bit better on one than it does on the other, but it does have it’s oddities on both. So, I wouldn’t necessarily not recommend those programs (especially since one computer I tried it on, I later found out that it doesn’t meet the minimum system requirements), but they just don’t seem to work that good for me.

            Can Blender export to Unity?

            I think that I am a bit better at the animation side of things, but here are some things that I’ve made:

            Faith ‘Spy’ Star (the star of a game that I’m still working on):

            Copyright My Destiny Designs 2017

            This one took a really long time to make and rig, and I’m still working on animating her.

            Here’s an ad for a e-zine that I helped my mama put together:

            Copyright The Homeschool Post 2017

            Here’s a tiki hut that I learned how to make and animate through some of the tutorials on the School of Game Design:

            Copyright the School of Game Design and My Destiny Designs

            And… I don’t know if/how I could upload the animation that I made with it. 🙁

            And here’s a robotic spider that I also learned how to make, rig, and animate through the tutorials on the School of Game Design (this one took quite awhile to make, too):

            Copyright My Destiny Designs and the School of Game Design

            Copyright My Destiny Designs and the School of Game Design

            Those are just a few things that I’ve made. 🙂

            in reply to: Anyone Admit an Affection About Animation? #55688
              • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
              • Total Posts: 37

              @leumeister I also enjoy watching, creating, and writing things that are/will be animated in 3D. 😀 Although currently I only have ideas for games/movies/series that would involve animating things… I have started to work on a very few of my ideas, and based on those examples, I’m not sure if I’m exactly good at the modeling part… Of course in my defense, I think that the program I use is a bit glitchy.

              I like some Disney/Pixar movies, like Inside Out, Wreck-It Ralph, and Frozen. But I also like shows like My Little Pony, Glitter Force, Glitter Force Doki Doki, and most shows and games that involve Sonic the Hedgehog. 🙂

              Have you ever finished/published anything animated?

              in reply to: A Keeper Adventure #55373
                • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                • Total Posts: 37

                @dekreel aha, okay. I know the feeling.

                in reply to: A Keeper Adventure #55366
                  • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                  • Total Posts: 37

                  @dekreel I like what you’ve posted of the KPA so far!

                  I could suggest ways to incorporate/build off of both your idea and your mom’s, if you want…

                  For weaknesses, I’d say perfectionism is my worst enemy. (By the way, what do you mean by “imprisonment”?)

                  @0-0enyali0-0 @lady-iliara thanks for helping Dekreel out with Aethasia. I have yet to unlock the Map of Aethasia, so that does make it a bit harder for me to describe the layout. X(

                  • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Destiny.
                  • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Destiny.
                  • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Destiny.
                  in reply to: A Keeper Adventure #54312
                    • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                    • Total Posts: 37

                    @dekreel for the maps, I think that they look great! (Did you draw those yourself?? If not, what did you use? I still need a map for my WIP 😉 ) although I don’t see Bootleg Pass in Aethasia (it leads from the beach [which I think is called Cog Bay] to No Man’s Landing, and my character lives about three quarters of the way to No Man’s Landing in Bootleg Pass), and I didn’t see Allora either (of course since @catwing already posted a map, I don’t think that you’d need to remake it, but perhaps [for reference purposes] you could add something like a little dot or something to show where it is, how far it is from the other islands, etc.) And although I don’t know much about the other places and so can’t exactly be of much help there, I think that your maps look awesome!

                    As for the villain, I sometimes pick a word that describes them and then use that, or I sometimes spell that word backwards (so maybe something like Kcolb S’retirw) and either use that or use it for inspiration.

                    Or if you don’t like that, what about something like (the) Inspiro Void (inspiration void)? Word Blocko? Count Condemner (word-count condemner)? I’m bad at names. ):

                    in reply to: A Keeper Adventure #53971
                      • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                      • Total Posts: 37

                      @dekreel yes, the human picture is steam-punk. Aetherlight is a steam-punk game, and that’s where I got the picture from. 🙂 Aethasia is the land in Aetherlight, so (I’m guessing that) everyone from there would probably have steam-punk-y things too.

                      • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Destiny.
                      in reply to: A Keeper Adventure #53782
                        • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                        • Total Posts: 37

                        @dekreel We haven’t exactly met before… I’ve read through some of every topic on this forum since I first joined, and I saw @aislinn-mollisong talking about The Aetherlight and thought that it sounded a bit like another game that I like called Star Stable, so then when @xonos-darkgrate posted a link, I joined. 🙂

                        , Hi! Yes. My sisters are Aethasians, too. XD They aren’t on here though…Yet, one of them really wants to join… As soon as she can read, that is… 😉


                        Here is the human me (It’s my character from Aetherlight. I think that I’m wearing the same dress as Aislinn only in red, though [I believe that her’s is green in the game, so they are different colors, I think]. I do have other outfits that I like, so I could put on a different one.):

                        Melissa Northapple


                        And here is the unicorn me:

                        Destiny the Unicorn

                        The necklace that I use to change between a human and a unicorn is a magenta heart-shaped gem on a silver chain.

                        • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Destiny.
                        in reply to: A Keeper Adventure #53735
                          • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                          • Total Posts: 37

                          Hi, @dekreel !

                          I know that I haven’t really been a frequent poster on here, but I have been reading everything. 🙂 And I’d like to get in on this thing too.

                          The name of your character: Melissa ‘Destiny’ Northapple
                          Species: Human (but I can change into a unicorn. See below.)
                          Origin: Aethasia (in a small cottage in the woods near the pass leading to No Man’s Landing)
                          Description of outward appearance: Unicorn me: blue shimmery coat. Blue, purple, and pink striped mane and tail. Brown eyes with the slightest hints of blue, purple, and pink when the light shimmers on them (it happens quite often, when you’re a unicorn, you know. It adds to the magical/majestic look.)Golden horseshoes (unicornshoes?), with silver nails. Human me: medium length, brown hair, brown eyes. (Sorry, I think that the pictures might be more help in this area)
                          Description of personality: shy, quiet (most of the time…), smart ( 😉 ), sensible (usually…), cautious, INFJ.
                          Powers and/or special abilities (if any): I can do most unicorn-ish things, like teleportation, levitation, mind-reading, etc.
                          Any additional significant information: I have a magical necklace that I can use to change from a human to a unicorn and back.
                          Optional: A drawing/photo of your character: I’ll have to post them later, when I figure out how and am at my computer… (But I’ll post one of the human me, and the unicorn me, which is already my profile pic.).

                          (By the way, I’m on Aetherlight too! On there I’m known as Melissa Northapple. Although I only play the game, I’m not on the forums.)

                          in reply to: How to publish a book on Amazon #46596
                            • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                            • Total Posts: 37

                            @daeus , Okay, thanks! Are there any resources you recommend for learning how to do the formatting?

                            in reply to: The Time To Read Has Come #46549
                              • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                              • Total Posts: 37

                              @daeus , that’s alright. 🙂

                              This time… 😉 LOL.

                              in reply to: The Time To Read Has Come #46533
                                • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                                • Total Posts: 37

                                @daeus , you forgot to tag me. 🙁

                                ANYWAY… I’d be interested in reviewing it for you. 🙂

                                I can probably leave a review on Amazon. I’d have to see about doing the other two…

                                in reply to: My Time Travel Book #46017
                                  • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                                  • Total Posts: 37

                                  @daeus Okay, thanks! Can’t wait!

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