Destiny replied to the topic Fanfiction? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@dekreel Yeah, I have two fanfictions going on right now, and they are pretty far from being done too (I don’t even really have a plot for one of them) although one of them is moving along pretty nicely (last time I checked it was at 5374 words, and I’ve added to it since then 😀 ). I’m not doing anything based on anything from those people…[Read more]
Destiny started the topic Fanfiction? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Often, when I find a show/game/book that I really like, I get all these ideas for fanfiction to go along with it, but I never know what I’d do with it after I wrote it. So, my question is; what can you legally do with fanfiction? Can you self-publish it the same as any other book? Can you offer it as a subscriber-freebie-thing for your…[Read more]
Destiny replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@dekreel I… Was in… THE KPA?!!! *steals Pinkie Pie’s party cannon and covers the entire Kingdom of Pen and half of Aethasia in glitter and cupcake scented confetti* whoops. That’ll take a while to clean up…
Thanks for including me. *sniffs* you remembered me. 🙂
(BTW, I’m subscribed to this topic and have already read all the parts. 😀 I…[Read more]
Destiny replied to the topic Character Name Exchange in the forum Fantasy 7 years, 1 month ago
@rochellaine , Thank you. 🙂 I was trying to fix the rest of the tags… and then THAT happened.
Destiny replied to the topic Anyone Admit an Affection About Animation? in the forum Film 7 years, 3 months ago
@leumeister Cool!
That’s funny that you mention those Autodesk programs, I use Maya 2016 and have attempted to use 3D Studio Max 2016. I’m taking a homeschool course from a site called School of Game Design that teaches you pretty much everything you’d need to know to make 2D and/or 3D games, and Maya and 3DS Max were two of the programs that…[Read more]
Destiny replied to the topic Anyone Admit an Affection About Animation? in the forum Film 7 years, 3 months ago
@leumeister I also enjoy watching, creating, and writing things that are/will be animated in 3D. 😀 Although currently I only have ideas for games/movies/series that would involve animating things… I have started to work on a very few of my ideas, and based on those examples, I’m not sure if I’m exactly good at the modeling part… Of course in…[Read more]
Destiny replied to the topic A Keeper Adventure in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 3 months ago
@dekreel aha, okay. I know the feeling.
Destiny replied to the topic A Keeper Adventure in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 3 months ago
@dekreel I like what you’ve posted of the KPA so far!
I could suggest ways to incorporate/build off of both your idea and your mom’s, if you want…
For weaknesses, I’d say perfectionism is my worst enemy. (By the way, what do you mean by “imprisonment”?)
@silverclaw-bonnetfolly @0-0enyali0-0 @lady-iliara thanks for helping Dekreel out with…[Read more]
Destiny replied to the topic A Keeper Adventure in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 4 months ago
@dekreel for the maps, I think that they look great! (Did you draw those yourself?? If not, what did you use? I still need a map for my WIP 😉 ) although I don’t see Bootleg Pass in Aethasia (it leads from the beach [which I think is called Cog Bay] to No Man’s Landing, and my character lives about three quarters of the way to No Man’s Landing in…[Read more]
Joy and
Destiny are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago
Destiny replied to the topic A Keeper Adventure in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 4 months ago
@dekreel yes, the human picture is steam-punk. Aetherlight is a steam-punk game, and that’s where I got the picture from. 🙂 Aethasia is the land in Aetherlight, so (I’m guessing that) everyone from there would probably have steam-punk-y things too.
Destiny replied to the topic A Keeper Adventure in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 4 months ago
@dekreel We haven’t exactly met before… I’ve read through some of every topic on this forum since I first joined, and I saw @aislinn-mollisong talking about The Aetherlight and thought that it sounded a bit like another game that I like called Star Stable, so then when @xonos-darkgrate posted a link, I joined. 🙂
@lady-iliara , Hi! Yes. My…[Read more]
Destiny replied to the topic A Keeper Adventure in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 4 months ago
Hi, @dekreel !
I know that I haven’t really been a frequent poster on here, but I have been reading everything. 🙂 And I’d like to get in on this thing too.
The name of your character: Melissa ‘Destiny’ Northapple
Species: Human (but I can change into a unicorn. See below.)
Origin: Aethasia (in a small cottage in the woods near the pass leading…[Read more] -
Destiny replied to the topic How to publish a book on Amazon in the forum Publishing & Platform 7 years, 6 months ago
@daeus , Okay, thanks! Are there any resources you recommend for learning how to do the formatting?
Destiny started the topic How to publish a book on Amazon in the forum 7 years, 6 months ago
How do you self-publish a paperback book on Amazon? Any and all recommendations are welcome.
Now to tag everyone that I know has a published book…
@daeus @hope @kate-flournoy @rolena-hatfield @self-published-authors -
Destiny replied to the topic The Time To Read Has Come in the forum Book Discussions 7 years, 6 months ago
@daeus , that’s alright. 🙂
This time… 😉 LOL.
Destiny replied to the topic The Time To Read Has Come in the forum Book Discussions 7 years, 6 months ago
@daeus , you forgot to tag me. 🙁
ANYWAY… I’d be interested in reviewing it for you. 🙂
I can probably leave a review on Amazon. I’d have to see about doing the other two…
Destiny replied to the topic My Time Travel Book in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years, 6 months ago
@daeus Okay, thanks! Can’t wait!
Destiny replied to the topic My Time Travel Book in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years, 6 months ago
@daeus, if you give me a copy of your book, I’d give you a review on Amazon (where I’m guessing it’s published/is going to be published).
I’m guessing that you don’t need any more beta-readers for it, but I would still really like to read it!
Destiny replied to the topic Hey, bloggers! Over here! in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 6 months ago
@salome01w4g @seekjustice @rolena-hatfield (and thank you for explaining it, Rolena 🙂 ), here’s some links to articles with more details:
How to Get a Free SSL Certificate (and Why Google is Forcing You To)
(I’m not sure if these will automatically become links or if I need…[Read more]
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