Active 6 years, 9 months ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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@dekreel I have to go now :/ Bye!!
@jenwriter17 Awww, the bees are cute XD This is such a cool thread, btw!
@dekreel your pictures remind me of a “series” I did when I was about seven or eight. It was like a cartoon, where I drew stick figures and those little dialogue bubbles for when they talked… 😛My first story was called “The Hotel That Burned Down.” I was six, and my handwriting was so terrible that I had to dictate it to my mom. Basically, it was about a hotel with smokestacks that were too close together, so it burned down. Then the people built a new one with smokestacks farther apart. The end XD
And I don’t know why the hotel had smokestacks XD
@dekreel I’m catching up on emails and DMs, but that’s writing too, so I’ll stay a little bit XD
How have your stories been coming along?
@gh24682468999 Ooh, nice! I’ll be sure to check it out! 😀
I personally haven’t started a freelance editing business yet, but I’m really hoping to in the future! Right now I’m practicing by critiquing other peoples’ manuscripts for free and taking some courses through The Pen Institute.
@jane-maree recently started her business, so I’d bet she has more info than me 😉To be totally honest, I almost started crying as I read through this thread. I’ve had a really tough weekend emotionally, doubting everything I’ve been working on with my writing + my future. My mom was talking to another parent about how I “know what I want to do” and up until this past Friday, I thought I did but I somehow ended up going on a downward spiral mentally. Then I started reading this thread and started feeling 1000x better. So thank you, everyone, for your beautiful words, and thank you @dekreel for being vulnerable about this because I think God just used this thread to help me.
Dekreel, as everyone’s been saying, you are most definitely not alone in this. It’s so easy when we’re trying to improve to start comparing ourselves to other people. I think the most important thing to remember is that it’s not about us. It’s about God, every moment of our lives. When we compare ourselves to others, we’re thinking of ourselves, not of Him, because when we think of Him we realize that He is in control and has us exactly where we need to be.
When God made you, He had a specific purpose in mind. He gave you talents and passions that would help you achieve that purpose. That doesn’t mean you’re going to find that purpose overnight, but everyday you can do the one thing that He calls everyone to do — love. And if in your strivings to love Him you decide not to be a published author, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Not every writer has to become an author with a big platform and lots of readers. They don’t even have to become an author. God is going to use your talents in amazing ways somehow, someway, and you don’t have to try and do something you’re not super interested in doing to let Him do that.
I’ll wrap up my ramblings with a bit of imagery from a book I recently read: imagine a meadow. Only instead of all sorts of wildflowers, there would only be roses, and absolutely nothing else. There’s nothing wrong with roses, but the beautiful variety of the meadow is gone. No one type of flower is better than the other, but each adds to the beauty of the field. I think it’s the same with writers; not every single one of us needs to go on to become best-selling authors. We can glorify our King just as well writing stories for fun or doing something else. 🙂
I’ll definitely be keeping you in my prayers <3
@dragon-snapper yay! I like it 😀
I guess one other way to get more “likes” on your page is to invite people to “like” it. That’s what I did when I first launched my author page. Beyond that…I’m still pretty clueless on FB 😛
1. Ditto to what Josiah said — I’d love to follow you on there 😀
2. I don’t really have much experience with FB, to be honest 😛 I connect with most of my readers via Instagram and Twitter. I occasionally do an FB post, but mainly because that’s what everyone else does. *hides* I think @jane-maree and @winter-rose will have better advice for you.
@dragon-snapper do you mean on a scene to scene basis, like too much reacting, or just in general when you’re describing emotions? Just having one emotion indicator can help, like if your character is scared, only mentioning her rapid heartbeat rather than her wide eyes, her rapid heartbeat, and her clammy hands.
I think it’s still fine to have a lot of emotion in stories, as people are emotional, but you can also use descriptions of surroundings and how characters view things to set the mood, rather than describing body language and internal sensations.
Did that answer the question? 😛
Sure! These two are the best: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-switch-from-blogger-to-wordpress-without-losing-google-rankings/ and https://www.labnol.org/internet/switch-from-blogger-to-wordpress/9707/
I’m pretty sure WordPress.com has a tutorial on their site as well, but for some reason I never thought of using it 😛
As for general advice, just take it slow and try not to rush anything. I didn’t have any problems except for switching the RSS feed, which is one of the last step. That will make it such that people who followed your blogger blog publicly will still get your posts in their blogger feed. It just takes a few minutes to work, and I got too impatient XD Personally, I would just alert your followers to sign up for posts via email rather than switch the RSS feed, but it’s up to you 🙂
@catwing nope, it’s pretty easy to use! If you’re switching from blogger to wordpress there are a couple technical things you want to be careful with, but I know of some good tutorials.
I have to go right now, but if you think you’re going to do it and have any questions, feel free to public message me 😀
@dekreel bye!@dekreel I’m still outlining 🙂
@seekjustice alright! Nice writing with you 😀
@seekjustice Hi! Ah, yes, first sentences are…hard. Fun, but hard 😛