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    Issabelle Perry
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 976


      YAY!!!! *dances around* I’m sooooo happy!!! Ooh, YEA!!! That’s AWESOME!!! Haha, it’s totally okay!!! So, I’ve just added you to the Docs. You can go in whenever you’re ready and start leaving comments on the side when you’ve got some thoughts!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! *showers you with chocolate and gives you cup of coffee* That’s perfectly okay!!!! THANKS again!!! <33 I’m SUPER HAPPY!!!

      God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

      Issabelle Perry
        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 976


        Heeeellllooo, LILY!!! *waves* Oh, wow! Haha, that’s perfectly okay!! I’ve been REALLY busy myself!!! Though, I can’t say most of the stuff I’ve been doing is actually productive. Does procrastinating writing and wasting time doing literally nothing useful on the internet count as productive? XD

        I’ve been doing really well, actually!! I did some polishing on my query letter and novel for Into the Lamp and I *think* things might be turning out not so cringe worthy. And I’ve covered some pretty awesome ground in Heir to His Crown! I wrote a total of 42K words last month. *wipes forehead* That was tough. How’s things been going for you and your writing?

        Ooooh, AWESOME!!! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! And those critiques are AWESOME!!! I’ve already gone off perfecting the synopsis!! THANKS A TON!!!!!!! <33

        Aww, girl, I think you’ve got more faith in me than I do. XD THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER!!! <33

        God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

          • Rank: Wise Jester
          • Total Posts: 97

          I have only one comment on this summary. Which is on the line, “his heart doesn’t follow”. When I read this line I thought that maybe it was hinting at Colin falling in love with Genie? Okay, I know that this would go into spoiler territory and you don’t have to say anything on that topic, I just think that if you weren’t planning for them to be a couple, then maybe changing that line would be helpful so people don’t get the wrong idea. If you are planning for them to be a couple, then ignore this whole comment.

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 549

            @imwritehere1920 If you don’t mind me asking, who are the magazines that you were looking at submitting to? I’ve looked at submitting to magazines before but I’ve never actually done so. At the moment, I’m looking at possibly submitting a short story to Focus on the Family: Brio Magazine. 

            The summary of Into the Lamp sounds AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the opening sentence!!!!!!!!! 🙂 And I  love that part that says, “make sure by the time his genie leaves, his heart doesn’t follow”! Awesome, girl!!!!!<3

            "It looks like a fairy world"~Meg from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
            Fall in love with Jesus

            Issabelle Perry
              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 976


              Aaah, yeah, I see where the confusion would be. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for pointing that out!! I’ve got it all changed and reworded in a way I know think hope will be SUPER AWESOME!! THANK YOU again!!! <33


              Aww, girl, THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH, SIS!!!!!!! <33 Love you!!!! *hugs*

              God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6691

                @issawriter7 WAIT genie and he aren’t gonna be a couple?! 🤣


                Issabelle Perry
                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 976


                  Um….*mimics zipping up lips and throwing away the key* Hehehe…I can’t confirm nor deny, so you’ll just have to hope the book is published to find out. XD 🤣

                  God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

                  Linyang Zhang
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1700

                    *wipes sweat* So today I made the executive decision to ditch 49 White Blossoms for now because there’s still much character development I want to work on in other stories and focus on The Mafia of Heather Flights for now. I think that it probably won’t hit 180k words and is probably gonna end up maybe 100k words…not sure though. I’m going to try religiously plotting this one, from characters to plot, in Evernote…need some ideas for subplots but those probably will come with time once I develop everyone.

                    How many subplots do you guys usually have? (*looking @gracie-j *) And what types do they tend to be?

                    Lately, it's been on my brain
                    Would you mind letting me know
                    If hours don't turn into days

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1379


                      100k words sounds AMAZING!

                      For The Apostle’s Sister, I had several subplots. Not very many because the story concept was already too loaded to provide room for much extra stuff, and I was worried the word count would be too long. (It turned out to be 120k.) But I just wrote down a few examples, if you’re interested, since I’m bad at explaining. XD

                      – One subplot was the quick romance between Paul’s nephew Reuben and an Egyptian girl named Mesi. They get married. I didn’t spend too much time developing their romance since like I said, I don’t have too much room for extra stuff. They fell in love really fast, married, had a daughter, and were happy until Reuben died. 🙁

                      – Another subplot was a brief one about Timothy’s Greek father. I created a story of the circumstances around his marriage with the Jewish mother, Eunice. And how that affected Eunice’s relationship with her mother Lois, and how Paul played into all that when he met the family. I wrote about Eunice’s failed marriage and how Timothy’s father was among those who stoned Paul at Lystra.

                      – Another subplot was connected with the girl Paul cast a demon from in Philippi. I created a story where she was the younger sister of Euodia, a woman Paul mentions in his Philippian letter.

                      There were a few others, but the main idea is that they were all very brief and basic, and I didn’t go into complicated depths with them. Again, that’s because my story concept was already stuffed to the brim as it was. If it works for you, you can do more complicated and longer subplots!

                      Hope this helped. 🙂

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1789

                        @devastate-lasting I knew there was a reason why you were looking at me! XD

                        Yeah, I tend to have a hundred thousand different subplots. It’s usually in the form of either (1) I have way too many characters or (2) I have way too many characters doing way too much stuff.

                        For BAD, the main plot would be my heroine’s attempts to find her sister.

                        The second would be the romance between her and another charrie.

                        The third would be Rina’s journey to the noose. *cough cough* Spoiler.

                        Fourth would be both Keaton and Daisy’s spiritual journeys.

                        Fifth would be Rina’s husband’s physical journey.

                        Sixth would be Scarlette and Billy’s relationship.

                        Seventh would be Crimson and Elliot’s return onto the scene and family dynamics and stuff.

                        Eighth would be Rina’s relationship with her brother/cousin/thing…

                        Ninth would be…yeah. Lots of subplots.

                        The thing for me would be that I have five POVs–so each of those characters have their own plot/story/whatever going on. Three of the five are in different places, so there’s that.

                        Then each of my POV characters have drama in their relationships with the other main charries, their enemies, family, etc. Sometimes, the drama gets so heavy that it turns into a subplot of its own.

                        Most of mine tend to be relational or romantic. For instance, one character (Rina) has this tense relationship with her ward Scarlette. She has a tentative friendship with Keaton. She has her physical estrangement from her husband. She has her strained relationship with her adopted brother. She has her tender moments with her kids. She has her relationship with her new friend Daisy. And all of those ships inspire conflicts, fun moments, moments of profound wisdom in which Rina pours her heart and soul into another character’s life–thereby creating new subplots as those relationship deepen or moments grow longer/occur more often.

                        I don’t conjure them up beforehand (except for, like, the major three); they just show up as my characters show out. Definitely wait to develop everyone before assigning subplots all over the place. Be conservative (no pun intended) with how many you weave into your story. Focus your subplots on (firstly) your characters and (secondly) genres. Each subplot should lean toward a different genre–but not too much, of course. Maybe there’s some romance over here with this guy and gal, some action with this fellow, and then a mystery throughout. Capisce?

                          • Rank: Wise Jester
                          • Total Posts: 97


                          I totally believe that it is awesome! You’re welcome!

                          Also you really need to publish it! I need to find out this for sure!

                          Linyang Zhang
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1700

                            @joy-caroline Oo, okay. Those sound great! Thanks for the tips!

                            @gracie-j Oo, nice. For this one I was planning on doing two POVs for my brothers and then have like letters/phone calls/journals in between or something, kinda like a case file, though I’m not quite sure how that’s gonna work. I do have a large cast of minor character that I want to develop, though, so maybe I should extend POVs to them to maybe uncover backstory or something, since I’ve ultimately decided to do this in 3rd person, as I’m not entirely confident in my first person skills.

                            Thanks for all your tips! All ya’ll’s projects sound quite interesting as well!

                            Lately, it's been on my brain
                            Would you mind letting me know
                            If hours don't turn into days

                              • Rank: Wise Jester
                              • Total Posts: 92


                              13,000 words!  That is awesome!



                              Sure, I tell myself getting lost on Pinterest is actually “productive” 😉

                              That’s exciting to hear about your WIPs and query letter. *I have cookies to celebrate!*

                              My writing has been going well.  I’m trying out a short story idea.

                              And you’re so welcome!  I’m glad I could help 🙂



                              Hi there!  Are you one of the writers from Teen Writer’s Nook (I’m taking a guess because of your profile picture.)?  I’ve visited the site a few times, mostly to the Critique Corner.  I’ve been meaning to take a look at the other articles, but I haven’t had a lot of time lately.

                              Ah.  I submitted one story to Spider magazine and I’m looking to submit a nonfiction article to Cricket magazine.  However, as I was going over my bibliography, I realized I forgot to include a few important sources.  Tracking them down and getting them properly formatted has a been a bit challenging (this is my first time doing so.)  Fingers crossed it will turn out.

                              I’ve heard of Brio, but I haven’t had a chance to take a look at their guidelines.  What is your short story about (if you don’t mind me asking)?



                              Wow!  That’s a lot of subplots.  How do you keep them all straight?  Do you plot (no pun intended) them out after writing the 1st/2nd draft?

                              Dream. Write. Inspire.


                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1789

                                @devastate-lasting Glad that helps! I like the sound of a case-file style! Yeah, maybe a couple extra POVs could help…

                                Ooh…that’s a controversial question, hun. Somehow, I manage to keep it all together (I only have a few docs with random outline-ish information to help). As for the plotting and drafting…ha ha. I don’t plot and I, uh, I don’t draft. *chuckles nervously* I have a method that works for me, but I’m currently the only person who actually uses it. So, I usually try to polish all my subplots during the writing so that way I don’t have to write another draft. My process may change in the future, though, but for now everything goes purty smoothly.

                                Issabelle Perry
                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 976


                                  Aww, THANKS SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! <33

                                  Aaaahhh, YESS!!! I sooo wished it was published right now sometimes. XD Hopefully one of these days. *fingers crossed*

                                  God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

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