Talking about our characters

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  • #140948
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2243

      I thought it would be fun If we could talk about our characters and if you would want to fill out this template in the comments feel free to.



      Created by:

      Personality Traits:






      @esther-c @starshiness @keilah-h @awsumfaith @freedomwriter76

      I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
      ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 239


        Sounds fun to me!


        Name: Arwen Kikmer

        Age: 17

        Created by: yours truly, AwsumFaith

        Personality Traits: adventurous, focused, given to wanderlust

        Backstory: She lives in a town called Hedquist with her family. Two years prior to the events of my story her father went missing on a ship. My story follows her on her journey to find him.

        Goals: to find her dad, to become an explorer and cartographer

        Family: her mother, Faye; her dad, Ruben; and her younger brother, Kelvin

        Looks: she has curly dark brown hair, brown complexion, deep brown eyes

        Other: I’ll just list some aesthetics I have for her in this section

        • Compass and spyglass
        • Patched clothing
        • Leather boots
        • Daydreaming
        • Mountain sunsets
        • Cozy fireplace
        • Wrinkled maps

        "does anyone have any good ideas?"
        "Oh yeah, but none for this"

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2243

          Here is my character who is from A Summer Away the sequel to A Week Away

          Name: Sara

          Age: 13

          Created by: Miley

          Personality: Traits: Clever, sarcastic, kind, desperately wants a family.

          Backstory: After her parents’ death when she was three. After going to foster home to foster home, she finds herself hurt by the feeling of rejection and saying goodbye.

          Goals: To find a family

          Family: none but Will becomes an older brother to her

          Looks: Brown hair that she usually wears in a ponytail, green eyes, usually wears shorts and a T-shirt but she doesn’t wear jeans even in the summer. Sometimes she wears a dress.

          Other: She finds Jesus before she grows a bond with Will. She relies on Jesus during the rest of the books even when she still feels rejected, but her faith is still new and fragile and she struggles to trust God when she still feels so broken. 😥

          I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
          ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 239


            Oooh, I like Sara’s character

            "does anyone have any good ideas?"
            "Oh yeah, but none for this"

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2243


              Thanks, I like your’s too

              I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
              ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

              Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 718


                Oh, fun!

                Sara is so cool! @awsumfaith I’ve seen Arwen before but she’s still awesome XD

                I’ll just do one for now, lol.

                Name: Dune

                Age: Young Adult/ maybe almost adult???

                Created by: Ava, or Solfyre, or Kyron the Arcanin take your pick XD

                Personality traits: Quirky, Assertive, risk-taking, trustworthy, and sometimes absent-minded or irritable

                Backstory: ooohh boy here we go XD. Dune is a Felisaro, the cat-like race in my WIP, who used to live on the planet Leor. That all changed when he was young and his father and uncle tried to assassinate the king of Leor. His father and uncle were killed, and the rest of the family was banished from Leor. Dune left on a ship called the Ombryn, living only by one rule his father gave him, to keep a bunch of forbidden books safe. Later he crash-lands on the Serpenree planet, Lacertilia, and meets Rina, the MC, which is the first time you see him. (I won’t get into too much cause massive spoilers…)

                Goals: To keep the books safe, and to keep Rina alive. The second one half because he has grown like her and half because Sorren would kill him if he doesn’t.

                Family: Kind of described this already, but they meet his cousin, Korwin, who becomes the Admiral of a spaceship and is basically a space pirate, though they don’t say that in the book XD. His mother might come into play later, but she’s not with him or on Leor. He’s an only child.

                Looks: Felisaro are usually just large cats. Dune is brown with light brown and red brown stripes, and emerald green eyes. He almost always wears faded red armor, with a sheath holding a dagger attached.

                Other: Hmmmm… Ah yes, rather important detail, he is now the skilled pilot of the Ulbryn, their stolen Serpenree ship, and has a kind of rivalry going on with Sorren. He likes randomly making tweaks to the ship- though the others have little idea what he’s doing- and usually manages not to break anything. He doesn’t think the Celestial Phoenix (deity representing God in the book) exists, and if it does, he doesn’t want anything to do with it. He’s one of those charries who doesn’t understand why a good God would let bad things happen, so yeah, lol.

                And I also have some random aesthetics I have built up for him, not much tho:

                wrenches and daggers

                flashing radars

                scraping metal

                running blindly over sand

                faded, rusted armor

                flickering flames

                scrappy, tooth and claw fights


                And, that’s Dune, lol.

                Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3702

                  @smiley @awsumfaith @kyronthearcanin

                  Awesome charries, y’all!!! 😄

                  I’ll tell ya about mine either later today or tomorrow. It’s actually perfect timing that this forum was made because I recently finished some character template sheets for my MCs and all my important side charries. 🙂 😉

                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Esther.

                  Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 692


                    You threw me with your character name. I often do double takes when I see or hear my name. 😆

                    I’ll add my characters later. Probably tomorrow.

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 692

                      @smiley I feel like you took me and changed me a little to make a character. I was a foster baby and was adopted at 2, I have brown hair often up in ponytail, my clothes preference is shorts and a T-shirt, I never wear jeans, and my eyes are turning green. I’m 17 though, and I became a Christian 10 years ago. I have parents, and grew up in a Christian home. I was only with 1 foster family who ended up adopting me in the end. That’s really creepy yet so cool! ❤️

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3702


                        Alrighty! Let’s start with my two MCs.

                        Name: Amidala Nadir

                        Age: 16/17

                        Created by: Esther

                        Personality Traits: kind, patient, quiet, gentle, soft-spoken, loyal, easily trusting, trustworthy, lighthearted

                        Backstory: She grew up in a Christian home with her family. She had never seen anything outside the Orb* and stayed in the District of Daemarrel for safety reasons.

                        Goals: In the story — find the cure**; her life in general — to marry, settle down, and have a family (this changes by the end of the trilogy)

                        Family: father, Ruben; mother, Adalynn; siblings, Destry, Fynn, and Skylar

                        Looks: see reference pic below

                        Other: when she’s nervous, she has a habit of slowly rubbing her hands together or tucking her hair behind her ear; her name means “beautiful flower”; her DOB is April 12; her favorite hobby is anything to do with art, but specifically drawing; her greatest fears are… physical — spiders and frogs —— emotional/psychological — turning others away from truth and God’s love

                        *Bayron Len instituted the Orb twenty years ago. It covered all of her country of Aletheia, but slowly closed in on the nation until it only covered the District of Daemarrel. (That was a very simplified explanation. XD If you really want to know more, I can tell you. 😁)

                        **When Bayron died, he said his last words to Amidala and they were: “I know there’s a cure. Find it.” She’s not exactly sure what the cure is until the end of the trilogy. (that’s also a very simplified explanation, lol. XD)

                        This is what she looks like:


                        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3702

                          Here’s the second MC!

                          Name: Everton Barlowe

                          Age: 17/18

                          Created by: Esther

                          Personality Traits: courageous, impulsive, extroverted, occasionally flirtatious, playful, adventurous, cocky

                          Backstory: He grew up in a very strict home. Nobody had a say in what went on expect his father. It was as if his father didn’t care about their opinions. His father only expected perfection from his sons and that it was he demands from them on the daily.

                          Goals: Help the Nadirs find the cure/destroy Derek Len’s regime (he’s my main villain)/change the world

                          Family: father, Malyk; mother, Harlin; siblings, Asher and Lukas

                          Looks: (very good, in his opinion 🤣) see reference pic below

                          Other: he has a habit of running his hand through his hair; his name means “boar town” or “hardy, brave” (I prefer the latter. 😜); his DOB is November 20 (or 25, which is my b-day, but my siblings don’t want me to put it as that because it would be weird. 😅😂); his favorite hobby is anything athletic or competitive; his greatest fears are… physical — I don’t know yet | emotional/psychological — failing, specifically failing those he loves

                          Here’s his reference pic: (I’ll post his second one in the next post)

                          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3702

                            Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 239


                              I just love Ev and Ami so much , they’re so cute

                              "does anyone have any good ideas?"
                              "Oh yeah, but none for this"

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3702


                                Thanks so much!! I love them too. 🥰

                                Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @smiley great topic and even greater character!!!! 😀

                                  @esther-c @kyronthearcanin love everyone’s charries!!!! ❤️❤️❤️


                                  And now I wanna talk about some charries that maybe no one here has really heard about 😏

                                  so let’s goooooo!!!!!!!!! XD


                                  Name: Yosef Altmann

                                  Age: 16

                                  Created by: FreedomWriter76 (or Freedom XD)

                                  Personality Traits: faithful, kind, sweet, compassionate, forgiving, brave, strong, gentle, quiet, firm in his beliefs, trustworthy, stubborn, loving

                                  Backstory: Grew up in a close, Messianic Jewish family in Germany. Always been raised to know God and love others

                                  Goals: To one day become a doctor to help people

                                  Family: Has a father, Isaiah, a mother, Deborah, an older sister, Adela, and had an older brother, Judah

                                  Looks: Black slightly curly hair, dark brown eyes, light tan complexion, would usually wear a 1940s era navy blue jacket and pants with a white shirt underneath with black shined shoes (but he’s in a camp…so…y’know…)

                                  Other: An inmate at a concentration camp. He and his family were sent there about 2 years before the book starts…and his older brother Judah, the middle Altmann child, was killed by the Nazis there. Yosef holds onto faith even though his entire world is falling apart around him.

                                  His reference pic 👇

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