Talking about are Fanfics

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  • #186208
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 658

      @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h @rae @euodia-vision @smiley @ellette-giselle

      *drops chapter 2 of 1600s fic*


      Chapter 2

      Nothing was ever certain, least of all hope. Life had been both cruel and wise enough to teach Anthony Edward Stark that much.

      He swiped sweat from his brow and laid a double-edged sword across a simple anvil, hammer in hand. He lifted his arm, released a deep breath, and—horse hooves echoed, and a fist pounded against wood.

      Not another request. He would accept anything—“Stark, do you wish to permit a visitor?”

      Lord Pierce. Ah, of course. Certainly, Tony couldn’t refuse to open his doors to a man so important—so crucial.

      And yet it was men like Pierce that waged, even demanded war…war that claimed—‘no, Stark, don’t go back there’, he muttered, even cursing himself for an attempt to a return to a place he wished he could forget for eternity.

      “Lord Pierce, ‘tis a bit earlier than your usual errands.” He commented, sliding the wooden doors open with the faintest hint of a smile.

      Bellowing a sincere chuckle, Pierce nodded his head. “Indeed, Stark. I have other matters to attend to later this forenoon. ‘Tis too early to ask if you have finished his Majesty’s request, though, perhaps?”

      “I believe he set a deadline for the end of this week, my Lord, not—”

      “His Majesty may have to shorten his deadline. And I must say again…could you not at least make this workshop more presentable?”


      What wasn’t presentable about a workshop that was barely lit, a workshop that was simple and filled merely with tools of smithing, agriculture, and war, a workshop that played no part except to be used for—“It could be done someday, Lord Pierce.”

      “I do not see why it cannot be done now.”

      Tony bristled. “It is not my fault that money is slim.”

      Pierce’s gaze darkened, and his eyes narrowed. His brows furrowed, and he snarled, “Then, pray do tell, who is at fault, Stark?”

      How many days he wanted to put an end—he had enough inner demons…nay, Tony could not afford another to wrestle with another.

      “I have no time, my Lord—”

      “Then hire help, Stark.”


      For when had anyone resided in the shop? Not for years. Not since…since—Pierce nodded once, and his lips pressed into a thin line. “Have His Majesty’s order finished by tomorrow forenoon, and I shall send a man to fetch it. Find one to aid you, Stark, or I shall have to force aid upon you.”

      With that said, Pierce turned on his heel, dropped Tony one last, dark glance, and strode out of the shop, closing the wooden doors with an echo.

      Most certainly, Lord Pierce had the manners which befitted a pig.


      The young former enslaved maiden seemed just about ready to bolt for the hills. But not only would an escape fail, it could lead her back into the jaws of slavery—or else be a lead for Pierce to find what Clint prayed no one would ever find.

      Nay, the maiden had to stay whether she liked it or not, at least for a little while.

      “What are you going to do with what you stole from Rumlow? Are you to sell it to others for a larger profit, thieves?”

      “Not everyone is as they seem, m’lady,” Steve murmured, leading one of the Clydesdales, “no, neither do I think you are all you seem to be, considering you have not even given even a hint to your name.”

      The blonde frowned, her gaze forming into an icy glare. “’Tis not something a petty thief deserves to know.”

      “Do we have to bring Miss Complain with us?”

      “Scott.” Clint admonished, walking beside the young woman, glancing at the man walking behind them, carrying luggage.

      Scott shrugged, muttered something beneath his breath, and lapsed into silence.

      Clint faced the young woman, furrowing his eyebrows together. “It ‘tis true, maiden…not everyone is as they seem. If we’re only petty thieves, then so be it, but what if you have been sold nothing but lies?”

      “You are thieves—”

      “And you don’t believe men like Lord Pierce to be liars?”

      She pursed her lips and turned her gaze forward once more.

      Clint shrugged and smiled.

      Indeed, she’d find out soon enough what went on within the woods. Though thievery was wrong, indeed, it was impossible to argue against such a fact, Clint knew that Steve’s heart was in the right place.

      Nay, not entirely.

      Compassion and love were pure driving forces—but guilt propelled Rogers Hood far more than one would likely ever know.

      “We have almost arrived, m’lady. It ‘tis time for you to decide if we are anything more than petty thieves.”

      “I know my verdict, Rogers Hood. I need not you to convince me otherwise.”

      Clint watched as they walked, as the young maiden’s eyes widened. Nay, she had not expected an entire townful of people to reside within the secluded woods.

      A young boy no older nor younger than thirteen with messy brown hair rushed up, sword at his side, eyes glancing from individual to individual. “I see there is one new amongst you.”

      “We shall yet see if she is friend or foe.” Scott murmured.

      Clint smiled and waved a hand in dismissal. “Steve made the decision to allow her within. ‘Tis alright, Cooper. How is Mama, Lila, and Nathaniel?”

      Cooper smiled, brushing back his brown locks with his hand. “Good, father. My time to help watch is almost up—I am certain it ‘tis the hope of food that shall make us all happy.”

      Clint smiled, stepped forward, embraced his son, and stepped away to stand beside the young woman again. “…Still think of us as petty thieves?”

      She frowned and raised her eyebrows. “What ‘tis the purpose of stealing such valuables?”

      Steve turned on his heel, having handed the reins of the two Clydesdales to a boy a bit younger than Cooper, and faced the maiden. “The funds shall be used for medicine, food, and other goods. The ill first, then children, then families, then all else who remain shall be provided for. It ‘tis the only way we survive.”

      “And ‘tis time I bring you to Laura, my fair maiden, for she can do her best to treat your injuries.”

      The young woman shot Clint a glare and frowned. “What injuries?”

      Steve shrugged. “If you think Clint blind enough to not notice the blood on your arms that has soaked through your clothing, m’lady, then you have not seen Clint Barton work.”

      “Quite kind of you to have noticed and never uttered a word, Rogers Hood.”

      Steve smiled, bowed at the waist, and flashed the faintest of smirks. “’Tis my pleasure, m’lady.”

      What is strength?
      Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4721

        @freed_and_redeemed oooooh getting interesting!

        maybe I should make fan art of this.

        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2210

          @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h @rae @freed_and_redeemed


          Okay so basically I’m doing one shots of tlc characters meeting marvel characters just because why not?

          and also because I still stand by the strong similarities of characters


          this one is Winter & everyone’s favorite

          Bucky Barnes 🥳🥳

          so yeah basically know that Winter is the sweetest character ever

          and also a little crazy (at least for her age cause she’s like seventeen)

          Winter’s gaze fell to a scar on Bucky’s arm, and to him, it felt unnerving to be inspected by a girl so miraculously beautiful and also so very crazy.

          “Where did it come from?” She asked with a light voice.

          He took a sip of his water and then said nonchalantly. “From refusing to be a puppet.”

          “Then that’s a very good scar.” Winter than looked off into the distance like she was searching for something, but Bucky had no clue what. “I have a few too,”

          Bucky looked at her and the three scars that went down her cheek, almost looking like tears. They were very pale compared to her dark skin, but it didn’t take from her beauty and perhaps they added to it.

          He felt himself tense up, the idea of her getting those scars making him sympathetic and angry. She might have been crazy but she also seemed kind and innocent, too innocent to get scars like those.

          To get scars like his.

          “Next time someone tries to give you more, tell me.” He said it without making eye contact, but he flexed his metal hand to make the point clear.

          Winter gave a small laugh. “Believe it or not you aren’t the first person to promise my protection.” Then she smiled, the kind of smile that wasn’t for him or anything in this room but for someone else. “But I already have a very good guard.”

          They continued to chat for a few more minutes, and then she got up and smiled. “It was very nice meeting you metal armed man,”




          Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 658


            Awwwww😭 I love it ❤️

            What is strength?
            Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2210

              and here is Carswell Thorne meeting Steve and Sam… this may be a scene for a whole fanfiction coming soon


              “Now I know why this ship seemed familiar,” Steve groaned, he and Sam eyeing Carswell Thorne with obvious annoyance.

              “Captain America! And good old Uncle Sam! How you’ve been?” Thorne gave his classic smile as he walked over to them.

              “Well currently I’m on a stolen ship with a military deserter, so not that well,” Steve stated matter of factly.

              Thorne let out a fake-sounding chuckle and put a hand on each of their shoulders. “Well good news guys but this ship is now rightfully mine, given to me by the American army.”

              “Ah, man no! It took me a year just to get my final check from them and they give you this ship?!” Sam gave pity-worthy glances to both of the soldiers.

              “Well, what can I say?-”

              “Thorne please don’t,” The shorter girl who was good with computers cut in from behind the table, giving a nervous smile to all of them.

              “-The things you get when you’re a hero for people on earth and on the moon!” he said while in a superhero-like pose.

              Chin high, face in stoic form, and his chest out in a proud manner.

              “Yeah well last time I checked, you’re still only a cadet.” Steve only gave a small smirk, it was very humble of him since that was Thorne’s biggest weakness.

              “On here I’m Captain,” Thorne said firmly, although it didn’t sound very convincing since his body deflated from the pose.

              “I’m still taking orders from him.” Sam pointed at Steve and with that, Thorne walked away muttering.

              Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4721

                @smiley that was funny, who are the non-marvel characters again?

                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2210


                  and in the first on there’s Winter

                  she’s literally known as the most beautiful girl on the moon

                  she’s also very bubbly and a little socially awkward

                  and the guard she mentions is her best friend (who she’s in love with) Jacin

                  and then in the second fic there’s Carswell Thorne but everyone calls him Thorne

                  and he’s basically Flynn rider and Pietro Maximoff combined

                  and the short girl mentioned is Cress and she’s quiet, shy, and really good with computers and her and Thorne are together

                  They’re all from the lunar Chronicles

                  (sorry for the rant)

                  Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4721

                    @smiley ohhhh my friends used to read those a lot! I recognize it, though I never read it myself.

                    Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2210


                      theyre really good

                      I read Heartless by Marissa Meyers first and I loved it so my friend recommended the lunar chronicles

                      and now I own the whole series and the graphic novel spin off series AND the coloring book

                      (Needless to say I enjoyed the books)

                      Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 305


                        I’m learning to animate on Blender and just learned how to rig limbs. The practice object looked kinda like a tail and all I could think about was how much fun I’d have making scenes from my reactor meltdown of a fanfic haha……

                        Lol that would be fun. Also that’s really cool!

                        character models to animate with, although I’m thinking of getting good at the program with random simple models and stuff before I try messing with complicated human characters (and then adding tails to ’em if I can)

                        Nice. I hope that goes well for you!

                        "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4721

                          @theshadow Right now it’s going terribly lol, but at least it’s kinda going….

                          also, would you mind if I gave you a little challenge concerning my writing??

                          nobody I’ve asked has said yes to this, and I’m sure you won’t either, but you’re one of the like 5 people I have shared this story with so……


                          oh cool!! there are graphic novels?

                          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 305


                            Hmmm…. Depends on what the challenge is.

                            "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 4721

                              @theshadow well…uh…..

                              now I’m really thinking this was a bad, bad idea….


                              But anyway.

                              As of right now, the tale’s unfinished–and I don’t just mean mine. The comic series I mentioned I pulled the story from (again, I don’t suggest actually reading them, cause there’s a couple adult jokes in there I refrained from including in my own work and didn’t let my tween brother read when I showed the comics to him, and like even though we’re all teens/adults here I’m sure y’all aren’t gonna be a fan of that either), it’s missing its final installment, due to the fact that the writers/artists I guess took a break from writing/drawing or something, and they are only just considering finishing it. Several characters’ arcs aren’t concluded.

                              And I know, I know, I could just make an ending up instead of leaving it open like my inspiration did. But I kinda want to see what everyone else thinks of how the story’s gonna go.


                              So the challenge:

                              When reading through my fanfiction, search for any plot threads that appear to be left hanging at the end of what I currently have (and if you accept, I’ll provide a little extra information that I, as the writer, know but my characters don’t), and give me your ideas on how you think it’s going to end. This could be just plotting ideas, or it could be an actual scene or two from any character’s perspective.

                              If it turns out they do in fact finish the official series and I don’t like their ending, I’ll make up an ending myself, and I wanted you guys to be a part of that, since it was because of my friends’ support and enjoyment of the bits of scenes I read them, that I started actually writing this story in the first place.





                              so yeah I’m sure that’s not gonna work for you but I wanted to put it out there.





                              also anyone else is welcome to do this if they want haha

                              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 305


                                Okay, thanks for telling me about it. I’m not opposed to it all really, I would do it, just at the moment with school and my personal life I’m not sure I’ll be able to do it. I could try to some time when life calms down a bit. Sorry, thanks for the opportunity anyway!

                                "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 4721

                                  @theshadow oh thanks! Didn’t expect you to actually want to do it lol.

                                  That’s perfectly fine if you’re too busy! Just tell me whenever you do have the time to write and I’ll get you that “inside information” lol



                                  I’m assuming that means you’re pretty much finished with what I’ve got.

                                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

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