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- This topic has 197 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 6 months ago by
April 17, 2021 at 10:32 am #97954
Okay, I just realized a grammar flaw in that post, but since I’m too terrified to edit for fear it’ll disappear or something, I’m going to correct it in this post XD
“and for nearly ten months they are separated for nearly two and a half years.” was exposed to be, “and ten months into the war, they are then separated for two and a half years.”
(You can ignore this post really, I just thought I clarify that). XD 🙂April 17, 2021 at 10:46 am #97955I’m sure they will
amazingremarkablesensational🙂 I mean everything I’ve read from Fortitude is so SPECTACULAR that I’m always dying to read more!!:D 😀 😀 Don’t worry about hurrying though, (I mean the reader in me says hurry. But the writer says I know how it takes time, so don’t worry:) Plus, that’s awesome that you’re getting new ideas for entries!:D (Awesome for you as the writer and awesome for me as the reader:)
Of course I don’t mind! You can re-read it as much as you like, whenever you like!! Btw, I apologize for not responding to your comments on the doc, my schedule got crazy, but I promise I will soon:)
Aw thanks! I should be able to post soon too:) (If Mejia ever finds out I post this….. *shudders* XD ).April 17, 2021 at 3:59 pm #97991*grins* I’m glad Anton enjoyed the hot chocolate! Caira should visit Birch Woods sometime and let him try coffee–I’m sure the two of them would have an interesting chat over a cup of coffee XD Thank you!! I thought it fit both Deek and Newton’s characters to have that brotherly relationship, because neither of them ever had a brother and so I thought it would be sweet:) Aw, I’m so glad you remember that excerpt!! THANK YOU!! It makes me grin thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *infinite i’s* wide to know that you’re such a fan of my novel!!:D And yes, that’s 100% how their dynamics are most of the time:)
Awww, thank you!!! I’m just so happy you like his character!!! And it means the absolute world to know you think he’s adorable (and I know it does to him, too:) He’s never been called adorable before so I know it would mean the world:) Awww, YAY, that’s exactly what I was going for in his second introduction, and I’M SO GLAD you love him so much!!!!! I mean, I never thought somebody would like my characters so much, so it means EVERYTHING to me!!!:D
Wait, you’ve written 74K IN TWO NANOWRIMOS?! You GO, girl!!!:O But I have no doubt you’ll get new ideas!! If it helps, I’ve been dry on ideas as well as of late, and I think I’m starting to run out of steam on creativity. *sigh* But seriously, I have COMPLETE faith in you and your novel and I know this writer’s block won’t last long. Maybe you could look through old notes/drafts and find some ideas that you had written down before but didn’t end up using, and now you can use them. Sorry if that sounds confusing, but I’ve looked through old drafts before and decided I really liked some previously-scrapped scenes. I’ll try to find some articles to send you, too!! Maybe that’ll help!!:)
AND OH MY GOODNESS, YAY, I LOVE THOSE LINES!!!!!!! I mean, the first one felt so cold yet cozy at the same time, and the last one was so mysterious!!! I LOVE THEM (and you haven’t even edited them yet? Girl, those lines don’t need editing at all!)!! Also, YES, I’d love to read your daily one!! I think it’ll be hard writing ‘the end’ to my book, too :((( So yeah, I get that. Hmm, well I haven’t written very much today (mostly on the diary entries), but the last one I wrote was:
Caira never knew Isla to be so solemn as she was now, standing there in the doorway with her fingers holding the mysterious letter, and after Caira accepted it, Isla signed, An owl came today with a message. It’s from King Pirion, sent specially to you.
Thank you!! I’m so happy you like the idea of Caira’s daughter narrating the epilogue—I thought it would be interesting to see things from her perspective:) Especially her interactions with Newton and Caira:D Aww, thanks so much!!! I can’t wait to write it, but unfortunately, I have to wait another two books to write it in :(( Awww, THAT MADE ME SMILE SO HUGE!!! I’m practically bursting with excitement that you like this story and that you would fangirl over it!! I mean, I’m 100% going to include you in the dedication page because I never could have made so much progress without your encouragement/motivation/fangirling/everything!!!! And I’ll do the EXACT same thing with TSW!! I’m going to brag about it so much once it’s published, and I’m especially going to brag about how I’m best friends with the bestselling author:) That’s such an honor!!!:D And haha, you have my word that Deek is safe XD Your objection to his death probably saved his life, honestly, because I might have ended up going through with it. So Deek thanks you from the bottom of his heart for saving his life XD And thank you!!
Aww, don’t cry!! (But it seriously makes me grin a thousand miles long to know that you care about my characters so much!!!) YES, Caira lives, and so do Deek and Newton. *sniffles* Yup, I actually considered having Newton sacrifice himself for Caira. Newton and Caira were both going to be thrown into the palace prison, and though Caira angrily tries using her powers to escape, it doesn’t work, and she realizes they’re locked in. It was VERY rough-draft-ish and I wasn’t exactly sure what was going to happen, but Newton was going to get stabbed with a sword. This was also going to be where Newton confessed to Caira that he loved her, though he was going to die shortly after and Caira would have had to leave him as she escaped the prison alone.
It broke my heart to think about/write a rough draft of it, but I ultimately decided that Newton should live. *sighs* Gosh, I guess I’ve thought about killing about every character, huh? Wow, I need to have more mercy, otherwise I might think about killing Oria next—Wait. *pauses* *thinks about that thought* *begins to potentially consider it* Nope, I can’t think about that. Caira needs her owl.
*gasps* Please have mercy on them, because gosh I can’t even think about something happening to any of them!!! *falls on knees to beg for you to have mercy on them* Same! I’m glad you warned me about Morio’s death/confirmed that the others stay alive, because I just COULDN’T take not knowing!! And even though I’m going to 1000% cry when I read Morio’s death, at least I can try to prepare for it. *sighs* I probably would’ve taken all of your characters hostage to protect them if you hadn’t told me they lived!:O
Aw, thank you!!! Yup, definitely terrifying XD I can’t wait to write about Deek in the future… I don’t think he changes very much though XD OF COURSE I DID!!! And I didn’t just ‘love’ them—I positively, absolutely, completely, thoroughly, *looks in thesaurus for more synonyms*, entirely, utterly ADORED READING EVERY WORD!!! And I feel so honored that you’d share that with me!!! And *gasps* side note, but YOU HAVE CATS TOO?! Oh my goodness, that’s so awesome!! (I love owls and cats, so excuse me). Awwww, I could just cry at the thought of Anton having an adopted son! And I love that name!:D *grins* Aw, that’s so cute that Lila gets married, and—WAIT. WHAT OTHER TROUBLE DOES LILA HAVE?! *slowly takes Lila and protects her* I know she ends up being safe, but I still want to know. I love that name, too!! I’m fangirling so hard at the thought of Lila’s wedding… that would be so cute to read!!!! I love weddings anyway, so that’s just adorable:)
I know that I don’t normally write in caps this much, but your post has so many all-caps-worthy moments that you’ll have to excuse me. I LOVE MEJIA AND FILIP’S FUTURE SO MUCH AND IT’S SO FANGIRL-WORTHY! Which is exactly what I’m doing as I write this response!:D I mean, first of all, wars are so interesting, secondly, Mejia and Filip are fighting together, and thirdly, SHE THINKS HE’S DEAD, WHICH IS SO HEARTBREAKING!!! And their reunion sounds so adorable! I mean, *sniffles* I could honestly cry at that! And Mejia’s reaction to seeing Filip again is so sweet, too! Okay, I’m being 100% honest when I say that I’ve never shipped a couple harder than Mejia and Filip!! I seriously can’t think of a ship that I like better!!:D I’m so happy to be included on this top-secret information!! And I grinned when Mejia met Daniil—that fits her character so well to start interrogating him:D And it was so heartwarming to read about her teasing Anton about Mitka:) Anton is such an amazing father, I can already tell!:D And I love the thought of all of them attending Lila’s wedding!! And once again, I just melted at Mejia and Filip.
Do they get married too? I’m sorry, I just HAVE to ask!:DThank you so much!!! And yes, they do!! I think Alana starts getting fatally ill, and the only way to save her life is by a healing flower that grows on the peak of the highest mountain in Aldova. It’s a treacherous and life-threatening climb, but Caira boldly declares that she’ll embark on the climb to save her life. Newton offers to join her, and when Caira says she’d rather do it alone, he follows her anyway, saying he’d only worry about her. Newton begins to ask Caira how she’s been handling things so well, and then (this is before the confession) he starts saying how much he admires her bravery and inner strength. Caira blushes a little, but hides it when she says, “Can’t we talk about this when we’re not in a life-threatening situation?”
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!! (Wow, I’ve used a lot of !’s in this post… but I mean every single one!!! Oops, there I go again.) AWWW, YAY, THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT!!! I was really hoping you would like that idea!!! I thought it would be interesting to write how Newton’s stutter has negatively impacted his life so much and is the reason why he’s had so much heartache. But he doesn’t care as much about that, because in the end, he got to meet his future wife out of it and that’s all that he focuses on:) And aww, really?! Wow, that’s such a compliment that you actually teared up!! And yes, he worries about Caira being embarrassed of him a lot, and tries his hardest to make her proud. It’s adorable writing Newton’s vulnerable moments, when he starts crying in front of her and finally opening his heart to her. And thank you!!! I’m so happy you like it!!!!! Oh yes, it’s so much fun! I’m getting ready to write from Deek’s POV next:) That’s a little terrifying to think about XD Aww, thank you for helping me with that illustration advice!! And for understanding!! I know that I’m still a huge novice (I haven’t gotten back into illustrating until a couple months ago), so I’m not sure how they’ll turn out, but I’m happy to be illustrating them!! I’m illustrating Lila next Aww, you have no idea how much that means to me to hear you say that you like my drawing!!! I mean, I really look up to you (both in illustrating and writing), so it means the world that you like my illustration!!! Awww, I can just envision that scene so well. *grins* Poor Lila! I laughed at the last sentence—I can just see her, horrified, looking into her bowl and probably without an appetite all of a sudden.
Aw, thank you!!! *puts Deek out of earshot* YES, Deek would be VERY proud to hear that and certainly would take it as a compliment!! I put him away because, if he heard that, his ego would get too much for me to handle XD Yeah, I know! I thought it was neat:) Character-inspiration-through-photo writers unite!! XD That’s so neat!! I make character boards on Pinterest for nearly every character, so it helps to bring them to life more (as does those illustrations you made!! Gosh, I’m never going to stop screaming about those!!! BTW, I printed out more of them today and hung them on my official Fortitude bulletin board!! THEY LOOK AMAZING!!!!!!) And thank you so much!!! World-building is something that I need to improve on, but it makes me happy that you already love Aldova:) And ditto! I mean, if you gave me a portal to Birch Woods, I’d already have my bags packed and be ready to move in! Of course I’d have to ask for Mejia’s permission, because she might challenge me XD
Of course!! And YES I CANNOT WAIT!! I mean, it’s been so exciting for me to see TSW coming along so nicely!! That means it’s closer to it getting published, which means *gasps* IT’S CLOSER TO ME GETTING TO READ IT!! YAY!!! I’m going to seriously throw a party on the day it’s released!!! This has been the BEST FIRST NANOWRIMO EVER!! Awww, thank you!!! *infinite :D’s* I can’t wait to tell the entire WORLD that I did NaNo alongside a bestselling author!! That’s just such an honor that I’m able to meet somebody so famous!!!:) Aw, don’t ever worry about long posts!! I LOVE reading them!! Honestly? The longer the better!! And I hope you don’t mind—I have a tendency to write ridiculously long posts… like this one. Oops. Aww, I’m glad!!! I was going through my photos yesterday so I could just gaze in awe at those illustrations you did (I’ve done that about 100,567,000 times now, not kidding), and I knew I wanted to make one my profile pic:) I’ll probably just rotate among them every time I change profile pics!!:D
April 17, 2021 at 6:29 pm #98003Oh, that’s okay!!! I’m always super nervous to edit posts, because usually they vanish. I actually posted the above post twice because it disappeared, so I’m sorry if it duplicated!! 🙁 And that makes total sense:) Thank you!!:D Also, in response to your next post, THANK YOU!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 I’m going to try to work on them even more today and hopefully have them finished very soon!! I didn’t have any of Evie’s entries, so I’m having to write hers, but YES, I’d excited to share them!!! *gasps* YAY!! *flees to read them for the hundredth time* And that’s okay!! I completely understand busy schedules, so there’s no need to apologize!! *gasps yet again* I CANNOT WAIT!!! And *whispers* don’t worry, I won’t tell Mejia 😉
April 18, 2021 at 10:55 am #98030I think Anton would think that’s an excellent idea! He’s never had coffee before either, I believe he and Caira would get along really well:)
Are you kidding? That was just about the greatest/most hilarious excerpt I’ve ever read! There’s no way I could forget that one:) Haha, plus I’ve love those two’s dynamics, even in the beginning when they weren’t even friends yet and Deek propped his boot on a rock and said that made three of them running from the law. Deek’s lines are just so priceless XD ).Yep, 74k and no plot XD But THANK YOU so much!:D
You too? I think it’s probably one of those NaNoWriMo problems that I’ve read about. When a person gets so far in their novel so fast and they eventually use everything up without time to get more ideas. *Sigh* If it weren’t NaNoWriMo, I’d blame Writers Block, (although it’s most likely that as well). Oh well XD I’ve been going through a guided creative journal and it has some ideas/writing exercises such as describing how a character attained an object that they would rescue first in a fire, then describe an object they would do anything to get rid of, (I chose Mejia’s ring for both exercises). The thing that the journal said that I liked the best was what it said about memories: “your memory is your own creative landscape that belongs especially to you. It’s an endless seedbed of unique images, feelings, and scenarios that you may piece together and recreate through words – whenever and however you wish.” So I’ve been trying that way, but thank you! I have positive, absolute, complete faith in you and your novel too!!!:D We’ll get through the infamous Writers Block somehow XD Ooh, that is a great idea! In fact, I’m going to do that today and see if I can’t find anything that I can use for potential chapter material:) Aw, thank you:D And that advice is super helpful:)Thank you!! I’ll have to start posting my daily first and lasts lines soon!:) *Internally screams at the mention of the diary entries* You know, if you wanted, all new entries you write this month you could include in your word count if you wanted, (I checked the rules and it’s all legal by NaNoWriMo XD No seriously, that and writing characters dreams too I read is fine and oftentimes advised since it’s all connected to the central novel).
*GASPS!* I LOVE THAT!!! Wow, gosh, that is so amazingly mysterious! A letter specially sent to Caira from King Pirion????? I can feel the suspense heightening from here!! *Double gasps because that is so mysterious and I love it!* Guessing it wasn’t a neighborly ‘How Are You?’ card huh?I love the thought of Isla narrating and it’s so interesting to think about her POV and how she sees Caira and Newton, not knowing all they had gone through in the three books before she was there. Ooh, how old will Isla be when she narrates? *Sigh* that epilogue sounds AMAZING!!! You know though if you wanted you could write the epilogue even before you write the other books. Many authors recommend it because it gives a clear view of where the characters will be ending up and since that’s the resolution to everything, it can help in the writing process to know what happens in the end while plotting events and creating and such. I wish I had a clear ending for TSW in the actual novel since I don’t include their futures in it, but like I said, I have an incredibly hard time ending it XD But anyway, you don’t have to write the ending first, it’s just what I keep reading, but no author truly does things the exact same way:)
Aw, thank you:) Same here too, I am definitely including you in my dedication page:) I mean if it weren’t for your posts, TSW would be so much further behind than I’d care to think about, *shudders* XD No, I’m serious. *Grins* And I’ll be bragging the exact same thing!:)
*WHEW!!! x 100000* You’re welcome Deek. *Sigh* I don’t know what I ever would have done
if anything like that ever happened to Deek… plus it is so difficult for me to think of him as a fictional character. Every time I remind myself, Caira, Newton, and Deek are fictional, I pause because that seems so absurd that they aren’t actual people:)Okay, 1# it’s impossible to not want to cry after hearing about something as heartwrenching/heartbreaking as that, and 2# that
just aboutbroke my heart to even think about. I saw everything so clearly even if it was a rough draft. You know that proves that there is power in simple descriptions as well as the complex ones when used in the right way. I mean, I literally saw them being thrown in the prison, Caira trying to use her magic to open it, and Newton’s death? *Cries* That was the most heartbreaking of all the images. I saw him taking the sword, falling and hitting the ground, telling Caira how he loved her, and Caira’s expression as he went unconscious and her having to leave him………………… *I don’t even tear up like this in my own novel!* That is honestly the saddest thing ever!!! As in, however hard I try, I literally can’t even write how sad that is. I mean like the actual confession is the greatest thing ever, that is the saddest thing ever. *Literally breathes in relief* That is so sad it breaks my heart even if it didn’t happen, (thank goodness that it doesn’t).Poor Newton, he’s had quite a close call, (me too, because I would have been heartbroken over it for years). Yes, I’m pretty sure I’ve considered the same thing for almost all of my characters too at one point or another, Filip was going to die by taking a directly aimed arrow instead of in the shoulder, one of the Koni I’da by illness, Lila by sword, and Sonechka by a hunter. *Reconsiders possibilities* No, they’re all necessary. *Sigh* writers can be cruel sometimes… but you have my word nobody dies in the novel, (except Morio and the villain).
What?!?!?! Oh, okay, *whew!* For a second there, I thought I was going to have to kidnap Oria or something. Poor Oria, she just had a close call and didn’t even know it. Aw, she’s such an awesome owl, that would have been so heartbreaking:(Well, I suppose I can have mercy on them for a while, (tbh they are all safe as long as I have this Writers Block XD ) But even afterward, I’ll try and be fair… yeah, I don’t believe me either, but I’ll try:) Ikr? Not knowing whether characters are going to live or die always drives me insane… especially where Newton, Deek, and Caira are concerned, (although I’m still heartbroken about Alana, at least I know so hopefully it won’t be so horrible when I read it… nope, it’ll be horrible/heartwrenching no matter what).
XD I can so definitely picture Deek not changing much when he gets older XD I don’t know if this would ever happen or not, but I could just envision one of Caira’s daughters asking what Uncle Deek what like when he was younger. And Caira would look at Deek and say that he was pretty much exactly what he’s like now XD Sorry, I couldn’t help but think of that when you said Deek doesn’t really change:) But that’s good because Deek is so amazing, who could ever want him to change? Do Newton and Caira change a whole lot? Where would they live? What type of job would Newton have? Sorry, I got a sudden attack of curiosity there XD
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! That means a lot that you loved reading them so much:D 😀 😀 And yes! I have three cats, and they all make great writing companions:) Their names are Dusty, Mitzy and Mittens. Do you have cats? 🙂 If so, I’m dying to hear their names:D I don’t know why, but I love cat names… and animal names, names of places… and people… you know what? I think I just like names in general XD (I love cats and owls too, but I don’t think I could keep an owl… but if I could I would:)
What type of trouble does Lila have? Well, she often gets into trouble at Destal for trying to release birds and fawns in the market. Mejia is always on her for her habit of wandering and since she has a slightly selfish side when it comes to heeding warnings, she nearly gets Mejia killed and feels guilty often for that. Then she gets Mejia captured, (though Morio was behind that). She starts to sense warnings that something terrible would be happening towards to middle of the novel, she doubts herself because of her one leg and feels like an outcast, (which is another way she and Anton relate since they both have something stopping them from being able to do things). She gets thrown into a dungeon once or twice, considers running away and I’m seriously starting to suspect Artur is her brother.
…So yeah, not too many troubles I guess.That makes remarkably (I’m running out adjectives for how glad I am XD ) ecstatic that you love Mejia/Filip so much to write in all caps!! 😀 😀 😀 I won’t tell Mejia though because I think she’ll be better off finding out about it when the time comes. But it makes me so happy to hear that you think they are so fangirl-worthy!!! 😀 And I’m extremely appreciative of you replying on it because it always makes me incredibly happy to hear that you like them so much:D It was extremely heartbreaking for Mejia for a long time, (and for Filip, because he was left in the dark for three years, never hearing word of Mejia or whether she was even alive or not). But their reunion semi made up for all I put them through during the war. (Do you want to hear about it? If not, I can’t really help writing out their futures, so if you’d prefer skipping it, it ends at the end of this paragraph), They were both in incredible shock when they finally reached each other, and after a time when Mejia pulled back from the embrace, gripping both his arms, Filip smiled and asked her if she was crying. But Mejia batted his hand away as he tried to wipe the tears off her face and said of course she wasn’t. Then her eyes broke out in tears all over again and honestly I don’t know when or how the reunion finally ended. But it did, otherwise, they wouldn’t have gone to Lila’s wedding.
Yep, Mejia and Daniil’s introduction was hilarious, (well, not for Daniil). And Anton does turn out to be a great father to Mitka:)
Do Mejia and Filip get married….. Do Mejia and Filip get married? Do Mejia and Filip- you know what? At first, I thought they wouldn’t, (but though I haven’t laid any stones), it wouldn’t make the world of sense if they didn’t get married. So yeah, I’m pretty positive they do:) The proposal, (like almost every other thing with those two) went askew and not as planned at all, but *shrugs* I guess that’s just how it’s always going to be with them, so I’m not surprised.Oh my goodness, that is just beautiful. I mean AHHH! Seriously? That is so amazing!!! I LOVE the dynamics going on with them. I love how Caira is willing to take such a huge risk for Alana and how Newton doesn’t want Caira to take the risk without him and that he says he’d worry about her, (aw, Newton, I don’t even care how redundant this gets but you are the absolute greatest:) And I still can’t get over the idea of a heart-to-heart on a mountainside:) I can see them both making their slow but sure progress upwards and them talking as if it were standing beside a fence overlooking a sunset XD I just love that:) And I also love what Caira says to sidetrack Newton’s compliments, those two are just incredible:) And adorable and amazing and *reads through the thesaurus for synonyms related to their awesomeness*
I love using infinite i’s as well:) Luckily just inserting “infinite i’s” works because once when I was responding to your chapters I tried inserting the correct amount of :D’s into the post but the forum wouldn’t take them all. So I had to cut out three quarters of them, *sigh* But in any case, yes, that’s where saying “infinite” is a helpful alternative:)
That’s so sweet how Newton then focuses on the positive outcome of his stutter:) I guess with that result, he wouldn’t want to not have a stutter then. Awwwww, he cries in front of Caira? *This is the reason internal screaming was invented!* Which conversation was this? Newton’s vulnerable moments sound amazing. Adorable. I just love him more all the time! (Sorry Newton, but it’s pure truth).
Writing from Deek’s POV? What a scary thought! XD But amazing just the same:)
*Gasps* You’re doing Lila next?!?!?!? *screams* 😀 😀 😀 I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE HER!!! Wow, I mean, wow, you have no idea how excited I am!!! Aw, *puts hand on heart* you’ll probably never know how much that means to hear you say!:) Thank you:D
And of course, thank you for drawing them, I mean I love them so much and am so honored that you’d want to draw them!!!Haha, I figured Deek would take that as a compliment:) Don’t worry though, I won’t tell him, (but seriously the thought of him getting too much to handle is strangely an incredibly cute thought:)
YES! I saw your Pinterest boards since you pinned them on your NaNoWriMo novel cover above the summary:) And were they amazing? THEY WERE SENSATIONAL!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVED THEM!!!!!! I loved seeing further into these characters just by their inspiration. I mean seeing Deek’s evident internal struggles and all their doubts, interests, and strengths, some I knew, some I didn’t. It was all amazing. I adored all of Deek’s sarcasm, (he and Mejia would get along really well), and Caira’s imagery photos were so beautiful, and Newton’s… his warmed my heart and made me want to cry at the same time. I loved the one that said that “I may stutter, but what I have to say is worth the wait.” Aw, that was just so amazing, so adorable, so Newton:)
But strangely, when I tried pushing the Pinterest button, later on, it said there were no Pinterest boards created:( I didn’t know whether it was a system glitch or not, but in any case, THOSE INSPIRATION BOARDS ARE THE BEST THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀XD 🙂 Someday, I’ll definitely have to show you the portal to Birch Woods, (it’s a good thing that you like winter settings because there is no place more winter than it is there XD ). And I will have a talk with Mejia and explain things to her, so she shouldn’t give you any trouble. Will she challenge you? Well, that’s kind of a habit/hobby of her’s but I’ll talk to her about that too XD 🙂
I mean this is one of the most serious dittos ever when I say ditto that I am going to throw a party when Fortitude is released. No, I’m going to make a holiday out of it, (I seriously plan on doing that:) Aw, thank you so much, your posts are literally the best inspiration/motivation/encouragement ever!! Someday when we’re both published, it will be so amazing to look back at the first NaNoWriMo we collaborated our novels on:D Won’t that be fun to talk about during interviews? 😀
That makes me sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *infinite o’s because the forum won’t take the amount I want to insert* happy to hear that you love the illustrations so much!!!:DApril 19, 2021 at 7:02 am #98083Aww, I think so too!!:) Caira would adore a trip to Birch Woods, and to share a cup of coffee with Anton? She’d be over the moon!:) Thank you SO MUCH!! I’m so happy you liked it!! I thought it fit their dynamics very well. Aw, thank you!!! Gosh, Deek’s character is so hard to write (mostly), so it means the world that you’ve enjoyed reading his lines!!!! *wipes perspiration from forehead*
Aw, girl, don’t worry about that!! Just remember: plot isn’t the most important thing in a story—characters are, and I already KNOW I ADORE your cast of characters!! Trust me, the ideas will come and everything will fit together. I have complete faith in you!! 😉 *sighs* NaNo can be tough, but I know that we can both push through it together:) And that’s a great exercise idea!! I may do that with my characters… hmm… and that’s so interesting that you chose Mejia’s ring!! What does it look like? I positively adore that quote, and thank you!! I know we’ll get through it, and by the time May comes, we’ll have finished novels!!:D I’m so happy my advice was helpful! I hope it benefits you and your writing! If I can think of any more tips, I’ll let you know 🙂 Oooh, YAY!!! I can’t wait to see them!!!
Oh, that’s true!! I’ve included the diary entries that I’m going to include in this book (I’ve already written the diary entry where Newton describes the confession, but didn’t include that for NaNo since that’s for Book Two). Thanks for telling me that, though!!:D (Side note: I’ve been making a lot of ground-breaking progress with the diary entries and hope to post them VERY VERY VERY soon!!! I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long, but I’ve had to write new ones and edit a lot of them, so I hope you don’t mind!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! And yes, very mysterious XD Nope, it certainly wasn’t a friendly card. It was more of a… threat, you could say. Just another hint that the villains are getting nearer.I’m so happy you like that line!!:D 😀 😀 😀 Awwww, THANK YOU!! I thought it would be quite interesting to have her narrate the epilogue, or who knows? Maybe all of them will take turns. *shrugs* Hmm, Isla would probably be around 13-14 when she narrates, so that it’s similar to Caira’s age in the original books. I may have a scene where Caira is helping Isla with her powers (which I still haven’t decided on yet…). AWW, YAY!! I’m so happy you like the idea of the epilogue, because honestly I was hoping the characters would be likable enough by that time so that the epilogue wouldn’t seem boring.
*gasps a thousand times* SERIOUSLY? Now I’m definitely going to write the epilogue sooner than expected!!:D 😀 😀 😀 😀 Thanks for telling me that! It makes definite sense, everything you said!:D Aw, I’m sure the ending will come to you!! 🙂 And I’ll totally give it a try!:) *flees to empty doc to begin writing the epilogue*
Awwwww, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I mean, that’s so sweet that you’d include me in your dedication page!! I feel so honored!!:D And I’m very happy that I’ve helped you in your writing!! *grins* I’m always here if you need a bit of encouragement or just a friend to talk to:) Aw, thank you!!!:) Haha, you have my honest word that Deek is in good hands… for now. *gasps* That makes me SO HAPPY to hear, you have no idea!! To think that someone loves my characters so much… it really warms my heart to know that:)
Awww, OH MY GOODNESS THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!! I mean, I grinned about a mile long when I read that!! I mean, to know that it was so heartbreaking and that you could envision the scene is just such a compliment and made me smile so big!! It was going to be very tragic to write, and that would’ve broken Caira’s heart (and mine), so I decided to keep Newton alive. The prison scene will still exist, but both of them escape together. I’m just SO HAPPY YOU LIKE THAT SCENE!!! And you teared up? Oh my goodness!!! THANK YOU!!!:D 😀 😀
Wait. One. Second. *collects self* *deep breaths* FILIP WAS GOING TO DIE?!?!?!?!?!?! WHAT?!?!? AND THEN LILA AND SONECHKA?!?!?! *falls on knees* NOOOO, that’s so terribly heartbreaking to think about!! I mean, that entire paragraph was just heart-wrenching, and the thought of either of them dying is just… *sighs* that’s honestly just THE SADDEST THING EVER!!! *tries to calm down* Thank you for giving me your word, because otherwise I would have taken them hostage to protect them and refused to give them back. While I still haven’t gotten over suffering Morio’s death *sniffles* it’s better to know that nobody else—Wait. ARTUR DIES?!?! How? What does his death scene look like? Oh my goodness, I’m so curious!!! And haha, I was half teasing about Oria. Caira would have her heart broken if she lost her owl friend, so you have my word that Oria is in good hands:) I also thought about possibly killing Ruko (Newton’s raven), but I decided that Newton needed his companion, and it makes it sweet that both he and Caira have birds:)
Yeah, it’s heartbreaking every time you decide to kill a character, because suddenly you get even closer to that character and begin to question whether or not you should kill them or let them have a happy ending. Aww, thank you!! Yes, Alana’s death is heartbreaking, but I think it fits her character to sacrifice herself for a greater good. Her death isn’t until the third book, so if that helps. I’m just so happy you feel so connected to her to feel so heartbroken!!!!! I haven’t outlined her death in detail, but I’m beginning to think she might sacrifice herself for Deek. Deek is extremely heartbroken and isolates himself for a little while after Alana dies.
Yup XD Deek is just Deek. He doesn’t change one bit, except for getting even more goofy when he becomes an uncle. And *gasps* YES, THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT WOULD HAPPEN XD Aww, THANK YOU!!!! Deek would be over the moon if he knew you called him ‘amazing’. I’ll have to inform him on my next trip to Aldova:) Hmm, I don’t think Newton and Caira change very much, either, with the exception of their character arcs being completed. Of course Caira has learned many important lessons that change her life, but overall, she and Newton are the same. Newton and Caira end up living in Nordan, because Caira is very family-oriented and claimed she didn’t want to be separated from the professors or Deek, so she and Newton live very close to them. Hmm… that’s a good question, and one I’ve thought about for a while. I’m debating the idea of, after the books are completed and magic has returned to the kingdom (sorry for the spoilers…), Caira ends up opening her very own magic camp/school. Perhaps Newton might be a teacher there? Or, another potential career for him would be a therapist of some sort, such as a speech therapist. Or, honestly, anything that involves helping people with speech impediments. That’s still something I’m trying to set in stone for sure, though.
No, don’t apologize!! I LOVE questions!!:D 😀 😀 😀 Of course!! *gasps* Aww, I adore those names!! I have two indoor cats named Cally and Jasper. Oh, me too!! I love names:) And *sighs* unfortunately, I don’t think you can. We just had an owl in our backyard for two days, but then he left :((( But we can still write about owls!!:) Oooh, that’s so interesting!! How does she almost get Mejia killed?! *shudders* AND SHE GETS HER CAPTURED? HOW? Is it because of Artur? Aw, that’s so sad she feels like an outcast!! That probably strengthens her relationship with Anton, though, because they both have things that hinder them. *gasps again* WAIT. ARTUR IS LILA’S BROTHER?!?!?!?! WHAT?!?! *mouth drops* Oh my goodness, is he really? That’s SO interesting!!!:D 😀 😀 Please tell me more about it!!!!!!!!
Oh, of course I do!! (I say ‘of course’ a lot, huh?) I don’t ever write in all-caps this much!!:D 😀 😀 Awww, it’s no problem!! I just LOVE them SO much!!:D Yes, that’s just… *deeply sighs* heartbreaking to think about, and I can’t even think about neither Mejia or Filip knowing if the other was alive or not. THAT’S SO HEARTBREAKING!! *grins* YES, YES, YES, OF COURSE I’D WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT!! Aww, that reunion sounds so heartwarming and adorable at the same time!! I love how Mejia is truly expressing her feelings in front of Filip—it really shows a special side of her. That’s just so sweet!! I mean, the reunion, Mejia starts crying, Filip wipes the tears from her face, they finally get reunited… Awww, that’s just the sweetest thing EVER!!!!!! I can barely write because of how positively adorable that is!!!!! I would honestly cry if I read that, and I’m not so sure I can’t cry just thinking about it!!! And *tries the hardest ever not to start fangirling* *gasps one hundred thousand million times* OH MY GOODNESS, YAY THEY GET MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!*infinite !’s* You’ll have to excuse me, but I just LOVE it when characters get married because it’s so adorable and eeeeek, I’m just ECSTATIC about that!!! What would their wedding be like, I wonder…? Oh my goodness, that’s the sweetest thought EVER!!!!!! What would Filip’s proposal look like? Gosh, I love proposals and weddings and that’s so ADORABLE!!!!!!:)
Aww, thank you!!! I’m just over the moon that you love their dynamics!!! And yes, Caira can be very fearless when someone she cares about is in harm, and Newton usually ends up worrying about her and wanting to protect her. Aww, TAHNK YOU!!! Yes, that’s exactly how it goes!!! XD Caira can get frustrated with him at times, poor Newton. I’m just so glad you think they’re adorable!!! Oh my goodness, that’s such an amazing compliment!!!:D 😀 😀 😀 Haha, yes, I use *infinite !’s* a lot, and that makes me so happy to hear you wanted to use them for my chapters!:D Thank you! And yes, he learns how to focus on the positive side of things and not be so pessimistic anymore. Yes, he does!!!! Actually, Newton cries many times, only when he’s alone or privately with Caira, though. He cries when he starts talking about his stutter as well as the hardships of his past. But he especially cries when he tells her he feels guilty for betraying her, and he feels like he doesn’t deserve to have his relationship with her. He breaks down in tears when he apologizes for betraying her and being such a terrible person, but Caira hugs him and tells him that she forgives him. Oh, and he also cries after Caira rejects him during the proposal, though he’s alone at that point. Thank you so very much!!!:D And yes, a very scary thought XD Aww, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Unfortunately, I think my family is going to be taking a long trip this week, but I’ll try hard to get some more illustrating in beforehand:) Aw, of course!!! I’m so honored to be illustrating them!!!:D
He would 100% take it as a compliment:) Aww, thank you!! *puts Deek out of earshot* He can be cute at times:)
*gulps* Awww, THANK YOU!!! Heh, I forgot I posted that link. Gosh, it’s been forever since I’ve edited those boards so they probably were very messy and not too precise anymore, but still, that means SO MUCH that you liked them!!!!!!!!!!:D 😀 😀 😀 😀 Haha, I put a lot of sarcasm into Deek’s because that fits him so well (oooh, that would be awesome if he and Mejia ever met! Especially since they have swords:) and for Caira’s, I tried to choose softer colors. Aww, thank you!!!! I’M SO HAPPY YOU LOVED THEM!!!!!!!! Huh… oh, that probably wasn’t a glitch, because I ended up making them private but then re-opening them later. THANK YOU A HUNDRED THOUSAND TIMES OVER FOR SAYING THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
*gasps* YAY!! *packs bags, grabs cloak, snatches sword* I’m all ready to go, if you’ll show me the portal!:D Haha, thank you, because honestly I would be terrified if Mejia challenged me XD I would have to tell her that I’m a friend of yours, but I’m still not sure that would sway her mind XD
Awww, THANK YOU AND YAY!!!!!!!!!! *gasps* WHAT IF WE PUBLISH OUR BOOKS ON THE SAME DAY? Wouldn’t that be amazing? Of course, you don’t have to thank me ever!!:D I’m so happy to be of help!! And YES, THAT WILL BE SO INCREDIBLE!! I’m ecstatic to think about that!!:D Awww, GIRL YOU WILL NEVER KNOW HOW MUCH YOUR ILLUSTRATIONS TOUCHED MY HEART and MEANT TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m seriously over the moon that somebody actually wanted to illustrate my characters, and you did an INCREDIBLE and SUPER ACCURATE JOB!!!!!!!! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve clicked on my photos just so that I can stare at them!!!!!!!!:D 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 By the way, I just really appreciate all of your posts on here and all of your encouragement. Even though I say it a thousand times, you’ll never know how much your positive words have helped me when I’ve felt like giving up on my story:) You’re honestly such an amazing and awesome friend, Abigail:)
April 19, 2021 at 8:53 am #98087Ah, so I realized a flaw in my above post. I got my words mixed up when I said ‘proposal’ rather than ‘confession’. I was probably still thinking about the whole Mejia/Filip thing and just typed the wrong word. Sorry about that!:D
April 19, 2021 at 10:21 pm #98172I FINISHED THE DIARY ENTRIES!!! Sorry it took me so terribly long. I had to write new ones and format them and it ended up taking a lot longer than I expected! Anyways, no promises on how good or well-written they are (no high hopes), but this is what I have for now. Also, it’s quite long BECAUSE I went ahead and included some diary entries from Book Two and Book Three so that it might be more interesting:) So that’s why it’s so long. And I’m sorry if it seems confusing or out of order!! *I’m just rambling now, sorry* I tried posting the link here, but it didn’t work, so would you mind if I posted it on the Google hangout chat? I’ll just try it there:D
April 20, 2021 at 11:15 am #98187I can see where Deek would be a difficult character to write, (but at the same time, he has got to be one of the most awesome to write too:) Oh yes, the one he where he said he could spark a little more fire into things XD Once I read that line, I was practically saying aloud how awesome Deek is. I actually did a brief ink sketch inspired by that line, buuut it turned out kinda messy XD I have a long ways to go yet when it comes to freestyling with ink pens. 🙂 By the way, I don’t think I ever asked, how did you become inspired to create Deek?:) *Grins* I actually can just envision him in the background saying that he’s so awesome, how could he not have been created? XD I agree 100% 🙂
Ooh, yes! Totally with you on that, characters are always 1# in a story:D Then plot:) And thanks to your amazing encouragement and a wild idea I had, I was able to catch up on the days I fell behind:) (I’m telling you, I don’t know what I’m going to do about my NaNo writing tradition of mine XD ). But your word count is spectacular! I can hardly believe that in eleven days we’ll both have written a whole novel!! Hard for me to believe even though I’ve done it before:) Thank you! I have complete faith in you as well, *pumps fist* I’d say we can do it, but I can’t say that because we already are doing it:)
Mejia’s ring? It’s mostly just a worn copper band, extremely primitive, and has her name engraved on it. It’s been stuck on her finger since she can remember and she has given up on ever getting it off, which is halfway helpful because it’s her most loved possession… while at the same time being her most despised possession. But in any case, that’s mostly what it looks like:)
Thank you! And yes, it has definitely immensely helpful to my writing:D
*Internally screams* *screams* *screams again*
YOU”VE WRITTEN A DIARY ENTRY WHERE NEWTON DESCRIBES THE CONFESSION!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? (I feel like writing that again because I can still hardly grasp the awesomeness level here:) *Gasps* *I couldn’t gasp before because I was just way too excited, so it had to catch up* Oh my word, that sounds so incredible, you have no idea how incredible that sounds!!! *Double, triple, and even quadruple GASPS* THAT SOUNDS LIKE THE MOST AMAZING THING EVERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Emphasis on the ‘ever’ 😀 Actually, wait, emphasis on everything!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 * Wow, I mean, gosh, wow, *sighs, gasps, and everything in between!* Have I said ‘wow’ yet? That has got to be the most remarkably spectacular thing in the universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
That makes me ecstatic to hear that you’ve been making groundbreaking progress on the entries. I mean I am ecstatic twice:) Once for you because that is so amazing and *applause* because groundbreaking progress is always such an awesome feeling and great achievement!!! 😀 😀 😀 And once for me, because *screams again despite myself* I CAN NOT WAIT TO READ THEM!!!
(Btw, even if the entry is for book two, you could include it in your word count if you wanted as long as the material itself was written this month:) But you don’t have to either if you don’t want to. Just saying:)
Wow, every time I hear about the epilogue, it just gets better and better all the time:) I mean all of that just sounds so awesome and I think that’s perfect how Isla would be about Caira’s age and Caira helping her with her powers? Aw, that sounds like such a sweet scene! What kind of power does Isla have? 🙂
Awesome! Yes, everyone recommends that:) And I have done it for shorter pieces and it definitely helps to know where the story’s going 🙂 Yeah, every time I write, the ending is always different, (I could fill a doc with all the endings XD ), but none of them seem right yet. But thank you for your encouragement, I’ll figure it out somehow:)After all, a dedication page is for people who helped the author so YES! How could I not include you in the dedication page? Aw, thank you! And ditto x 100000:) 😀
Artur? How he dies is still kind of up for debate because when he did in the first draft, it was mostly the result of me trying to finish my fifty thousand word count and the ending was more farfetched than anything. It was in a climactic battle in the last chapter, between him and Mejia on a mountaintop. A series of things happened then before he trips over the object that demanded Mejia to bring and fell over the edge of the cliff… but the how is liable to change in this draft. *Shrugs* who knows?:)
Yeah, I kind of thought you were partly kidding about Oria XD But I can never be too careful. *Whew* aw poor Ruko, (I always loved that name for Newton’s raven) he doesn’t even know the close call that he’s had! I never thought I could meet a character that I liked so much that was a raven, but Ruko has got to be the best raven ever!:)So true, so true… that’s probably one of the main reasons Anton and Filip are going to live, I just got way too attached to them *sheepish grin* I guess I just couldn’t do it, and plus they were too vital to the story. I love Morio too, but sadly the way he is most important to the plot is to have the arc that he has now… sorry Morio. I do feel kind of bad about it, but if it wasn’t him, I’d need one of the others to take his role.
While I’m probably going to be heartbroken about Alana for a looong time, I agree that I think that fits her character to sacrifice herself for someone else, *cries* that so heroic and so heartwrenching at the same time! Wait, what?? She sacrifices herself for Deek?! How??!?!? Oh my goodness, I think that a great idea from a writer’s viewpoint:D From the reader’s viewpoint? *Sobs* POOR ALANA!!! And poor Deek also, I mean that must be so hard for him. And he isolates himself because of it? Aw Deek, where are you because you seriously are going to need a hug whether you like it not. Poor, poor Deek:'(I love how he doesn’t change much when he gets older and being goofier as an uncle:) That’s such an adorable thought! Aw, Deek, of course, you’re amazing:) Oh good! On your next trip to Aldova, say Hi to them all for me too 😀
Ooh, so Deek is going to live in Nordan too? You know when I think of Nordan, I remember that one weekly topic reply a while back about what eating a meal with one of our characters would look like, and whenever I think about Nordan, I just remember the imagery from that cafe:) Deek is always just hilarious and awesome. Plus I LOVE the idea of them all living in Nordan in the end:) Ooh, those job ideas for Newton and Caira sound so interesting/amazing:DAww, I LOVE the names, Cally and Jasper, those are such perfect names for cats!!:D
Yeah, sadly I doubt I can either, but that so awesome that you had one in your backyard! We get them ever so often, but yes! We can still write about them! 😀 Three cheers for the power of the pen!! XD 😀Lila nearly gets Mejia killed by wandering against Mejia’s warning into one of the most dangerous places in Birch Woods. Mejia has to go in after her to get her out but gets trapped herself in a deadly cavern. Lila had to find Morio to help Mejia, but Mejia eventually found an alternative way out and with Morio’s help, she was able to get out alive. But Lila always felt guilty for it.
Yep, it was because of Artur. As a matter of fact, here is an excerpt from the first draft of that scene, where Lila hadn’t been wandering and was captured by Artur:‘Why did she not just listen to me and stay at the fort?’ Mejia wondered to herself, shaking her head as she stepped out into the open.
“Let her go, Artur,” Mejia said, ready to fight.
Artur held his blade up to Lila, “Ah, Mejia. I heard that you have attained a disadvantage, how pitiful. But I am afraid I can not do that. You understand, it is not this girl that I am after,” he said, though twisted up in his words, Mejia heard plainly what he wanted.
Although I am not 100% sure whether he is or not, I’m getting highly suspicious. And if he does turn out to be Lila’s brother, that’s going to make for some impossible conflict because Artur would have had Mejia take her in for two reasons. To distract Mejia and to keep his sister close so he could take her in as soon as he completed his quest since he’d always have a soft place for his sister. But for Lila, she never knew Artur and is now loyal to Mejia’s side. And then she would be put in a terrible position because she’d be torn between her brother and the one she aspires to be like for who they are. I think she would help him escape once, telling him that she was doing it only once because he was her brother but would at some point tell him that she’d never leave Mejia and if he fought Mejia, he fought her. So, lots of conflict if I go through with that. I may need another villain entirely at some point XD
Haha, that’s alright, I say ‘of course’ a lot too XD But it’s a good phrase:)
Yeah, Mejia rarely shows her true feelings in front of people… unless it’s sarcasm of some kind XD THANK YOU!! I’m so glad you like their reunion scene!! 😀 😀 YES! Well, actually, I better not mention it to Mejia, but YES! Ikr? When I heard about Caira and Newton’s proposal and then that got married, I was practically screaming YEESSSS!!!!! Then I was thinking about how I so knew it was bound to happen, (no matter what Caira thought in chapter five;)
Tbh, I am not even sure how the wedding would go either than Mejia would flat out refuse a dress of any kind, (the only time she ever wore a dress in all her life, was in that one dance scene, but only because of all the lives depending on her quest and she had to remain inconspicuous), so yeah, no dress XD Filip would be completely flexible about the arrangements since all he’d care about was Mejia and the ceremony itself would be in Birch Woods. As for the proposal.. that was fun to think up. I’m pretty sure it happened like this: it was night, Mejia and Filip were on one of their expeditions in the eastern territory and were climbing an enormous pine tree below a ridge. Mejia had climbed far out on one of the limbs to reach a satchel that had been dropped while on the ridge earlier that day. Filip had stayed near the trunk and was anything but confident. He asked her if everything was in the satchel as she started walking back, she said yes, he then asked if she thought it would snow that night and she said yes. Then he asked her if she would marry him and Mejia, not paying attention to him as much as trying not to fall off the branch was now a foot from him and began to say yes when she realized what the question was. She lost her footing, tripped over Filip and they both took a twenty-foot fall out of the tree and into a snowdrift. Mejia halfway emerged from the snow, clutching her now sprained wrist and asks Filip what he just said. Filip shakes the snow out of his hair and says he knew he should have waited until they were out of the tree. He got up and walked over to sit by Mejia and asks her again if she’d marry him. She tells him sarcastically that he certainly did that properly, but grins at how unique a proposal it was anyway and asks him if it’s going to snow tonight. Cue the snow starting to fall. XDSo that’s how the proposal went anyhow:)
Aw, I love that how Caira wants to protect those she loves and Newton worries about her:) That is so adorable!!! And it is amazing and adorable at the same time how Caira changes his viewpoint and how he later looks at the positive side of his stutter because of her… *internally screams purely because of that* I love your characters’ arcs so much and how they change and how their views change, AH! It is just so incredible:D
And *screams* *melts* *cries* OH MY GOODNESS!! That is such an amazing/sad/adorable thing I don’t even know how to say that correctly, how much I fangirl about that. I mean, first of all, it shows so much depth and layers to Newton, and 2# *checks dictionary* Just as I suspected. There’s a picture of that right next to the word ‘fangirl-worthy’ 😀 (Of course this is a future dictionary since Fortitude hasn’t been published yet, but it’s there!! 😀 😀 I love it so much how he cries alone or privately with Caira and cries for betraying her and is so sorry for doing it and then when you said Caira hugs him and forgives him? Gosh, I hardly knew what to do but re-read that, I was positively fangirling so much about it. Thank is the most adorable thing ever and I can picture the scene where she forgives him so clearly and seeing Newton cry, I just want to hug him too, after Deek.
Hey, that sounds awesome that you’ll be taking a trip!:) Safe travels and wishes for a good trip in advance:D And no worries about that, I mean it is seriously a pure honor that you are illustrating them for me, so take your time:) I am just extremely ecstatic to see them when you do finish 😀 😀 As in, I am literally on the edge of my seat to see them!!!!!:) 😀 Okay, okay, I am being patient (barely XD ).Oh I didn’t think they were messy at all, I mean I enjoyed looking through them so much, it literally inspired me to do something similar since I’m not signed up with Pinterest. I decided to take one of my large blank sketchbooks and make character boards on the pages:) I might sculpt flat-shaped figurines for the cover and use a strip of leather for the bookmark for aesthetic. Oh yes, the sarcasm quotes fit Deek so perfectly that I could’ve sworn he was the one who said them XD Plus I love the color schemes you chose for all of your characters and settings, they are just breathtaking:D *Sigh* Those were incredible! And Pirion’s was so awesome/heartbreaking and the writing aesthetic board… they are all fabulous!!! 😀 😀 😀
So since I haven’t done a ton of writing today, I decided to share yesterday’s first and last quotes:)
The two generals stood almost impatiently as they waited and finally, when he reached them, Zoltapuis did not wait for either of them to ask what in the world he had in his hands.
That one probably doesn’t make any sense, because it was from a mythical story being told in that scene. And last:
And if she even once mentioned it, Artur would be in even less of a rush to have his say.
How about your first and last lines? Ooh, what is your absolute favorite scene that you’ve written so far this NaNoWriMo?:)
Haha, yeah saying your a friend of mine might not help, (especially seeing as how the plot is going for her right now XD ), but I’ll see to it that she understands that she won’t have to challenge you, (I mean I could always threaten to show Filip her journal XD Yeah, that would be cruel, but I think she would see things my way if I told her that). 🙂 XD
*Double gasps* THAT WOULD BE INCREDIBLY AMAZINGLY AMAZING!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 I mean, I have no idea what publishers’ ideas of schedules are, but BUT YES!!! THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!
Aw, that makes me so happy to hear that you loved them so much, honestly, I don’t know what I would have done if I couldn’t have illustrated them. Because when illustrating or any other art form for that matter, it makes it a huge pleasure when making it inspired by something I am genuinely excited about or the I love 100% and so, honestly, you have no idea what a pleasure you’re trio made illustrating for me:) I mean, I seriously was stuck on my illustrations, and then when I started drawing them, wow, I have never had that much fun illustrating that I can even remember:D
And yes, even though I probably say this like.. how many times have I already said this? Ten? Twenty? I have no idea XD But ditto, you’ll never know either what a ginormous encouragement you have been to me and TSW!!! 😀 😀 😀 You too have been an incredibly amazing friend!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀And, *gulps, gasps, screams* YOU POSTED THE JOURNAL ENTRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I WAS WHEN YOU POSTED IT!!!!!!! I THOUGHT I WAS PROBABLY JUST DREAMING OR SOMETHING BUT WHEN I CLICKED ON IT….. IT WAS TRUE!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!! YES, I AM WRITING IN ALL CAPS THAT GRAMMATICALLY DOESN”T NEED ALL CAPS, BUT GRAMMARIANS HAVE NO IDEA THAT THIS MOST DEFINITELY NEEDS ALL CAPS!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I AM!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT WAIT TO READ THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
April 20, 2021 at 10:14 pm #98243Aww, thank you very much!! While Deek is difficult to write, he’s amusing at the same time, and I’m so happy you like him so much!!:D Haha, that line just hit me while writing and I knew it fit his character very well, so I just had to include it!! And *gasps* OH MY GOODNESS, REALLY? Aww, I’m sure it didn’t!! That just means SO MUCH to me that you’d do that!! Thank you!! (And Deek is very honored, too!!) Hmm, I’m not sure I’ve ever tried my hand at ink pens… it sounds fun!:D
*grins* Good question. Before I started writing Fortitude, I had written/outlined a huge suspense novel, and one of the main characters was named Gabriel, who was essentially Deek with a different name. I ended up scrapping that novel but still loved Gabriel’s character, so I just fit him into this story and gave him a new name. I’m not sure where the original idea came from, though!! Honestly, a lot of my cast come from that old suspense novel. The main character, Luke, ended up becoming Newton, the second main character, Laura, became Caira, and the fourth main character, Lilliana, ended up becoming Alana. Huh. I just now realized how much I copied from that old book XD Sorry for the rambling!! I can get carried away:)
*claps* That’s GREAT news!! *puts hand on heart* I’m so happy I helped you!! Oooh, a wild idea? Care to share?:D Haha, that’s fine!! I’m falling behind an entire day, so I have some catching up to do *stretches fingers* *brews coffee for motivation* Thank you!! I KNOW, right? And then… I’ll be a real author! *gasps* I’m just so proud of you for finishing your first draft, and I’m double proud of you for concluding your rewritten draft!! That’s just spectacular!! Thank you so much!! <3333 Oooh, Mejia’s ring sounds very interesting, and I adore that design! Wow, what an interesting idea to have it permanently on her finger!! Where did it come from? Why does she love it/hate it? Gosh, I’m sorry, but I’m so curious! 😀 😀 😀 *grins* YES, I DID!!!!!!!! I was smiling a thousand miles long when I read this!!!! Awww, YAY I’M SO HAPPY YOU LIKE THAT IDEA!!!!! It’s a long diary entry, so I hope you won’t mind, but I thought it would be adorable to add it into his diary entries for now:) THANK YOU SO MUCH ONE THOUSAND TIMES OVER!!!! <333333 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 I’m so happy we’re swapping diary entries!!! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!!! Though I’m not sure how good mine are in comparison to those diary entries from TSW!!!:)
Thank you!!! I CAN’T WAIT for you to read them, though don’t have high hopes because many of them I hadn’t written yet, so they’re new and slightly unpolished. But YES, I’m so impatient to hear your thoughts!!! And thank you for that next bit!! That’s a huge reason why I’ve been falling behind on my NaNo count, so I may include a little bit so that I can catch up. And yes, I wrote most of them during this month, so I suppose that would count!!:D Aww, thank you!!! I’m hoping the epilogue will be written up to expectation… I want to put a lot of thought into it and properly close the trilogy, so that’s going to take some work. Thank you!!! Hmm… that’s a good question. In Aldova, what type of magic a person has is purely influenced by their personality and talents. Isla shares many of her mother’s gentle character traits, so she would probably be a Light Wielder or perhaps have an elemental power, such as being a Water Wielder. I still haven’t decided, but something along those lines:) Yes, I’ll definitely try it!! Thank you!!:)
Aww, THANK YOU!!:) To think that somebody would want to put my name on a dedication page just makes me so happy and want to cry!! I know that I couldn’t possibly have written this like I have without your help, and all of your questions have helped me further figure out plot points and more about my characters, too!!:D Oooh, THAT IS SO INTERESTING!!! I mean, while yes, Artur is a villain, on the other hand, THINKING ABOUT HIS DEATH IS SO HEARTBREAKING!! *sniffles* Character deaths are just so heart-wrenching, are they not? And I don’t think that sounds far-fetched! That sounds very tense, actually!:O Haha, thank you so much!:) Newton secretly loves birds, and he’s bonded with his raven friend over the course of his travels. Even though Ruko and Oria don’t get along in the beginning, they begin to become ‘friends’ as Newton and Caira get closer. So it’s like a hate-to-love for Newton/Caira as well as Ruko/Oria, I suppose:)
*sighs* Thank goodness they’re in safe hands! If either of them died, I’m honestly not sure what I would do. I would probably just cry all the time thinking about it!!! And *sniffles* I suppose I can understand Morio’s death, though it still breaks my heart. But I think it adds to his character, honestly, and this may sound odd, but it makes me like him even more!! Aww, thank you!! I’m still trying to discourage myself from the idea, but I think it fits her character to sacrifice herself. And yup, she does!! Alana and Deek actually develop a deep bond after Alana’s grandmother dies, because Deek comforts her and they begin a friendship. So I thought it would be adorable yet heart-wrenching if Alana sacrificed herself for him. Well, I still haven’t outlined it entirely, though I’m thinking that it happens on a huge, snowy mountain at nightfall—the name of the mountain is Mount Eclypsia, one of the highest and most jagged mountains in all of Aldova. It involves Primrose (the princess of Aldova/the main antagonist) possibly taking Deek hostage to blackmail Caira into giving her a special item that she believes Caira stole wrongfully. This is a very tense scene, and, in the end (again, the details are foggy, so forgive me), Alana ends up giving her life for Deek to be freed. Caira and her crew have to leave the mountain without Alana, and it’s quite heartbreaking. I still haven’t fully planned/outlined how it’s going to happen, but I know the location/characters involved, at least. It’s heartbreaking for Deek, and yes, he isolates himself out of immense guilt and sorrow for Alana’s death. I’m still trying to decide if there were slight romantic feelings between Deek and Alana, so that would be one reason why he was so devastated to lose her. Deek and Alana have an unexpectedly strong friendship, so I may hint at very, very, very slight romantic feelings between them. Yes, he definitely needs a hug :’(
Thank you!!! And I totally will!! 😀 😀 😀 You could come with me, if you’d like!:) Yes, he does! I think both Deek and Caira want to live close to one another, and since Nordan is the very first place they came to after beginning their new lives, it holds special places in their hearts:) Aww, I’M SO HAPPY YOU REMEMBER THAT!! Gosh, thank you so very much!! 😀 😀 And thanks!! Nordan is one of my favorite places in Aldova, and thank you!! I still haven’t figured out whether or not I’m going to do that (I really need to outline their futures more XD) but I’m happy you like it nonetheless:) Aww, thanks so much!! Yeah, it was heartbreaking after he left… but maybe we’ll have another one soon:) Yes!! *chanting* Three cheers for the power of the pen!! XD
*gasps* Ooooh, that’s SO INTERESTING OH MY GOODNESS!!! Poor Mejia, and Lila for feeling guilty:( *eyes widen* OH, I ADORE that excerpt!!!!! There’s so much tension, and *gasps* when he held the blade to Lila I was ready to join Mejia in fighting him. That is so good!!! *fangirls* Eeeeek, I’m so excited to read this story!!! 😀 😀 😀 *gasps* I think that would be such an interesting plot twist to include!! Especially for Lila—how she’s loyal to Mejia but conflicted about finding out about her long-lost brother and even helping him escape. I think that sounds so amazing!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 Well, I’m not the author, but I WOULD LOVE to see this plot twist in the story!!! It shocked me for sure:D
Haha, that fits Mejia’s character XD But honestly I love those types of characters!! Y’know, I have a feeling Mejia and Alana would get along really well, because Alana has more of a gruff and un-sentimental side as well. That would be interesting! And YES, of course I did!!! *fangirls excessively at the thought* *scrolls up to re-read the entire part again* OH MY GOSH, that was just the best!!! Awww, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! That was one of the prime reasons why I didn’t kill off either Newton or Caira, because I just melted at the thought of them getting married in the future:) I actually thought about including their wedding at the very end of the last book (after there’s been a time-skip), but I think I’ll just write the proposal and cover the wedding in the epilogue:) I’m just SO HAPPY that you love them so much!! I can envision Newton and Caira’s wedding so clearly, and I can just envision poor Newton being terrified half to death that he’s going to mess something up XD Yup, Caira never would have thought that she would marry Newton, that’s for sure:)
I grinned when you said that about Mejia and dresses XD I can DEFINITELY see how she would strongly dislike them, but *gasp* SHE WEARS ONE FOR THE DANCE? Awww, that’s just so cute, I want to read this dance scene so much because it’s ADORABLE!! What did the dress look like? How did Filip react during the dance? Why did she have to remain inconspicuous? Ooh, that’s so mysterious!! 😀 OH MY GOODNESS, I JUST MELT AT THE THOUGHT OF MEJIA AND FILIP’S WEDDING you have no idea how much I LOVE THOSE TWO!!!!!! *infinite !’s* *puts Mejia out of earshot because she would forever hate me if she knew what I’m about to say* They’re the cutest, most fangirl-worthy, most amazing couple ever, and I don’t care if Mejia disagrees, because THEY’RE SO ADORABLE!!! And I just… *takes deep breath* I just fangirled so hard reading about the proposal!!! *gasps* *cries* *smiles one thousand miles long* *fangirls* *screams* I DON’T CARE THAT I’M WRITING IN ALL-CAPS, THIS IS THE GREATEST THING EVER!!! I mean, I just about screamed reading that!! That’s so cute how Filip kept asking her all of those ‘yes’ questions, and then discreetly proposed, and then they fell, and then HE PROPOSES AGAIN. Oh my goodness, that’s the cutest thing in the history of cute things and I’m seriously going to keep fangirling about this for the rest of my life!!!!!! XD That’s just so adorable, I would scream if I read this!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 (Have I ever told you how much I’m in love with your story?!?!?! It gets better every post!!!:)
Thank you so much!!! Yeah, Newton worries about Caira constantly because of her bad habit of deliberately getting in trouble because of her curiosity. Though, when Caira mentions it, Newton just gruffly says he wasn’t worried at all, but deep down he really cares about her:) Aww, YAY, and thank you!! I’m so happy you like the character arcs!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 I LOVE yours as well!! Btw, which is your favorite character dynamic in your story? (I love Mejia and Filip’s!!) 😀 😀 😀 Aww, THANK YOU so so so so so so much!!!! YAY!!! And I’m so happy you like that:) Newton is normally gruff, but he learns to be vulnerable and open his heart to Caira as time passes. Thank you so much!! Yeah, that’s a very sentimental scene for them, because I think it’s during the time where they begin having feelings for each other secretly. Newton begins saying that he will never forgive himself for treating Caira so terribly and doing all those wicked things, and even though it’s hard for Caira to fully and completely forgive him, she does, and then she hugs him.
Aw, thank you so much!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 My family loves camping, so it’s our first camping trip of the year! And thanks for understanding! I’m so looking forward to illustrating them, though I’m sorry I’m not very quick. Between NaNo and finishing up this year of school, my free time is limited. But I WANT TO ILLUSTRATE THEM VERY SOON!!! I’m so looking forward to seeing how they turn out!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 Thank you!!! *sighs in relief* THANK YOU!! And I’m so happy I inspired you!! *gasps* I would adore to see a character board for The Snow Warrior! That’s so neat how you used your sketchbook to do that! 😀 😀 😀 WOW, that sounds incredible!!! <333 Gosh, I’d love to see that! And thank you! Sarcasm fits Deek very well (and Evie), so I chose plenty of those. Thanks so much!! I have a variety of colors that I envision with each character, like how I think of Caira’s color scheme as light pink, light brown, and white. How about yours? Thank you! Yes, Pirion’s is a little heartbreaking, so maybe I should add more to his board to cheer it up a little:)
*gasps* Wow!! I just positively adore those lines!! Oooh, a mythical story sounds so interesting!! I love the name ‘Zoltapuis’ by the way!! Hmm… my first line was:
Caira had been enjoying herself in a calm sleep that night, though unknowing that her life was about to be drastically changed within the next passing hours of night.
My last line was:
Deek’s feet halted before he even knew why he had stopped, and within half of a second, he had clenched his sword’s hilt, circled around on his boot’s heel, and pointed the crooked blade at the invisible culprit hiding in the shadows.
Hopefully that made some inkling of sense:D Hmm… favorite scene? That’s tough. *taps pencil to chin, thinking deeply* I would have to say that I enjoyed writing the cave/avalanche scene the most! That sounds horrible considering that Caira nearly gets killed and actually breaks her arm, but it was still exciting to write:D How about you? What’s your favorite?:)
Haha, yeah, I figured not XD I wouldn’t dare challenge Mejia, so I’d have to surrender. Oooh, I don’t think she would be happy about Filip reading her journal XD (Gosh that’s such a cute thought!!!) Thank you for speaking with her for me! Now I can journey to Birch Woods peacefully:D
YES, IT WOULD DEFINITELY BE!! I mean, gosh I cannot wait until we’re published authors!! I’m going to make The Snow Warrior’s release day a holiday!! 😀 😀 😀 Awww, THANK YOU, and OF COURSE I did!!! Those were absolutely stunning and I’m never going to stop internally screaming about them!!! (I could use all the all-caps and !’s in the world, but that would NEVER come close to expressing half of how much I LOVE THOSE BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS!!!!!!) Aww, that makes me so happy to hear!:) Thank you, and I’m glad you enjoyed illustrating them!! I showed your illustrations to Caira and her crew, and they were EXTREMELY pleased with your artwork:) I think Newton was a little embarrassed when I showed him the sword one, but nonetheless, he agreed that you did beyond fantastic!:D Of course!! I’m happy to be of service, anytime, but really, these posts are just me fangirling over your story XD Aww, thank you!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
*grins wider than ever*
YES, I’VE POSTED THEM!!! Though, no promises (or high hopes) on the quality of them!! Most of them are newly written, and I’ve included diary entries from future books so that’s why the document is so long XD I hope you don’t mind!! And YAY I’M SO HAPPY YOU’RE LOOKING FORWARD TO READING THEM!!! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!!!:) WOO HOO!!!
April 22, 2021 at 11:51 am #983461 day, 11 hours……… *sighs* so much for my reply within twenty-four hours code… I’m really sorry about that, I wasn’t even on KP yesterday and stacking up NaNo outlining, with poetry editing, with- well my schedule is crazy if I want to put that shortly XD But no, seriously, I’m sorry for being late in replying and hope that you’ll forgive me for that, (I’m really sorry) but in reply:
Ink pens are a lot of fun because of how they flow on paper and since it’s permanent, it gives you the freedom to make mistakes and just enjoy the creation more than the finished picture:)
Oh no, I didn’t think that was rambling at all! In fact, I thought that was extremely interesting how the characters from your old novel inspired your cast in Fortitude! It’s so interesting to think of them as Luke, Luara, Gabriel, and Lilliana, (but I love Newton, Caira, Deek, and Alana a hundred times more:)
You definitely helped!! 😀 Sure! Of course, I’d love to share, (I mean it wasn’t half as wild as last year’s wild idea, but for me to break all perceptions on Russian mythology and Mejia’s character, it was wild enough I suppose). It was basically that Mejia had lost a bet between her and Anton. The prices to this were if Anton lost, he would have to quit tree-climbing for a month. If Mejia lost, she would have to tell a story. Mejia was so sure that she would win, that she agreed to risk such a fate, (she is an excellent storyteller, but hates to actually have to tell stories). But of course, she lost, much to her exasperation and Anton’s delight. So I wrote out nearly nine pages of the story she told to her band about centaurs that Anton had told her about long ago, (looking back, I seriously doubt even I will be able to understand that story when I re-read it). But since centaurs are Greek and not Russian, I really stretched the mythical and believability elements, and the story wasn’t one Mejia would even tell, (the funniest parts were her interjections every paragraph about her disgust at the characters decisions and how ridiculous the story was in general). So, yeah, not super wild, but in a way, it was:)Yeah, I’ve fallen behind, but we’ll catch up:) And what do you mean ‘then you’ll be an author?’ You are an author!!! 😀 😀 😀 Being a true author means you write, you love to do it and don’t give up on writing. Girl, you are 100% a real author already!!!:D
Don’t be sorry:) I love it when others are curious about TSW and I am always so excited to answer questions about it:D Her ring was forged for her by a coppersmith and unknown to Mejia, symbolized who she was. That she was both royalty and vagabond and would ensure her a place in either world, whichever she chose in life. But she never got to decide as she was kidnapped by Artur’s father to cause a disturbance in the newly formed friendship between the royals and bands. Mejia loves the ring because it is the only thing from her deeper past from before she could even remember and she wonders what it is there for. But she hates it for that same reason because it bothers her to think she had another life, that she might not have been what she was and it drives her nuts time to time thinking about where in the world it had come from. She’s tried several times to remove it, from washing it off in the river to cutting the metal with a dagger, but she never was able to get it off. I’m not sure how this is going to work when she gets married one day or where in the world Filip’s ring will go, but oh well, I’ve never been the most merciful to Mejia.
What is Caira’s favorite object, (I could be wrong, but I’m guessing her father’s book?) what object would she be all too happy to get rid of?*Double grins* I don’t mind long entries at all! (Then again I’m reading War and Peace, so I guess I just like long stuff XD ). Same here, I so happy that we are swapping character journal entries (*internally screaming because this is just pure amazing:D* YES!!! IT WAS INCREDIBLY, UTTERLY, 1000% ADORABLE!!!!!!! Are you kidding? THEY WERE PHENOMENAL!!!!! I loved being inside these incredible characters’ heads and *melts* Newton’s confession entries weren’t too long at all, if anything they weren’t long enough!! 😀 😀 😀 Reading them was like the greatest honor EVER!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Ooh, yes! From what I’ve heard about Isla, and Water or Light Wielder sounds like it would fit her personality:) …Water Wielder…Light Wielder…Wielder… I love the sound of that! Is that what everyone with magic is called? A Wielder? I think that is such a great idea how Aldovians’ talents are influenced by their personalities! I mean I seriously love that concept and think it fits really well with the story, (I can definitely see how Deek got his fire powers XD ).
Awww, that is so sweet that Newton secretly loves birds! Oh my goodness, that is so cute, (you know, Newton, for someone who doesn’t like to be considered as someone cute, he sure does a lot of cute things:) And Ruko and Oria’s relationship is extremely adorable how they are more of enemies in the beginning and later on as Newton and Caira become friends, they have a hate-to-love arc as well:) Ooh, where did Ruko first come from when he stuck with Newton on his travels? Those are such sweet images I get thinking about them traveling together, of Ruko landing on Newton’s shoulder, Ruko flying above him when he’s riding or even him watching Newton from a tree from time to time. It’s all so adorable!! 😀
No, I don’t think that’s odd at all really, I mean even though I feel so completely heartbroken over Alana, I think it adds to her character as well, (sorry Alana), and makes me like her more as well. And it makes those scenes with her and Deek and Deek’s grief all that much more heartbreaking. Aw, or Deek, it just breaks my heart to think of him isolating himself from the others, feeling guilty… *sniffles* POOR DEEK AND ALANA!! I feel so terrible for them!!! That whole excerpt was so heartbreaking, but yet, terrible as it sounds, it actually sounds like a great part of the plot. Deek being held hostage by the villain, snowy mountain at dark, rescue… *shivers* it’s so great and so heartwrenching at the same time, (I love the name Mount Eclypsia btw). Well, I am grateful to have advance notice on this, although I think I’m still going to cry when I read it. *Sighs* *hugs Deek* I’m sorry Deek, I sympathize with you so much. Actually, Deek needs two hugs, one for that scene and one for when he loses his left eye, *hugs Deek again* poor guy, reading that entry where his face was first scarred nearly made me cry. Seeing Deek so disheartened and ashamed of his scar was just… *sobs* I don’t even know what the word is for that, but it was utterly heartwrenching to read! He does learn how to swordfight again right? That would be so awful for him if he didn’t. Why Primrose, why?! But even though it breaks my heart every bit as much as it broke Deek’s, I think that having the scar adds to his character a lot and will show his strength to overcome it:)
Thank you! *Gasps!* Seriously??? I’d LOVE to come with to Aldova!!! *Grabs sword and cloak from corner* I’m ready to go the next time you visit!! 🙂
Aw, that’s so special that they’ll live close together and in Nordan! I love the circle ending to their home! Yeah, that didn’t make a lot of sense XD But what I mean is that I think it’s great how they end up living where they first came to in the very beginning:) Plus I just LOVE Nordan in general:) It’s so beautiful and talking about it futuristically makes me feel so nostalgic about it. 🙂
Thank you!! I’m so glad you like that plot twist idea!! I think I’m going to include it or at least write it into this draft and if it doesn’t fit later, I’ll take it out. But for now, I think it’ll be fun to write and my word count needs some long scenes:) Though it sounds odd, that is such a huge compliment that that plot twist shocked you, since that’s partly what I’m aiming for with my plot twists:) The other part is to make them benefit the plot and theme, but it won’t help my story if readers are expecting a plot twist, (because then, it isn’t a plot twist anymore XD ). So thank you!!
Oh definitely! Alana and Mejia would get along so well, I just know it, especially since Alana has a gruff, un-sentimental side. I also have a feeling that they would be great friends:)
*WHEW* You have no idea what a relief it is to know they don’t die because, *tries not to think about either one of them dying* I don’t think I’d ever been able to get over how heartbreaking that would have been:'( And thinking about their proposal and wedding… seriously, are you sure Fortitude didn’t invent the word ‘fangirl’? No, the internet says it was invented in 1934. Huh, well I don’t see how that word could even bother to exist before this novel. I mean, what could it even have been used on? *Gasps* I think whichever way you decide to include the wedding, it with be fantastic!!! 😀 😀 😀 Have you thought of how he is planning on proposing, although if not, that’s alright, I remember how you said people propose differently in Aldova, (which I think is 100% awsome:) Aw, poor Newton XD I can just envision him at their wedding as well, worrying about messing anything up. I can see him standing kind of rigidly during the ceremony, trying to rehearse in his head what he is exposed to say XD *Melts* *fangirls* *melts while fangirling* OH MY WORD, that is just the most adorable thought ever!!! Right next to the confession:D Which is kind of odd for me, seeing as how I usually prefer reading confessions and all the years preceding weddings. But then again, Fortitude has been a lot of firsts and favorites for me because I love these characters so much that I love going on their journey with them and fangirl about everything I learn about them!:D Because 1# though I love Christain redemption stories, I’ve never been loved or was connected to those characters like I am Newton, to feel excited for them and their journey, (aside from Narnia, LOtR, and few others). 2# This is the first time that I’ve been so excited about two characters getting married, (I mean I was more excited about Caira/Newton getting married than I had been about Mejia/Filip). I mean, I fangirl about Fortitude from so many aspects, and even though you said it is the first draft, I’m already so connected to all these incredible characters!!:DHaha, yes, she does:) And she wasn’t happy about it in the least, (the first time she saw herself in the mirror with it on, literally horrified her XD ). I’m not even going to try and apologize to her for it because there is just no way that she would ever believe me. The dress itself was mostly grey and- you know, I actually have some reference pictures I found on Pinterest that I had included in the dance scene doc. So you’ll have the general idea of what it looks like before you read the scene:) Sorry for taking so long in posting it, my schedule and the ‘no-sleep’ part of NaNo had been catching up to me, and getting the confession and dance scenes ready has been taking longer than I had expected, but I’ll try and post them as soon as possible, ( I definitely will be posting them, you have my word on that, it’s just taking more time than I wanted it to:( I’ll let you know when they are posted though:)
How did Filip react during the dance? Well, for one thing, he was smart enough not to mention the dress to Mejia, (although he liked it:) He enjoyed the dance immensely himself, though he became worried as to why Mejia was holding herself so aloof and rigidly. Mejia had to remain inconspicuous by pretending to conform herself to a royal lifestyle in order to protect her true intentions, (though this is all possible sequel stuff). She had several things to accomplish at the castle, from protecting someone she’s never met to unlocking the reason the royals have never joined with other regional royalties to helping a band of prisoners escapes from the most highly guarded dungeon in all the castle….. all the while trying to survive her dance instructor, blood-related sister (not sure about that yet), and facing old fears that she had managed to forget as Birch Woods’ guardian.
……That turned out longer than I expected XD
XD Good thing you put Mejia out of earshot because she wouldn’t have appreciated hearing that XD Though I appreciate it:) It always makes me so ecstatic to hear how much you love them:D I smiled about a whole thousand smiled long reading everything you wrote about Mejia and Filip’s proposal, (as in I literally re-read that whole section of your post twice). Mejia would draw out her sword and challenge me to a swordfight if she knew I told you about it, but she’s not on KP, so I doubt she’ll find out about it XD (At least I hope not *shudders* But it was a lot of fun to outline:) And thought it kind of fit their personalities, plus it was hilarious having Filip propose that way, (an idea, I actually got from a comic strip somewhere), even if they ended up falling out of the tree:)
THANK YOU!! I mean, that makes me happier to hear than you’ll ever know!! 😀 😀 😀Newton, Newton, Newton… Aw, I can just see him protesting the notion that he worries about Caira, by shrugging and gruffly claiming that he wasn’t worried really. That is just so adorable!! 😀 Did he take back what he said about being worried about Caira after they retrieved the antidote?
Thanks! (You know actually ‘thanks’ really isn’t all that different than ‘thank you’ plus I like the sound of the latter better, so I think I’d better stick with that XD ). I think my favorite dynamic to write is between Mejia/Artur, Mejia/Anton, and Mejia/Filip. But beyond that, I’m not sure what my favorite is among those three, but of course, Mejia/Filip is always fun:)
Aww, I love how Newton eventually softens a little because of Caira, and honestly, that scene sounds so… what’s the word I’m looking for? Beautiful? Hmm, that seems like too much much of an understatement, but it’s the only one I know that begins to describe it, so I’ll upgrade it to ‘beautiful x 100’ *sighs* *grins* The thought of Newton apologizing and crying, and Caira hugging him? *Melts* Wow, that is just so beautiful x 100000!!! 😀 😀 😀Ooh! Camping is just the most fun thing EVER! Isn’t it? Right next to writing, horses, and character hikes, that is one of my favorite things to do! 😀 I’m so excited for you that you get to go camping!!
And yes, same here, my time had been pretty limited too, (thence this tardy post). And added to that, my family and I are headed on a trip of sorts as well and the worst part of that is: zero wi-fi 75% of the time. Scary huh? So I’m going to have to profusely apologize in advance for late posts and sudden disappearances from KP that will be inevitable to occur this week, (possibly even today as well). Hopefully, I should be more on schedule afterward though:)So no worries whatsoever:) I just can’t wait to see them when they are finished, *internally screams at the thought of seeing them!* 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Thank you!Ifwhen I make one, I’ll post a picture of it on KP:) I think Caira’s board colors suit magnificently. In fact, I love ALL the color schemes of your novel. I mean literally, when I see those colors now, I always think of Fortitude and I keep coming across images on Pinterest and in books that I say to myself “hey, that looks just like-” and then I say whatever part of Fortitude it reminded me of such as Pirion or Newton or Nordan or Caira or Deek or anything really!:D
TSW’s main color scheme is anything along the lines of grey, silver, white, grayish navy blue, faded or dull blues, sometimes dark brown… anything connected to winter really:)Oooh, I LOVE those excerpts!!! Yikes, poor Caira. Ooh, who was the culprit? 🙂 *Gasps* Yes!! I can totally see where that would be an incredible and favorite scene to write!! (I love it already:D ), it sounds so tense and terrifying and OH MY GOODNESS I CAN”T EVEN THINK OF AN ALTERNATIVE FOR THE WORD AMAZING!!!!! Besides, I think that is just a writer’s type of thing to like writing those types of scenes for our characters, (I’m not 100% sure why myself yet, but it seems like all writers admit it XD ). Most of my favorite scenes to write are the tense and death-defying ones. Hmm… favorite scene so far? I’d have to say the one where I introduce Anton for the first time in the novel. Though this also might sound terrible, I liked (as well as feeling sorry for the characters) writing the scene where Artur offers a bargain with Mejia in which he’ll trade Filip’s life for what he wants from her. *Sighs* Artur always had to cause some sort of trouble for Mejia, but then again I guess that’s his purpose as the main villain.
*Gasps* YES!!! I can’t wait!!! That will just be so incredible!!! 😀 😀 😀 Thank you!!! (We’ll have to make a holiday for both our novels someday when they’re published:) 😀
Oh good! I’m so glad they were pleased with them, (sorry Newton, but that was just one of my favorite scenes XD ).Are you kidding? I don’t mind entries from future books one single little bit!! In fact, I was so beyond excited that you included them you have no idea!!!!! And all my comments were just beginning to how much I enjoyed them because tbh if I wasn’t so wrapped up in the characters’ voices and reading them, I would have commented on practically every sentence!!! I mean you seriously have no idea how honored I felt reading those entries, they are my favorite things that I have read all year!!! And last year too since it’s only April now:) *Sighs* I DON”T THANK I COULD EVEN BEGIN DESCRIBING HOW MUCH I LOCED THEM AND HOW PHENOMENAL THEY WERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
April 23, 2021 at 4:16 pm #98416My post vanished, but I’m just going to post it again if that’s okay (I’m sorry it’s so long)
Aww, don’t apologize!!! I completely understand, you don’t have to say sorry at all!!:) There’s absolutely nothing to forgive:) *gasps* Oooh, poetry editing? Are you writing another poem? *grins* I still remember The Cardinal in My Tree and thinking how absolutely gorgeous that poem was!!!:) Oh, ink pens sound incredible, and I think them being permanent would open up a lot of doors to illustrate freestyle! That’s so interesting!!! Honestly, I have you largely to blame for me returning to illustrating:) I hadn’t done it in forever until I saw those illustrations for me, and then I knew I just had to try my hand at it again!!:D *sigh of relief* Phew! That’s good to know:) Thank you! A lot of ideas were sparked from that old novel, and I agree—I feel much closer to my current cast than the old one. Aww, thank you!!:) Caira and her gang thank you too:) *gasps one thousand times* *screams* WOW, I ADORE THAT IDEA!!! I mean, that’s just such a heartwarming (does that sound odd?) and amusing thought to think of Mejia and Anton having a bet!! What was it about?? Aww, I love how Mejia is discreetly good at storytelling but hates it XD And I can just envision her trying to talk about centaurs and utterly unimpressed by them XD Oh my goodness, I can just imagine Mejia narrating that story, that sounds so amusing/interesting!!! Wild but in an utterly amazing way!!!:D Yes, we’ll push through the hardships of NaNo together!!:) Aww *puts hand to heart* THANK YOU!!! Gosh, to hear you say (or see you write) that is just so heartwarming, thank you!!!:) We BOTH are!!:)
*gasps* YAY, I got SO happy reading through your responses!!! *double gasps, this time louder* OH MY GOODNESS, that is THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER!! I love how the ring symbolized Mejia’s two decisions, and then *triple gasps* (wow, there’s a lot of gasping going on) MEJIA GETS KIDNAPPED BY ARTUR’S FATHER?!?!?!?!?! *mouth drops* Oh my goodness, I just love how this ring has its own storyline!!! And aww, I can see how she would love/resent it, because of how it reminds her of her past, in both a good and bad way :’( *heart breaks* Poor Mejia!! And double poor Mejia for not being able to remove it from her finger… that must be so heartbreaking for her to be reminded of that so often. Hmm, I don’t think Mejia would like it if I gave her a hug, so what’s the next best thing…? Aw, I started grinning so hard when you brought Filip up:) *melts* *fangirls* *internally screams* AWWW, I’M JUST SO ECSTATIC THAT THEY GET MARRIED, THAT’S SO ADORABLE!!!!!! *endless !’s* *endless internal screaming* *endless everything* Hmm, that’s a very good question… *turns to Caira* Care to answer, Caira? I think Caira’s favorite object would be her father’s book, because it’s honestly the only object that links her to her other life. And her least favorite object is a tough one… it would either be her diary (that sounds odd, but Caira’s diary is where she writes down all of her emotions so it can be quite heartbreaking to her) or… gosh, I can’t think of anything at the moment. Oddly enough, my mind just went blank, though I’m sure there will be plenty of objects she’ll find that she’ll enjoy getting rid of. Sorry Caira…
*sighs of relief* Thank you!! I have a tendency to write lengthy things (chapters, posts, diary entries…) so I never want it to be a bother for someone to read:) Ooh, I’ve never read War and Peace? *I put the question mark because I’m not sure if I’ve read some of it or not XD* YAY, YES I KNOW!!! Ugh, that was THE MOST INCREDIBLE THING EVER, and I seriously came thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *infinite i’s* s close to screaming while I was reading Mejia’s and her band’s!!!!!! Those diary entries were THE MOST REMARKABLE/HEARTWARMING/FANGIRL-WORTHY/AMAZING THINGS IN HISTORY AND YOU’LL NEVER KNOW HOW HARD I FANGIRL OVER THE SNOW WARRIOR!!!!!!!!! Like, I LOVE hearing absolutely anything about it (I got so excited waiting for your post when I asked if Mejia/Filip got married a while back:) and reading those diary entries WAS THE HUGEST HONOR OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like, a THOUSAND thank yous for sharing that with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This story has made me fangirl harder than I have in a loooooooong time!!!! THANK YOU SO INCREDIBLY SPECTACULARLY MUCH!!!!!!!! (And no, that was NOT an exaggeration!:) Your words are always so heartwarming and make me grin harder than humanly possible!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!! I was so nervous you wouldn’t like them or I hadn’t written them well!!!!! Awww, I was hoping you would like Newton’s summary of the confession:) I’m just over the moon that you love it!!!!!!! (Gosh, how many !’s have I used so far?)
*gasps* Thank you! And yes, that’s what they’re called! I still haven’t decided on Isla’s powers—unfortunately there’s no way to combine Newton and Caira’s, but that would have been sweet:) Aw, thank you!! I thought it would make magic more interesting (and give me more freedom) if I had it purely dependent upon a person’s talents/character. And, in a way, a child’s magic can foretell what their personality is going to be like in the future:) Thank you, and YES, I thought it was fitting for Deek:D (He originally had shapeshifting powers, but that was when he was more mischievous and less… chaotic XD) *grins* Thank you!! I thought it might be adorable to add:) Awwww, YAY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! That means so much to hear you think he’s cute, because even though I portray him as gruff/serious, I still wanted him to be remotely cute:) Thank you so very much!! Yes, even Newton and Caira’s feathered friends have their own storyline:) Oooh, would you mind if I shared an excerpt where Newton meets Ruko instead of telling you? This is in the middle of Newton’s chapter:)
While Newton was trudging back to his horse, his boot almost stepped on something twitching and black beneath him on the dirt, and when he lowered his eyes, he found what he hadn’t suspected at all: a raven, with a broken wing.
The bird was at Newton’s feet—and his mercy—and twitched right under his boot in desperation, without anything but the will to live. Newton raised an eyebrow. He thought about putting the raven out of its misery and simply making its death quicker, but then halted, his heart swelling as he stared at the helpless bird lying under him.
His boot retracted slowly. Newton kneeled to the dirt, inspected the wounded bird closely, and then stuttered, “You’ve been hurt for a wh—while, huh?”
The bird cast him a hopeless look in its eyes, and Newton sighed, removing the cowboy hat from his head and feeling the warm sun drying his light blond hair and the barren land around him.
“Yeah, me too,” Newton said, talking more to himself than the raven. He scooped up the injured bird in his arms, used a finger to gently caress the raven’s head, and then said, “You’ll be fine, little guy.”
Newton kept his usual frown on his face as he tipped the cowboy hat back onto his head and walked back to his horse. If the raven had been smaller, he would’ve tucked it away in his cloak. But since it was fully grown, he decided to go for the next option–his shoulder. The raven contentedly perched on the shoulder of Newton’s tattered brown cloak, and didn’t flinch when Newton kicked his heel into the horse’s ribs to get it moving.
And so, Newton Rowne had a companion.
YAY, that’s EXACTLY how I envision their traveling together as well!!! Aww, I’m so happy you like them:) I thought it would be cute to have Newton with a bird companion:) Newton even talks to Ruko about his romance problems with Caira, so Ruko is also Newton’s counselor XD That poor raven…
*puts Alana out of earshot* Thank you SO much!! Yes, it’s heartbreaking for Deek when she dies, and even Caira didn’t know how close of a relationship Deek and Alana had. Deek’s grief is going to be hard to write, especially the scenes where he’s at the graveyard:( But of course, that only motivates him to keep going for her sake:) Aww, THANK YOU!! I’m SO happy you like that part of the plot/storyline!! I haven’t completely worked out all of the details (hence why I never really answered your question about “how” Alana dies), but that’s the idea of it:) Thank you so much!!! Aww, it’s such an amazing compliment to know that you feel so connected to these characters!! But at least Deek can remember all the sweet moments he had with Alana, and he can still write about her in his diary (which he secretly does:)
And *sighs* yes, unfortunately for Deek, he goes half-blind, possibly on the night that Alana dies. Aw, that makes me so happy (that sounds odd) (sorry Deek) to know that it made you feel so heartbroken because I never would’ve thought someone would feel so close to my characters!!:D Yes, Deek goes through a lot of grieving/healing/isolating himself after Alana dies and he becomes half-blind, but he eventually becomes even more motivated and determined to keep moving on. And yes, he does learn how to swordfight—Newton helps him, partially because swordfighting with only one eye was some of the military training he used to do, so it’s familiar to him. *sighs* Primrose can be merciless, and thank you so very much for saying that!!!!!!!:) I thought it would add more motivation for him:)
*grins* Yup, you can definitely come with me to Aldova!! *grabs cloak and sword* I’ll tell Caira we’re coming—she’ll give you a warm welcome:) Thank you!!! I thought it would be sweet to have them live in same place, because honestly, I couldn’t imagine Caira and Deek being separated. After everything they go through together, it only makes sense for them to live remotely close:) No, that made perfect sense!! Thank you!! Awww, I’m so happy you like it, because I get so nervous about my worldbuilding:D That means so much to—That’s starting to sound redundant, isn’t it? Well, just take my word that it means a lot!!:) YES, I LOVE THAT PLOT TWIST SO INCREDIBLY MUCH YOU’VE NO IDEA!!!! *gasps* Yes, I think that’s amazing!!!! That is going to be so fun to write, and YES it totally shocked me when I read it! I was just staring at my screen trying to process what you had written:O I think you’ve done an incredible job with these plot twists!!!!
*grins* Yup, neither of them die, fortunately, though I’m SO happy you know that you feel connected to them enough to care so much about them!!!:D Awwww, THANK YOU (I don’t care if this starting to sound redundant, it’s the only words that can express how I feel) so much!!!!:D *That means so incredibly much you’ve no idea!!* Thank you!:) And yes, I have thought of how Newton proposes:) This might be very long, so if you don’t want to read it, you’re more than welcome to skip it.
Honestly, I thought about having the girl (Caira) be the one to propose, but I think I’ll stick with tradition. So, in Aldova, when one is going to propose, they must propose with a Golden Candle, which is a special type of candle that symbolizes love/marriage. *I just came up with this tradition yesterday, so it’s not polished* Golden Candles are only sold in candle shops and must be requested by candlemakers if you want to buy one, so they aren’t a common item. But when Newton prepares to propose to Caira, all of the candlemakers claim they’re sold out at the moment and he will have to wait until a better time. However, Newton doesn’t want to postpone his proposal and decides to make the candles himself. And so, he goes to the Tree Village—this is where Jestin and other dwarves live—and then kindly asks if he can borrow Jestin’s grandfather’s shop for a while. And so, while in the candle shop in the middle of the night, Newton begins his work of crafting the most perfect Golden Candle to gift Caira. He crafts the most special candle he can–formed from wax that looks like gold and will never melt. Before dawn, he sneaks out of the candle shop and leaves a note thanking them. Newton then returns, and then puts the candle into a gift box. After Newton has gotten the Golden Candle—and the nerve to ask Caira to marry him—he and Caira go to the crystal bridge where Newton confessed. Now, with the candles in the box and sitting on the same bridge where he confessed, Newton—who is the most terrified he’s ever been in his life—offers the gift to Caira. When Caira unwraps the gift and sees the candles, she gets confused because she can’t remember the tradition, and she confusedly asks Newton why he’s giving her candles. Newton gets embarrassed, forgetting that Caira wouldn’t know about the tradition, so he gently takes her hand and stutters, “Caira… I’m asking you to marry me. I want you to be my wife.” Caira is stunned when she suddenly realizes Newton is proposing to her, and she bursts into tears, hugs him, and profusely accepts his proposal. And… then they have the wedding:) But even after they’re married, Newton and Caira return to that crystal bridge every year for their anniversary, and it holds a special place in their hearts because it’s where Newton both confessed and proposed to Caira:)
*stares at what I just wrote* Wow. Sorry that was so lengthy (and possibly confusing). And yes, that’s exactly how Newton is during his wedding!!:) Deek has to keep telling him to calm down XD But it’s also adorable for Deek to see Caira on her wedding day:) I thought about writing in the wedding, but I think I’ll just write in the proposal:)
AWWW, THANK YOU!!! I NEVER thought somebody would say those things about my story!!! I remember being SO nervous when I shared my novel idea, thinking it wasn’t very good, but your posts have been 1000% motivation/pure encouragement for me!!!:D YAY, and I’m DOUBLE happy that you ship Newton and Caira (and that they get married)!!! Awww, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I’m equally ECSTATIC about Mejia/Filip and I’m SO happy you told me about what happens after the story!!!:D I feel honored!!! Oh my goodness, I can envision that so clearly—Mejia seeing herself in the dress, horrified, probably also terrified to let anyone else see her in the dress, and very stiff during the dance sequence:D Oooh, I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE IT!! And THAT’S SO CUTE how Filip enjoyed it even though he knew better than to compliment her XD Aww!!! *gasps* THAT SOUNDS SO TENSE AND AMAZING! Oh my gosh, like, WHERE DO I BEGIN TO DESCRIBE HOW AMAZING/INTERESTING THAT SOUNDS?! And *double gasps* a… a… A BLOOD-RELATED SISTER?! Oh my goodness, all of this sounds SO amazing and interesting and I’M SO EXCITED to read this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, even all of those all-caps don’t describe how ecstatic I am listening to this story!!!!!!!!!! Don’t ever worry about something being too long!!! Trust me, I get SO excited reading about TSW, so long posts aren’t just fine—they’re WANTED!!! Of course I love them!!! This cast of characters is just *squeals* *fangirls* *screams* THE BEST!!! Aww, that proposal was adorable!!! And yes, that definitely fit Filip’s character, but honestly that’s such a memorable proposal!!
Aww, that’s exactly how he acts!! He worries about her a lot, but he usually brushes it off and gruffly declares he wasn’t worried at all. Thank you!! And yes, I think he hesitantly confessed that he was glad she was okay. Caira thought it was sweet, but sometimes she gets frustrated at Newton for picking the wrong times to start deep conversations XD Oooh, I love those dynamics as well!!! *gasps* Okay, right as I was typing this, I had an idea: if you could describe each of your characters with three words, what would those three words be? Don’t feel obligated to answer, I just had that thought:D Anyways, thank you SO much!!! Newton drops a lot of his gruffness when he and Caira get closer, so it’s sweet to see him open up more:) Aww, thank you!!!!! I’m so happy to hear you think that!!!!! Honestly, it’s heartwarming to write Newton’s crying/vulnerable/opening-his-heart-to-Caira moments even more than his other moments. And Caira learns how to trust and be vulnerable with him, too. THANK YOU!!!
Aw, I know, right? Camping is one of my family’s favorite things to do:D Thank you so much!!! Yes, my time is very limited (don’t apologize, it’s totally fine!) which is why I haven’t done very much besides NaNo XD *gasps* AWESOME! Not about the wi-fi, but the trip:D Aww, that’s sad, but we’ll get to chat once you get back!! No no, don’t apologize!! I’m not sure if you’ll get this post before you get back, but safe travels and have lots of fun!!!
*grins* YES, I can’t wait either!! No promises on quality, but I’ll do my best:) Aw, thank you so much!!! I have color schemes for EVERY character, so making the collages/boards were fun:) *gasps* AWWWW, THAT MEANS SO MUCH TO HEAR!!!! THANK YOU!!! Oooh, I love those colors!!:D That’s definitely how I envisioned TSW’s color scheme/palette!!:) It’s so wintery/mysterious!!!:)
Aw, thank you!! And yes, poor Caira—this is right before a huge magical storm hits:( And actually Newton was the culprit:D Deek had woken early that morning and went to the camp battlegrounds to train with his sword, but he isn’t very good at swordfighting. Newton shows up and bluntly tells Deek that he’s “doing it wrong”. This is the first scene solely between Newton and Deek, where Newton begins to teach Deek how to wield his sword. THANK YOU SO VERY INCREDIBLY AMAZINGLY MUCH!!!!!!!!!! Oh, yes, definitely!! I love writing the tense and on-the-edge-of-your-seat scenes!! Oooh, I can’t wait to read Anton’s introduction!!! *gasps one thousand times* ARTUR DOES WHAT?! Oh my goodness, poor Filip!!! What happens?!?! What does he want from Mejia?! Don’t feel obligated to answer, I just got curious!!:D YES, WE WILL! I can’t wait until we’re published!! And just imagine when we have lots of fans, and people with make fanart of our characters, and we’ll host book-signings together, and yay that’s going to be awesome!! Haha, Newton was proud of it nonetheless. I have that drawing hanging on my bedroom wall and I smile at it every time I look at it!! Yesterday I just stared at it in awe because you did SUCH an accurate job!!!! I mean, you literally brought my characters to life!!!!:D I’m so happy you loved those diary entries!!!!! All of your comments made me smile so huge!!!!!!!! AWWW, THANK YOU!!!!! THAT MEANS SO INCREDIBLY AMAZINGLY MUCH TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you x 1,000 times over!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
April 28, 2021 at 11:07 am #98634(Okay I tried sending this last night, but apparently it didn’t go through, hmm, let me know if you didn’t get this one:)
Hi Alexa! 😀 I guess I’ll respond to the middle part of your post first here:) Yep, I got your post when I was already out of town and then the wi-fi went out, (luckily I’ll have some for the next day or so now:) I know you said there’s nothing to be sorry about, but I still feel terrible about not being able to reply due to wacky wi-fi 🙁 (though that was a serious line, the words ‘wacky wi-fi’ sounded funny XD ). Plus it had been a very crazy week around here…
Anyway, first things first and first thing is *high fives* WAY TO GO ON PASSING THE 40,000 MARK!!!!!!!! We are alllllllllmmmmmmmooooooooooooosssssssst there!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 We are now less than 10k away from reaching our 50k novels!!! I am just so seriously amazed by how well you have been keeping up on your daily and overall word count this month. I mean there are so many thousands of WriMos who stop at 40k or who drop out of the challenge or who won’t write for two weeks of the month, girl I hope your proud of how amazing you’ve been doing this April, because I sure am!:D *Double high fives 😀 😀 😀 *
You remember that poem? THAT MAKES ME SO SUPER ECSTaTIC TO HEAR YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 Aw, thank you so much for that amazing complement!!!!! That means a lot:) The ones that I’m working on right now, technically I’m not writing them… Mejia is:) yeah, I gave her the pen for a little bit and so far she’s written two for a few sequel scenes I wrote. One of them was about Birch Woods and the other was about Filip:)
Definitely, ink pens open up a lot of room to freestyle and try out new drawing methods:) *Grins* I’m 100% willing to take the blame for that XD I’m so happy to hear that my drawings inspired you to start illustrating again!! (And I love the one you did for me of Mejia so INCREDIBLY much, it practically has a place of honor in my aesthetic boards:D ).
Haha, no that doesn’t sound odd at all! 🙂 And thank you! (Mejia didn’t think it was very heartwarming at the time, but what does she know? XD Sorry Mejia.) The bet started with Anton and her talking about archery. Which is Mejia’s major downfall in her skills set, no matter how hard she works at it, it is a thing that she could never master and she feels a sense of failure over it, (she had been trying to learn it even before the trials) and then Anton starts talking about the incredible archer that Filip is. And at this point, Mejia and Filip were on very bad terms with each other, thence Mejia told him that Filip would never be good enough to strely kopyta, (which was an extreme training method for the regional archers and Mejia had heard of only few that could do it… are my Russian names for things getting kind of confusing? I’ll probably be changing them later on, but sometimes I think they might be annoying and sounding alike XD ). But anyhow, ‘strely kopyta’ is one of the two sports that I invented for TSW and is the result of extreme winter sport research I had done. It is basically archery and skijoring combined:) Anton knew about Mejia’s obvious grudge against Filip and knew that Filip could do it, so after an argument over it, they made the bet:)
I’m so glad! I’m really sorry about not replying to your answers on them yet, but I definitely will be:) *Sigh* yep, Mejia had been kidnapped *puts Mejia out of earshot* (she doesn’t know it yet though). Hmm, I’m not sure what the next best thing to a hug would be for her, um… gosh that is a tough question, (I can’t think of anything else, so a hug would probably work even if she’s no fan of it XD 🙂 Aw, thank you so much, I was so ecstatic reading your whole reply about her ring, (I have a habit of giving none living objects their own storylines). 😀 Yeah, I have no idea where his ring will go, but thank you!! I mean how many times have I said this? No matter, it wasn’t enough… THANK YOU!! I’m just so glad that you ship them:)
I kind of figured that would be her favorite:) I just love that how her father wrote the book she found and how his name is signed inside of it, (when does she find out that it was her father that wrote it? I think you mentioned that she found out… correct me if I’m wrong though, my memory has been impossible lately XD ). And I love how it is a link to her past and that she would do anything to keep it safe… including risking an avalanche for it. 🙂 Ooh, yes, I can understand how her diary would be her least favorite object, aw poor Caira:(
You know, sometimes I wonder if characters from multiple books meet whenever their authors aren’t around and plot what their next move should be; whether or not they should run away; or just tie their author up, (I think my cast would go for the last one XD ).
Girl, your post/entries/chapters are so amazing, I mean, how you they ever be a bother? They are all 100% incredible, (you probably, seriously will never know how truly amazing I think Fortitude is and how much I love the characters and how honored I feel reading anything from this stunning masterpiece in the making). 😀 😀 😀
Tbh, not many people read War and Peace really, (it’s over half a million words long XD ), but there are shorter exerpts and quotes everywhere, so you may have heard or read some of it:)
*Grins* Aw, thank you a million times over for saying all of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 That makes me so happy, I don’t even know where to begin thanking you for saying (well, writing:) that!!!:D 😀 😀 I appreciate that so much, wow, I mean, that is just the greatest compliment ever!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 And it made me smile way over a thousand miles long when you said that you were excited to know what the response was to whether or not Mejia and Filip got married:) Because whether this sounds weird or not, it is just such an awesome compliment that you felt connected enough to them to want to know what happened and if they got married 😀
Nervous that I wouldn’t like them? *Contemplates the possibility of actually not liking Fortitude* Hmm, I don’t think I have enough imagination to even grasp that impossibility. How in the world solar system universe space all those combined not absolute adore those diary entries? THEY WERE JUST THE MOST AMAZING THINGS EVER!!!!!!! I mean I am not joking when I say that I honestly cannot remember ever fangirling over a book, (or movie or audiobook or anything really) as much as I have over this novel and Newton’s view of the confession, *screams* *fangirls to the point everyone thinks I’m nuts* THAT WAS SO PHENOMENAL I JUST- I JUST- WOW, IT WAS JUST….. *I can’t even write straight because of how I’m getting here even thinking about thinking of it. Not kidding* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS LITERALLY A DREAM COME TRUE TO READ THE CONFESSION FROM NEWTON”S POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can I even emphasize how fabulously, amazingly, utterly, undeniably, SPECTACULAR IT WAS?! I can’t even think of a word amazing enough to use to describe those 1000000000% pure amazing entries!!!!!!! They were nothing but completely, absolulty, 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% pleasure and honor to read!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
(I’m not sure, but I think we might be tied XD But oh well, ‘!’s are to good not to use:)
I think that’s amazing!!! I absolulty adore the concept of Wielders and how the Wielder’s personality and power are synced, (I mean that idea is so amazing, I am 10000% fan of it:D ). Hmm, I’m not sure how you could combine those to powers… let’s see, well there’s ESP, minding reading… oh! Though I think that this would align with a secretive and quiet personality… I remember a story that was claimed to be true about a girl who slept for forty years, but that’s not the important part. The important part was that she could see and read sealed letters and observe things going on almost half a hundred miles away. So maybe (crossing out the sleeping for so long part) there is a power where you can use your mind to picture a place and use your mind to move objects in that place…… Okay, I know, I know, that sounds totally crazy, but just a idea:)
Deek with shapeshifting powers? XD I can see him getting into so much mischief with that:) And I love how that is so fitting to a mischievous character, shapeshifting is and how all these different powers align with character traits:)
Yep, fire powers fit Deek perfectly:D And when I found out that he had magic and what it was, I thought about how that was just perfect him!:) Oh yes, definitely can be chaotic sometimes XD (But in the most amazing way ever!!! 😀 ).
Would I – Would I – WOULD I MIND???????? ALEXA THAT WAS SO *chokes up* I MEAN I ACTAULLY CRIED READING THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS SO-
HONESTLY EVERY TIME I SAY ‘SO’ MY MIND GOES BLANK BECAUSE I JUST DO NOT KNOW OF A WORD THAT WILL EVEN DO A HALF ADEQAUTE JOB IN SAYING HOW MUCH I COMPLETLY LOVED READING THAT UTTERLY, COMPLETLY, ABSOLULTY, DEFIENTLY, UNQUESTIONABLY, 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% INCREDIBLE EXCERPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *screams* *sighs* *cries* *fangirls* *screams again* *cries agian* *this is going to take me a long time to settle down here*
– hours later –
I mean where in the world can I even begin to say how amazing that was and how much I loved it? I mean Newton finds Ruko, and he can’t kill him, and says that he has too, and puts him on his shoulder and OH MY WORD!!!!!!! THAT IS JUST THE MOST HEARTWRENCHING/HEARTWARMING/ADORABLE/SWEETEST/AMAZING THING EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, just *sighs and melts at the same time* wow, and Newton has a cowboy hat??? Oh my goodness, I LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And this introduction is just so beautiful, when did Newton name Ruko? AND HE TALKS TO RUKO ABOUT CAIRA????????????????? Seriously, I didn’t think Newton and Ruko’s relationship could get any better then it just went and got better by the second!!! 😀 😀 😀 I mean I can just see that so clearly XD Aw, poor Ruko XD Oh my goodness, I that is just so humourous and heartwarming as sweet to think of him also being Netwon’s counselor XD I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! (btw Newton, has Ruko’s advice been very helpful? I’m honestly curious here about how your talks go with him!:) I love these two so much!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
*Sobs* Deek visits the graveyard? That is so heartbreaking that I just- *sobs* the image I can see of poor Deek going there just nearly brings me to tears. Does he ever go there without anyone else? *Hugs Deek* I know you get a lot of hugs Deek but you need them all. But that is good that he is motivated to keep going because of Caira:)
That’s alright, there are countless scenes that I haveen’t completely outlines myself, but wait. Deek secretly writes about Alana in his diary? *Glances around* I think Deek just ducked and ran out of sight to avoid anouthr hug XD * I can see Deek doing that and it’s so sad heartbreaking and yet is sweet to think of him doing that, especially since they had such a close relationship and how bad he feels… *sniffles* I don’t know who I feel worse for, Deek or Alana… BOTH!!! :'( And losing his left eye the night he loses Alana? *Sighs* I literally think I’m going to cry at the thoaght of Deek in the dark and snow with a horrendous scar, knowing his close friend had just died, sacrificing herself for him…….. *grabs a mountain of tissues because I need them badly* *sobs again* That thought is so heartbreaking… does he have to walk back to the camp by himself? I feel so terrible for Deek as if I had been there with him the whole time even if I’ve only heard the scene’s description… I didn’t know it was possible to be so heartbroken from hearing about something without reading the entire scene first, but obviously it is possible. 🙂 You have it rough don’t you Deek? But I think that that makes characters even more endearing when they go through tragedies and keep going anyway, (Deek I feel so terrible for you… but you are such an incredible character!!!:D ). And when I read that about Newton teaching Deek how to swordfight with one eye, I literally smiled and thought that was extraordinarily intriguing how Newton learned that in the military. I love that idea!!! I know that Newton’s military experience was a pretty bad one, but at the same time that is so cool/amazing how he had trained to do those things and now can share them with Deek:) And the fact that him and Deek have such a brotherly relationship and seeing them swordfighting, Newton explaining what to do, Deek trying his best (probably sometimes feeling frustrated by it)….. I am thiiiiisss close to kidnapping your trio here XD No, I wouldn’t since with only two days left to NaNo, you need them XD But they are just so amazing!!! 😀 😀 😀
Oh good! I’m ready to go when you are and aw, thank you Caira! *Glances over shoulder at Mejia, why can’t you give slightly warmer welcomes than you do Mejia?* …….. alright, alright, *backs away from Mejia’s glare* I guess she never was a warm welcome type of person. *Turns back to Caira* I am going to genuinely enjoy a warm welcome in Aldova:) Thank you Caria!
That’s just so awesome how Deek will be living close to her and THANK YOU!! At first I didn’t add any plots twists, but then I started and I don’t think I’ll stop for a while now, (that’s a small warning XD ), but it makes me so happy to hear that you like them!!!!! 😀 😀 😀
And what you wrote next………..
DON’T EVER BE SORRY FOR LENGTHY EXPLANATIONS BECAUSE I LOVE LENGTHY EXPLANATIONS NUMBER ONE AND NUMBER TWO, HEARING ANYTHING ABOUT FORTITUDE I ALWAYS SO INCREDIBLE, I NEVER THOUGHT OF THEM AS LENGTHY:D AND PICTURING THE WEDDING?? RETRACTS FINGERS FROM KEYBOARD. I COULD LITERALLY BE HERE ALL DAY ABOUT HOW ADORABLE AND SENSATIONAL THAT IS!!!!!!!!! (I can already see Newton being a mess of nerves and Deek trying to tell him that he won’t mess it up as bad as he thinks… *looks up and stares into space for a minute with a huge grin as I picture that happening* *screams* OH MY WORD, THAT IS THE GREATEST/SWEETEST/BEST THING EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (fyi, I’ll never be done fangirling over this:)
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 XD Yes! That is exactly how Mejia reacted in that dress, (though I think she was most horrified that Filip saw it…… Filip is so lucky that he never mentioned it XD ). And stiff is the perfect word to describe Mejia during the dance, I mean she was stiff even for her, (but there is a much later scene where Filip finally figures out the reason behind why Mejia despises dancing and then on more of a challenge than anything else, they dance without music in the castle garden one night when the snow came down so steadily you could only see a foot ahead of yourself.) I’m not the best at creating romantic scenes that fit those two all of the time, but tbh, I blame Mejia and Filip for that because they don’t cooperate ever and are practically the ultimate cat-and-mouse couple, *sighs wearily* I think they put me through just as much as I put them through XD Oh yes, I wanted to let you know that I will finally be able to post the confession scene tomorrow!! (No wi-if cut my docs out too, which is why I wrote several thousand words out by hand in my novel… I can tell you that after counting them up from my handwriting, I am a hundred times more grateful now for my device’s automatic word counter XD ). But yep, I’m going to post the confession tomorrow, (still very rough, but at least now it’s more legible and I hope you’ll like it) and this week I will post the dance scene:) Gosh, I am so late in posting these, I’m so sorry about that!
Three words per character huh? (I love this question by the way), um, well Mejia’s would definitely be, “strong, fierce, and persevering.” Lila’s would be, “lighthearted, curious, and whimsical.” Anton’s is, “intelligent, forgiving, healer.” Morio’s, I’m not sure if this counts or not, but it’s the three words that describe him, “it might’ve been.” And Filip’s would have to be, “plainspoken, charismatic, and genuine.” How about your characters? What are three words that would describe each of them? 🙂
Aw that’s so sweet that Newton worries so much about her and tries not to show it!;) And him hesitantly admitting that he was worried? *fangirls* Wow that is so awesome/sweet and even though Caira can become annoyed with Newton for picking such places for conversation… I LOVE THAT ABOUT HIM!!! 😀 😀 😀 That fits him so remarkably to pick a mountainside for a deeper talk XD Newton, you’re the greatest:) Don’t worry Deek, so are you and Caira:D 😀
Camping is the best thing ever! Hopefully I can do it sometime soon too:) How’s your camping trip going? I hope it’s going well and that you get good weather, (the clouds have been about as happy as my character cast around here XD ). Thank you! I appreciate that:D My trip has been… something else to say the least XD Sometimes I think I’m in a fictional book all my own, (I wonder if that’s another side effect of being a writer). But anyhow, I do feel bad about responding to your post so late. Last night was the first time I’ve been on KP for about three days, (which doesn’t sound as long of a time as it seemed XD ). And I saw your post and this one didn’t go through last night… *sigh* Well, happily you got this one since you’ve read this far:)
No worries about it, I’m sure they’ll be incredible and that I’ll love them just as much as the amazing one that you illustrated of Mejia!!!!!:D
Newton? *Grins* he is the best culprit ever. I couldn’t decide whether it was him or Evie, so I’m happy to know the answer to the mystery:) Ooh, I love that! Deek trying to practice, Newton showing up and telling him he’s doing it wrong, and their brotherly relationship and Newton showing him how to do it….. I LOVE ALL THE DYNAMICS GOING ON HERE!!! 😀 😀 😀 I mean thinking about their pasts and Newton’s gruff military character. Him being blunt yet wanting to help Deek and Deek learning how to wield his beloved sword and then there the whole practice at dawn, (which is such a perfect aesthetic, I just can’t get over it:) I love everything about this concept!
Yes, Artur does that… *sigh* this is one of the things he does that makes me not as sympathetic towards him. It was after he lost the SnowChase to Mejia, (which is the other of the two sports I invented for TSW and isn’t as cheesy as the name. I’ll be changing it later, but when thinking of names on the spot, well… anyway it’s basically a chariot race/a sled race/and a cross country obstacle course all rolled up into one and is an extremely dangerous sport. Dangerous to the point that if one did it, they could only expect less than half a chance of survival.) But nonetheless Mejia and Artur agreed to it as a settlement to prove who was the true warrior of Birch Woods, to the village of Destal. Mejia nearly meets her fate several times but comes out victor. Artur is shamed in front of Destal. But he isn’t willing to accept this as the end and takes Filip as a prisoner, since he knows Mejia won’t fight him just for satisfaction. For weeks, Mejia and her band search for Filip as Filip himself spends his nights and days on a cold cavern floor. He catches illness and due to Artur’s cruelty, he loses strength and is bruised and half starved to death when Mejia finally finds him. But Artur, surrounded by armed guards, said she first had to agree to the fight. Mejia knows there had to be a dirty trick that he had for this, but she couldn’t just let Filip lie there as Artur had kicked him a side. She agreed and what happens next will all depend on whether I decide to stick with strict fiction or add a little fantasy.
Won’t that be amazing? I can’t wait!! *returns to keyboard and types faster* XD No seriously, it will be so awesome and doing books signings together will be so spectacular!!!!!!!:D
April 29, 2021 at 8:12 am #98733I got your post!! 😀 And hi, it’s so AMAZING to hear from you again!! Gosh, it feels like forever since we’ve chatted on here!! Oh, don’t apologize, it’s no worries at all!! 🙂 I completely understand wacky wi-fi problems… *sighs* we don’t have the most dependable internet here, unfortunately:( And yes, wacky wi-fi does sound funny XD I’m so happy you’re back on Kingdom Pen, though!! 😀 😀 😀 Yay!!!
Aww, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! *high-fives back* I KNOW, WE’RE SO CLOSE AND YOUR WORD COUNT IS SO INCREDIBLE!! I mean, I’ve enjoyed seeing it climb every single day!!! 😀 Aw, *puts hand to heart* that means SO MUCH to hear you say, but you’ve seriously been a huge motivation/encouragement, so I don’t owe that to myself!! 😉 Thank you, that’s just so heartwarming to hear!! You’ve made this the BEST first NaNoWriMo EVER!!! Unfortunately, I’m not going to be able to finish my novel this month because… *sighs* the story keeps getting longer and longer, it seems XD I’m hoping to finish the entire book by the end of May, however, so it won’t be much longer! But NaNo has seriously been INCREDIBLE for my writing, and your encouragement has been pure motivation for my fingers to keep typing everyday!! 😀 😀 I’m so proud of you too, girl, because you’ve done amazing!!
YES, OF COURSE I REMEMBER THAT GORGEOUS PIECE OF LITERATURE, I MEAN I REMEMBER READING IT WITH A HUGE SMILE ON MY FACE BECAUSE IT’S ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING POEMS I’VE EVER READ!!!!!!!!!! *infinite !’s* That was just an incredible poem, and *takes a deep breath* I’m going to remember that poem forever!! Of course, and *gasps* MEJIA IS WRITING THEM?!?! OH MY GOODNESS, THOSE POEMS SOUND POSITIVELY *thinks of the right word to use* ASTOUNDING!!! And *melts* she… she… SHE WROTE ABOUT FILIP? *fangirls* *fangirls harder* *keeps fangirling* *screams* Eeeek, that just sounds so lovely and I CAN’T WAIT to read them!!!!!!!! <3
Oooh, ink pens sound so interesting!! I’ll have to try them sometime!! 😀 *grins* Girl, I blame you for #1 giving me motivation to keep writing, #2 prompting me to do NaNo, #3 helping me love illustrating again, and #4 just being one of my very best friends EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 Awwww, that means the world to hear you say!! I can’t wait to post the other illustrations (I’m going to have to apologize for my slow speed—I’ve been behind on school/wrapping up the semester/keeping up with NaNo/and life has just been hectic this month, so I’m SO sorry if it takes me a while!! But I can’t wait to illustrate them!!! 🙂 )
XD Mejia, Mejia, Mejia, she’s just too incredible of a character to put into words 😀 Aww, that’s so sad how she feels like a failure at archery!! *starts to hug Mejia but realizes that might be a bad idea* Oh my goodness, I LOVE THAT so much!!! *gasps* And you know what I love even more? THAT TRAINING METHOD!!! No, the Russian names aren’t confusing at all—I ADORE EVERY ONE OF THEM!!! And of course they aren’t annoying or sound alike—they sound so interesting, every one of them!! *gasps again* That sounds like such an interesting sport!! And you created it?!?!?! WOW, THAT’S AMAZING!!! (I just love how Mejia used to dislike Filip—gosh that makes the romance SO MUCH CUTER!!) Oh…. um, don’t tell Mejia I said that, okay? *glances around to see if she heard that*
Oh, no that’s totally okay!! Take your time girl, that’s all right!! POOR MEJIA! D’you mind if I ask how she found out? Yay, then a hug it will be XD Of course!! I just love how she has her ring and the significance/storyline of it!! (I’m still fangirling/screaming over the fact that Mejia and Filip get married!!!!! No exclamation points could tell you how much I’m ecstatic!!!!!!) 😀 😀 😀 Thank you SO much!! I thought it would be interesting to include her father’s diary 😉 Hmm… I’m still trying to figure that out. Maybe she lets Deek see it and he has a memory, or something along those lines. (I have a bad habit of outlining the big picture and not knowing what to do with small details, so I’m sorry XD) Thank you!! And yes, the avalanche… *sighs* I’m still trying to figure out her least favorite object, but yes, that’s it for now:(
YES, that is 100% the most accurate thing ever XD I think Caira definitely plots out how the storyline is going to go when I’m not writing, haha. (Oh yes, my characters would definitely tie me up if they could, unfortunately *Deek glares at me and nods* XD) Aww, THANK YOU!! (I hope that doesn’t sound annoying/redundant by now) I’m so happy you like the diary entries, because I was nervous they weren’t good!!! YAY, THANK YOU, and this is exactly what I mean when I say your encouragement is 1,000% motivation!!! 😀 😀
Oh, that’s probably where I’ve read it then!!! Oh my goodness, half a million words?!?! I applaud you for being brave enough to read that XD OF COURSE, I mean EVERY word!!!! YES, I WAS SO ECSTATIC and I was so impatient waiting for your reply because I was DYING to know!!! No, that isn’t weird at all!! I mean, I SERIOUSLY FANGIRLED SO HARD WHEN I KNEW THEY GOT MARRIED YOU’VE NO IDEA!!! I just love their romance and I can’t help but fangirl about them!!!
Aww, YAYAYAYAYAY THANK YOU X 1,000 TIMES OVER!! For a first-time novelist (or any novelist, honestly) that’s just the hugest compliment in history and warmed my heart more than you’ll ever know!! I’m so GLAD you loved THE CONFESSION THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU *endless thank yous*!!!!! I’m considering writing the confession from Newton’s POV and the proposal from Caira’s POV, so I think that works out:) OH MY GOODNESS, YAY X 1,000,000 I AM JUST ECSTATIC RIGHT NOW THAT YOU LOVED THEM!!!!!!!!! AND THANK YOU FOR LOVING NEWTON SO MUCH!!!!!!!! I CAN’T STOP SAYING YAY AND INTERNALLY SCREAMING!!!!!!!! *screams* *grins harder than humanly possible* *continues screaming* 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 Thank you!! I thought it added more originality to have it that way. *gasps one thousand million times* ABIGAIL, THAT IS UTTERLY SPECTACULAR!!!!!!! I’VE NEVER HEARD OF THAT POWER BUT THAT’S JUST—I CAN’T—THAT IS JUST WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR!!! That’s an incredible way to combine their powers, thank you thank you thank you thank you for suggesting that idea!!!! That doesn’t sound crazy at all, it’s FANTASTIC!!! Thank you SO SO SO much!!! 🙂 Haha, yes, Deek and mischief go together very well XD Thank you SO much!! And double thank you!! *Deek nods in agreement* I thought it fit his ‘fiery’ personality well 😀 Yup, 100% chaotic XD Aw, thank you SO MUCH!!
*mouth drops* *stares at computer screen, speechless* *tries to think of what to type but mind goes blank*
I… I… I MADE YOU CRY?!?!?!?!?! ABIGAIL THAT IS THE GREATEST COMPLIMENT TO AN AUTHOR EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS, I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO WRITE TO EXPRESS HOW MUCH THAT WARMED MY HEART TO READ, AND HOW YOU LOVED IT SO MUCH, AND—I CAN HARDLY TYPE STRAIGHT!!!!!! I DON’T CARE IF THIS SOUNDS REDUNDANT, BUT THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I JUST HAD A HUGE GRIN WHEN I SAW THIS AND I’M SO UTTERLY ECSTATIC RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, just, a million hundred thousand times over!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 I could use every word in existence but nothing could come remotely close to describing how overjoyed that made me feel!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Aww, thank you so incredibly much, I was hoping you would like it!! YAYAYAYAY!!!!! (Wow that was a lot of all-caps, but it deserved it! 😀 )
And yes, Newton briefly wears a cowboy hat (only while he’s traveling) he finds by a signpost. THANK YOU!!! I’m thinking that Newton might name Ruko after he meets Caira (I can’t remember if I put Ruko’s name in Ch.5, but I would remove it if I did). Caira asks Newton what his raven’s name is, and Newton confesses that he doesn’t have a name. That night, when Newton and Ruko are alone together, Newton thinks about what Caira said and decides to name his raven Ruko:) And YES, HE DOES!! Newton talks to Ruko when he realizes he’s starting to fall in love with Caira, and after the failed confession, Newton starts crying and telling Ruko he was stupid to ever think Caira would share his feelings. THANK YOU SO VERY, VERY, VERY INCREDIBLY MUCH!!!! And yes, Ruko (and Deek) is Newton’s counselor when it comes to romance XD Haha, Newton usually speaks on behalf of Ruko so that he can tell himself what to do XD Awwww, *puts hand to heart* I’m honestly so relieved/excited that you said that, because I wanted Newton/Ruko’s relationship to be lovable!! Thank you!! 😀 😀 😀
And yes, Deek does visit the graveyard:( Aww, that is SUCH a heartwarming compliment, thank you!! Yes, he mostly goes there at night by himself, and sometimes brings her flowers. He usually will sit there for hours into the night talking to her memorial and remembering the sweet moments they had together. But, even though it’s sad, Deek is thankful that he gets to be with her at the graveyard:) And aw, thank you!!! Yes, she’s a huge motivation for him:)
Yes, outlining isn’t my strong point XD And yes, he does!! XD That sounds exactly like what Deek would do if he knew he was going to get a hug. Aww, THANK YOU, I’m just over the moon that you love that so much!!! He writes about how much he misses her and what he would say to her if she were there, but he never lets anyone read it. And then he’ll take his diary to the graveyard and read his diary entries out loud to her:) And I thinks so, unfortunately:( Aw, that’s such a compliment and I’m so glad you care about these characters enough to feel such sympathy for them!!! Thank you!!! I probably should treat them kinder, huh? *all of them firmly nod in agreement* He doesn’t walk back by himself, no. Deek begins crying, and he kneels beside Alana and says he doesn’t want to leave her, but Caira tells him they need to go, and eventually he descends the mountain with them, feeling guilty and sorrowful for losing her. But even as heartbreaking as that sounds, Deek finds comfort in remembering how she used to be and being able to talk to her. And even when Deek becomes an old man, he never stops talking to Alana at her grave:) I’m just SO HAPPY you found that heartbreaking (that sounds terrible, I’m sorry, but that entire paragraph you wrote was chock-full of compliments!!!!!!!!) Aw, thank you!!! And Deek thanks you too:)
*gasps* You like that, huh? Thank you! I thought it would be a brotherly moment for them, to have them on the camp battlegrounds swordfighting each other and Newton training Deek. Thank you so much!!! While Newton didn’t have a happy childhood with his hard family/military experience, he ends up having an incredibly happy future, so it’s not all heartbreaking as his diary entries might have implied. Thank you SO VERY much, and yes, Deek gets quite frustrated when he can’t get it right XD Aww!!! Thank you!!! *gives them to you* You can borrow them anytime you’d like, but under one condition: I get to borrow Mejia and her band too, because I’ve SO missed chatting with them already (especially Anton, because his stories were so interesting) and I want to visit Birch Woods again!!! 😀 Haha, Caira says you’re welcome 🙂 I smiled so hard when you brought up Mejia XD I can see that, but that only makes her more of a heartwarming character, honestly!! Thank you, and OF COURSE!!! I—*gasps* *stops* WAIT. That makes me nervous. Wh—Wh—Why is there a warning?! What happens?! *snatches Mejia and her band* Tell me they’re safe, and I’ll give them back. Yes, how could I not adore anything in this story? 😀
*shakes with excitement* *screams* *screams more* *smiles harder than humanly possible* *continues screaming**tries to type straight*
I HONESTLY DON’T KNOW WHAT TO EVEN WRITE EXCEPT FOR THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABIGAIL, YOU ARE SERIOUSLY SO AMAZING AND I SMILED ONE THOUSAND MILES LONG WHEN I SAW THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *infinite !’s* *infinite screaming* *infinite everything* OH MY GOODNESS, WHAT DO I EVEN SAY?!?! THIS WARMED MY HEART MORE THAN I KNEW POSSIBLE, AND I JUST WANT TO FRAME THIS ENTIRE PARAGRAPH AND STARE AT IT FOREVER BECAUSE THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST SPECIAL AND HEARTWARMING THINGS ANYONE HAS EVER SAID ABOUT MY NOVEL!!!!!!!!!!!! Just—Just—Oh my goodness, I can’t even write straight!!!!!!!!! Thank you SO INCREDIBLY MUCH, you just made my ENTIRE YEAR (no, LIFETIME), AND I WILL NEVER STOP SCREAMING ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!! *tries to calm down but fails miserably* YAYAYAYAYAY, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! When you said you’d never fangirled over a romance so hard, I was practically about to explode with joy because that one sentence brought the biggest smile to my face EVER!!!!!!!!!! TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THIS PARAGRAPH JUST MADE ME UTTERLY ECSTATIC/WANT TO SCREAM/WARMED MY HEART SO MUCH!!!!! And yes, they do go back every year for their anniversary! 🙂 That may be potential epilogue material… hmm 😉 *gasps* I could write about Newton and Caira bringing their daughter to the bridge, too!! Thank you so impossibly much for absolutely every single word you wrote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I’m just SO OVERJOYED that you like the fact that they get married!!!!! I mean, I was so nervous wondering if people would even like them being together/ship them/want them to get married, so THANK YOU!!!!!!! (I know, that’s getting redundant, but there’s no other word to express how heartwarming that all makes me feel!! 😀 )
And yes, Newton is a complete mess on his wedding day XD He’s terrified that he’s going to stutter over his wedding vows, and he’s equally terrified that he’s going to faint when he sees Caira in her wedding dress XD Caira is also frantic and a total wreck, so they both are worried that they’re going to mess something up XD OF COURSE, GIRL, YOU NEVER NEED TO THANK ME BECAUSE THIS STORY IS CLIMBING THE CHARTS FOR MY FAVORITE STORIES EVER!!!!! All of these bestselling books don’t even remotely compare to this AMAZING/LOVABLE/ASTOUNDING/SPECTACULAR story!!!!!!!!!!! I could write an entire novel-length post about how much I adore this story, but I probably shouldn’t because then KP would crash and we couldn’t chat on here anymore:( But I JUST LOVE THAT DANCE SCENE SO INCREDIBLY MUCH OH MY WORD!!!!!! :O Poor Filip, he’s just the cutest XD *gasps* OKAY, WAIT. THEY DANCE IN THE CASTLE GARDEN?!?!?! AND IT’S SNOWING?!?!?!?! GIRL, THAT’S THE MOST ROMANTIC THING EVER DON’T DOUBT IT AT ALL!!!!!!!! You have such a knack for creating romantic scenes!!! I mean, Filip’s proposal was the #1 one of the cutest things ever, the confession was so adorable I could actually scream, and—EEEEEEEK THIS IS ALL SO AMAZING!!!!!! Haha, that’s a very relatable statement XD
*gasps one thousand times* YOU… YOU’RE POSTING THE CONFESSION SCENE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! AND THE DANCE SCENE?!?!?!?! (Warning: excessive all-caps and !’s ahead) YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ohmygoodness, yay I AM OVER THE MOON ABOUT THIS! MY FINGERS CAN’T TYPE FAST ENOUGH TO TELL YOU HOW EXCITED I AM!!!!!!!! I’m sure it’s not rough at all, I’m just so amazingly honored to be reading it!!!!!! (Sorry Mejia, I’m going to fangirl harder than I’ve ever fangirled in my life tomorrow) Oh, written by hand? I’ve done that a time or two, and it’s not very convenient compared to a device XD No, don’t apologize!!! I’m just honored that you’re letting me read them!!! 😀 😀 😀 Oooh, those are INCREDIBLE answers, and I ADORE Morio’s!!!!:D
Hmm… Caira’s would be softhearted, brave, and curious, Deek’s would be determined, fiery, and mischievous, Newton’s would be observant, charismatic, and patient, Alana’s would be optimistic, dynamic, and bright, and Evie’s would be forthright, spectral, and wise. Well, along those lines, anyway:)
Aw, thank you!!! *Newton blushes and strongly denies it* Yes, he hesitantly told her that he was worried, and he even started blushing when he tried brushing it off. Caira can get frustrated with Newton sometimes, and aww *internally screaming* thank you!!! Newton is very intelligent in most things, but when it comes to romance, he’s hopeless XD Aww, Caira and Deek thank you (and I do too)!:)
Yes, it is, and hopefully you can soon too!! Well, unfortunately our camping trip got delayed from last weekend because it was going to rain, so we’re actually going camping tomorrow!! 😀 Aww, I’m sorry, I hope it clears up for you soon!! Haha, I wonder that too XD No, no, don’t apologize!!! You’re totally fine!!! And yes, I’ve been able to read this far 😉 *gasps* Thanks!! Yay, I’m so thrilled you loved that illustration so much!! 😀 😀
Aww, thank you!! That’s exactly how it goes!! 😀 This is the first brotherly moment between them (and it’s from Deek’s POV), so it’s been heartwarming to write 🙂 Oh my goodness, THANK YOU!!! I’m so glad you love the dynamics (seriously, I’m just over the moon about that!), and yes, Newton can be quite blunt at first XD Gosh, a hundred thank yous for that!!!:)
*gasps for the, what, fifth time already?* That name isn’t cheesy at all!!! I LOVE IT!!! And the whole concept sounds so interesting/dangerous/and oh my goodness I ADORE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!! And I can just envision Artur and Mejia battling one another during such a dangerous sport!! :O *fangirls excessively* OH MY GOODNESS, ARTUR HOW COULD YOU TAKE FILIP PRISONER?!?!?! Oh my GOSH, FILIP NEEDS ONE THOUSAND HUGS FOR EVERYTHING HE WENT THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs Filip* *gives him hot chocolate* *protects him from Artur* This is so incredibly amazing and I’m fangirling so hard I don’t even know what to write because of how incredible that is!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 EEEEEEK I CAN’T WAIT TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor Filip!! And Mejia—is this when she’s started to have feelings for him or no?
Oh, YES, that will be!!! Also, there’s two more days of NaNo left (including today) and YOU’VE DONE ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDING with your word count!!! Thank you SO MUCH for doing it with me this month, you’ve made it the greatest NaNo EVER! The next time you do it, you’re more than welcome to send me an invitation!! 😉 That’s going to be SO MUCH FUN!!!! 😀 😀 😀
April 30, 2021 at 3:50 am #98880Oh good, I’m glad it went through:) *Whew* YES!! It’s definitely awesome chatting with you again too, it sure seemed a lot longer than it was since I was last on here:)
Aw, that makes me so happy to hear! This definitely has been an AWESOME NaNoWriMo!!! And I completely understand not finishing novels this month, (tbh, my ‘novel’ this month was just me re-scratching the surface of my story again. So I’m going to call it my second first draft XD ). But just one tip, is to write the end of the book anyway even though it will come suddenly and against all the rules of pacing because trust me when Chris Baty says that it is easier/better to write the scenes in between than the ones that make ‘the end’.
Can you believe that today is the very last day of NaNo? Today we will both cross the finish line and reach 50k!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 Scary/amazing/awesome huh? Tomorrow (technically today, but I’ve been writing late again), I am going to copy a letter from my NaNoWriMo book from the founder of NaNo, that congratulates participants, (it’s a pretty great letter:) Plus I kind of have a surprise for you as a Congratulations On Running, Racing, and Winning NaNoWriMo gift for this month:) 😀 *Internally screams* THIS IS THE FINAL STRETCH AND WE GOT THIS!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀THAT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME ALL THOSE INCREDIBLE COMPLIMENTS!!!!! I’m so glad you loved that poem so much!!! 😀 😀 😀 And yes *grins* she is the one writing them, though the one about Filip is an allegory poem really. Mejia couldn’t bring herself to/find a way to actually write about him forthright;)
I will take the full blame for all of that!! 😀 And same here, because I don’t know where TSW would be without all your amazing posts and doing NaNo with me this year!! 😀 SO THANK YOU ONE THOUSAND TIMES FOR ALL OF THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 And no worries about it, you don’t have to apologize for slow speed, (I can be the queen of that sometimes XD ), and I know all about life getting hectic, so please don’t worry about it. I will be thrilled whenever you do post them!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Yeah, sadly she does for a long time and though she doesn’t become any great master at it but, *whispers* Filip eventually will spot her trying to hit a tree target and offer his help;)
Oh good! That’s a relief to know because I have no idea whether the Russian names would get confusing or not, so thank you so much for saying that!
THANK YOU!! Yes, I actually had the idea from watching a similar sport that combined skiing and riflery, then I watched skijoring and after a bit of thought, the training method just came alive:) Haha, *glances around too* I promise I won’t tell her, but I’m glad you love those two so much!!:D
Of course, I don’t mind:) Not even Artur knows about it yet. Mejia found out when she uncovered an old chest with iron letters that spell out the name ‘Rogozin’ and inside were several letters. Some were from Artur, some were from ‘friends’ of sorts and one was a response to a ransom/threat letter. Upon reading it, Mejia learns about Artur’s father and that he is the reason she never got to see what her past might have been.
Ooh, that’s a great idea! I’m sure you’ll figure it out, (you know that’s kind of funny how you outline the big picture and save smaller details for later because I am just the opposite! I always obsess over details even though I only have a small grasp of the big picture of my novels XD ).
XD Yes, reading War and Peace is something else, (it’s mostly the lives/living of the people/society of early 18th century Russia and was originally written in Russian by Tolstoy. I have no idea which English version I have though XDOF COURSE!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 How could I not that about those two??? I mean Newton is just- *sigh* I was about to say all the things that Newton deserves to be said to him, but then I’d be repeating everything I’ve ever written about him about a thousand times. And if I did that, the KP website might crash, so *internally screaming* make sure you let Newton know he is just one of the GREATEST CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, that makes me so so so happy to hear that that suggestion was so helpful!!! I had been racking my brains, trying to think how in the world you could combine telekinesis and photographic memory. Then I remembered that story and, I’m just so super incredibly, amazingly glad that I was able to help!!! 😀 😀*Grins* Yep, you did:) Reading it, I thought I was going to cry in the beginning, then further on I knew I would, and then I got a little further, and I did. 🙂 First time a book has done that to mean in a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog time, but less an excerpt:) But there’s no way to lie, THAT WAS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL AND REMARKABLE AND I LOVE IT 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean every word and it is just amazing!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Plus I love Newton and Ruko’s relationship with Ruko:D It’s so adorable to think of Caira asking what Newton’s raven’s name is, and then Newton later ponders what she said and names him Ruko!!! I LOVE THAT!!! And what you said next??? OH MY GOODNESS THAT IS SO AMAZING/SWEET/FANGIRLWORTHY!!!!!!! (okay, that a lot of ‘!’s XD But I need them anyway:) I just absolutely adore how Newton talks to Ruko about Caira (I think I’m repeating myself but I just love it so much) AND THEN HE ANSWERS HIMSELF IN RUKO’S VOICE?????? Seriously, Newton, YOU ARE THE MOST AMAZING EVER!!!!! I can just picture that and I love it!!! I saw see Newton pacing or sitting on a log, Ruko perched contentedly on a low nearby branch watching his friend, Newton talking about his romance problems and asking questions, then him answering for Ruko as Ruko just watches with curiosity… THAT IS THE CUTEST THING IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀This next part *sniffs* it- *sobs* THAT IS THE SADDEST THING IN THE UNIVERSE!!! Poor, poor, poor Deek. Just thinking about him going out to the graveyard at night by himself is heartbreaking, my heart has broken about a thousand times over this by now. And then thinking about him talking to her and reading her his diary entries and missing her, *cries* POOR, POOR, DEEK!!! I FEEL SO SAD AND HEARTBROKEN FOR YOU!!! Reading all that made me want to cry, the thought of his walking past the other memorials and kneeling beside her’s in the moonlight, a tear in his eye as he tries to smile while reading a diary entry before crying… *sobs* (I hope that it isn’t getting annoying that I write out the way I see the scenes happening in my head. I couldn’t help it:) But let me know if it is annoying at all and I can stop:) It was also sad/sweet/nostalgic thinking of Deek as an old man… to be honest, that is a little hard for me to envision XD
Like that? I LOVE THAT!! I mean Deek and Newton practicing sword fighting at dawn on the camp battlegrounds? That’s awesomeness at its peak! (Okay several things in Fortitude are awesomeness at its peak tbh). And is definitely an incredible brotherly moment for them, (I love all these dynamics so much:D ).
I’m just so happy that Newton’s will have such a happy future because when I think about his past I feel so sympathetic for him that I could just about hide away someplace for a century and cry……… but then how could I keep reading? *Comes out of hiding place* have I ever said how relieved I am to know your characters’ futures? I would always be worrying about them otherwise.AW, THAT MADE ME SMILE TO HEAR THAT YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA!!! 😀 😀 😀 Anton enjoyed telling the stories, (Mejia never really listens to them *sighs*) and you see Mejia? That DOES make you more of a heartwarming character! (She was not believing the concept of being heartwarming at all because of that XD ).
*Puts hand on heart* I promise that they are safe *coughs*, for now, *coughs*, right now I’m in the middle of a scene that’s been taking up mine and my characters attentions so I have not had the chance to think up any more plot twists….. yet.*Smiles longer, wider, bigger than anyone thought it even possible to smile* READING THAT MADE ME FEEL EXTREMELY ECSTATIC TOO! And I meant every, I mean every single word. I am so happy about that that you have no idea, I mean I JUST LOVED HEARING ALL ABOUT THE PROPOSAL SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! It was like, ah, how to describe it? It’s just hearing anything about Fortitude is always so incredible and then reading something as off the charts awesome as that? My all caps button is practically broken XD IT WAS JUST THE ABSOLUTE AND MOST AMAZING THING EVER AS IN ALL OF FORTITUDE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
And I just melted thinking about Newton on his and Caira’s wedding day!!!:D Oh my word, that is the most adorable thing ever, to think of Newton worrying about messing up his vows and fainting, awwwww, (btw, what did he come somewhat close to fainting when he saw her in her wedding dress?) The curiosity got to me when you said that:)
That makes me so ecstatic to hear that you are so excited to read them, *internally screaming* I mean everything that you said made me smile about a thousand million miles long and made my year!!! 😀 😀 😀 I already posted the confession scene link on the google hangout convo and before you read it, you should know that this is still a very rough draft and is only three pages long, but anyway, I hope you like it!! 😀 😀
I love all of those character lines! They all fit their characters so much and made me grin I read Deek’s:)
AW, I just adore how Newton is intelligent with so much but when it comes to romance? He can’t even remember what he was just thinking about even with photographic memory XD (Newton is just so cute!:)The rain has gotten to you too? Aw, sorry it got delayed but that is awesome that you get to go today, (well you said tomorrow, but ‘tomorrow’ was yesterday when today was tomorrow. So today would be yesterday’s tomorrow, which makes yesterday’s tomorrow, today… and no. I don’t think I could repeat that XD ). But anyway, thank you! I hope you have a great trip!!! 😀 😀 😀
That comment, (more like a compliment really:) made me smile so much, thank you so much for writing that! It is indeed quite a battle between them. And to be honest, I might have to take back what I answered about my favorite scenes, because the more I think about this one, the more I like it, (even though writing it out won’t be exactly what I envision in my head at first), in my head, I see it like a movie, but on paper? Lots of editing needed until it looks like it looks presentable. But it’s fun:) *Sighs* even I don’t know how Artur could do a thing like that to Filip and I was the one to made it happen! Poor Filip, I think he’d appreciate a break from being a novel character XD
This was some time before the confession and is where Filip has feelings for Mejia. But as for Mejia herself? This is about the time that she is on the border between having feelings for him and not having feelings for him. But she had to some more than even she knew about, because by accepting Artur’s fight, she was accepting a fight that she wouldn’t win.Aw, thank you! You to have made this the great NaNoWriMo ever!!! When I do it again, I’ll definitely send you an invitation:D This has just been so AMAZING!!! 😀 😀 😀
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