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    Alexa Autorski
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1011


      Thanks for the invite! I accepted it! ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, that’s a great idea and I positively adore those lines! I’ll have to share some of mine next time!


      Ah, thank you for forgiving my klutzy-ness XD And I can relate so hard with that, unfortunately, haha. Of course, I adore that name! Yes, I’m the same way–all of my character names/village names/kingdom names aren’t set in stone until I’ve poured hours and hours into deciding if I want to keep it. Half of the time, they don’t stick around.

      Ooh, research… the internet is both a blessing and a curse when it comes to using it as a writing tool. My search history is quite different XD But unless one is a writer, one will never understand. And *sniffles* that’s definitely heart-wrenching! I mean, I have so much sympathy for him and I think it’s so sweet that he continues mending things for Mejia, and I could certainly see how his blindness would strengthen their relationship. I personally think that writing about disabilities can result in stronger relationships, which is one reason why I kept Newton’s speech impediment. I think you’ve done an incredible job with Anton, and though it’s sad, it adds to his character and makes him even MORE likable:)

      And thank you so much!! ๐Ÿ˜€ I think switching my POV helped a lot. Caira is great, but sometimes I need a break from her POV and focus on my antagonist. Unfortunately, I didn’t hit my word count last night, but I’m hoping to make more ground-breaking progress this evening! THANK YOU SO MUCH! You are as well! I usually check y’all’s word counts, too, by the way. Good luck with your writing! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Alexa Autorski
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1011


        *Phew!* Thank you! I can be forgetful, so I wanted to make that clear so I didn’t seem rude or anything. OF COURSE! I mean, I practically melt at anything adorable, so when I read that I just fangirled all over again and, even though Mejia didn’t enjoy it the greatest, I certainly enjoyed reading about it!:) Aww, Filip gets more adorable by the minute! (I don’t know if he’d like me calling him ‘adorable’ but I don’t care–he’s amazing) And *gasps* escaping a ravine of wolves? That sounds so intense! Aw, I think that makes the confession/romantic scenes more adorable though, since Mejia isn’t typically sentimental like that. (By the way, Mejia is such a likable protagonist already!)

        And *a hundred thousand million gasps* YOU’D GIVE ME THE HONOR OF READING IT? Girl, I’ve practically been dying to read anything ofย The Snow Warriorย from the moment you mentioned it! YES, I’dย more than happily ecstatically read it!! And don’t worry about it being polished–I’m sure it’s amazing, and I definitely understand! ๐Ÿ˜€

        Ah, thank you! I was a bit nervous that having a young villain might seem less intimidating, but just because he’s young doesn’t mean he’s less cruel. Honestly, I’m starting to think my villain has a more intense storyline than Caira does XD I really have three villains: him, his elder sister, and their uncle, but he’s the main one:D

        Anyways, THANK YOU!:) I think your villain sounds positively awesome as well!!!

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 604

          First sentence:

          Hours have gone by and Iโ€™m still in the darkness.

          Last sentence:

          The chill mountain air refreshes my lungs like a drink of cold water on a parched throat.

          total of 2236 words today!ย  I’m exhausted, lol!! ๐Ÿคฃ

          How’d y’all’s writing go today?

          what we do in life echoes in eternity
          -gladiator, 2000

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1242


            That’s true, most of my names for literally everything gets changed around a lot, (and I can spend literally weeksย pouring over trying to find the perfect name for something:)
            The internet is an incredibly helpful, difficult, and confounding tool when it comes to writing that’s for certain XD
            Oh definitely, disabilities and disadvantages are excellent tools for building, deepening, and or altering relationships. Thank you! I’m always so super happy to hear that my characters are likable:)
            And same here, Newton’s stutter adds a layer of depth and makes me so sympathetic for him, (I mean I love him stutter or no stutter, but it does add a lot more depth to him:) Uh oh, I just got started on the topic of Newton… *pries fingers from keyboard* If I start fangirling about him, this post will never end, so…

            Yes, switching POVs can definitely help, (but tbh the only time I can switch from omniscient to another POV in TSW is when Mejia writes and I can write a little first-person that way:)
            Thank you! Technically the word count today was exposed to be 5,001, so you were extraordinarily close! (I didn’t quite make it to the 5k mark yet myself, but we’re nearly there:)



              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1242


              Wow, girl, that is INCREDIBLE!!:D I’m not sure how many I did today, but I’m at 4,790 words total so far:) Ooh! Those are amazing lines!!:D

              • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Abigail.M..
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1242

                My first line today was:

                โ€œWolf,โ€ she said and shrugged, โ€œI guess Iโ€™m not in anyoneโ€™s good graces at the present.โ€

                And last:

                He had just sanded out the old damages too.


                *Whew* I’m pretty exhausted too XD

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1242


                  Oh, I know you weren’t; no worries whatsoever girl:)

                  Actually, I have no idea how Filip would react to being called adorable.
                  I think since no one had ever called him that before, he’d just blink for a few seconds. Then he’d try to respond but wouldn’t be able to think of anything to say and would instead bow and make his exit to puzzle over the comment for about an hour.
                  Huh, maybe I do know how he’d react after all XD

                  Yeah, it was definitely intense. I was on edge practically the whole time I wrote it out XD
                  That’s true, once she finally ever gets around to a romantic scene, it is more adorable since she’s normally completely un-romantic, (not that most of the romantic scenes go right anyway… *sigh*)
                  THANK YOU SOOOOOSOOOOOSOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!:D I mean it means SOOO much to me that other people think Mejia is a likable character, (because she is my all-time favorite character, but sometimes I worry about her likability because she is often more of a gruff type of character. So, thank you!!:D ).

                  Aww, that makes me so ecstatic to hear!!!:) And honestly, that was the same way for me when I first heard about your novel, I thought, “I have to read that book!” And I was dying to read some and when you posted the chapters? AHH! I did all but throw a party!:) No, seriously.

                  Perhaps later this month when my word count gets further along, I’ll unearth and recover that scene a little bit, if you don’t mind me posting it at random and the fact that it is a scene that probably won’t be in the first novel, (since I created it for a separate story a while back, where Mejia was taken to a castle by force until she realized the reason behind it). No promises on the quality though:)

                  No, I don’t think it makes him less intimidating really, (Artur pretty young too, he’s only seventeen). Younger villains will also probably have more energy and can be every bit as cruel as the older ones. Woah, your three villains sound amazing, (in the bad but good way that a villain can be amazing:) Thank you!:)



                  Alexa Autorski
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1011


                    Oh my goodness, Filip’s reaction to be called ‘adorable’ is seriously the CUTEST THING EVER!!! Aw, can I just give him a hug or something, because I love him so much!!! It’s so amusing to think about characters’ reactions to different things XD

                    Oooh, that’s so interesting! Sometimes I’ll be on the edge of my seat writing a scene and my fingers can’t type quick enough… *sigh* And I think that’s so adorable! Personally, I LOVE Mejia’s personality and everything about her! She sounds like an incredibly strong female protagonist, and even though she can be gruff and down-to-business (I love that type of personality and I think it fits her soooo well:), she’s also compassionate and even has romantic moments. Just the fact that Mejia has a romance with Filip adds a lot to her character, I think, as well as her kindness to Lila. It gives her so much more dimension, and helps her not be a flat character. (I don’t know if anything I just said makes sense XD I’m not the best with words, my apologies). Mejia is definitely a likable protagonist (I don’t say that a lot about female protagonists because sometimes they can be annoying), and I can’t wait to read her story!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

                    Aww, that means so much to hear you say!!! I honestly NEVER EXPECTED that people would really like my story that much, because I felt like I hadn’t developed it enough or it wasn’t interesting (which is why it was so hard to keep writing some days). But your faith in it and encouragement has been the greatest thing ever, and it’s one of the huge-est (is that a word?) reasons why I’m continuing to write it:)

                    And *gasp* YES, YES, YES! I’d LOVE to read absolutely any part of your writing, girl!! It’s like a treasure every time I see a snippet ofย The Snow Warrior, but that only makes me want to read more:D I don’t mind at all, and don’t worry about it not being high quality. I’m sure it’s amazing, and I completely understand!! If you ever need a reader, I’m your girl *raises hand*:)

                    Oh, good! *wipes perspiration off forehead* I was worried about that. But really? That’s so cool, I didn’t know our villains were around the same age!!! And yes, that’s true–younger villains can be just as evil (if not more) than older ones. And thanks! It’s been…ย interesting writing about them:D Artur sounds absolutely awesome as well, and I’d love to know more about him! ๐Ÿ™‚

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 604


                      Awesome job, you’re doing amazing!!!

                      what we do in life echoes in eternity
                      -gladiator, 2000

                      Alexa Autorski
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1011


                        Hey, I just now realized I only replied to your latest post and not your earlier one! *hits palm to forehead* Ah, there goes my forgetfulness again. *sheepish grin*

                        Oh, that’s so relatable! I spent so many weeks contemplating over names and swapping them multiple times. Isn’t it kind of amusing to go back on early drafts of your story and remember old names for your characters? I do that sometimes, haha. Yes, of course they are!! That’s one of the primary reasons why I feel so invested in the story–I want to know what happens to your characters and what their storyline is!!! I think you’ve done a superb job of crafting them, personally:)

                        Aww, thank you so much for saying that!!! I honestly can’t remember why I gave him a stutter to begin with, but it was one of the earliest parts about his character, so I had to keep it. And I’m glad you felt sympathetic for him–I have a lot of compassion for him because of his struggles, and it’s good to know I’ve written him well enough so other people feel the same way! Aww, GIRL THANK YOU! Your fangirling over Newton makes me smile bigger than humanly possible because I’m so glad other people enjoy hearing about my characters!! I feel the exact same way about Mejia and her crew!! *quickly tries to think of something else* If I start thinking aboutย TSWย I’m going to freak out, so take my word that I enjoy hearing anything about it!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

                        Oh my goodness, Mejia writes throughout the story?! Caira does, too! That’s so interesting–I didn’t know anybody else did that ๐Ÿ˜€ Yeah, that’s an excellent way to shift POV and delve a little deeper into Mejia’s character. I think it’s great!!:) We’ll get there one day at a time, I’m sure of it!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ You’ve made exceptional progress so far, I’m so proud!! *claps*

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 604

                          @writerlexi1216, @abigail-m

                          How are your stories going?ย  (And btw, they sound AMAZING!!!)

                          My first line for today is this:

                          Hunting days are the best days.

                          And my last one is this:

                          “The freaks are Alphas, the Enhanced are Betas, and the dead people are Gammas.”

                          That makes no sense to you, so yeah, lol!!

                          what we do in life echoes in eternity
                          -gladiator, 2000

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1242


                            Yeah, though Filip doesn’t try to do adorable things, he ends up doing them anyway:) Sure, I don’t think he’d mind ๐Ÿ™‚ And oh yes, definitely, it’s so much fun to think of how characters would react to different things XD

                            Ikr? Sometimes the scene starts picking up in pace so much in my mind that I think it faster than I can actually type it XD
                            I love the gruff, down-to-business character personalities too. They are usually my favorites in stories and movies and when they do have a more sentimental moment, it makes it all that much more special:) Btw, have I ever said how much I LOVE Newton?

                            That made perfect sense! And I appreciated every single word!:D I mean you have no idea how happy it makes me, because yes, female protagonists can be annoying sometimes in stories, and so if not anything else, I try to make Mejia a strong heroine for the story. SO THAT LITERALLY MEANS SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH TO ME!!!!:D ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€
                            (And btw, Caira is such an INCREDIBLE female protagonist!!!!!:D

                            Yeah, I know the feeling of feeling like not being able to write on some days, but I totally mean everything I say!!!, (And even though I’ve said that before, I still mean it 100000%). I’m SO happy to hear that my posts are so encouraging, (I mean I haven’t known aboutย Fortitudeย for even a year yet and I already can’t even imagine how a bookstore can even be a proper bookstore without it!:D ).
                            (Well one dictionary said it is a word and another one said it wasn’t. The internet can be so mysterious sometimes XD But it definitely should be a word:)

                            Aw, that makes me thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis happy to hear:D and same, you’ve been like the huge-est, (that has got to be a word XD ) encouragement!!:) You have seriously no idea how much you’ve helped TSW!:D

                            That is super cool that both of our villains are so close in age!:)
                            (I’ll probably be posting a few short scenes in the Dialogue topic later with Artur in them:) But any questions you have about him, I’d be happy to answer:)
                            And yep, villains certainly can be interesting at times, (or all the time in sometimes) and your’s sounds so awesome!!

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1242


                              NP at all:) Oh definitely, I mean now I look back through the very first scenes that I wrote of TSW, (the ones so old that Lila was the protagonist XD And at that time Lila was Audrey XD ). Even Mejia’s name was going to originally be Fajer, (but I liked Mejia waaay better even if I have to invent a Russian variant of it before I finish drafting), so I gave the name Fajer to a different character in another story that I’ll most likely work on someday after TSW, (but tbh, I’m perfectly happy sticking with TSW for a good many more years:)
                              Aw, thank you SO MUCH! That makes me so absolutely incredibly happy to hear!!

                              Newton’s stutter is definitely an awesome part of him and I have so much compassion for the poor/utterly awesome guy!!!:D I mean it also makes me sympathetic for him because of his struggles and difficulties, and it makes me love him all that much more:)
                              Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜€ I mean that made me grin about a good two miles long ๐Ÿ™‚ (the smiley emojis smiles aren’t even big enough:) And totally, I mean, every time I hear more about Fortitude, it’s like the most amazing thing ever!!!:D

                              Really? No way! That’s so cool that Caira writes throughout your story too!:D I mean, it’s so much fun and a great way to get deeper into the character’s mind’s interworkings. Sometimes I even have the others write too, to get deeper into their characters even though those pieces don’t make it into the novel itself.
                              You too!!!:D *Claps as well* We can make it!!:)

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1242


                                Thank you!!!:D

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1242


                                  Ooh, awesome Ella!!:) I think I’m doing pretty good with my word count at least:) How about you?

                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Abigail.M..
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