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  • #96653
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1242


      Thank you!:) Hey, Iā€™m sure you can do it! Either way, itā€™s only day two, (some WriMoā€™s write out half their novel on the last day, so your doing great:) Plus we can totally do it:D Say what is it your researching for royalty? Just curious, I may know some sources on it. I once considered making Mejia descended from royalty, so Iā€™ve done a little research on it myself:)

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Abigail.M..
      Alexa Autorski
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1011


        Thanks so much!:) That’s such great encouragement–I have a tendency to overthink things, so I’m sure I’m just getting worried about nothing. Yes, we definitely can! šŸ˜€

        Well, I’m getting ready to write a flashback scene about a coronation–when my villain (the king) actuallyĀ becameĀ king. The thing is… I really don’t know what a coronationĀ looksĀ like or what would happen. Basically things of that nature. Wait, Mejia was originally descended from royalty? Oh my GOODNESS, that’s such an amazing concept, but I still think it’s equally amazing if you decided not to. Mejia’s awesome either way:) Also, do you happen to know much about regents? Like, if a king was too young to rule by his own will, could a family member be chosen as his regent? Anyways, excuse my random questions:) That’s the idea.

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1242


          Hmm, my post isn’t coming through. Did you get it?

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1242


            Wait, never mind, I just got it to work XD

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1242


              Apparently, it didn’t want to take my links to websites:(
              Oh well, they were mostly a couple of interesting articles on Wikipedia about Coronations and Regents, I can still try and post them if you want:)

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1242


                Wow, I’m really sorry, my post disappeared again. Anyway, I hope you got it, if not I can resend:)

                Alexa Autorski
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1011


                  Oh, don’t worry about it at all!! I understand that posting can be difficult sometimes, so you’re fine!! I got your lovely email in my notifications, so fear not, my friend šŸ˜‰ And thank you immensely for all the effort you put into your reply. I mean, it was beyond helpful, and *teach me your ways of navigating the internet* Yeah, it’s been a little hard not editing and only writing, so needless to say, my quality has gone down under XD Oh well.:)

                  And this whole post is a perfect reference for me to use while writing that scene! I was a bit nervous because I wanted to portray it as realistically as possible, so every tiny detail is important. So thank you!:) I don’t actually have a ‘nationality’ since it’s fantasy, but I could follow what Britain does for reference. Anyways, thank you so much for your help!! It was incredibly helpful and will definitely help me write this scene more thoroughly!!

                  Oh my goodness, that sounds so interesting!! But I understand if it didn’t fit in–you have to choose whatever is best:) Still, I know that I already adore your story no matter which option you would’ve chosen! And WAIT. SHE DANCES WITH FILIP?! That sounds like the most adorable thing ever!! (I’m guessing it was meant to be romantic? Correct me if wrong). Are you keeping it, or did you scrap it? Either way, that scene sounds so sweet (even if it didn’t end well). That’s so interesting about Mejia being half royalty, though! And, personally, I think it’s so fun having little secrets about your characters that only you as the author know about:) It’s just a secret between you and your character (and thank you for letting me in on that spectacular secret! I won’t say a word to anybody;)

                  Well, the king is quite young when he, well, becomes king. I’d say around fourteen, maybe? (This is only back in time–he’s around eighteen or nineteen in present time). There’s a reason for him being so young, too, because I wanted to include his regent for the sake of the story. Thank you so very much for your detailed reply!! You’re always so helpful with your info, and this definitely will make writing the coronation scene much smoother and easier! šŸ™‚

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1242


                    Oh good!:) *Whew* yeah, I have no idea what happens with the posts sometimes… did you get the one with my response about Anton? I can’t seem to find it.
                    I’m super glad it was helpful:D Haha, navigating the internet is a challenge for sure, most of it is mixing up your question and wording it in many different ways; that and tracking down the leads and knowing which sites are more legitimate…… yeah, it’s tough. I may just have to put together an article on that alone sometime XD

                    Oh yes, the not editing part of this half relieves me and half drives me insane XD Because I know I have a lot to fix, but also I know that I gotta leave everything alone until the end of the month… *sigh* Oh well:)

                    Well, it was exposedĀ to be romantic, *looks over at Mejia who folds her arms in defense* *sigh…* Mejia just doesn’t like cooperating with me when it comes to Filip…Ā at all. It would have been sweet/adorable except for the fact that one of Mejia’s hidden phobias is chorophobia, which is the fear of dancing. That and she feels completely ridiculous dancing with him. Filip didn’t mind though if I recall, no, actually he was pretty happy about it himself. But, yeah, it didn’t end the best, (I mean the scene that occurred much later as a result of this was pretty -more or less- sweet). But gosh, those two… *shakes head* I just don’t know.
                    Tbh, I can’t decide whether to scrap it or keep it. I guess I’ll just half to wait and see how the novel goes, but I’m pretty sure I’ll have to save it for a possible sequel, (but I keep it in my TSW notes doc because I like it too much to just get rid of:)

                    Thank you! Yes, I love having secrets that are just between you and your character:)
                    (Your welcome and thank you;)

                    Ooh, that’s SO interesting!!:D Yeah, at that age, a Regent or Royal Advisor should work great:)

                    Alexa Autorski
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1011


                      OH MY GOODNESS, I just realized I never responded to your post about Anton!! I’m SO SORRY, I completely forgot! I mean, I definitely read it once you posted it, but I guess it just slipped my mind to reply! *falls on knees and begs for forgiveness* Good grief, I can be so forgetful sometimes… I wasn’t trying to be rude or anything, I just forget things all the time:( Anyways, now I’ll respond to the post about Anton:

                      That’s so sad for him, I had no idea it was because of a horse! (Oh my goodness, I ADORE the name Destal!!) That’s actually an interesting idea to have him lose his sight so gradually (definitely heartbreaking for me, but I like it), and I could definitely see where he would have to depend on Mejia. I mean, that’s so heartbreaking and awesome at the same time (sorry Anton), and it really adds a lot to his character! Aww, that’s heart-wrenching at just the thought of poor Anton being blind and trying to make something, but I’m glad he’s able to continue. And I love that dynamic between he and Filip! I could definitely see why Filip would be even more scared of horses, too, after Anton’s poor experience. And that’s so neat how, even though Anton becomes blind, it affects everyone and changes them, like what you said about Filip. *This story just gets better by the post!!! šŸ˜€ *

                      Also, thank you so much for saying that!! I feel like I’ve made some ground-breaking progress today. Currently outlining what I’m going to write later:) Also, the same to you! You’ve made INCREDIBLE progress so far and I’m so proud of you! šŸ˜‰ WE CAN DO THIS, NANOWRIMO BUDDY!!! šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€

                      Alexa Autorski
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1011


                        And NOW I’ll respond to your latest post. By the way, please let me know if that ever happens again! I have a tendency to read posts and… not reply to them. Anyways, I definitely wasn’t trying to be rude! I’m just forgetful and scatterbrainedĀ all the time sometimes, so forgive me.

                        Haha, the Mysteries of the Internet is definitely a mystery, but your replies have been more than helpful for me! When you’re writing about something like royalty, Google becomes your best friend, but even that can be hard, so it’s nice having someone to ask questions to!

                        OH MY GOODNESS, that sounds so sweet/adorable, even if Mejia didn’t like it. I mean, I can just picture it so perfectly! Haha, my characters don’t like cooperating with me either, so I feel for you. *shakes head* But I think it’s so adorable that Filip was happy about it even though Mejia wasn’t (also, I’ve never heard of that fear before! That’s so interesting!). AWWWWW, this scene sounds so amazing!!! Well, you’re the author, but I personally love that scene already and would equally love to read about it!!! WAIT. Possible sequel?!?! *shrieks* Okay, okay, I’ll calm down now…

                        Great! I figured. That’s why I made him so young when he was crowned at his coronation, because I have a feeling that his initially young age really plays into the story. Of course he’s a young adult in present day and at the age where he doesn’t need a regent anymore, but still, it’s part of the plot. Anyways, thanks a million times over for the help! šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 604


                          Hey Lexi, just wanted to let you know that if you want, you can join me and Abigail on our Camp NaNo April group.Ā  I think I sent you an invite.Ā  If you don’t want to, that’s totally fine, np.Ā  Just wanted to let you know! šŸ˜€

                          what we do in life echoes in eternity
                          -gladiator, 2000

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 604

                            @abigail-m, @writerlexi1216

                            I also thought it’d be fun to share our first and last sentences we write each day.Ā  Here’s mine:

                            I hurry over the rocks so my shoes donā€™t get wet, but Magnus splashes through the stream, shaking the water from his long coat on the opposite bank.

                            And the last:

                            Heavy footsteps leave the room. ā€œWe stay here until we find him.ā€

                            I’d love to hear y’all’s!!!

                            what we do in life echoes in eternity
                            -gladiator, 2000

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1242


                              Oh no, girl, donā€™t worry about it in the least! I was just making sure you got it, because, well, my posts are sometimes just as cooperative as my characters XD But yeah, no worries:) That happens to me sometimes too:)

                              Iā€™m so glad you liked the name Destal! Because, like character names, I get nutty about naming villages and places and such:) And half the time Iā€™m second guessing whether it sounds good or not, but I just liked this one so, yes XD Itā€™s reassuring to know that Iā€™m not the only one XD

                              Yes, it served the plot better for him to lose it gradually, (tbh that was a whole research venture of its own to find out what kind of injuries would make you go blind over time…… you know, unless one is a writer themself, theyā€™ll never understand another writerā€™s research history XD ). And yeah, it is pretty heart-wrenching to write sometimes, Anton still trying his best to do things like he did before for Mejia. It took him a little while to get the hang of mending boots without being able to see, but overall it played a role in strengthening their relationship.
                              Thank you!! šŸ˜€ Iā€™m so ecstatic that you like it so much šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€ !!! Like the word ā€˜ecstaticā€™ doesnā€™t even describe how ecstatic I am!!!:D

                              AMAZING!!! *Waves pompoms* I mean I am so super happy that your making groundbreaking progress!!! Is that a great feeling or what?
                              Every time I update my word bar, I usually check in on yours and Ellaā€™s, and I get SO excited as soon as I see the word count has grown:D Your doing AWESOME!!!

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1242


                                No worries about it at all, I definitely know that you werenā€™t trying to be rude or anything like that; no harm done:) Iā€™m just glad my post came through:)

                                THANK YOU!!!!!:D
                                Yeah, it was a adorable scene, (as long as your watching from a third person POV and donā€™t include the end that is).
                                Filip was definitely the happier one of the two, (since he simply likes being with Mejia in general, even in the life threatening situations that they often get into. So yeah, a chance to dance with her instead of being in the middle of escaping a ravine of wolves? Yep, he enjoyed it:)
                                I mean Mejia enjoys being with Filip to of course, but she is no fan of dancing, confessions, and such like that.

                                *Sigh…* I just donā€™t know what to do with that scene… but even if it doesnā€™t make it into the first novel, I may post it sometime you wanted, if I ever get it polished up enough:) Iā€™m not sure how legible it is right now XD

                                Oh cool!:D Thatā€™s neat that the villain is also so young, (usually when you think of a villain king, images of an older tyrant come to mind). I mean I love your villain, (that is in a way that I also donā€™t like him because heā€™s the villain,) but he sounds like an awesome one!:)

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1242


                                  Wow!! Those are awesome Ella!!!:D
                                  This is an amazing idea! Hmm, I just started writing today so Iā€™ll share yesterdayā€™s first and last:)

                                  As still a staple of dull white light gleaned off the mountainous snow that loomed and piled and flowed across every surface it could find a hold of.

                                  (That was one of my better sentences so far this month XD ). Hereā€™s the last:

                                  ā€œWell it looks like you could use a new pair anyway,ā€ he said, his smile still lingering on his lips.

                                  This is a great idea! Iā€™ll have to post todayā€™s first and last later tonight:)

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