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- This topic has 197 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 6 months ago by
August 17, 2021 at 1:02 pm #103525August 17, 2021 at 1:04 pm #103527August 17, 2021 at 1:05 pm #103528August 17, 2021 at 1:05 pm #103529August 17, 2021 at 1:07 pm #103530
Anyways, I know they have their flaws (I’m still quite a novice, sorry about that), but it was still such an honor to use them for illustrations!! Again, I’m still hoping to draw some more, but in the meantime, I hope I got them at least somewhat right! 🙂 Please tell me if you need me to change anything or if I got anything wrong! 😀
August 17, 2021 at 4:36 pm #103548Also, I just realized that I made a mistake with the first picture of Anton! That was actually supposed to be Filip, though I suppose it could work either way. Anyways, I can re-illustrate his name and re-post it if you’d like! (I’m terribly scatterbrained when it comes to these things XD I’ll make that correction and re-send it!)
September 1, 2021 at 1:52 am #104027Yes! 😀 You got that perfectly!! I love speaking bits of Russian whenever I can, (and quite frankly I blame TSW for that, but that’s a whole other story), I’d like to take it as a language and- oh my word, I just realized something. School is back already! Wow…. that realization is slightly delayed and kind of scary. Like, where in the world did the summer go anyway? It was like a video in fast motion almost and now it’ll slow-motion the rest of the year XD Jk for the most part since I love winter, but it’s slightly odd getting past the fact September is already here.
No need for apologies! I think we’re pretty even *sheepish grin because I’m pretty late too* and I know as well as anyone, life will be… life. *Shrugs* but it’s wonderful to finally post this reply. It seems like all my writings going at a snail slow pace this month, but I made a checklist to remember to get the important stuff done. Top of the list is getting my monthly installment of The Lost Manuscript posted ON time, (thank goodness for deadlines huh?) Though I don’t really expect everyone to read it, I was so extremely elated when y’all did and the answers I got to my questions. Sure they seemed like small questions, but they have been some big stepping stones and have helped me make decisions regarding character as I looked further into my characters because of the reviews. And though I’ll thank you again in the installments topic, I want to thank you now too for reading it and leaving comments, all your enthusiasm for TSW is just always so encouraging!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
…Hi btw. I guess it took a bit to get to the hello, there XDThat’s alright that you decided to stop doing NaNo in July, burnout would be inevitable after April, (I got burnout just thinking about July NaNo XD ). I guess that’s why the main one is once a year and they have the camps if you don’t do the main event. But in any case, I think taking a break from that nutty month is a good idea. I don’t plan on doing it again until November for the global dash.
Wait, wait, ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FOUR THOUSAND WORDS??????? *SCREAMS* *AND SHOUTS ALL OVER AGAIN* BECAUSE JUST READING THAT YOU HAVE REACHED 164K ON FORTITUDE… I…. THAT”S JUST… YOU HAVE NO CLUE HOW ECSTATIC I AM FOR YOU!!!!!! (And of course for me too because it’s in my very short list of top favorite novels in all the universe!) AND PLUS, THIS IS LIKE, AN ABSOLUTLEY CELABRTORY OCCASSION!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is seriously such an accomplishment, Alexa!!!!! Congratulations one million times a million, this is so incredibly such amazing news 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 THIS IS SUCH AMAZING NEWS THAT I”M ALREADY BACK TO THE ALL CAPS!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 OH MY WORD AM I EXCITED ABOUT THIS!!!!! Of course, the count will probably be chopped up some in editing as you said, but still, 164k is a great amount for a first draft. Spectacular really. An average novel on the bookstore shelf is about 60-100k, so I wouldn’t worry about the count lowering or rising. In the end, Fortitude will be one phenomenal hardback regardless of word counts:) AND 5K OF EoD?????? THAT’S AWESOME!!! YOU GO, GIRL!!!! *Pumps fists and cheers among the streamers* How’s it going working on Echos of Destiny?Eira and Aramis… I can tell I like them:) Ooh, I love the sound of this just by their names!! And no that wasn’t boring at all! I love a good adventure and romance!! Even it’s not a complete synopsis, it sounds like an awesome story and I can already feel conflict and tension sparking bewteen them!! 😀 😀 😀
Ooh, yes! Four names are totally interesting! I love how you spelled it ‘Jayn’ instead of ‘Jane’. It just… elegant-afies that name 1000%Oh no, it’s not all that hard at all to keep up with your avatars. I can always tell it’s yours by the chosen themes and style and awesomeness. I’d freshen mine up more, but I guess I’m just too lazy to keep up with doing that XD
Thank you! I’m glad that you like those TSW boards:) I agree, Pinterest is super helpful in that area, and even just finding little details and scene ideas or poems inspiration or costumes or anything really! And those boards you made for EoD. I love how Atreyu is an engineer and Felicity is a female knight and *gasps* there are two ships? Also looking at the Locations board was a ton of fun, this new world looks so intriguing!! I love the aesthetics and character themes and world details that you put into your fantasy stories!!! 😀 😀 😀
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! *Sigh*, it’s one of those times I wish I had a blog though since it’d probably help with the book’s publicity since publicity is also on the authors as well to get the book out there. But I’m glad I’m not rushing into making a blog because after all the lessons and articles I’ve gone through, I’ve saved myself from making a ton of big mistakes that would’ve been extremely hard to undo, (if it’s possible to undo). But I guess I can still post the banners that Chicken Soup sent, on Pinterest. I guess I can’t worry about that too much though.
Thank you! I’ll take note of that! *Jots it done* 🙂 I have so many themes, it can be hard to nail down a prominent one. I have so many different things I want to convey through TSW. I want it to be entertaining and fun and deep. But even more important, I want it to make people ask questions and make them wonder… I guess that’s just a fancy way of saying that I want it to affect eternity for others, making them see God’s light through the pages. Not an easy thing to do either since I have a million ideas for symbolism and allegories and at the same time, I’m drawing a blank. Okay, I’ll admit I sounded a little dramatic there. But thank you for that grounding advice, I’ve got to figure out which theme (or possibly two) will be the one that the novel twines around. No, no of course I know you weren’t saying that, though I know I gotta work on my theme though, so I’m always grateful for the reminder:) Feedback is a greatly important part of writing and of course! I’ll always be willing to offer feedback as well:D
Ooh, I’m so glad you like the idea, (Morio’s a good choice to interview;) Although he tends to be very quiet, I’m sure he’d be willing to answer any questions you got for him:) Hmm, okay, I am going to choose Pirion, (I gotta know more about this guy).
Alrighty, Pirion, are you ready? Well, ready or not, here the questions come XDExplain Newton’s brainwashing to me from your perspective.
When did you learn to swordfight? I hear you’re pretty good at it.
What’s a favorite secret hobby or memento that you don’t tell anyone about.
If you could take only one as a prisoner, who would you choose, Caira? Or Newton? And why?
Are you suspicious of Primrose for anything at all for any reason? Not that I have any specific reason for asking of course.
Who is your favorite person, past, present, or future.
What’s your favorite Aldovian sport, do you watch or spectate in it?
…..shoot, my seven questions are already up XD Oh well, I can’t wait to hear what he has to say… Oh my gosh, I’m already on the edge of my seat!! 😀Yeah, despite the trouble that Cavapoos can stir up, they are definitely cute:) He’s kind of a dog version of a WIP, with training and everything. But hey! If it weren’t for that, I guess owning a dog would be too easy and the fun in a challenge wouldn’t be there. Turns out, he likes to chase chickens and (okay this sounds odd, but I’ve seriously never seen an actual dog who actually did this even if it’s common), chew shoes. They end up all over the place and he looks as innocent as ever when I catch him, (he’s got the ‘puppy eyes’ nailed). XD But yeah, he’d make a great subplot somewhere in my writing. Ooh! Yes! *High five* Narnia fans all the way!! 😀 Agh, so hard to choose just one favorite character… but if I gotta pick only one, I’ll go with Puddleglum all the way:) …Or “ 🙁 “ as Puddleglum himself would put it. XD
Aw thanks:) I’d be more than happy to post pictures of the costumes when they’re finished! 😀 It most likely won’t be until winter since I’ll have no backdrops until then, but maybe I can post one of Anton’s scarf sooner since it’s already finished, even if the backdrop will be kind of unnatural in contrast to Birch Woods climate. I tried making the scarf look ten years worn, but *shrugs* I’ll let you be the judge on that, I’ll most likely post it tonight or tommorow:)
Awwwh! Oh my gosh, all three of them sound so adorable! A Chesapeake Bay Retriever mix, Great Pyrenees, and *screams* HUSKY!?!?!? AWWWWWWW, what are their names? All those breeds are so wonderful!! And Huskies have always been one of my top three favorite breeds. *Sigh* you’re so super lucky and an escape artist huh? He, (or she), sounds like a mischievous one, but incredibly cute at the same time:) I’m with you on that, cats are definitely my favorite, but dogs can be extremely sweet too 🙂
Yeah, I’m horrible at ship names, (I always count on fandoms to do that work for me XD ). But I really like “Newtaira” a lot. Visually, it’s super fun to just look at on the screen, (or I’m sure it’d look great on paper too). It’s also fun to say 😀 😀 Personally, I love it!! 😀 Wow, I can’t wait to find out what ship names arise from Fortitude’s fans someday, (or would you prefer me to call it, LoHK? *grins* that kinda reminds me of LoTR. I’d be happy to call it whichever you like:)
Mejia and Filip’s ship name? Yikes, I don’t know if I even got the courage to even think of their ship name if I’m within sword distance of either of them! It’s pretty hard to come up with one out of their names… Feijia, Milip, Filijia? XD If Mejia didn’t kill me for making up ship names, she’d probably kill me for making them sound so completely ridiculous… I guess I don’t have a lot to work with unless I spliced their titles instead, *shrugs* I don’t know how to mash up their names and make them sound non-goofy XD Oh well:)Poor Pirion, even after all he’s done, I feel terrible for him that he’s banished, but it sounds like he took it diplomatically. And it’s good and even heartbreaking that he didn’t hold any grudges against Caira. What was their final interaction like? Or did they really even have a final interaction? Like maybe they just kind of went separate ways, though I can imagine them end their acquaintance in some way or other. A floating city? That is like such a perfect place for Pirion to go and perhaps build a new life and home there, whether it be larger and wealthy or small and humble. Bridlan… wow, never let that name slip away because I just… that is just such a poetic and enchanting town name, a total keeper right there even it doesn’t end up to be the town’s official name, you should still keep that one 😀
XD I can just imagine Deek just “trying” to be a prince. Like I can see him causing mischief, scrutinizing all his clean and formal clothes with disgust, and even escaping the castle walls like the prince did in the third book of Narnia XD And royal dinners, having a bajillion forks and spoons to have to eat with, one for every course, and balls with Deek would have to be… interesting, to say the least. I can just see him playing with a candle or burning his sleeve in boredom with his fire powers, (or catching the drapes on fire accidentally). Poor Caira, she wouldn’t be able to keep up with him half of the time! XD I think the only thing he would enjoy would be reviewing the royal guard and perhaps criticizing the weaponry and even offering to help sharpen the swords just to escape the palace for a couple of hours XDI can just see that!!!!! Aaawwwwwwwww! That’s such a sweet image, and since it’s like I know Deek and Alana and they feel like a couple of great friends, I can envision their thoughts and reaction so well. I’ll bet everything Deek ever advised Newton about romance just dissipated when Alana confessed to him how she felt about him, (and picturing his stunned expression makes me smile so wide because it’s so utterly adorable;)
Hey! That’s a fantastic idea!!! Heartwrenching and almost too heartbreaking to think about, but a fantastic idea nonetheless!! I can clearly picture Deek taking over Alana’s responsibility by looking after her reindeer. *Sniff* I might start crying at the thought, I can almost see him walking among a couple of the does, stroking their thick, coarse hair and wondering if Alana had stroked them there once. Looking after them protectively and loving them and tending to everything they needed, keeping his memory of Alana alive through them, maybe even feeling like he still had a piece of her as long as he had them. His relationship with Alana is just so sad and beautiful and even really deep since they never got the chance to get into a truly romantic relationship like Caira and Newton did. So there’s so much room for a ton of complicated emotions and thoughts for poor Deek such as regrets and hopelessness and secrets and changing views and changing personality and altering goals and aloofness or protectiveness. After all, as authors and articles put it, it’s not how the character reacts to another character’s death that is truly tragic and heartbreaking, it’s how they react to the loss. How they change and wither or how they change and thrive or how they get on, what they have to do next or what they feel they have to do. And from what I’ve heard, Deek does change after Alana dies, (and that broke my heart into a million pieces on top of losing Alana). *Cries*. *Sniff* Anyway, yes, back to what I was saying, I am a total supporter and fan of the idea of Deek looking after Alana’s reindeer!!:)
Aw, thank you!!! 😀 If TSW was a film, I’d have to choose live-action hands down. It’s so much fun to envision scenes and how the actors might move, and since I already do minor videography, it’s fun to mess with camera angles in my head and stuff. Heh, I guess my head is as far as the film’s gonna get for a loooong time yet to come though XD But hey, no harm in wishful daydreaming right?
I think my favorite scenes to envision are the swordfights and really tense spots, sometimes even putting myself in Mejia’s place to see how she might do things… What are your favorite scenes from your writing to envision as film scenes and rbay would you prefer animation or live-action?YAYYYYY! ‘Cause, I have been dying to read some more of Fortitude, (seriously though, you gotta let me know which novel title you best prefer 🙂 Until then though, I’ll continue addressing it as ‘Fortitude’). I’ve been missing Caira, Newton, Deek, Evie, Alana, and everyone a lot, and so that’d be amazing to swap scenes soon:) !!! I have a couple that I’m compiling to post on the google chats soon. Though, seriously, I can’t tell if they’ll ever make it into the novel itself since it involves the concept of a new character. I named him ‘Euric’ for now, which was a name that I thought I had made up until I researched it and realized it was nothing original, (and most likely, nothing rooted deep in Russian origins either). I’m keeping the name for now though since I’ll most likely edit him out after a while. I’m kind of just musing with him and trying to use him to prod some confusion or maybe even jealousy in Filip, (Filip has no idea what I got in store for upcoming writing sessions, poor guy). But Filip is so much fun to play with reactionary-wise since Mejia and Morio don’t react outwardly much, and Lila has no trouble getting her emotions across, and Anton is just too honest… so that leaves me with Filip to tease, so *shrugs* I most likely sound crazy, but that’s all good I guess since it’s gotta fall under the ‘Writer’s’ category, (which in my opinion, is the BEST category to be in the entire universe). It’s like I can feel all the TSW cast around whenever I conjure them, (and often when I don’t XD ), and then I’m stuck with them. Okay, that sounds like an old ramble. But good. Old but good. 🙂
Aw, thank you so incredibly much for saying that! I never thought of my style being dignified before, but I’m glad that you like it:) plus I’m so happy you loved the dance scene, like as soon as I saw your comments on the doc, that made my whole day!! Not kidding in the least, seeing notes all over my docs has got to be one of my most favorite things in the whole world:D 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Haha, I completely agree that being a writer is very hard. Especially when characters just don’t want to cooperate XD You envisioned that scene exactly! Filip wasn’t even in the mood to argue with Mejia over how the snow shelter had been built even though she indeed found his building skills highly unsatisfactory. And yeah, she would NEVER have considered getting any closer to him than absolutely necessary, (good thing the wolf was there, otherwise, they most likely would have frozen solid).
Yes, sadly, Filip believes someone had purposely trained that wolf to stir the horses to stampede. He most likely will never find out and have to sacrifice the evidence in order to save Mejia’s life… *sigh* I think I got a lot of life-saving going on recently, but I guess I can weed it down later on when I have a firmer rein on the plot:)For sure, romance adds a lot of tension. Especially when it’s more complicated than a ‘love at first sight kind of thing, *looks over at Caira and Newton nervously* I’d say Caira and Newton’s relation is anything but perfect in their lives, but that’s what makes it so amazing fictionally! Since after all, first Newton starts out their relationship by betraying Caira and Deek, then Caira draws a sword on him, then they’re forced to work together for a common cause while getting on each others nerves and getting their feelings tangled about one another. I mean, how can a ship get much better than that? Can it get better? I don’t think so! 😀 *Sigh* 🙂 *Caira glares at me* Okay, okay! *Puts hands up in defense* perhaps I’d better not say anything more until she can’t hear me XD
What’s it like writing omniscient? Well, it gives me a lot more space in the character’s head, of course, the urge to head hop is excruciating and it’s difficult to spot where I’ve done it, so I guess that’s a downer. But I like to be inside my characters heads, so that’s nice, but it’s like all POVs really, it’s got its pros and cons. 🙂*Gasps* this breed of wolf sounds so… so… MAGICAL!! My favorites details are how their coats look like they are made out of crystals and how people have tried to hunt them down for their pelts but commonly fail. Like, there could be a whole history book on the wolf or something! I did a quick sketch, (rough sketch), of them as soon as I read your description as it gave a sudden burst of inspiration to draw. Perhaps I’ll be able to improve it enough to share some time, but I think people and horses are more of my stronger suit, wolves not so much XD But back to the important topic, this mysterious breed of fantastic Aldovian wolves. Have you named them? Just curious:) Hmm, I just keep thinking about their coats, that’s definitely one of my top top favorite things about them. I mean sure there are fictional wolves, but these have a special wintery Aldova feel to them. Do they have any magic in their fur? I remember how some stories believe that unicorn hairs possessed healing magic and dragon scales granted one wish per shiny scale. But that’s just a thought. How about the caves/dens they live in? What’s inside? Are they infused with crystal? Or maybe dull with rock, making their coats shine even more? OH! These wolves have got me so intrigued!!! 😀 😀
Ah, yes, wolves were indeed part of Mejia and Filip’s original introduction. Of course, I haven’t changed the introduction yet or anything since the plot isn’t requiring it thus far, but plot can require anything at any given time apparently, whether it be killing a character or just sorta accidentally nudging them a little too close to a cliff and forcing an enemy to save them or anything really. So how the wolves got involved was after Mejia and Filip came to understand each other’s place around the other just after a swordfight, (Mejia thought Filip had been on Artur’s side). Filip came out on the lesser side of that scuffle and just as Mejia was about to let Filip go on his way to Ivatoust to deliver a courier’s message, she heard a sound so familiar she didn’t even try to second guess it. She had Filip silently climb a rock wall, her following. They hardly made it up when the pack came flooding into the very place they’d been standing. This forced them to tree walk from the trees next to the wall, (something Mejia loved doing), and Filip found himself having to put his trust in a complete stranger short of her title.
…Okay, that’s not totally exciting with the wolves, but I’m working on their involvement in the scene and overall role in the novel.That’s so nice of you to say and makes me feel a lot better about not being able to find a ton of pins for my characters. Anton and Filip are the hardest I think and Lila. Mejia and Morio are slightly easier since Mejia’s aesthetic revolves around wolves, swords, and snow. And Morio who is mostly darker clothes, broken mirrors, and miniature horse ice sculptures.
I am 100% appreciative of that offer! The pins you already sent me are amazing and inspired a few scenes mid-novel of TSW, (plus they’re just beautiful to look at and look so much like Birch Woods! 😀 ).Oh totally. That pretty much sums up character attachment, like the longer I know a character and if I’ve developed them well enough and spent enough time with them, it becomes a hundred times harder to move on to new characters. Tbh, I don’t know how I’ll be able to move past the TSW cast, they are all just so real and involved in everything, whether I want them to be or not XD
*GASPS AND JUMPS TO THE VERY EDGE OF MY CHAIR TO WRITE THIS* YES!!! A swordfight between Newton and Pirion??? That’d be so exciting!!! Like where in the world can I find a word more ‘yes’ than ‘yes’?? I WOULD ADORE READING THAT MORE THAN I CAN EVEN SAY OR IMAGINE!!! It sounds so intense and I can feel all the dynamics and grudges and conflict flying and slashing through the air already!!! Of course, if you decide not to write that scene, it’s alright because of course, it’s your novel, (and one amazing novel I might add). But I still love imagining a swordfight with them!!! 😀 😀
Yeah, I’m with you there, I guess I’m more drawn to drawing goods guys over villains… no pun intended there XD But I think it’d be fun if I tried drawing Artur soon, if nothing else, just to see if I could get his outfit right, (I can find absolutely nothing on Pinterest that looks like Artur’s uniform). I’ve been able to find images that resemble nearly everybody else, but Artur? He’s a hard one that’s for sure. But I plan on posting the one illustration I have finished, shortly after I finish posting this reply 😀
Ooh, you should definitely try and illustrate Pirion sometime! Personally, I’d love to see him! Coincidentally, I just got curious again about Pirion, *to Pirion* Don’t worry Pirion, you don’t have to answer any more questions XD but anyway, what is Piron’s main color? I can envision him with red and blacks mostly, correct me if I’m wrong on that. Or gold, or dark blue, or even- well I’m thinking darker colors mostly:)In case I haven’t noted on them before, I absolutely love your choices on all your book covers on your NaNoWriMo novel covers. I can see the theme in them, so magical and mysterious and beautiful! Soft, icy, mythical colors and images, it all joins into one breathtaking… I don’t know what the word is called, but it’s a good one I know. Like Tolkien had his rolling green hill, earthy color, hobbit aesthetic. C. S. Lewis and his abstract fantasy world and bright colors. And your’s! Absolutely love it 🙂
Yeah that’s true, stepping away from one project to work on another can be helpful with creativity and burnout and such. Though I’ve had a really hard time pulling myself out of TSW, so I’m giving into Mejia and her band and just working on smaller stories and events within their lives and expanding those. Experimenting also. Experimenting in the sense of putting the characters in situations they probably would never be in, inabilities they might never have had, in new places that they may never have been. For example, articles recommend putting your characters in another life/lifestyle/alternate reality/in a new world/in a different place, in order to see how they would react and see if they can be the same characters outside their element. So I’ve been toying with that and decided to try it. So I’m gonna try and write them as characters in this century, as characters in another fantasy world, and as characters with superpowers. *Shrugs* Maybe it’ll help get some ideas flowing:) Since I’m already sort of a superhero fan, (not the traditional ones really, more like the ones in Disney’s Big Hero 6 and those in more minor shows), so I’ve been having fun making them into superheroes, (might even give them some in The Lost Manuscript even though they are highly unlikely to ever have superpowers in the novel itself). And in the process of searching for super abilities, I found an amazing website that I’d extremely highly recommend checking out, specifically this one article: https://www.adazing.com/list-of-superpowers/
It is so helpful and has a huge, thorough list of powers and abilities and everything like that, and since Aldova had Wielders, I thought you might have fun glancing through these ideas, (a ton of them that I hadn’t ever thought of before even though they appeared pretty obvious when I thought about them). So yeah, it was entertaining and useful at the same time:)
How’re things going in Aldova lately? And in, your new world, I don’t believe I’ve asked about its name yet? It already sounds extremely remarkable:) 😀 😀 😀
Your preparing for your driver’s permit? *Throws balloons and rubber balls simply because 1. Streamers may be getting old and 2. I’m weird and consider this is one of those ‘streamer moments’* 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 🙂
September 1, 2021 at 2:56 am #104046A topic for writer’s burnout is a genius idea! I saw that you posted it and it looks one hundred percent amazing and so helpful! I really have to get over there, I hope to tomorrow or the day after. Lately, I’ve been defining the whole “burning the candle at both ends” saying and probably will be for another week yet, but it’s great to be posting again! 😀
It made me smile wide that it made you smile that The Lost Manuscript has been making progress, (that’s hugely motivating 😀 ).September 1, 2021 at 3:02 am #104048……………………….
DON”T YOU DARE APOLOGIZE!!!!!!! THOSE ILLUSTRATIONS ARE SO BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT, THEY WERE WORTH EVERY SECOND OF THE WAIT!!!!! Goodness, Alexa, I know it took a while to respond, but when I saw those pictures, I literally cried some. I mean just the fact you wanted to illustrate my characters is so wonderful and encouraging to me and then seeing these bEAUTIFUL WORKS AND SEEING THE DETILS THT WERE PUT INTO IT AND EVEN THE DETAILS ON THE CLOTHES THREADS AND THE CHARCTERS THEMSELVES AND HOW YOU CAPTURED THEM AND ABSOLULTY EVERYTHING…………. *Gasps* there is no reason in the world for you to change anything, not a singular thing about them because I’m going to treasure them forever!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
September 1, 2021 at 3:10 am #104049I seriously have no idea how I could possibly ever stop adoring these illustrations!!!!! Like I need to write even more here because I don’t even know how to thank you enough and I can’t get over how incredible they are!!!!!!!! And the one with Mejia and Filip, (I won’t show them it yet, but it’s one of my favorites). Although honestly, how could I ever pick a favorite??? All the time and detail that was put into it and the scars and personalities and clothing is so accurate on them!!!!! Just….. THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKTHANKYOUTHANKYOUSOMUCHFORTHESEMASTERPEICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
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