I’m giving you permission to rant about your WIP

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      Hehe, I’m on now! But you’re probs not on…heh. We need to come up with a schedule XD!!


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        @godlyfantasy12. @mineralizedwritings. @godlyfantasy12. @loopylin. @arien. @koshka. @felicity. @keilah-h.

        Hey y’all and hello all! (i’m weird, ok? XD)

        Soooo…I really wanted to talk about Ezra’s ragtag group/team that he gets in one of my books, and I also wanted to ask y’all!

        Do any of y’all have any ragtag/underdog groups? And if so, LET’S HEAR ABOUT IT!!!

        I’m about to go on about Ezra’s ragtag group, lol. It needs a name, actually, lol. He gets this group after being put in the POW camp, and it’s just really funny and so much fun to see them be around each other all the time. They’re kind of like brothers at some points, which makes it even better. XD

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          @freedomwriter76 AHHH awesome!! That’s so good he has ppl to lean on in the POW camp but so sad they have to be there at all ya know? Anywaaay


          M whole MC group is kinda a ragtag team XD, but other then them, Grimm and the rebel group he leads in book 3 I think totally count! Their more of a pack/family though and there are quite a few (they don’t all get named) but there are a couple main ones. I don’t have them all named but there’s two that are most important (there will probably be more once I actually get to writing it/outlining it or something but yea.)


          Those two are Otsana (Pretty much Grimm’s right hand lady)

          and Conan, a blind boy/pup who was best friend with Grimm’s sister. He’s also the boy that Grimm was able to save, even tho he couldn’t save Mirella.



            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @godlyfantasy12. I remember you talking about Conan! Sweet baby. *sniff*

            And yeah, I was thinking about your whole group…they’re such a great ragtag group. XD

            And anywho…now I MUST talk about Ezra’s group!!!!! xD

            First off, Jameson!!!! (and I’ll be posting their pics too, lol, I can’t help myself. xD)

            Intelligent and protective, Jameson is the guy in the group who takes on an older brother-like role.

            If anyone gets hurt, don’t you worry, he’ll be right there to take down whoever hurt them, no matter how hard he has to fight before he takes them down.

            A born fighter, he isn’t scared to fight and bleed.


            Raised by a single mother in New York City, his father left when he was 6, and his mother, though she did her best, was never able to completely provide for him alone, and Jameson dropped out of school at age 14 to help her provide during the great depression.

            His mother was an alcoholic and smoker, and a strict woman, but loved her son even still. But she didn’t care much nor pay attention to religion, so her parents, Jameson’s grandparents, took Jameson to Synagogue every Saturday morning.

            The day after Pearl Harbor was attacked, Jameson left during his lunch break at the factory he went to go enlist in the Air Force and came home late that night.

            His mother found out about his enlistment, and they had the fiercest argument the two of them had ever had…and it ended with a door being slammed.


            In the present, Jameson has no regrets about joining the Air Force, but he regrets all the harsh words he spoke to his mother.

            A Co-Pilot, he works alongside Ezra, and never leaves his side when they crash in Nazi Germany and are put in a POW camp.

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @freedomwriter76 love him!!


                • Rank: Chosen One
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                @godlyfantasy12. Aww, thank you!!! <3333 I love him too! 😀

                Next Up, Luis!!! Because I can’t wait…he might be my fav, either him or Jameson. XD Other than Ezra…bc I’m biased. xD It’s hard for me to not have this guy become an MC, lol. XD So, without further ado, here’s Luis, my British Boy! <3333

                With strong courage and a fierce fire inside of him, Luis is the kind of guy no one wants to mess with.

                You mess with someone he cares about, and you’re done for. Period.

                Literally born optimistic, Luis is always the one encouraging the group to keep fighting, no matter how dark and impossible it may seem.


                Growing up in a well-to-do family, Luis, in his childhood, knew a life of fancy dinners, teas, and parties.

                His father, a Member of Parliament, wanted his one and only son to follow in his footsteps, since Luis’ only other siblings are sisters, both younger and older.

                So, Parliament was ready for Luis, who spent most of his childhood and teen years at a boarding school in Kent, and he had a future of politics.

                But that was never the life Luis wanted.

                And when Germany attacked Poland, and England declared War in 1939, he knew exactly what he needed to do.

                He enlisted in the Royal Air Force, became a Fighter Pilot, against his father’s wishes, and hasn’t looked back.

                But he and his father are not on speaking terms, and the only way Luis knows how his family is doing is through his letters back and forth to his Mother, whom he lovingly calls Mum, who still stays in contact with her son.


                But on one mission when fighting the Luftwaffe, Luis was shot down over Nazi Germany, and was quickly captured by the SS, brutally interrogated, and shipped off to a Stalag Luft, where he later meets Ezra, Jameson, and the others that become a part of their ragtag group.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  The oldest and a naturally born leader, Curtis has quickly taken on the leadership role in the group, always being sure to look out for the others, and giving them a helping hand and a listening ear.

                  A strong man of Faith, Curtis often also counsels the others in the group, and will always listen, and give them advice, wisdom, and even a shoulder to cry on when they need it.

                  Always forgiving, it’s hard for anyone to make Curtis angry, and he truly looks at the hearts of people, and always sees the best in people, no matter how bad they may seem.


                  Growing up in the Southern United States, Curtis has understood what inequality, hatred, and anger feels and looks like.

                  His father died when he was 10, and for a couple years after that, he, his mother, and his younger sister were homeless. His mother worked hard, and eventually got them back into a house, and worked hard enough that both of her children could stay in school.

                  Always fascinated by the world, he read as many books as he could about Science, History, and everything else he could get his hands on.

                  When he graduated high school, he cared for his mother and sister for a few years, before he met the love of his life, Josephine, and married her.

                  And a few days after Pearl Harbor, months after the birth of his first child, a baby boy, Jedediah, Curtis enlisted into the Air Force, quickly becoming a bombardier with a “colored” bomber regiment.


                  But on one bombing mission, the plane was hit and crashed, leaving Curtis as the only survivor of the crash, and he was quickly captured by the Luftwaffe and sent to a POW camp, where he meets Luis, Ezra, and Jameson.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @freedomwriter76 AWWW 😭 LOVE THEM BUT LUIS I CAN SEE WHY U LOVE HIM SO MUUUUUCH!!!! HE reminds me so much of Lyn!!! Especially his backstory and optimism!!


                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      And, finally, Yoshio!

                      Intelligent and caring, Yoshio is often the one who makes sure everyone sticks together and is the one who makes sure everyone is doing alright.

                      He strongly believes in unity, and that they are stronger when they’re together than when they’re apart.

                      He’s also the one who constantly reminds all of them what they’re fighting for, why they’re fighting, and why they can’t give up.


                      Born in California to Japanese Immigrants, Yoshio is an American by birth, and has a love of his country that knows no bounds.

                      Along with his younger brother and younger twin sisters, Yoshio has loved his life in America, and his parents, small business owners, have always pushed him to stay in school, get a good education, and to make a difference in the world.

                      His life has been wonderful, but ever since Pearl Harbor…it’s become extremely difficult.

                      His parents were forced to close their restaurant, and he, his parents, and his younger siblings were sent to an Internment Camp.

                      But even though that was done to him and his family, Yoshio still loves America and wants to fight for her, so he enlisted in the Air Force, quickly becoming a Navigator, and is constantly reminded of why he’s fighting.


                      But on one mission, the plane had an issue with its engines, and crashed over Nazi-Occupied France. Yoshio was captured by the Wehrmacht, handed over to the Luftwaffe after being briefly interrogated, and sent to the Stalag Luft, where he later meets and befriends Luis, Curtis, Jameson, and Ezra.



                      So…yeah, that’s the ragtag group! 😀 Love them a lot, I do! XD <3333

                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        @godlyfantasy12. AHHHH!!! Thank you soooo much!!!! <333333

                        And IKR!?!?!?!? Luis is just too lovable! XD *GASP* He IS kinda like LYN!!!!!

                        To be fair, tho, I love all of them. xD

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                          ALSO @freedomwriter76 here is a pic I FINALLY FOUND (it took quite a bit of searching. It seems to get harder and harder for me to find pics cuz I guess I’m so specific XD) but I found a pic for Conan that I like!


                          Of course he is blind so his eyes are more white-ish but yea, he does have  blue/white eyes.

                          He would also have some white tribal paint/markings on him. His wolf form would be black with white markings just like those painted on his skin. He’s also mute along with being blind.

                          He’s extremely loyal, kind, compassionate, but also has a warrior’s heart just like Grimm. He looks up to him as a role model, and is skilled in fighting, though Grimm wishes to keep him safe, (but he realizes he can’t of course)

                          Conan also, while mature for his age since having to grow up so quickly, and wise beyond his years, is still very much a little boy, and his curiosity shows this.

                          His curiosity knows no bounds, and he is always willing to learn, and he shows this by showing great interest in Arabella and her friends when they arrive.

                          Conan is fierce and protective, just like all the others in his pack, and refuses to let his blindness hold him back.


                          In fact, in the end Kainda even sees his potential and offers him a last chance to become one of her personal warriors/servants, but he refuses.



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                            Now I kinda wanna maybe pull a few other charries out of the castle and bring these guys in…XD They need some development, and plus, they’d just be too much fun! And I can bring Ezra back! <3

                            Now I may just have to. XD

                            Maybe I can pull Adolphus/Dietrich/Hilda and not bring in Adrian/Evelyn/Noah, at least not yet, and bring Ezra and his group in.

                            I’m thinking out loud here, lol.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
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                              @godlyfantasy12. AHHHHH!!!! I LOVE HIM ALREADY!!!!!! <33333333333333333333

                              Great picture, and he sounds sooo AMAZING!!!! <3333

                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                @freedomwriter76 AGH THESE POOR GUYS!!

                                I read an American diary thingy about the Chine/Japanese that were put in Internment camps (it was from the viewpoint of a young boy so there was humor pretty sure it could’ve been a true story lol)


                                But it just made me see the truth of it and I really hate it for them.

                                And the interrogations ugh so sad!


                                But I’m glad they have each other!!!


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  @freedomwriter76 totally up to u!


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