Hi, I’m a Christian Fantasy Writer!

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    Trahia the Minstrel
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 193

      Hi, everyone! Tráhia the Minstrel here!

      I’m really looking forward to being a part of this forum, and making some great friends here. I’ve found it a bit hard to find a wholesome place online to hang out and nerd with fellow teen writers, so I’m really glad to have found Kingdom Pen!

      Here’s a little about myself:

      • I’ve been a Christian for as long as I can remember.
      • I love writing. Creating stories with my characters and other people’s characters (like fan fic, but in my imagination) is my favourite hobby, but I’m also an artist.
      • My favourite style to draw in is an anime style that I’ve personalised. I’m a huge anime nerd, though I try to only watch the more suitable ones. (Also a big Last Airbender fan! One of favourite shows of all time!) My favourite anime is Snow White with the Red Hair, which on the scale of anime, is quite suitable compared to most.
      • Here’s a sample of my work:

      My two protagonists

      • I can play piano. I have a violin, but don’t play it very well — and I also have an ocarina I can made squeak in some semblance of music
      • I’m a big Mario and Zelda fan! As well as a LOTR fan, Star Wars fan, Marvel fan … I’m just a huge geek about most things😊 Nerding is always an enjoyable pastime with my siblings.
      • I’ve been homeschooled my whole life.
      • I’m currently writing a fantasy novel which isn’t overtly Christian, but is written to portray Christian themes and light to a generally dark genre. This is the premise — A Usurper’s Heir. A True Prince. Two Families, One Kingdom … But What If Each So-Called Prince Were the Hero? What If Neither Were the Rightful Heir?
      • I’m currently working/procrastinating on getting my website up.
      • Tráhia the Minstrel is actually a side character in my book.😁

      Anyways, that’s all for now! I’m looking forward to getting to know everybody! Love this blog and community!

      The end of a story, a beautiful picture; a feeling of longing yet hope~
      That’s my wish to create.

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 765

        @trahia-the-minstrel HELLO HELLO HELLO and WELCOME to the Kingdom of Pen! The name’s Grace but all round here call me Kads. 🙂 Oh my word, you love ATLA, Zelda, LOTR, and Mario? Man, I like you already. 😉 (I ALSO HAVE AN OCARINA THIS IS WAY TOO COOL XD) *clears throat, regains composure* It seems we have some stuff in common! This is awesome!! <33 Also, your artwork is really good. I love it!! Check out our art threads if you want to post more of your art here 😀

        A few questions for ya! 🙂

        1. How long have you been writing for?

        2. What’s your favourite Zelda game?

        3. What’s your favourite book?

        4. What first inspired you to write?

        5. Pineapple on pizza, yea or nay?

        6. Is an avocado a fruit or what? (There’s actually a correct answer to this 😉)

        7. Fave band/song?

        8. Pastimes outside of writing?

        Looking forward to getting to know you better! I’m honoured to be the first to welcome you to our Kingdom. You will 100% LOVE it here!! <3333



        staring at the fields
        if nothing's really real
        i'll make the winter now my home

        Trahia the Minstrel
          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 193

          @scripter-of-kingdoms Hi!



          In answer to your questions😁:

          1. I wrote things when I was little, but I’d only get a few pages in, if that. I really hated long-term writing until I was about 11, when I became obsessed with the storyline of Super Paper Mario and wrote a whole fan fic series about it. 2 and 1/2 whole books😂. That fan fic series was the first time I seriously got into writing, and I’ve been writing *fairly* steadily ever since. So since I was 11, seriously.

          2. Breath of the Wild. Hands down. The first Zelda game I ever fought the final boss on — it was easier than I thought it’d be — and the first Zelda game in which I’d ever connected emotionally to the characters. That scene where Zelda cries on Link … or the Champion’s Ballard final scene, which made me feel so sad all the characters had died 100 yrs before😭!!!

          3. I think my favourite book series of all time is Lois Walfrid Johnson’s Viking Quest. I can’t pick a book in the series cause they’re all so good😁.

          4. I kinda answered this in question 1, but it was the storyline of Timpani and Blumiere in Super Paper Mario. It really got my imagination going, and so I wrote my own version of their story, in a whole bunch of notebooks I owned! It was fun, but typing it up was annoying, so I never finished it and have since vowed to always write everything digitally, in terms of draft work.😂

          5. I’ve never tried it, so I can’t say yet.😉

          6. Yup. Seeds in the middle, definitely a fruit. (Looked it up.) Also, apparently cucumbers are fruit too?!

          7. I enjoy quite a few Japanese artists — though I have little to no idea what the lyrics actually mean. On the worship side of things I love Kari Jobe! In terms of favourite songs, it’d have to be The Blessing (worship) and Lapis Luzuli (Japanese, by Eir Aoi) The reason I like Lapis Luzuli is because it originally played in an end credits reel for an anime which inspired some ideas for my book.

          8. Drawing characters, telling my younger sister stories, playing video games😁, reading. Reading. READING!!!🤣

          Thanks for the welcome! I really appreciate it!

          The end of a story, a beautiful picture; a feeling of longing yet hope~
          That’s my wish to create.

          Jodi Maile
            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 138

            @trahia-the-minstrel Welcome!! I’m Jodi, and I’m a huge LOTR, Marvel, ATLA, and Zelda fan too (and Mario, and a bunch of other video games…)!

            I’m so happy to meet more people who have ocarinas ( @scripter-of-kingdoms I didn’t know you had one too)! I have a small collection of ocarinas and I used to perform at local markets with them XD my fav is my Ocarina of Time though.

            Your WIP sounds really interesting! What was your inspiration for it?

            • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Jodi Maile.
            Trahia the Minstrel
              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
              • Total Posts: 193

              Hi @jodi-maile 😁! It’s great to meet you!

              My ocarina is also a Zelda-themed Ocarina of Time. It’s dark blue with the Triforce emblem on the mouthpiece guard. I think it’s epic you have a whole collection of them! Don’t you just love all the ocarina tunes from Ocarina of Time? My favourite tune to play is Song of Time, and my favourite tune to want to play is Serenade of Water. Or Song of Storms.

              My WIP? Well, I can’t tell you all the inspiration for it without a spoiler😅, but I think some of it may have stemmed from the fact I read Prince Caspian shortly before I began writing it, partly from what my siblings, particularly my brother, told me about an anime called The Heroic Legend of Arslan, partly from what I love about ATLA, and — this was the biggest factor — I had been writing a fan fic, and I had one of my characters in the fan fic reading a book series called ‘The Prince of WalfKlau.’

              So one day, I wondered “What’s The Prince of WalfKlau actually even about?”

              My first idea was ridiculous, but the second idea —

              The second idea led into the story I have today😊.

              Anyways, I was wondering if you and @scripter-of-kingdoms could answer those 8 questions she listed above for me. I’d love to get to know more about you both😊!

              — Tráhia the Minstrel😊


              The end of a story, a beautiful picture; a feeling of longing yet hope~
              That’s my wish to create.

              Issabelle Perry
                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 976


                WELCOME TO THE KINGDOM!!!!!!!!!! *waves excitedly and gives you welcome chocolate* We’re SO excited to have you here!! I’m Issabelle Perry, the quirky teen author who overuses exclamation marks, obsessives over Lord of the Rings and The False Prince by Jennifer Nielsen, and is an unashamed  Skillet fan. First off, LOVE the art!!!! You are SO good!!! *heart eyes* Secondly, that’s epic you can play the piano!!!!! let’s say music is not my gifting XD WOHOOO LOTR AND STAR WARS FANS FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!! *high fives* Oooo I’ve been homeschooled all my life too!!!! And, man, do I ADORE your fantasy novel idea!!!!!! I REALLY love how you’re wanting to portray Christian themes and light into the fantasy genre!!! We need stories just like that!! (Oh, and I’m a fantasy writer too, so if you ever wanna swamp tips and tricks, I’d be totally down for that. 😉 ) Ooo what’s your website about? I have a site for teen authors: Teen Writers’ Nook.

                Alrighty, let’s bring on the welcome questions:

                ~What fictional family would you most like to join?

                ~Who’s your favorite LOTR and Star Wars character?

                ~Imagine you can instantly learn any language. Which would you choose?

                ~What’s your most-used Emoji?

                ~Who is your favorite author?

                ~What is the earliest book you remember reading?

                Again, welcome to Kingdom Pen, and I hope to see you around!!!!!!! 🙂

                God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 5727

                  @trahia-the-minstrel In the words of Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi, “Hello there!” (Sorry, reference to one of my favorite books in which a character was always quoting his favorite authors. As well as a Star Wars reference.) I could talk about Star Wars all day if you’d let me. And OH MY GOODNESS YOUR ART IS AMAZING!!! Mine isn’t nearly as good:

                  I literally traced that off a picture and added wings, claws, and a tail. I am completely obsessed with dragons and have gotten emotionally attached to, like, every named clone trooper.


                  Star Wars nerdiness aside. I also love Marvel. My dad showed me the Guardians of The Galaxy opening scene, and that got me hooked on the Marvel movies. (and apart from that clip, I have never seen that movie.) I’ve seen Thor Ragnarok, Ant-Man, The Avengers, and I think one other movie. And I’ve seen one episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and all six episodes of Loki. That one was awesome, in my opinion. I wasn’t a big fan of Thor or Loki until I watched the movie and show bearing their names. Now I think they’re hilarious.

                  And LOTR is awesome. I saw all three movies and read all the books (plus I read The Hobbit).

                  But the movie that tops my favorites list, besides Star Wars, is Tron Legacy. That one…..It’s just….It’s awesome. Plain awesome. It’s a sci-fi about a young man whose father was a computer programmer, and created a whole digital world for himself, but he disappeared a number of years ago. The son accidentally reactivates the way into the computer and has to find his dad and fight his way back out. My description sounds super unimpressive, but the real movie’s really quite cool if you ever get to watch it!


                  So. I’ll stop rambling now.

                  Appreciator of the Strange, Neat, And/or Yummy (a “title” used a bookseller in one of my favorite books. I think you fall in the Neat category; I most definitely won’t put you in Yummy.)

                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                  Trahia the Minstrel
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 193

                    Hi @issawriter7 😁

                    Hi, Issabelle!
                    I’ve also read the False Prince! (Though I haven’t got round to rest of the series yet) It gave me some ideas for my novel!😊 There’s a huge question in my WIP about who’s the ‘True Prince’ and who’s the ‘False Prince,’ both sides believing opposite things, obviously.

                    Thanks for compliments about the art and piano! And I’d love to swap tips and tricks with you.😁

                    My website, which I haven’t quite managed to put on the web yet (still in design phase)😅 is about having a wholesome place for teens and kids to nerd about things like suitable anime they’ve seen, LOTR, Star Wars, Mario games, Zelda games … just about anything nerdy, essentially. It also will eventually have a whole section devoted to behind the scenes content from my fantasy series, like character profiles, maps, etc.

                    This is a pic of my current website design:

                    This is its current design. It’s still a work in progress, cause I don’t have a nice freebie to give to people who sign up for my blog updates yet. (I’m working on it😊)

                    I’ll have to visit your site😀.

                    ~Fictional family? The one that comes to mind most immediately is the Pevensies!😃

                    ~Favourite LOTR character: Sam. 2nd favourite: Gandalf. Favourite Star Wars character: A hard toss between Obi-wan Kenobi (prequels) and Ahsoka Tano.

                    ~Ooo. Hard one. I’m already learning Japanese, and I’ve learnt a bit of Spanish before, but if I could instantly learn a language … I think it’d have to be Hebrew😃.


                    ~Favourite author? Hm … I do enjoy Andrew Peterson’s voice and style in the Wingfeather Saga, and his amazing website, but if comes to an author from whom I’ve read the most books, and most often? Enid Blyton.

                    ~Ummmmm. A really old book of nursery rhymes comes to mind — but I do remember reading a waterproof Spot book for toddlers we had — or in terms of actually being able to read, I guess it was the primer I learnt from😂. In terms of the first chapter book I remember reading substantially that wasn’t a learning book? Maybe it was Five on a Treasure Island?😂

                    It’s so nice to meet you😃. What about you? What would your answer be to the questions above?😊 And I’d love to hear what project you’re working on😁.

                    The end of a story, a beautiful picture; a feeling of longing yet hope~
                    That’s my wish to create.

                    Jodi Maile
                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 138

                      @trahia-the-minstrel That’s so cool! We might have the same ocarina! And Song of Storms is such a beautiful one to play. I love Song of Time too!

                      I love the inspirations for your story. The novel I’m planning to write is about a girl who has to save her country from an invading army, but this WIP is still in the very beginning stages of planning and such 🙂


                      I can answer those questions, sure! Here are my answers:

                      1. I have been writing for about ten years now! It’s been a pretty fun experience, albeit with a lot of challenges and long periods of writer’s block, but I’d say it’s been worth it to get where I am now in my writing journey 🙂 I had a really good fiction writing class in college that kind of pushed me out of my writer’s block, hopefully for good this time haha

                      2. What’s your favourite Zelda game?

                      Hands down, Twilight Princess. It’s the first one I played, so nostalgia probably plays a factor here, but I also love the slightly darker aesthetic of the game. I like getting to transform into a wolf, and also Midna is cool XD

                      3. What’s your favourite book?

                      This changes a lot, but right now, it’s The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander. And it’s part of a great series, too!

                      4. What first inspired you to write?

                      There were a lot of things that first inspired me, but the things that really got me started on writing were reading TONS of fantasy books waaay too late at night and also watching The Lord of the Rings movies when I was younger. I just thought they were so epic and I wanted to write stuff like that.

                      5. Pineapple on pizza, yea or nay?

                      Depends on my mood, honestly. I’m going to say yea right now XD

                      6. Is an avocado a fruit or what? (There’s actually a correct answer to this 😉)

                      I looked it up and the answer appears to be yes, so I’m going to go with that, even though I would argue that it tastes nothing like a fruit.

                      7. Fave band/song?

                      Okay, so my favorite band is Joseph–they’re this sister trio from Oregon, the state where I live! So that’s cool. My favorite song of theirs is “Good Luck, Kid”, but my favorite song in general is “Tears of Gold” by Faouzia. And on the worship side of things, I love Kari Jobe too!

                      8. Pastimes outside of writing?

                      I like hiking, cycling, cooking, and doing music stuff (singing and piano, mostly). I love watching in-depth video essays on YouTube about movies, books and the history of fashion, too 🙂

                      I just realized this answer is so long! Sorry! XD

                      • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Jodi Maile.
                      Trahia the Minstrel
                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 193


                        YOU’VE READ THE WINGFEATHER SAGA TOO?!😁😁😁


                        I love your drawing though, it’s gorgeous! There’s no shame in tracing things, my sister does it all the time and her drawing are lovely too! And I like how you made him a dragon-human-clone. A Dhrone?

                        And I got so attached to the clone troopers too!🥲😊 That scene in the season finale of clones wars, where Rex cried😭. (Rex totally isn’t my favourite clone trooper ever😂)

                        I’ve never seen Tron, but I recently binged the whole of the Marvel universe, excluding very few things, (Iron Man 2, Falcon and Winter Soldier cause I heard it was violent…)

                        I love Loki and Thor (though they kinda wrecked Thor’s character in Infinity War and Endgame) and Obi-wan!
                        “Hello there,” to you too!

                        I could also quote/nerd about Star Wars all day.


                        *cough* Sorry😅

                        Nice to meet you! I look forward to getting to know you on this forum!


                        The end of a story, a beautiful picture; a feeling of longing yet hope~
                        That’s my wish to create.

                        Trahia the Minstrel
                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 193

                          I love long answers. I always write them myself😅😂 @jodi-maile

                          Out of interest, how old are you? I’m 18

                          The end of a story, a beautiful picture; a feeling of longing yet hope~
                          That’s my wish to create.

                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 5727

                            @trahia-the-minstrel Ah, Rex. CC-7567, 501st Legion, Grand Army of the Republic. He’s awesome. Nobody tell me otherwise. (I have a dragon version of him too, I’ll try to find it.) Oh, and for some Star Wars Dragon lore…CloneWings are ice dragons. Myths say no CloneWing has ever cried, but they do have emotions like other dragons (so of course they do). The reason no one’s ever seen the tears of a CloneWing is because they freeze onto the dragonmen’s faces.

                            And I love the Wingfeather Saga.

                            And yes, I have seen The Mandalorian. My dad loves it. So do I. But the show I really love is The Bad Batch–Now THAT one, THAT one I’m completely obsessed with. I’m assuming you know who those clones are since you say you’ve seen the last season of the Clone Wars and they appear there.

                            Here’s a drawing of dragon Echo……. You realize I’ll keep sending you pictures of my dragon Star wars characters (that is if I can find which file is which)

                            "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 5727

                              The reason I’m proud of this drawing of Rex is because I drew him without tracing. Sadly, this version is not a dragon. But I’m still trying to find more Star Wars dragonmen pictures in my files……they really are quite an elusive species….

                              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                              Keilah H.
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 5727

                                @trahia-the-minstrel Aha! Here’s my Rex dragon. I honestly really love his scale colors. Sorry if it feels like I’m spamming or taking up the whole topic to myself.

                                "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 5727

                                  Anakin comes from a sand planet…so I drew him as a sand dragon! His tail has a scorpion-barb-like thing at the end.

                                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

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