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  • #108145
    Ava Coulter
      • Rank: Wise Jester
      • Total Posts: 50


      YES!!! Literally same, besides Legolas of course (XD)

      That’s awesome!!! That’s cool that you’re branching out into the mystery genre too! I’ve been following along with your Know the Novel thingamajiger and ohmygoodness Black Cat just looks SO COOL!

      I gotta say the characters. Especially writing their voices and character arcs. It’s SO much fun!



      No, not at all!!! 🙂

      😂 that’s us too haha! Like, why would you watch the originals when you can watch the extended ones XD?! It was interesting tho, as I saw the original versions first, so when I watched the extended ones, I noticed all the new scenes and stuff they added. The Hobbit extended editions, are WAY better. It makes more sense.

      That’s interesting that your brother listens to Taylor Swift. My brothers DISPISE her lol.

      That was really cool when the audience cheered for the other Spidermans. I’ve only seen Tom Holland’s, so I kinda halfheartedly clapped, cuz I didn’t know what was going on XDD

      I knowwwww!!!! Ohmygosh that scene WRECKED me *sobs*

      It SOUNDS amazing! Yeah, I’ve heard it really good! And Hawkeye…Marvel meets Christmas sounds like the. Best. Thing. Ever. XD

      Ahhhh LOKI!!! *fangirls*

      Haha agreed! 😂

      *Breaks into song again* “Have a holly, jolly (belated) Christmas…” Ok, I’ll stop now XD (or not)

      That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 211

        UUGHGGHGHHG KP deleted my first (second and third) reply(s), so I’ll try again ;-;


        *sighs* Ah, being able to shed tears in public. A skill I shall never obtain.

        maybe I would have cried the second time upon seeing it, but I was asleep for the last ten minutes, (it had been a long day) so I missed my chance.

        And yes, the “Aww man, I’m lame.” and “I wanna fight an alien.” Lines from Peter Three are amazing 😉

        It was so very sad. But a very satisfying ending, none the less. See, I want Peter to gain back a partial relationship with MJ and Ned, but I don’t want them to continue a movie about it. At the same time, I like where the movie left off, I want more Tom Holland, but not more Tom Holland from where NWH ended. It’s confusing, and I love the relationships between Ned, MJ and Peter, it’s just hard to see where the movies will be taken.

        Cuz I think they extended Tom Holland’s contract, right?

        I also like how MJ got more character.

        Oof, the last time I had an LotR marathon personally was a year ago on Christmas. (happy Christmas!) But, as I was first introduced to the LotR and Hobbit movies when I was six by my dad, I didn’t exactly have the six y/0 brain capacity or time to read them, so, regrettably I still haven’t read the Lord of the Rings books yet. I did read the Hobbit sort of recently, and as soon as I’m done with the book I’m currently mid-way through, I’ll start LotR.

        Nah, your singing is beautiful! *begins to demonstrate own awful singing* “


        Oh yes! Have any of you, ( @trahia-the-minstrel @mkfairygirl @avacoulter )

        Heard about the LotR tv series coming out?



        Though I can not identify all of those pieces( I do like Never Coming Back) , V.E. music is sooo good. I really like Torment (another song I learned to play on piano) and The Long Night.

        So you’ve seen Violet Evergarden? (I apologize if I’m bringing up something already been discussed :P) How much have you seen of it? Did you see the specials and the movie? Even though the movie came out in October, I still have some unresolved opinions on it. But Gilbert tho!!

        After watching the extended, my brother immediately went to watch the theatrical cut and realized then that a lot of his favorite scenes were cut, he said. I’m looking forward to watching them–I’m just not looking forward to missing 12.5 hours of sunshine XD

        *AAAHHH* Now you’ve got that song stuck in my head!

        Lol, my friend said the first time he went and saw the movies, when Andrew came in someone shouted “THE HOTTEST ONE!!” and people cheered. Spider-Man fans are great 🙂 When I went the second time (the first time I went with friends, the second time I went with family) there were some people weeping, including my mother, which was slightly embarrassing.

        When Andrew Peter/ Peter Three brought up Gwen though, that was perfect.

        Trahia the Minstrel
          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 193


          You can get Torment for the piano?😃

          Also, that scene when Torment plays makes me feel so much emotion, every time. Like how she tosses the things off the desk around the room, and then screams and cries at the toy dog. *Shivers.*


          Yeah, I’ve seen all the VE specials and the movie. I felt the movie kinda wrecked all the things she’d gone through in the series, though … like, having Gilbert stay dead/ambiguous was kinda more meaningful in a really yearnfull way — I guess it just depends what you like😅. Also, I felt like Gilbert didn’t act true to the character we saw in the anime — he was kinda being a bit of a jerk to Violet and his brother. And Violet’s character wasn’t as good as it was in the series — and that whole thing with the granddaughter in the future felt super unnecessary. At least the boy’s storyline tied into Violet’s. Also, the movie just made me so sad that letter-writing went out of fashion.😢 (tho, if the internet didn’t exist, I wouldn’t have been able to meet all you cool people!)

          Sorry, I could rant about the movie for ages. Basically, I really loved the series, it was super moving. How she learned to feel … and learned what love means❤️❤️❤️. I just feel like the series is the best part in every way. I was bawling my eyes out at several episodes … especially the one with the mum and daughter 😭😭😭😭. The series is just so beautiful…❤️

          Yeah, the extended editions are way better. There’s just so much more character depth and parts that  were in the book that the theatrical cut couldn’t incorporate. Some of the most beautiful music is from the extended stuff — like the houses of healing, and the passing of the elves, and Bilbo’s birthday party gets an amusing and enjoyable extension, as does all the Shire stuff!😁

          That song … lol😂

          The part where Andrew saved MJ was soooo cute. He was just so emotional — it was like he finally got to save his Gwen❤️❤️

          The end of a story, a beautiful picture; a feeling of longing yet hope~
          That’s my wish to create.

            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 211


            Yea, it took a little digging. But just from listening to it a little bit of sheet music and half a youtube tutorial you can adapt and transpose quite a few things.

            I’m always due a re-watch V.E.

            Oh the first SCENE WITH THE DOG. She was the most apathetic innocent thing in those first few episodes, then episodes nine and ten hit like a blunted arrow.

            Yea, I can totally get those opinions. I was disappointed a little when Gilbert didn’t die, but I really wanted that one more moment of Violet meeting him. Maybe if she could’ve met him once just to say goodbye and give more closure (like what the movie was aiming for) and then, idk, maybe he would actually die or something. The whole “Oh look! He’s alive but refusing to see you cuz he thinks he ruined your life and now he’s a grumpy, kid empathetic, helpful hermit who loves(?) you! Go find him!” kinda ruined some of her growth and tears over hearing about his death. (I think I might be a little harsh to Gilbert’s brother myself after weaponizing a human child.)

            Yea, I kinda forgot about that future grandchild part. I feel like the writers were just trying to mix it up from the usual anime flow, but the whole thing kinda drowned a little.

            plz, feel free to rant, I’ll read!

            Letter writing isn’t out of fashion! I love Pen Palls and writing letters! Okay, yea, it kinda is.

            Have you seen Beyond the Boundary? It’s another anime that I really enjoyed alongside Violet Evergarden.

            That’s why it was so sad! It twisted the knife for me so hard. ;-; I wanted so badly for him to catch Gwen. And the look MJ gave Peter One (Tom) when Peter Three (Andrew) said that he couldn’t save Gwen, A.K.A. His MJ, was so melting.

            See, before I watched the movie for the first time (I was prolly 11 or 12) my older brother told me Gwen died in the most horrible way possible. So I was expecting like violent gruesome torture to death or something. I was very sensitive to things like that (I’m a wuss yes) so every Gwen scene, I was like holding my breath until she finally died. I nearly blacked out, and I went to bed a few minutes after just cuz I couldn’t take it.


              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
              • Total Posts: 211


              Yea, it took a little digging. But just from listening to it a little bit of sheet music and half a youtube tutorial you can adapt and transpose quite a few things.

              I’m always due a re-watch V.E.

              Oh the first SCENE WITH THE DOG. She was the most apathetic innocent thing in those first few episodes, then episodes nine and ten hit like a blunted arrow.

              Yea, I can totally get those opinions. I was disappointed a little when Gilbert didn’t die, but I really wanted that one more moment of Violet meeting him. Maybe if she could’ve met him once just to say goodbye and give more closure (like what the movie was aiming for) and then, idk, maybe he would actually die or something. The whole “Oh look! He’s alive but refusing to see you cuz he thinks he ruined your life and now he’s a grumpy, kid empathetic, helpful hermit who loves(?) you! Go find him!” kinda ruined some of her growth and tears over hearing about his death. (I think I might be a little harsh to Gilbert’s brother myself after weaponizing a human child.)

              Yea, I kinda forgot about that future grandchild part. I feel like the writers were just trying to mix it up from the usual anime flow, but the whole thing kinda drowned a little.

              Letter writing isn’t out of fashion! I love Pen Palls and writing letters! Okay, yea, it kinda is.

              Have you seen Beyond the Boundary? It’s another anime that I really enjoyed alongside Violet Evergarden.

              That’s why it was so sad! It twisted the knife for me so hard. ;-;

              Ava Coulter
                • Rank: Wise Jester
                • Total Posts: 50


                AhHhHhHhHhHhHh noooo that’s so frustrating XD *glares a technology*

                Same lol! I cried when I got home, but I couldn’t in the theater.

                Haha ikr?! *adds movie quotes from NWH to personal vocabulary*

                It was a satisfying end, I will admit! That makes sense! Ya, I know what you mean.

                Did they?! I hope so!

                Me too!

                Oh cool! Oh wow you first saw it when you were 6? I probs would’ve had nightmares lol. Oo yess! LotR is just the bestest! (along with Marvel, The Wingfeather Saga, TMR, and…A LOT more)

                Aw thanks! *grins*. Pfft *waves hand* your singing is great too. *Joins you in song* XD

                That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

                Ava Coulter
                  • Rank: Wise Jester
                  • Total Posts: 50


                  *What language are you singing in?


                  @mkfairygirl @avacoulter )

                  No I haven’t! WAIT…actually?!?! Cuz I am 100% here for it!


                  That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

                  Ava Coulter
                    • Rank: Wise Jester
                    • Total Posts: 50

                    Oops I tagged myself instead of @anatra23 *facepalms* I’m struggling today guys XD

                    That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 549


                      AAAHH, YES, Legolas!!!!!!😄 He does some pretty epic moves in The Hobbit!!

                      Thank you!!!! Yay, awesome!!!! Aw, really?!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! I’m smiling so big right now!!!!!! I’m SUPER excited to hear that you think The Black Cat sounds cool!!!!!!!! 😃 That really encourages me!!!!! Writing is so hard at times. XD

                      Yep, I have to agree with ya there!!!!!!! 😉 Characters are AMAZING!!!!!!! Ooh, yes yes yes, their voices and characters arcs are so much fun!!!!!!

                      Do you have a main novel project that you’re working on?

                      Hmm, I feel like I vaguely remember someone saying that.🤔

                      "It looks like a fairy world"~Meg from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
                      Fall in love with Jesus

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 549

                        @trahia-the-minstrel COOL!!!!!! I’m still unsure which series of movies I like better . . . . XDD

                        Thank you!!!!! Mystery stories are great, aren’t they? 😉 Maybe you should try it out sometime. You could even try it in a shorter work like a short story. 😉 What genre do you like to write in?

                        Thank you!!!!! And a belated Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you too!!!!

                        "It looks like a fairy world"~Meg from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
                        Fall in love with Jesus

                        Ava Coulter
                          • Rank: Wise Jester
                          • Total Posts: 50


                          YESS! I know, I love him so much XDD

                          Of course! Aww I’m so glad that encouraged you!!! It is so hard times, but…so worth it too!

                          I know aren’t they the bestest?!! XD

                          I do! I’m currently working on a dystopian trilogy. I can’t say too much, because I’m not sure what I can and can’t say yet (spoilers XD) if you know what I mean. BUT…the first book is called One Forgotten, book 2 is Void Tomorrow, and book 3 is called Light in Dim Places. So yeah. It’s been kinda discouraging tho, because the Dystopia genre is starting to become a little cliche and I want to make something original. But I am really excited about it and one day I’d like to see it (hopefully) published! It has a lot of sci-fi/contemporary vibes, and deals with time travel as well, so that’s been super fun (and confusing) to explore!

                          That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 211


                            Whoof, I’m back! (I was drowning in school and responsibility.)

                            XD half of what my family says is already quoting Spider-Man and Lord of the Rings rn.

                            Italian, I believe was what the song was originally written in. (quickly (and shamelessly) googles) Nvm, it’s Neapolitan lol. I learned to play it for my piano recital last month, and it’s so beautiful.

                            Ava Coulter
                              • Rank: Wise Jester
                              • Total Posts: 50

                              Oof yeah, I haven’t been as active on here. Like at all. 

                              Hahah that’ literally my family xD

                              Ooh that’s so cool!!

                              That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 549

                                @avacoulter Whoa, that’s so COOL that you’re working on a dystopian trilogy!!!!!!!!! I’ve been pretty interested in the dystopian genre lately!!!! (Haha, yep, I totally know what you mean!😉) OooOooo, those are SUPER cool titles!!!!!!! Aaah, they make the series sound so intriguing!!!!! Aw, don’t be discouraged. I’m sure God will inspire you with the right ideas to make your story great!<3 I can’t wait to see it published one day!!! Oooh, sci-fi and time travel! That sounds cool! I bet it’s a fun story to write! 😉

                                "It looks like a fairy world"~Meg from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
                                Fall in love with Jesus

                                Ava Coulter
                                  • Rank: Wise Jester
                                  • Total Posts: 50


                                  AWW THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You’re so sweet!! Eep thanks! 😊 ❤

                                  Aw thank you for the encouragement that means a lot!!! Me too! YES! It’s been super fun to write! 😄

                                  That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

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