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  • #107664
    Ava Coulter
      • Rank: Wise Jester
      • Total Posts: 50

      Hey ya’ll! I just joined the KP forum and I’m so excited to meet and nerd with some fellow writers! I’m a Christian writer (obviously) and specialize in the urban fantasy/sci-fi/dystopian type genres.

      Here’s some facts about myself:

      -I’m a HUGE fan of Marvel, LOTR, and The Wingfeather Saga…you’ve been warned

      -I’m homeschooled

      -I’m a crazy cat lady XD (Yes, I’m proud of it. No, I don’t have 100 cats)

      -I also love poetry (Mostly reading it tho, not so much writing it ;))

      Anyways, looking forward to meeting everyone!


      That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 363

        Greetings and salutations to you

        I do type this because you are new

        May you have a blast, while on this site

        You joined at last, I promise we don’t bite

        I am Power or the Black Mongoose

        It does not matter which one you use

        But now I must type out Au revoir

        And off I go galloping, see ya

        You will love what you spend time with.

        Jodi Maile
          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 138

          @avacoulter Welcome to Kingdom Pen! I’m Jodi, I mostly write fantasy these days, though I also write dystopia and historical fiction when I feel like it XD. And I’m also a big Marvel and LOTR fan!

          Some questions:

          What were the inspirations for your WIP (if you have one right now)?

          Do you listen to music while writing or do you prefer silence? I can’t focus on writing with music on lol, but I do listen to it before and after writing to help me brainstorm.

          Again, it’s so nice to meet you! See you around the forums πŸ™‚

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 635


            Hi! Awesome to have you here!

            I’m also a big LotR fan, have you read any of Tolkien’s other books like the Silmarillion or the Hobbit?

            Do you have any favorite poems or poets? I’ve recently been getting into poetry and kinda don’t know where to start when it comes to finding good poetry.

            It’s great to meet your acquaintance! Catch you around on the forums!

            Ava Coulter
              • Rank: Wise Jester
              • Total Posts: 50

              Hi Jodi! Nice to meet you as well! πŸ™‚

              Oh neat! I haven’t gotten into writing in the historical fiction genre as much yet…maybe someday XD

              #1 My current WIP is a dystopian trilogy. The city that much of the story takes place in is called Kalopsia (which basically means appearing more beautiful than it actually is) and it has quite a bit of history (which I can’t say because…spoilers XD) but anyways after I finish the trilogy, I hope to write one or two novels that tie into it!

              A lot of my inspiration for it came from The Maze Runner Series by James Dashner, which is probs one of my favorite series ever! Also, the Bible, of course. Especially the verse that says “Even the darkness is not dark to You, for the night shines as bright as the day”…I forget the reference XDD. Honestly, I get my inspo from everywhere. One of my past WIPs didn’t work out sadly, but I was able to salvage some the characters and themes, which are in this WIP.

              #2 It honestly depends on what/when I’m writing. Usually if it’s a sad or intense scene, I can’t focus with music. But the times that I do listen while I’m writing, it’s usually instrumental because lyrics distract me lol. Music is definitely a big part of my brainstorming and books though. *cough* Does not have playlists for each characterΒ  XD

              Thanks so much for the warm welcome! Cya around in the forums! πŸ™‚


              That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

              Ava Coulter
                • Rank: Wise Jester
                • Total Posts: 50

                Thank you, Power, for the wonderful poem

                It made me feel right at home

                As you read and cringe at my reply

                Yes, it’s very clear. I cannot lie

                That writing poetry is not my thing

                But thank you again for welcoming me



                That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

                Ava Coulter
                  • Rank: Wise Jester
                  • Total Posts: 50


                  Hi Kathleen!

                  #1 Oh cool! I have read the Hobbit, but not the Silmarillion yet. It’s definitely on my ‘books to read’ list tho XD

                  #2 Great question! Some of my favorite poets are Emily Dickinson, Edgar Guest, and John Greenleaf Whittier. Hmm favorite poems…gosh I have so many, we’d be here all day XD, but one that comes to mind right now is Hope is a Thing with Feathers by Emily Dickinson. I also love the books Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson and My Greenhouse by Bella Mayo. πŸ™‚

                  Nice to meet you! I’ll see you around in the forums πŸ˜€

                  That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 635


                    I’m about the same as you when it comes to Tolkien’s discography. Read the Hobbit, and the Silmarillion is on my to-read list. My brother highly recommends it, and I probably will soon once I actually read it, haha.

                    Thanks for the recs! I’ll definitely check them out.

                    How old were you when you started writing and what made you begin?

                    Ava Coulter
                      • Rank: Wise Jester
                      • Total Posts: 50


                      Oh cool! Yeah, a lot of my friends have read it and loved it, so…I’ll guess I’ll get around to reading it someday lol. *Glances at mile long to-read list*

                      Yes! Of course!

                      That’s hard to say, because even when I was little, I’d write little stories and “publish” them via printer paper, tape, and staples XDD. I’ve always dreamed of being an author, but it always seemed super farfetched and not realistic. It wasn’t until this summer that a friend inspired me to write more seriously, and now I’m on my second attempt at a full-length novel (which I hope will be a series).

                      What about you?

                      What are some of your favorite genres to write in?


                      That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

                      Jodi Maile
                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 138

                        @avacoulter Ahh your WIP sounds so interesting! I like the Maze Runner too!! I’ve only read the first book but I’ve seen all the movies with my sister.

                        Yeah lyrics are pretty distracting, I can’t focus on writing at all with lyrics playing in the background XD

                        Ava Coulter
                          • Rank: Wise Jester
                          • Total Posts: 50


                          Thanks! Oh cool!! It’s SO good, I love it XD

                          I know, I’m the same way πŸ˜›

                          What is your current WIP about (if you have one) and what inspired you to write it?

                          That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

                          Linyang Zhang
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1700

                            @avacoulter Hoi, welcome! I’m Lin, always dabbling in a variety genres, like crime/fantasy and other things.

                            It’s been so long since I’ve commented on any of the intro threads, haha. Anything in particular you wish to share?

                            Lately, it's been on my brain
                            Would you mind letting me know
                            If hours don't turn into days

                              • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                              • Total Posts: 2

                              Does anyone know of a good, cheap writing contest that any young (around 13 years old) writers can enter?

                              Ava Coulter
                                • Rank: Wise Jester
                                • Total Posts: 50


                                Hi Lin! Nice to meet you!

                                Umm *thinks* I have no idea XD

                                That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

                                Linyang Zhang
                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1700

                                  @avacoulter Fair, fair, haha. Any favorite stories you’ve written so far?

                                  Lately, it's been on my brain
                                  Would you mind letting me know
                                  If hours don't turn into days

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