Hey, everyone!! I’m finally here!!!

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  • #123298
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3716

      Hi, everybody!! I’m Esther. I’m a homeschooled, volleyball playing, violin squeaking, dog obsessed, middle schooling, God loving, amateur writer!! I’ve kinda been haunting the forum for a while waiting and waiting until I turned thirteen… so here I am!! I’m so glad to finally be here and can’t wait to meet you all!! 😄❤️

      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3059


        Hello! Glad to have you here! 😃

        Dogs are great (I’m allergic though)! I wanted to play volleyball for awhile, lol never did though. I still watch games rarely though (only sport I can watch without being clueless 😂) Violin sounds like fun, my sister used to play.

        I’m MineralizedxWritings around here, I’m currently doing online highschool/college. I draw (mostly my own characters, but I make fanart too!) , read sometimes, write, play the clarinet, and do some speeecubing.

        I’m currently writing a dystopian ya novel.

        A couple newbie questions!

        1. What is your current WIP about? (if you have multiple pick your current favorite)

        2. What is your favorite character of your story to write? Why?

        3. What are your favorite themes to portray in your writing and how have you shown them?

        4. Do you listen to any specific music while you write?

        5. Are snakes cool? (answer wisely)

        6. How long have you been writing for and what got you started?


        Great to meet you! 🙂


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3716

          Yes, violin is fun and sounds really pretty… but is really hard to actually make it sound pretty. 😅
          Man, I’ve tried to draw before, and only a few things turn out okay. 😜

          Speedcubing is so cool! What’s your fastest time? (If you’re willing to share)

          1. I’m working on a dystopian YA trilogy (may become a series, but not quite sure yet). My MCs are best friends, Amidala and Everton, (who actually like each other. It’s cute🥰) and their country of Themelios was trapped in what is known as The Orb. The Orb keeps closing in on them until it’s down to their district. (A district is a few cities) Pretty much, the person who had put The Orb in place, Bayron Len, dies. Well, The Orb didn’t disappear. So Ami and her family and Ev and his brothers go searching for what Bayron Len called ‘the cure.’ The plot is a lot more complex, but I won’t go into more detail than I already did. 😅 Does all that make sense? I find it hard to explain my plot lines well. 😄

          2. Ooooh. Hard one. Probably Everton Barlowe. He always stands up for what’s right, is too impulsive for his own good, and rarely thinks through what he plans to say. I love him 😁

          3. My favorite theme to write about is probably trusting God even when it looks like He’s not there. In my current WIP, my MCs and their families are known as insiders, so they aren’t liked by those outside of The Orb. And because what they believe in goes against the government, they have to endure a lot.

          4. I listen to my character playlists when I’m writing my WIP. Anything that I don’t have a playlist for, I listen to classical violin.

          5. I guess it depends. 😅 I think they look cool, but I wouldn’t be readily willing to touch one. 😁

          6. I’ve liked to write for as long as I can remember, but I started writing longer works when I was about 10. When I was 11 or 12, writing became more serious.

          Great to meet you too!! 😄

          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3059


            Quick tip, if you want people to get notified you replied you can tag them! My tag is @mineralizedwritings

            Yes, violin is fun and sounds really pretty… but is really hard to actually make it sound pretty. 😅 Man, I’ve tried to draw before, and only a few things turn out okay. 😜 Speedcubing is so cool! What’s your fastest time? (If you’re willing to share)

            Lol yeah, drawing takes quite a lot of practice. Clarinet is kinda like that too… don’t practice and you start to squeak out the high notes.

            My fastest time is 18.98… that’s a plus 2 too. So… it was 16.98… but I didn’t turn the last layer all the way. I realized it was going to be super fast and totally panicked at the end 😂. I average 28 most of the time… but I’m a bit out of practice. Do you do cubes at all? (ik, it’s kinda an obscure hobby) If you have more questions though… I could rant about it for a very long time 😜.

            OOh your plot sounds really good. I would totally read that. Aw, that is cute. In my book it isn’t like the world is ending, but dystopian is the best description I have for it. Basically a really bad civil war left a smaller population left living in underground mostly self sufficient bunkers. The world outside is slowly overgrowing, and nature taking over is in a sense healing the material damage outside, and it’s much more inhabitable than it used to be. However the older generation doesn’t want to leave because they still hate eachother so much from the war much later they fear fighting would break out again. Some of the younger people (Lesli and Tauren) become curious about it, and want to leave. Every district has an exit, but none of the key keepers know which exit there key opens as a measure to keep people inside.

            2. Ooooh. Hard one. Probably Everton Barlowe. He always stands up for what’s right, is too impulsive for his own good, and rarely thinks through what he plans to say. I love him 😁

            He sounds great!! Everton is a cool name too.

            3. My favorite theme to write about is probably trusting God even when it looks like He’s not there. In my current WIP, my MCs and their families are known as insiders, so they aren’t liked by those outside of The Orb. And because what they believe in goes against the government, they have to endure a lot.

            Ooh great theme. Love that.

            4. I listen to my character playlists when I’m writing my WIP. Anything that I don’t have a playlist for, I listen to classical violin.

            Nice! Classical is really nice sometimes. My sister and I were obsessed with classical as kids.

            5. I guess it depends. 😅 I think they look cool, but I wouldn’t be readily willing to touch one. 😁

            Lol yeah, I love snakes but would still be nervous touching one.

            6. I’ve liked to write for as long as I can remember, but I started writing longer works when I was about 10. When I was 11 or 12, writing became more serious. Great to meet you too!! 😄

            Cool! I feel like every hobby kind of has a turning point into becoming more serious.


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3716


              That’s so much father than I could go! I don’t really do cubes at all. I’ve played around with it a few times and maybe only get a few of the faces done… after thirty minutes. 😅

              Really cool plot!!

              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1657


                HI!!! Yay, another young writer! I explored KP for a while until I was an official “teenager” too!

                I’m Lightoverdarkness6, a piano-playing, home-schooled, writer-that-just-started-seriously-writing-last-year teenage girl.

                It’s nice to meet you! Oooh, I saw your mood-boards! Love them!! I’ve been experimenting with mood boards lately too. Maybe I’ll share the one I made.

                I love your plot for your book! Your characters are all so sweet looking!

                Okay, now for Newbie Questions.

                1. If you could meet your 3 favorite actors/characters from a movie/ or from a book/historical figure/ or someone else, who would they be, and what would you ask them?

                2. What’s your favorite book?

                3. Favorite movie?

                4. What’s your favorite song(s) or music artist?

                Before I go, let me tag some other KeePers to say hi!

                @freedomwriter76 @Elishavet-pidyon @Godlyfantasy12 @ Theloonyone @Felicity @Keilah-h @Whale-Keeper @Loopylin @Ava-blue @e-m-trepke @Arien @Koshka @starofthenorth @Wilder-w

                Anyway, it’s nice to meet you, and can’t wait to see you around!! 🙂



                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3716


                  I also play piano (I’ve done it for 6-8 years. I just forgot to mention it. Lol)


                  1. First of all, Queen Esther from the Bible. And I’d have so many things I’d ask her. 😁 Next, probably Jo from Little Women. I’d ask her about her writing. Last of all… probably all the Igiby children from the Wingfeather Saga. (Yeah… that’s three people 😅) But I’d probably asked them things about their amazing journey.

                  2. The Wingfeather Saga

                  3.  I Heard The Bells and the newest Little Women

                  4. I actually don’t know. but for music genre, definitely ‘80s. By far.

                  Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @esther-c. HI, Esther!!! *waves* YES!!! Another homeschooler!!! *high-five*

                    And don’t worry…I stalked the forum for a while too…xD

                    Anywho…HI! I’m FreedomWriter76, or just Freedom, I’m called that too, a Christian, Homeschooled, teen, High-School girl with a passion for spreading the light of Christ through Historical Fiction! I’m a huge History Buff, (especially WWII…XD) and Marvel nerd, but we won’t go there. 😛

                    Also, love your name! I have an MC from one of my books named Esther! 😀

                    First off, I LOVE your WIP!!! It sounds soooo cool! I have a possible Dystopian WIP idea…but it’s on backburner for now…my WWII books take priority. 😉

                    And second, why don’t I welcome you with a few random ask-the-newbie questions, shall I? XD

                    1. If you could own a horse for the rest of your life or ride a dragon for a day, which would you choose?
                    2. What’s your favorite part about playing Violin, and what’s the hardest part? (they can be the same…I just don’t know. I currently don’t play any instruments…but I am attempting to learn Guitar. Key Word: Attempting. XD)
                    3. Favorite Author(s)?
                    4. What is your favorite genre to read?
                    5. Favorite dessert?
                    6. If you could learn any language, what language would it be?

                    It’s wonderful to meet you, Esther! And again, Welcome to KP!!! I know you’ll love it here!!! God Bless! <333

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3059


                      That’s so much father than I could go! I don’t really do cubes at all. I’ve played around with it a few times and maybe only get a few of the faces done… after thirty minutes. 😅

                      Really cool plot!!

                      Just takes some practice! Jperm on youtube has the best tutorials, I couldn’t have learned it without that.

                      Thanks! 😃


                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 199


                        Hello and welcome! I’m Erica.

                        That’s cool you play volleyball! Do you play on a team? I’m . . . really bad . . . but I enjoy playing with my sister and our friends.

                        Hey, another string player! I play cello. Aren’t string instruments the best? 🙂

                        And . . . more questions!

                        1. Winter or summer: what’s better?

                        2. Do you like pineapple on pizza?

                        3. Where is your favorite place to write?

                        Look forward to seeing you around!!

                        Dark is the Shadow, and yet my heart rejoices.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3716


                          Sorry if my response sounded rushed. I was being called to dinner 😅 And yes, my characters are so sweet! In their own unique ways… 😁


                          Hi!! Nice to meet you!!  *returns high five* Our family has been homeschooling for 10 years now.

                          I bet your character named Esther is pretty awesome 😉 lol

                          I love the WWII era too!

                          Our family has watched all of the Marvel movies! (Well, most of them. The avengers movies) My favorite is Thor: Ragnarock. I think I liked Winter Soldier too, but I can’t remember bc we were on vacation when we watched it.

                          Now to answer the questions

                          1. Definitely ride the dragon 🐉

                          2. I think my favorite part about playing the violin is that it pretty much sounds good in any song. The hardest part is… everything. 😅 I can already read music, but moving the bow and learning different techniques and fingering is hard.

                          3. Andrew Peterson, Jerry B. Jenkins, and Robin Jones Gunn. Oh and Louisa May Alcott, but I’ve only read one book of hers: Little Women

                          4. I like to read in pretty much any genre. Fantasy, his-fic, contemporary fiction, but I have yet to read a dystopian

                          5. Ice cream cake. 😋

                          6. I’m not sure. right now I’m learning Spanish, but if I could be fluent in a language, it’d probably be French or Hebrew

                          See ya around!!



                          Yes! I’ll be on JV next year for volleyball!

                          String instruments do sound sooo pretty. I love ‘em.

                          1. In between?? 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😂 If I had to choose though, I think I’d pick winter bc you can bundle up as much as you want, boots, and hot drinks.

                          2. Oh yes. Most of my friends and some of my fam don’t agree with me. What about you?

                          3. I always write in my bed. I have the top bunk of a room I share with my sister. Plus, it’s the only place that I can typically have quiet

                          Yeah totally!!

                          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156


                            Hi!! Nice to meet you!!  *returns high five* Our family has been homeschooling for 10 years now.

                            You too! 🙂 And, actually, I think mine has been doing it for almost that long too, lol. XD Funny! xD I’ve been homeschooled since kindergarten, and I’m in high-school now, so, yeah, prob about 9-8 years or so. 😉

                            I bet your character named Esther is pretty awesome 😉 lol

                            Lol, yeah, she is. 😛 She was originally my sister’s creation, but I have her permission to put Esther in it, and she’s a perfect fit for the book. 😉 XD

                            I love the WWII era too!

                            YES!!! Isn’t it just cool!? Not the happiest time, but epic all the same! XD

                            Our family has watched all of the Marvel movies! (Well, most of them. The avengers movies) My favorite is Thor: Ragnarock. I think I liked Winter Soldier too, but I can’t remember bc we were on vacation when we watched it.

                            OOH, cool! I haven’t watched any of the Thor movies…lol. Winter Soldier is my favorite, but I just love Steve and Bucky…so…I’m biased. xD

                            1. Definitely ride the dragon 🐉

                            Yes, dragons are epic! What color dragon would it be…? 😛

                            2. I think my favorite part about playing the violin is that it pretty much sounds good in any song. The hardest part is… everything. 😅 I can already read music, but moving the bow and learning different techniques and fingering is hard.

                            Totally understand that. Instruments are hard. XD OOF, I can’t even read music…xD I’m very much a beginner…XD

                            3. Andrew Peterson, Jerry B. Jenkins, and Robin Jones Gunn. Oh and Louisa May Alcott, but I’ve only read one book of hers: Little Women

                            Cool, cool. 😉

                            4. I like to read in pretty much any genre. Fantasy, his-fic, contemporary fiction, but I have yet to read a dystopian

                            I haven’t read a dystopian either, 1984 is taking me LITERALLY FOREVER to get through, lol.

                            I don’t really read anything except His-Fic…xD

                            5. Ice cream cake. 😋

                            OOH! Yummy! 😛

                            6. I’m not sure. right now I’m learning Spanish, but if I could be fluent in a language, it’d probably be French or Hebrew

                            I’m learning Spanish too! XD If I chose though, I’d probably be fluent in either German or Russian, to be honest. 😉

                            Yeah! See you around!!! (btw, your moodboards look AMAZING! <3333)

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1657


                              I also play piano (I’ve done it for 6-8 years. I just forgot to mention it. Lol)

                              Oh cool! What’s your favorite song to play?

                              1. First of all, Queen Esther from the Bible. And I’d have so many things I’d ask her. 😁 Next, probably Jo from Little Women. I’d ask her about her writing. Last of all… probably all the Igiby children from the Wingfeather Saga. (Yeah… that’s three people 😅) But I’d probably asked them things about their amazing journey.

                              YES!! Those are great! I LOVE the Wingfeather Saga. Have y’all heard about the series?! The first episode came out on YouTube a few days ago.
                              (This is like my signature ‘ask the newbie question’, and I’ve asked it about 3 times, so I chose different people each time 😊)
                              I would probably pick Sam from LOTR, ask him about his life before his journey with Frodo, meet my great grandfather, ask him about WWII, he fought in the war,  (and for some help with my tiny idea for a WWII novel 😂) and either Captain America (Steve Rodgers) or my character Carter. He’s a sweetie.

                              I love ‘Wingfeather,’ ‘Lotr,’ ‘The Noel Diary’ (a Christmas story) anything by Gerald Lund, (but especially ‘One in Thine Hand’ and ‘The Alliance’.

                              My mom showed me the preview of I Heard the Bells!! I want to watch it! Is it good? I love Little Women too, any of the versions. I also like Lotr, the hobbit, the Avengers,  The Greatest Showman, Finest Hours, Beyond the Mask, Black Beauty, and many more XD.

                              The 80’s is a cool genre! I love any Christian faith based music.

                              By the way, I love your profile pic. It’s so cute! I really like dogs, but especially golden retrievers, Great Pyrenees, and Huskies.


                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1657


                                Sorry if my response sounded rushed. I was being called to dinner 😅 And yes, my characters are so sweet! In their own unique ways… 😁

                                Oh you’re fine! Yeah, I totally get you. With 3 siblings, My name is constantly being called XD. They’re my whole life, and my parents too, but sometimes it’s a little annoying 😅🙂.


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2774


                                  Hello! I’m Loopy. Welcome to KP!

                                  Your dystopian story sounds really cool. I really enjoy dystopians that aren’t too dark. Also, you play violin? That’s awesome! Sounds really hard though. I’ve only ever sung in choir.

                                  I just have one newbie question:

                                  What is your favorite dog breed?

                                  Official KP archivist ✨

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