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  • #171912
      • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
      • Total Posts: 8

      Hello! I’m Avery–fantasy writer, cat lover, singer, and child of God! It’s so good to be here in this community. 🙂

      A little bit about me:

      + current university student, former homeschooler

      + current WIP: Shades of Deception, 1st in a YA fantasy trilogy featuring spies, talking cats, and prophecy

      + favorites: the color blue, crepes, Dr. Pepper, cats, writing in a hundred-year-old oak tree

      No, I don't know why it's on fire. *sighs*

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2690


        Greetings and welcome! You can call me Bridget or HighScribe. I’m a current homeschooler and I’m working on a fantasy universe with multiple planets with my brother, @jonas.

        Your WIP sounds super cool!! Feel free to tag me if you ever share more 😉

        I can’t think of any questions atm, so I’ll leave it at that. Nice to meet you 🙂

        If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.


          • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
          • Total Posts: 8

          Nice to meet you, Bridget! It’s always cool to meet other homeschoolers (And don’t worry, my sanity is long-gone, as well.😉)

          No, I don't know why it's on fire. *sighs*

          Cloaked Mystery
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2876


            Hi! I’m Jonas/Cloaked Mystery. I’m a current homeschooler in 12th grade. I write fantasy, and as @highscribe mentioned, the two of us are working on a fantasy universe. I particularly like designing magic systems.

            I also am bad at asking questions as is tradition, so I’ll leave it to others!

            🏰 Fantasy Writer
            ✨ Magic System Creator
            🎭 Character RPer
            📚 Appreciator of Books

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3757


              Welcome to KP, Avery!! I’m Esther: a volleyball-playing, violin-squeaking, dog-obsessed, homeschooled, fiction-writing, God-loving, teen girl! I’ve written fantasy and dystopian, but I have ideas in historical fiction and contemporary.

              Shades of Deception, 1st in a YA fantasy trilogy featuring spies, talking cats, and prophecy

              Um that sounds fantastic! I love it! 😂

              Alrighty! Time for questions!

              1. How long have you been writing?

              2. What are you majoring in at the university? (If you don’t mind sharing of course, 😉 )

              3. What’s your dream vacation?

              4. Favorite part about being a writer?

              Nice to meet you and hope to see ya around!!


              And now to tag some other folks to say hi. 🙃

              @freedomwriter76 @hybridlore @rae @highscribeofaetherium @jonas @thearcaneaxiom @savannah_grace2009 @mineralizedwritings @keilah-h @trailblazer @grcr Anddd, my mind is drawing blank so feel free to tag anyone else 😂

              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3757

                @highscribeofaetherium @jonas

                And ya beat me to it. XD

                Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1469


                  Hey there and greetings from Burne!

                  I’m -GRCR-! I’m a fiction fantasy-ish writer, an avid artist, a journalist for my fictional newspaper, and a character-lover/creator that has over three hundred beloved charries (oh, and I love them so much that I wish they were real people, lol). I enjoy listening to music and imagining my characters singing the songs.

                  Anyhow, welcome to KP! 😁


                  Oh, blue is a nice color! One of my favorites too… well, equal with red. Is there any particular shade of blue that you like?


                  Here are some random questions for you!

                  If you have any characters, how many do you have?

                  Which perspective do you enjoy most: first person (I walked), second person (You walked), or third person (He/she walked)?

                  If you were going to write an entirely original and new book, what would you create first: the world or the characters?

                  And, what song will forever remind you of last year?


                  Well… that’s it from me. Hope you enjoy KP, and I’ll see you around! 🙃

                  If you pluck them, they explode. Goro.

                    • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                    • Total Posts: 8

                    Hey y’all!

                    Very nice to meet you!!

                    1. How long have you been writing? Well, technically since I was nine, but seriously since I was 12… and there’s still so much I don’t know! I kind of self-taught and just did a lot of random stuff and explored and experimented… then recently I realized, “Hmm, it might be helpful to know what I’m doing.”

                    2. What are you majoring in at the university? (If you don’t mind sharing of course, 😉 ) English! I am an English person through and through.

                    3. What’s your dream vacation? Italy. I’d be able to see Renaissance history and Ancient Roman history all in one place. 🙂

                    4. Favorite part about being a writer? Hmm… The mystery. My brother will never understand me. 😉 Jk, my fave part is the characters. I love them. They live in my head and drive me insane. XD

                    Wonderful to meet you, as well!

                    If you have any characters, how many do you have? Umm… I’m not smart enough for that kind of math. Too many. In my trilogy, I have (only counting semi-important charries)… 15? Probably more I’m forgetting atm…

                    Which perspective do you enjoy most: first person (I walked), second person (You walked), or third person (He/she walked)? Okay, so complicated question. Mostly I write third person limited, usually in a multiple POV story. But I really love writing first person (especially with less-serious personalities) because it’s such a great way to explore the character’s individual voice.

                    If you were going to write an entirely original and new book, what would you create first: the world or the characters? So… kind of both. If I got a new idea, it would usually be about a character in a specific situation that suggests the worldbuilding. My current WIP started from the idea “spy with a talking cat.” Another random idea I had was “infant raised in a library where no one ever talks.” Once I had the idea, I’d probably focus mostly on the main character, thinking things from their POV and seeing what they do and how they act and what their attitude is… I’m something of a plantser, so I wouldn’t start intentionally working on worldbuilding or character development in any serious/planning capacity until I’d already started writing the story. XD

                    And, what song will forever remind you of last year? Ooh, that was on my to-do list for today, so thank you for reminding me. (Kind of a plantser with my life, too. Organized chaos over here.) Hmm… according to Spotify Wrapped, it’s Shadows by The Afters, but that’s just because that’s on my typing playlist. According to my own opinion, probably HAPPY by NF. (If you know the song, you’re worried about me. If you don’t know the song, you think “Oh good, she’s happy!”) XD

                    No, I don't know why it's on fire. *sighs*

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1469


                      Umm… I’m not smart enough for that kind of math. Too many. In my trilogy, I have (only counting semi-important charries)… 15? Probably more I’m forgetting atm…

                      lol 😅 cool!

                      Okay, so complicated question. Mostly I write third person limited, usually in a multiple POV story. But I really love writing first person (especially with less-serious personalities) because it’s such a great way to explore the character’s individual voice.

                      Ah, cool! I write in third, one reason is because I struggle with writing first person fsr (I guess I just don’t practice enough lol)…

                      So… kind of both. If I got a new idea, it would usually be about a character in a specific situation that suggests the worldbuilding. My current WIP started from the idea “spy with a talking cat.” Another random idea I had was “infant raised in a library where no one ever talks.” Once I had the idea, I’d probably focus mostly on the main character, thinking things from their POV and seeing what they do and how they act and what their attitude is… I’m something of a plantser, so I wouldn’t start intentionally working on worldbuilding or character development in any serious/planning capacity until I’d already started writing the story. XD

                      Oh cool! I think you’re the first person to have said that! But hey, that’s really interesting.

                      Ooh, that was on my to-do list for today, so thank you for reminding me. (Kind of a plantser with my life, too. Organized chaos over here.) Hmm… according to Spotify Wrapped, it’s Shadows by The Afters, but that’s just because that’s on my typing playlist. According to my own opinion, probably HAPPY by NF. (If you know the song, you’re worried about me. If you don’t know the song, you think “Oh good, she’s happy!”) XD

                      (lol!! 🤣 It’s organized chaos over here too! 😂) Ooh… I’ve heard of NF before, but I’ve never listened to anything by them. I’m definitely worrying now, though… lol

                      If you pluck them, they explode. Goro.

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 729


                        Welcome to KP! I’m Janessa, aka Trailblazer, and I write primarily contemporary or historical fiction, but I also enjoy mysteries, and I’ve done a little journalism as well. I’m also into photography and hiking in the mountains. I’m also a former homeschooler who spent one year in public school (yeah that was an adventure I’ll never forget) and now currently working full time while writing in my free time.

                        And now for some questions-

                        I’ve been asking every new person this week this question: What is one thing God did in your life this past year?

                        What is one thing on your bucket list? (Aside from Italy, as you already mentioned)

                        Do you have a favorite quote?

                        "Real love is for your good, not for your comfort." -Justin Whitmel Earley

                        SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2859


                          Heyyy! I’m Sara! I write fantasy/allegories. I’m a freshman in high school and attend a public school. I love reading, and riding horses, and hanging out with my dog, Willa!

                          I’m not good at asking questions…but I’ll try, haha.

                          Do you have any pets?

                          What is your favorite animal?

                          what genre do you write?

                          This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4181

                            Hi! I’m just an insane girl nicknamed Ruee. I love horses, and writing, and horses.

                            I am writing a sci-fi rn.

                            Okay, I am dead for questions so I’ll just ask one:

                            Have you ever had the same foot stepped on seven times by seven different horses?

                            Goat babysitter atm 🐐💤
                            #AnduthForever (💕)

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2215


                              Hi, nice to meet you, and happy New Year’s Eve! I’m hybridlore or Hybrid on here, also a homeschooler 😀 in 10th grade. I write YA science fiction, and I like to sing too!

                              Your WIP does sound cool! I would love to hear more about it if you share!

                              What is your dream profession? I read that you’re getting an English degree.. are you planning on teaching later?

                              Favorite books?

                              "Don't shine so that others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him." ~ C. S.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2215


                                Have you ever had the same foot stepped on seven times by seven different horses?

                                XD Are you just going to ask until someone answers yes? 😅

                                "Don't shine so that others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him." ~ C. S.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 4181


                                  XD Are you just going to ask until someone answers yes? 😅

                                  Yes…then we’re gonna talk horsies!

                                  Goat babysitter atm 🐐💤
                                  #AnduthForever (💕)

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