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  • #158185
      • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
      • Total Posts: 29

      [quote quote=157837] @aranel

      Hmm, I’m afraid that I haven’t read Lewis’s Space Trilogy:( I have heard of it though, and I’ll probably put it on my to do. I’ve read a large amount of Brandon Sanderson’s works in both sci-fi and fantasy. In fantasy, I’ve read from him Stormlight 1, 2, and half of 3, all of Mistborn, most of Wax and Wane, Tress, Alcatraz, the Rithmatist, and many others, I’ve also read his sci-fi, like Frugal Wizard, the Skyward series, Legion, and the Reckoners, and more others. (Sanderson is one of my favorite authors) Other than Sanderson, for fantasy I’ve read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and a few others. For sci-fi I’ve read Dune 1 and 2, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars, I started a bit of Asimov, but didn’t get into it, and started Children of time, but it was too profane and gross. And I’ve read many others, but that’s a good summary. What about you?

      The Space Trilogy is sci-fi with a dash of faerie (and some King Arthur, or at least Merlin). Do not ask me how it works so well, but it does. Brandon Sanderson is definitely on my TBR list. I of course read Tolkien, and I recently picked up The Fionavar Tapestry (which was good, a bit explicit sometimes, but not so bad that I couldn’t read it). Lately, I’ve been studying Norse mythology and Arthurian legend; I’ve also read a little Heinlein, and I like what I’ve read.

      Same, I’m definitely more of a thinking type, and I want everything to be explained, even if it isn’t explained to the readers.

      Right, I want to feel like this is a real place with its own complex history and science and culture and yadda yadda yadda. It gives the world more depth.

      Sounds interesting. How would humans and spirits reproduce though? Are the spirits non-ethereal? Are the Linya unquestionably evil in your world, or do they have free will? If the Linva are regarded as have demons, then are the spirits actual demons that seduced some humans?

      These are great questions. To reproduce, a spirit has to possess a physical person. Usually this is a gradual process, though it goes quicker if the person agrees to be possessed. Possession temporarily grants great power, though it just leads to complete loss of personality and free will, and eventually destruction. Yes, linya have free will, though at this time the majority are making less-than-stellar decisions. And yes, pretty much, though they had not completely fallen until then. That action was considered the last straw.

      Well, that intuition is right. Logically, if something discribes itself, then it must be autological, and the only alternative is that it doesn’t describe itself. However, this rule is true, until you consider two words specifically, autological and homological. Are these two words autological, or homological? Consider the latter first. If homological is homological, that is to say that homological does not describe itself, but homological by definition, is a word that does not describe itself, so since that’s how it is defined, that means that it does describe itself, but if homological does describe itself, but if it does describe itself the, it’s describing something that does not describe itself, so it has to be homological. You find something similar to autological, but instead of working for neither category, it works for both.[/quote]

      That hurt my brain in a wonderful way. I shall have to ponder this further.

        • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
        • Total Posts: 29


        Hello, nice to meet you! As for your first question, I cannot answer, lol. (I’m wondering, can you? I love asking other people this question, but for me, my characters are my children and I can’t pick favorites.)

        2. If you could visit any country in the world, where would it be and why? How about a fictional country?

        New Zealand, for Hobbiton. And Ireland. And Italy. As for fictional: First Age Beleriand in Middle-earth. Or Narnia.

        3. What’s your favorite part about fall? (If you like autumn at all… XD)

        Cool weather! (I live in Florida.)

          • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
          • Total Posts: 29


          Nice to meet you! What is the fantasy universe like?

          Do you write more traditional (medieval European setting) fantasy, or more unique settings, or a mix?

          Great question, and it depends. I’ve mostly written traditional, but that was in my early days before I read much fantasy. So, what little I have written from those days is terrible. I had a book in a more Academia-type setting, but I shelved it for the time being.

          My current project is a mix. The world is heading into a Victorian-type setting (especially in the big city, though there are still hints of medieval-ness, particularly among royalty). The traditional setting is really felt in the wilderness communities. Technology-wise, it’s a bit of steampunk (but just a bit; as I said, it’s on the cusp of culture change). What about you?

          Do you include magic systems in your fantasy stories? (They’re one of my favorite things.) If so, do you prefer hard or soft magic systems? (Hard meaning more concrete rules.)

          Again, depends. In my current project, elements have their own language, which people can learn. They can thus communicate and ‘control’ the elements, if the elements are willing to work with them. So, that’s more of a hard system. The linya, who are of supernatural descent, are more likely to have that power naturally, plus extra powers like unmaking things at a touch. That’s more soft.

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Aranel.
            • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
            • Total Posts: 29


            Hello! (I get that about character loving, lol.) Animating! That’s cool! Do you use that for your stories at all?

            If you have any characters, how many do you have?

            A lot. My current project has ten main POV characters (and some main characters who get slight POVs, and some major side characters. . . .)

            Which perspective do you enjoy most: first person (I walked), second person (You walked), or third person (He/she walked)?

            Probably third person, though I find first person easier. Which do you prefer?

            And, if you were going to write an entirely original and new book, what would you create first: the world or the characters?

            Characters. Usually my ideas start with characters. I might see a picture that inspires me, maybe of an outfit, imagine the person wearing the outfit, and design a world and story for them. You?

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1437


              😄 So, not yet.. I plan to animate my stories, but usually I make my characters sing to my favorite songs.



              I like third person a lot, but first person is cool too. I’m trying to write some of my books in first, but I have bit of a hard time… 😅

              Lol… I always make the characters first.

              ♫ make it look easy getting off the ground ♫

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1318


                The Space Trilogy is sci-fi with a dash of faerie (and some King Arthur, or at least Merlin). Do not ask me how it works so well, but it does. Brandon Sanderson is definitely on my TBR list. I of course read Tolkien, and I recently picked up The Fionavar Tapestry (which was good, a bit explicit sometimes, but not so bad that I couldn’t read it). Lately, I’ve been studying Norse mythology and Arthurian legend; I’ve also read a little Heinlein, and I like what I’ve read.

                I’m sure it works very well. I haven’t read much of Lewis, but I know him to be a brilliant man, and sci-fi merging with fantasy plotline and concepts isn’t unheard of, and I would even go as far as to say it’s relatively common. It makes sense for Lewis’s time as well, where he studied rigorously various mythologies, philosophies, and histories, and applying what he knows in a space opera sort of way, and the idea of space travel would still have been only a fantasy at that point.

                So you seem to be really into the old school writing, so that’s really cool. You can find a lot more of the raw details of storytelling.

                Right, I want to feel like this is a real place with its own complex history and science and culture and yadda yadda yadda. It gives the world more depth.

                Absolutely! At the same time, I recognize that there’s good soft worldbuilding as well. It can allow you to view the world in an almost childlike fashion. It’s hard to do well though, often people simply use it as an excuse to be lazy writers, when in reality you need to put an equal amount of effort, just in a very different way. Personally though, it simply doesn’t suit how my brain works when storytelling, so depth is preferred.

                These are great questions. To reproduce, a spirit has to possess a physical person. Usually this is a gradual process, though it goes quicker if the person agrees to be possessed. Possession temporarily grants great power, though it just leads to complete loss of personality and free will, and eventually destruction. Yes, linya have free will, though at this time the majority are making less-than-stellar decisions. And yes, pretty much, though they had not completely fallen until then. That action was considered the last straw.

                Interesting, so do the spirits specifically possess woman that then conceive, or can men also be possessed, and reproduction occurs in some other way? Perhaps a spirit possesses someone, then they pair with another human, and that produces a linya child? Or by produce, do you mean not through any form of child conception, just the host and spirit merge completely, and become a linya?

                That hurt my brain in a wonderful way. I shall have to ponder this further.

                Excellent, I hope your ponderings go well.



                He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                Cloaked Mystery
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2873


                  The Space Trilogy is sci-fi with a dash of faerie (and some King Arthur, or at least Merlin). Do not ask me how it works so well, but it does. Brandon Sanderson is definitely on my TBR list.

                  I’ve only read the first two books of the space trilogy, but I liked them both. Brandon Sanderson is one of my favorite authors, so I highly recommend him. If you want recommendations on which books to read first, I or probably thearcaneaxiom could give some suggestions.

                  🏰 Fantasy Writer
                  ✨ Magic System Creator
                  🎭 Character RPer
                  📚 Appreciator of Books

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                    Mae govannen, Euodia! Elen síla lúmenn’ omentielvo. Yes, I looove Tolkien. I enjoy watching the movies (as long as I’m allowed to rant about everything wrong with them, lol), but the books are my favorite (especially books on the First Age). I’ve read LOTR, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion (my favorite!), Unfinished Tales, and I’m working on HoME (I’m on Book of Lost Tales Part 2).

                    Hi! (sadlly I can’t speak elvish and failed in finding an online translator so i don’t know what you said. XD) So cool!! (and yes, feel free to rant about the movies, I have a lot to say on the hobbit movies). And yes, I agree that The Silmarillion might be my favorite Tolkien book! I really liked The Fall of Gondlian too!

                    Yesss, I always need more Tolkien friends! None of my family likes Tolkien, so I have no one to talk to. 🙁

                    My sister loves Tolkien so we rant about them a lot, and I just got my bestie into it! But no one on here is a HUGE fan. Marvel is the big thing, (which I’m not opposed to XD)

                    I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3716

                      Hello, nice to meet you! As for your first question, I cannot answer, lol. (I’m wondering, can you? I love asking other people this question, but for me, my characters are my children and I can’t pick favorites.)

                      Lol, I totally get that. XD I’m not sure, tbh. Sometimes it changes depending on my mood. 😂 But most of the time, I love writing one of my MCs, Everton. He’s my impulsive, sometimes cocky, defensive, and probably a little wild boi! He’s much more fun to write in interaction with other people though, especially his best friend.

                      New Zealand, for Hobbiton. And Ireland. And Italy. As for fictional: First Age Beleriand in Middle-earth. Or Narnia.

                      Oooh, awesome!

                      Cool weather! (I live in Florida.)

                      Oh yeah, totally understand. 😉 I live in Ohio, so the weather is pretty wild up here sometimes. But I’ve visited Florida/southern Georgia a lot, so I know what you’re talking about. XD

                      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                        • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                        • Total Posts: 29


                        That’s cool! I love animation (though I can’t do it myself at all). Yeah, first person can be tricky, lol.

                          • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                          • Total Posts: 29

                          I’m sure it works very well. I haven’t read much of Lewis, but I know him to be a brilliant man, and sci-fi merging with fantasy plotline and concepts isn’t unheard of, and I would even go as far as to say it’s relatively common. It makes sense for Lewis’s time as well, where he studied rigorously various mythologies, philosophies, and histories, and applying what he knows in a space opera sort of way, and the idea of space travel would still have been only a fantasy at that point.

                          So you seem to be really into the old school writing, so that’s really cool. You can find a lot more of the raw details of storytelling.

                          Yes, it’s somewhat of a passion of mine.

                          Absolutely! At the same time, I recognize that there’s good soft worldbuilding as well. It can allow you to view the world in an almost childlike fashion. It’s hard to do well though, often people simply use it as an excuse to be lazy writers, when in reality you need to put an equal amount of effort, just in a very different way. Personally though, it simply doesn’t suit how my brain works when storytelling, so depth is preferred.

                          Yes, same. I would like to try a story with soft worldbuilding, but it would take a lot of careful planning.

                          Interesting, so do the spirits specifically possess woman that then conceive, or can men also be possessed, and reproduction occurs in some other way? Perhaps a spirit possesses someone, then they pair with another human, and that produces a linya child? Or by produce, do you mean not through any form of child conception, just the host and spirit merge completely, and become a linya?

                          A spirit possesses someone, then they pair with another human, and that produces a linya child.

                          Excellent, I hope your ponderings go well.

                          Yes, it’s the sort of thing about which I enjoy thinking. 🙂

                            • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                            • Total Posts: 29

                            I’ve only read the first two books of the space trilogy, but I liked them both. Brandon Sanderson is one of my favorite authors, so I highly recommend him. If you want recommendations on which books to read first, I or probably thearcaneaxiom could give some suggestions.

                            You MUST read That Hideous Strength! Very different when compared to the first two, but breathtakingly good. Dystopia done right (of course, as it’s C. S. Lewis).

                              • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                              • Total Posts: 29

                              Hi! (sadlly I can’t speak elvish and failed in finding an online translator so i don’t know what you said. XD) So cool!! (and yes, feel free to rant about the movies, I have a lot to say on the hobbit movies). And yes, I agree that The Silmarillion might be my favorite Tolkien book! I really liked The Fall of Gondlian too!

                              For Elvish, I recommend Parf Edhellen. It’s this online dictionary for most of Tolkien languages. Very useful. (I said well met, a star shines on the hour of our meeting.)

                              The Fall of Gondolin is definitely my favorite Tale of Beleriand. (I still can’t hate Maeglin, even after all that. I feel too bad for him, even though he was creepy with Idril.)

                                • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                                • Total Posts: 29

                                Lol, I totally get that. XD I’m not sure, tbh. Sometimes it changes depending on my mood. 😂 But most of the time, I love writing one of my MCs, Everton. He’s my impulsive, sometimes cocky, defensive, and probably a little wild boi! He’s much more fun to write in interaction with other people though, especially his best friend.

                                I love the wild characters, probably because they’re so different from me. I was thinking about it, and right now at this very second, my favorite character is my rogue character Fiona Eden. She’s very mischievous, which makes her a lot of fun.

                                SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  Yay, we have another Sara(h)!

                                  But you spell your name wrong, lol. The correct way to spell it is actually Sara. haha!

                                  (If you couldn’t tell, I am joking. Obviously, there’s no right or wrong way to spell it. I probably just ruined my own joke, but I can’t risk offending people on KP. I want to be friends with everyone, lol)

                                  I’m going to ask you some hopefully not already asked questions!

                                  What is your favorite color?

                                  What is your favorite animal?

                                  What is your WIP about (assuming you have one)?

                                  What kind of music do you listen to? I listen to Christian music. I love Colton Dixon, For King and Country, Ellie Holcomb, Sarah Reeves, Britt Nicole, and Danny Gokey, as well as pretty much every Christian artist out there! I could literally go on and on and on….

                                  What’s your favorite person to write in? First person (I did/do this), Second person-it’s really rare, but still I have to ask, haha (You do this), or third person (He/she did/does this)

                                  I like writing in first person (I do this) or third person (he/she did this).

                                  I love music, writing, reading, and animals!

                                  See you around!


                                  This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

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