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  • #103070
      • Rank: Wise Jester
      • Total Posts: 92


      [quote quote=103055] Hi Lily! I say I like knitting, but I can only knit a square 🙂 My favorite authors are J.R.R. Tolkein, Jane Austen, and a newer one, Katherine Applegate. (Her book Endling is my fav) And I am currently reading the Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson! What are you reading?[/quote]

      Ah, well that’s better than I can do.  I’ve never quite mastered the knitting needles (or the crochet hook *lol*).

      I’ve read Katherine Applegate!  I haven’t tried Endling yet (The One and Only Ivan, and Wishtree are thus far my favorites.)

      Cool!  I read the Wingfeather saga awhile back; who’s your favorite character?

      Currently, I’m reading the Left Behind series by Jerry Jenkins/Tim Lehaye (though, I can’t recommend it for everyone, ’cause it does get really intense further into the series.)  I’m also reading books on Vietnam for a project idea.

      Ooo, I saw that you liked pineapple on your pizza *high fives*  I do too!  It’s especially good with ham.  What’s your other favorite pizza toppings?

      Dream. Write. Inspire.

      Mary G
        • Rank: Wise Jester
        • Total Posts: 90


        Your WIP sounds very COOL!! Have you read any books or seen any movies set in WW2?

        Gollum is a very entertaining character! Wow!!XD I’ve only known two other people who could do an impersonation of Gollum’s voice!

        IKR! When you watch too many you start to think about people and things very differently! Lol! But I think it’s a good thing. It keeps you on your toes and keeps your mind sharp!;)

        Hmm…My all time favorite book(s) that I’ve been reading since I’ve been 13 are The Letzenstein Chronicles by Meriol Trevor. She’s great at creating a semi-fictional historical world and engaging characters! But I also Love The Giver and Calico Captive!

        INFJ/ChristianFiction/ IceCreamAddict/ StarGazer/

        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 5815

          Hello! I’m Keilah, but can be called K. I love to catch lizards. I enjoy talking to people about my many fanfictions, although my non-fanfic w-i-p Into the Forbidden Cavern has yet to get past the first chapter.

          I have a few questions:

          • Do you like to draw? I do. (Here’s proof….)
          • What are your favorite movie series? I’m a total Star Wars person, so…….I have seen a few Marvel movies, which I liked. My all-time favorite, however, is probably the Tron series. (That one is practically unheard of, but I like it.)
          • What’s your favorite animal? I like dogs, cats, dolphins, and lizards. I also like dragons.
          • Have you ever taken a scene from a book or movie and modified it to use in your own story ideas?
          • Do you have siblings, and have you ever made up stories with them?

          Sorry if that was long.

          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

          Lydia S.
            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 399


            Oh, awesome! It’s been a while since I’ve read them, too, actually.

            Woohoo! Another pineapple pizza person! I love it too.

            Ah, yes, griffins are very cool.

            *gasps* You’re a Jane Austen fan as well??? I’ve read Emma too! I’ve read four of her novels, actually, and my favorite is Persuasion, hands down! Even Pride and Prejudice has to take second place next to that one.  🙂

            Oh, nice! I’m a beginner myself. I learned to knit during the school year for one of my classes (I’m homeschooled), but I haven’t done it since. I’m probably pretty rusty. 😛

            I’m a fan of those first two authors, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of the last one! I’ll have to look into her sometime. And yes, the Wingfeather Saga! What a lovely series. I still have to finish it though… (As a side note, GO ARTHRAM!!!! 😛 ) I sadly have not been doing much reading lately! The last book I was working through was The Hidden Hand by E.D.E.N. Southworth. Then, I got a job and 4H started up, so I haven’t had a lot of free time for anything lately. 🙁  I’ll be doing a lot of reading once the school year starts though. My literature program is pretty intense, and we read through a ton of books throughout the year. 😀 (Don Quixote, here I come!!!)

            So nice to meet you!!!

              • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
              • Total Posts: 35


              Hey! I have not read Wishtree, but Crenshaw is another good one by her. My favorite character in the Wingfeather saga has to be Podo, but I have only read the first book. I don’t know if I have tried ham on my pizza but I do love bacon with pineapple! What is your favorite book??

                • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                • Total Posts: 35


                Thanks!! I have read the Book Thief by Markus Zusak set in WW2 but I think that’s about it. It does really interest me… I think  I’ll research WW2 a little more. Lol. Nobody else in my family likes my gollum voice but I think that it is my secret talent. 😀 I have never heard of The Letzenstein Chronicles but I will look out for it the next time I go to the library!

                  • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                  • Total Posts: 35


                  Hi Keilah! I love to catch lizards too! Especially green anoles. 🙂 I do like to draw!! I really like drawing faces and eyes, but I am not as good at body proportions. I have never heard of Tron before, but I am fond of Marvel and Star Wars. But my all time favorite series is the Lord of the Rings movies. My favorite animals are timber wolves, but I really love all animals (even cockroaches 😀 ) I have not really taken a scene from another book or movie (have you?), but I have gotten inspiration from Hitler for my villain. I do have two little brothers but they are a lot younger than me and don’t really know how to make up stories. 🙂 Do you have siblings??

                    • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                    • Total Posts: 35


                    I have not read Persuasion, but my mother has recommended it to me before. 🙂 I am homeschooled too! I don’t like people enough to be public schooled. 😀 The Hidden Hand sounds really interesting. Also I am very excited for school to start up!!

                    Mary G
                      • Rank: Wise Jester
                      • Total Posts: 90


                      The Book Thief is great, but super sad!

                      I love books set in WW2! Another one I’ve read was called Enemy Brothers. I’d recommend it!

                      Well, if you ask me, I think that’s a pretty cool talent!!😄

                      You can also find The Letzenstein Chronicles on Amazon too.

                      See ya around!

                      INFJ/ChristianFiction/ IceCreamAddict/ StarGazer/

                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 5815

                        @akbaer Cool! I like green anoles too. Once, I caught a broad headed skink at a nature preserve. Have you seen those? The males have big orange heads and copperish bodies, and I think the females are black and yellow or brown.

                        I have one brother, he’s younger than me. We like to make up stories together (he has some great villain characters).

                        I liked Lord of the Rings when I saw it. The books are great too, and there were a few cool scenes that weren’t in the movies, although both were still great.

                        I have taken multiple scenes from books or movies and put them in my stories, and I’ve done it with dialogue too. Sometimes I hear a funny line and I tell my brother, “We should put that in our stories!” And yes, history is a good place to look if you’re at a loss for what to do with a story or character.

                        Faces are fun to draw. Most of what I’ve done are male faces, and of the four females I’ve done only one really looks good.

                        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                          • Rank: Wise Jester
                          • Total Posts: 97


                          Sorry for the late reply!

                          Aww, thank you.

                          Ohhh, I haven’t heard of The Endling or The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. I should look them up and probably add them to my TBR. 🙂 The Hobbit is a great book! I’ve only read the first book for both The Hunger Games and Harry Potter but I really enjoy them so I hope to read the rest soon!

                          Ohhh, now I really need to read this book! This magic system sounds so cool! I love worldbuilding that makes sense and has rules and isn’t some mysterious force.  Haha, fair enough! I sometimes write with guineapigs and it doesn’t always end up well. XD

                          My favourite books are:

                          How We Rise by Brooke Riley

                          100 days of Sunlight by Abbie Emmons

                          Sisters of Sword and Song by Rebecca Ross

                          Six of Crows by Leigh Barbugo

                          The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

                          Within These Lines by Stephanie Morrill

                          A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

                          The Memory Thief by Lauren Mansy

                          Fawkes by Nadine Brandes

                          Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

                          The Queen’s Rising Duology by Rebecca Ross

                          Deltora Quest by Emily Rodda

                          Okay, I need to stop, haha. Though you didn’t say a number. XD

                            • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                            • Total Posts: 35



                            I have not read any of those except for Deltora Quest, of which I have all the books plus one extra! And true I did not say a number!! 😉

                              • Rank: Wise Jester
                              • Total Posts: 97


                              Oh, that’s so cool! I wished I owned them! I read them originally from the library. I would love to own my copies because it is my childhood favourite series! 🙂 Hehe, I took advantage of that. XD

                              • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Ribbonash.
                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 604

                                Hey @akbaer ! Sorry I’m late…  Welcome to KP!  I am Ella and I love writing dystopian fiction, drinking tea, playing sports, and drawing flowers.  And I have an irrational fear of falling into the murky river near our house. *cough* *smiles, wondering if we can still be besties* XD

                                Excuse me if these questions have already been asked, but…

                                What kind of things do you like to do in your free time? (besides writing, of course 😉)

                                Do you play any sports?

                                What’s your favorite genre to read/write?

                                What’s your favorite season?

                                What’s your WIP about?

                                Anyways, sorry for all the questions, I’m a generally curious person.  You’ll have so much fun here, and I’m excited to get to know you better!  If you ever need help with anything, you know who to call. 😉 (or tag, or whatever) XD

                                what we do in life echoes in eternity
                                -gladiator, 2000

                                  • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                                  • Total Posts: 35


                                  Hi Ella! Don’t worry about irrational fears, I am terrified of whales soooo… 😀

                                  Oooh in my free time I like to read, draw, play board games (though nobody ever plays them with me :P), play with my little bros, and practice my Gollum impersonation. I do not play any sports, but I will start archery this year, so we will see how that goes 🙂 My favorite genre is fantasy, though it needs to be believable. My favorite season is… … … … Either fall or spring I think. How ’bout you? My WIP is about a Hitler-like leader in the medieval times oppressing a population of elves. A half-elf is seeking the elven prisons out to release all the elves. But it is all very complicated and I kind of need to figure it out for myself. 🙂 I see that you are a dark chocolate lover… I am too! Ok I have one question for you. Would you rather spend a year outside with no shelter, or a year inside with no fresh air?

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