Favorite Lines of Dialogue from your WIP?

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    Alexa Autorski
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1011

      Not sure if this has been done before (forgive me if so) but I thought it’d be neat to post some of our favorite quotes from our WIPs! It could range from anything from a charrie’s dialogue, a common, everyday catchphrase they use, or anything of the like! And it doesn’t have to be limited to just one quote.

      For instance, I really like one of Newton’s quotes: “You never know who you are until you become something you’re not.” And also Caira’s “I’m tired of hiding in the shadow of who I used to be.”

      What are some of y’all’s favorite quotes from your stories? 🙂

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1789

        @writerlexi1216 I love this!!! I actually have a whole doc full of quotes from my WIP! Let’s see…

        I absolutely love this quote of Rina’s:

        Cease looking at the storm around you, the water beneath you, the sky above you. Stay your course and focus solely upon the foundation of your faith, the path upon which you step, the hand that you know will always catch you, the eyes which will forever be brimming with love.

        And then this one too:

        But…only the manufacturer himself, only the potter, could achieve such. He could put the pieces back together in their original form, or he could make all things new. ‘Tis all up to the one who puts their self—or their teacup—into his capable hands.

        Surprisingly, it’s the ex-pirate captain who does the most preaching. XD

        This is how my heroine describes the hero, who was her friend when they were younger:

        At times, he’s the most definable, vivid, and pragmatic sort of person, running as smoothly as the gears of a clock. Then others, he is a dark, distant, smoldering man with a depth far beyond his years. Sometimes, he has the attitude of a child—fantastical, whimsical, hopeful, creative. Dreaming. Then night falls along with his nightmares, and all else drifts away.

        And then a not-dialogue quote:

        There is always calm in Christ. No matter where it is that you go or what it is that you do. He will be glorified. He will watch over you. His will shall be done. In Him, there is peace.

        And then there’s this one moment with Rina and her young son:

        “I smile for Daddy.” Leaning forward, he hugged my neck and murmured softly into my ear, “But you cry.”

        And there are a lot more, I’m sure! These are just a few of my favorites!

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1379


          Here are two quotes from Temira that stand out in my mind (both from The Apostle’s Sister).

          The first occurs during the conversation she has with Paul the day after he was almost scourged to death by Roman soldiers:

          “Paul, never, never will I be ashamed or humiliated of the Lord Jesus or of you. Yesterday I had more cause to be proud than other sisters have in their lives… A true apostle is not measured by his appearance or his speeches or his miracles or his visions, but by how much he suffers out of love for the Lord. ” (page 191)

          I thought it was really sweet that she told him she was proud of him after he had just received a criminal’s punishment. And besides, she was very wise here.

          The other quote I really like comes from a conversation between her and Seth:

          “Seth, if we try to understand our enemies, we will succeed. And we will love them even more with a tender pity, because we will realize, as Christ did on the cross, that they know not what they do.” (page 318)

          Those are a couple Temira moments I enjoyed.

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1379


            Your quotes are soooooo beautiful. *starts crying* I wish mine were that good!

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6702

              @gracie-j AGH UR QUOTES girl u are so talented like….oh my gosh. U sound like, no joke, a PRO WRITER! Soooo due to the fact that I’m drafting and it’s to e first draft (yikes) and I’m not super great with dialogue (or most things as of yet 🤣) plz don’t judge the story based on these lol.


              also from Gracie’s post it seems she put non-dialogue bits in? Mind if I do the same, cuz again, not great with dialogue lol! (BRB imma get on my computer so it’ll be easier to write these lol)


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6702

                Also considering the fact that I write in first person, wouldn’t any of the writing be inner dialogue? Hehehehe *smirks*

                So this is November describing how Ara looks after he finds her distraught in the Library-

                   With her extremely pale skin and dull brown eyes, you almost wouldn’t be able to tell that this same girl was my best friend. Her hair is hanging loose, falling over her shoulders and in front of half her face. She quickly swats her hand across one eye, looking away from me.


                So this is a side character named Cecily speaking, and the reason I like it is just because Cecily is someone I have no problem picturing/hearing in my mind and I love the image the first sentence sparks.


                   “Not for long she isn’t,” a voice from behind makes me spin around. Cecily’s lean figure leans against the doorframe, her eyes glaring, but not at me, or Olive. She doesn’t seem upset with us, and, in fact, even walks toward me with a smile. “Because we know who’s behind all of this.”



                Alexa Autorski
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1011


                  Whoa, girl!! You have some amazing dialogue in your story!! You totally sound like a pro writer (which I have no doubt you are)!! (Do you have any tips on how you do it??)


                  Awww, those quotes are so sweet! I especially love the one where Temira is talking to Paul! Those are some great lines of dialogue!!! <333333 *tries not to cry*


                  Oh yeah, of course!! Feel free to be flexible with it–there’s no rules XD Wowwww those are incredible!! Your descriptions are spot on!! <33333

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1379


                    Aww, thanks, girl!!

                    Linyang Zhang
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1700

                      @writerlexi1216 @gracie-j @joy-caroline @godlyfantasy12 Ah I’m not really the type to write deep impactful quotes but y’all have really good quotes!


                      Lately, it's been on my brain
                      Would you mind letting me know
                      If hours don't turn into days

                      E. K. Seaver
                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 344

                        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Mine is not insightful or deep. It just makes me laugh</p>

                        Laurel lies curled up in the corner of the couch. Her chest rises and falls in a hypnotic rhythm. A strand of curling hair lies across Nathaniel’s lap. He glances down. “We’ll all sleep in here. Girls can have the couch and chairs. Boys get the floor. Choi and I’ll take first watch. Nina and Em can go on and sleep.”

                        Flinn scoots between my legs and the glass table. “And I’ll be invisible and completely forgotten in any equation.”


                        The pen is mightier than the sword, but in a duel, I'm taking the sword.

                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 252

                          @writerlexi1216 I love the idea of this topic so much! Thank you for starting it!!! (And might I say–the quotes from Caira and Newton are just so lovely. Dangit now I want to go read Fortitude

                          Here’s one:

                          Years of sitting in on meetings I did not understand, and the gradual, numbing understanding that there was nothing in the world that could not be bought and sold for a few parcels of land or a title flooded into my mind. “I see.”

                          And another:

                          “I guess the wedding’s off, then.” Joy and relief were palpable in Rand’s voice. He quickly hid his grin when I looked at him. “I mean, aw man, the ceremony’s off. Gee, that sucks.”

                          And yet another:

                          “What do you mean you can’t? Have you suddenly forgotten how to be a water mage?”

                          “…I’m a water mage?”

                          Also my personal favorite:

                          “Horace, we’re out of milk.”

                          • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Elizabeth.

                          “Seven seconds till the end. Time enough for you. Perhaps. But what will you do with it?”

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1789

                            @lewilliams Those are awesome! XD

                            Girl, everything Flinn says is quote-worthy. He is hilarious!

                            Thank you!

                            Oh. Well, thank you!!! I never realized I was so good at dialogue–I’ve always bemoaned my lack of skill, actually! I’d love to give you some tips (after I figure out how I pulled that off… XD)

                            THANK YOU!! I didn’t realize those quotes were so good!!! Yours are fantastic too! (Cecily sounds awesome.)

                            @joy-caroline Girl, yours are SO BEAUTIFUL! I could just cry!!! Thank you!!

                            Alexa Autorski
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1011


                              OH MY WORD I love those!! I love the second-to-last one so much because that sounds exactly like something Caira would say (not that she’s a water mage). I absolutely love the “Horace, we’re out of milk” line 😀 (By the way, Horace is an excellent name!)

                              Oh, and thank you! I’m sure I have more quotes somewhere. Probably on a random document because I’m not organized at all *shakes head*

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1379


                                Thanks! 😀

                                Alexa Autorski
                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1011

                                  So here’s some more lines that I enjoy! 🙂

                                  Here’s a sweet/sad one…

                                  Newton to Caira : I can’t lose you, Caira, because if I did, I’d lose the only person I’ve ever believed in.

                                  Here’s another one that I like…

                                  Caira : True power doesn’t come from a throne, coronation, or being awarded a title. True power comes from being the very best version of yourself you can be. It’s being brave enough to admit your mistakes, standing up for what you believe in, being humble, and above all, following your heart.

                                  And now for a more lighthearted one…

                                  Caira : Deek and I just haven’t seen eye to eye lately.

                                  Alana : Why? You’re the same height.

                                  Sorry. One more…

                                  Newton : We need to be smart if we don’t want to get caught.

                                  Deek : We could use explosives.

                                  Newton : I said ‘smart.’

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