Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Wrecker folded his wings towards his body. “My siblings and I have lived with our older brother for as long as we can remember…..but he went off to fight in the war, and our guardian…..unintentionally hurt us. So we’re kinda in a tough spot ourselves.”

      “We’re sorry to hear that…” Steve whispered softly, caringly, always ever the one to look out for others even when he was hurting.

      Bucky nodded. “Yeah…that must be hard.” He motioned to the 3 beds. “Want to pick a bed? Your choice.”

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4262


        Thorn – “We’re just a little late.”

        “You think? The school day’s already half over.” Calvin hoisted his backpack firmer over his shoulder. It looked as if he were carrying a load of bricks.

        “You heard what that teacher said. This is our last day of checking things out. We get comfortable with the lay-out of the building – they just recently set up the dormitories – and start tomorrow.”

        Marcel ignored the stares from other students, while mumbling, “She also asked if I was in the wrong building.”
        The hallway was mostly clear, and they made good use of it. Instead of bunching up together like frightened bunnies, Thorn and Calvin strode confidently, radiating honesty and daring.

        Thorn especially. She held her head high, and tipped her hat dramatically to one side – even though it was probably against the dress code. As if she would let that stop her.

        Marcel leaned in closer to Cal, and ruffled his inner feathers. Why school? In the next few months, he would forget everything – start over with a clean slate.

        The only thing he ever remembered were those stupid comics.

        Thorn pulled out her schedule, on which she had scribbled the locker codes, and pointed to a few lockers. “Check those out.”

        The two older kids’ lockers were right next to each other, while Marcel’s was a few doors away.

        Calvin opened his, and threw in the backpack, with a metallic thud. “I vote we check out the history class again.”

        “You’ll just show off, Cal,” Thorn chided.

        “And you’re just jealous of my superior knowledge of history trivia.” Calvin gave a huge yawn, spinning around, creating his own personal bubble.

        Marcel stuck his gum on the inside of his locker door, and banged it shut.

        Within the space of a second, he found himself sprawled on the floor. His pile of comics, originally stacked neatly next to his lunch bag, fluttered onto his head, like wounded birds.

        His forehead smarted. Maybe he had been dinged with a wrecking ball.

        In front of his hands, which had cushioned his fall, there stood two pairs of shoes. Calvin’s yellow sneakers, and… three leather boots? He must be seeing double. No, triple. Every one of his million invisible eyes blurred, as if riding a ferris wheel at hyper speed.

        "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6722

          @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @awsumfaith @whalekeeper


          PAXTON TIME!!!


          Paxton sucked in a shaky breath, buttoning his vest. He took one last look in his vanity mirror before turning, reaching for his backpack.

          The sound of his bedroom door opening made him freeze.

          “Well, ready for the big day, Mus?”

          Paxton flinched at the nickname, turning to look at the figure. Edrich stood, straight and tall in the door, wings preened and white as snow. His golden hair was slicked back in a style befitting someone of his standing, and his clothes held the same air royalty he did.

          Paxton nodded.

          “Good.” His face held little emotion, though to Paxton, his oldest brother always looked a little angry. His eyes scanned the younger, looking him over from head to toe, making the boy feel suddenly exposed and lacking in comparison.

          He stepped forward. “Do not make a fool of yourself, got it? The Fallon name is respectable, and, despite what you are, you are still expected to uphold that standard. Understood?” Paxton nodded, swallowing the anxiety rising to his throat. It took everything inside not to cower, but he was afraid if he did, he’d get a hand to the face.

          “Soren has…somehow convinced mother to give you a bit of freedom.” Edrich bent down a bit, his tall form still towering over the boy despite this. “But don’t think this means we won’t be watching.”

          He stood again. “Remember, you do not speak, you remain obedient, and you remember your place. Understood?”

          Paxton nodded, eyes lowering.

          “Good. Behave, Mus. Perhaps this chance at…freedom will prove you’re not entirely worthless.” Edrich turned, walking out.

          Paxton watched him go, eyes stinging with tears, though he didn’t dare cry.

          “Ha! Doubt that…” The boy couldn’t help but cower at the sound of Aramis, realizing he’d been leaning against the doorframe the entire time.

          Edrich passed him with a glare, disappearing down the hall. Aramis glanced at Paxton. His smile disappeared, eyes glaring.

          “Soren may have gotten you out of staying with us, but it doesn’t change anything, Flit. Watch your back.” And with that, Aramis left too.

          Paxton sucked in a breath, and then, listening as their footsteps faded, allowed a few tears to fall down his cheeks.




          “You’re seriously not coming?”

          “In case you haven’t noticed, people aren’t exactly my strong suit,” Corvina blew a strand of hair out of her face. She crossed her arms, placing her legs on top of a table in front of her.

          Arthur sighed dramatically, “Aww, your no fun. It’ll be a new experience! Maybe it would be good for you.”

          Corvina shook her head, looking away.

          Rooming with people? No thanks. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d stayed with others…

          Not since…her mom.

          And that hadn’t been a great experience.

          She sighed.

          “Listen, Arthur, you can get all buddy buddy with your new dorm mates, but not me.”

          “Coriiii…” Arthur whined. “Come on. You gotta come! I need you there!”

          “You do realize the girls dorms are on opposite sides right?”

          “What?!” He sat up straight. “Well that sucks….” He frowned, then shook his head. “Doesn’t matter…I still need you there! Now that we’re staying there, there’s an even bigger chance of Edrich and Aramis’ goons catching me and…” His face contorted and he held his throat. He shuddered.

          Corvina rolled her eyes. “You could just choose to not stay in the dorms?”

          “What?! And ignore a free roof over my head? And food? No thank you.”

          “You’re impossible.”

          He shrugged. “Ah, come on, it’ll be fun! You don’t even have to like your roommates. Just…tolerate them.”

          Corvina gave him a pointed look. “Seriously? We’ll be living together.”

          “So? I haven’t even looked at the list for who I’m rooming with yet. Figure its better to surprise myself! Besides…who wouldn’t love me?” He gave her his signature smirk, raising a brow.

          She rolled her eyes. “I can think of a few…” He gawked, indignant.

          Shaking his head, he sighed, “Alright, alright, whatever. I can’t make you, but…just consider it?”

          Corvina didn’t answer, crossing her arms. She sighed after a few moments of silence-and Arthur’s incessant staring.

          “Fine! I’ll think about it…”

          “Alright! That’s my girl!”

          “I’m not your girl.”

          “Yea, sure.”

          She glared at him as he stood to leave, but, as he walked away, she couldn’t help the extremely small smile that came to her face.



          It wouldn’t be…so bad….?


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6722

            @freedomwriter76 OOF!!! Yes, but then one nice character plz so Corvina knows that rooming isn’t all that bad XD cuz Ik Hilda might be something else XD


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6722

              @freedomwriter76 u wanna RP as Leo/Riker or anyone else my charries are staying with and I’ll RP as them coming into the room? Including Paxton, we’re gonna say he’s at the school now.


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6722

                @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h @whalekeeper

                i got on and everyone left 🥺😭 XD


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4262


                  Marcel, down!

                  “Hey, dude. I don’t appreciate it when you scramble my henchman’s brains.”

                  Calvin stepped forward, and crossed his arms.

                  The attacker was a tall, gangly teen, with shoulder-length brown hair and a bunch of colorful beaded bracelets on his arms. He must have returned recently from camp. But he wasn’t just a regular camper – he had three legs, three eyes, and three horns on his head, like narwhal horns. Many of his physical attributes came in threes.

                  He reshouldered his backpack, and shot darts from his eyes. “That little punk scared my sister half to death.”

                  Cal groaned. “Marce, please tell me you didn’t flirt with a chick on the third plane. That’s beneath you.”

                  The chunky, pink-haired kid was still trying to stand up – with no success. His eyeballs spun like pinwheels. “I honestly have no idea what the guy is talking about. I’d never mess around with a sister of his – not to save my life.”

                  The camper guy didn’t recoil. He pulled a little girl out from behind him. She looked exactly like him, except her horns were painted with rainbow fingernail polish.

                  Andrea said you made her cry.”

                  The girl’s lips trembled.

                  “Ha.” Marcel stood up and leaned against Calvin, nearly knocking the older boy over. “That’s the kid in the parking lot, isn’t it? I shifted in front of her, and her tiny brain almost exploded. Deserved it, too.”

                  Thorn’s jaw dropped. “Why are we even defending you?”

                  “She made faces at me that could melt titanium armor off Sir Invinciblius, and I’m not the victim?

                  Andrea growled, and bounced up and down in her purple tutu. “Hit him, Kirby.”

                  Before either Thorn or Calvin could react, Kirby smacked Marcel in the stomach, with a resounding thwap.

                  “Are you okay?” Thorn said, her voice husky with concern.

                  The shorter boy grimaced, bending over. He held up a hand. ” Just… gimme a minute…”

                  The hallway suddenly darkened.


                  The air turned chilly.


                  Wind fluttered about their legs.


                  Calvin scowled.


                  When Calvin scowled – no matter what was happening – the world played attention real quickly.

                  It wasn’t magical. Some people might mistake it for magic, since it was so unnerving. But it was just something about his brow – combined with the eyes and the tight mouth – that spelled out chaos and utter destruction.

                  It was probably his greatest asset.

                  Like a storm brewing under the surface.

                  The camper guy shifted uneasily. “Mind your own, kid. I don’t care if he’s only half my size – this is between him and me. So shut your funny business and get out of the way.”

                  Cal didn’t move a muscle. “Oh, but you’ll have way worse odds against him. You better fight me instead, while I’m still volunteering.”

                  At the confused expression in reply, Cal shrugged one shoulder. “Take a closer look.”

                  The boy Marcel clutched at his stomach, a little green in the face, but otherwise fine. “I look like a watermelon…”

                  But he was also glowing slightly. The wind in the hall was real, and it swirled around him, shimmering against invisible, stirring wings.

                  “He may look like a shrimp, but I assure you, three planes against a million isn’t in your favor.”

                  The camper kid went as pale as yellow chalk dust, and ducked past them – his sister blowing raspberries in tow.

                  Thorn knelt and began picking up the fluttering comics, softly brushing the dust off them as she went. “Are you sure you’re okay, Marcel?”

                  “No biggie.” The boy snapped his fingers, and the bright wind faded away. “Just scraped up enough glory to make a lasting impression on a couple locals. And…” He touched his forehead, wincing, “maybe won a headache?”

                  Thorn clucked her tongue, and grabbed his shoulders to take a closer look. “Next time, don’t harass four-year-olds. Even barbaric ones.”

                  “Did you notice her unicorn horns? That’s my spirit animal! She dare soil the name of the great beast.”

                  Thorn picked up the pile of comic books. “You know what? Let’s find your dorm room, so we can make sure no one steals these. Okay?”

                  "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6722

                    @whalekeeper so cool!! I wanna know more about these characters’ actual stories!


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4262

                      Wow, come next morning, I realize how weird that post reads…


                      😊 Well, for the meantime, I’ll just say that Marcel has the ability to knock Aramis and the winged bois out of the ballpark – but Calvin won’t let him. His power isn’t immediately manifested or visible, and the friend group generally wants to keep it under wraps.

                      I haven’t actually…created their stories yet? 😅 Granted I know things, but they’re super new characters, and these things might change. So – we’ll see! I’ll tag ya if I get any new ideas!

                      "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 239


                        Naolin’s wings flutter with excitement as she finally reaches her room after… A long time of looking. Naolin opens the door and drags her duffel bag inside. Her two roommates were already in the room.

                        Naolin quickly introduces herself.  “Hello! I’m Naolin, nice to meet you! I’m so excited, I’ve never really been out of my hometown so this is a new adventure for me. Although I’m gonna miss my best friend, Arwen. But I know I’ll make new ones! How about you guys? What are your names?”

                        (Sorry if that was slightly confusing, Naolin has a habit of talking really fast in long sentences.)

                        "does anyone have any good ideas?"
                        "Oh yeah, but none for this"

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @awsumfaith aww, I love her energy! XD❤️


                          The door opened and a winged girl walked in, quickly dropping her duffel bag and smiling brightly. “Hello! I’m Naolin, nice to meet you! I’m so excited, I’ve never really been out of my hometown so this is a new adventure for me. Although I’m gonna miss my best friend, Arwen. But I know I’ll make new ones! How about you guys? What are your names?”

                          Ellie smiled. Well…she had energy! And energy wasn’t a bad thing. “I’m Ellie and this is my friend Esther,” Esther gave a small smile and wave, still unpacking her things, and Ellie continued, “and nice to meet you Naolin. I love your outfit by the way.”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @godlyfantasy12 I’m here! XDXD I’ll do a few groups, lol, most of The Boys are still together and haven’t split up yet, lol.

                            idk who else we could put with Corvina/Hilda honestly…maybe someone else has another girl or something, idk 😂 Poor Corvina tho, being stuck with that brat XD

                            you wanna do The Dogchild with Leon/Ezra? 😉

                            @awsumfaith @keilah-h


                            “Think our roommate will get in here soon?”

                            Tony shrugged in reply to Everton’s question, putting away the last of his things. “Guess he’ll get in here soon enough.”

                            Ev plopped onto one of the beds. “All I can say is I’m glad I’m not stuck with any of the jerks in the school.”

                            “I can be one if you want.” Tony jested, giving Ev a smirk.

                            Ev laughed. “No thanks, I’m good.”

                            Tony just laughed. It must have taken a lot of coaxing for all of them to be allowed to board at the school. Pierce didn’t exactly…like having them out of his sight.

                            “Think it’ll be too bad with three of us crowding in here?” Everton asked, getting back off the bed, putting away a few of his own things.

                            Tony shook his head. “I don’t think so. Three people is nothing compared to sixteen or so all in one room.”

                            “Sixteen!? What are you-!?”

                            “I’m from the orphanage, remember? There had to be room for everyone. We just…found ways to make it work. That’s what you have to do when you’re on your own, you know.” Tony replied softly. “Besides…none of us have many things anyhow.”

                            Except for the arc in his chest and the picture of him and his parents in his jacket pocket.

                            Tony let out a deep breath, shoving memories away. “Our roommate should be here soon.”

                            As if on cue, the door opened, revealing a grinning blonde boy.



                            “This is going to be so much fun!” Angelina cried, spinning in a circle right outside the dorm room.

                            Iris smiled, barely dodging Angelina’s flying suitcase. “I’m sure it will be.”

                            Angelina almost spun again, but Riker grabbed her arm. “Here, let me take the suitcase before you hit someone.”

                            Angelina giggled and handed her bag over, before spinning again. She had energy that never seemed to burn out.

                            Iris turned to Riker. Even though he was rooming on the entire other side of the dorms, he had insisted on walking his little sister to her dorm. He was a wonderful older brother.

                            “Come on, Angelina, why don’t we check out the dorm? I looked at the list of roommates, Jocelyn should be here soon.”

                            “It’ll be so fun spending time with Lyn, don’t you think, Iris!?”

                            Iris smiled and nodded. “It will be.”

                            “Hey, Iris, maybe you can also come over this weekend when we go home to see Mama, I’m sure she’d love to see you again!”

                            “I’ll think about it, Angelina. Will you two both be going home on Friday nights?”

                            Angelina nodded energetically. “Yep! So Mama gets to see us and won’t be alone on the weekend. I mean, Daddy’s with her, but she wants to see us, and you could come over too, she said you could come whenever you want!”

                            Iris smiled. She had met Jennie Schind on multiple occasions already. “Your mother is a very sweet woman, Angelina, Riker.”

                            Angelina nodded. “Uh huh! And I’m sure Riker will always love to see you…he loves you, you know! He told me-”

                            Riker covered his sister’s mouth with his hand and smiled sheepishly at Iris. “Sorry about her…she’s…energetic today.”

                            Iris laughed. “She’s like that every day. Besides, doesn’t bother me…” she leaned close to Riker; kissed his cheek, “because I love you too.”

                            Riker uncovered his sister’s mouth, and Angelina gasped. “Haha! You two do love each other!!! Riker and Iris sitting in a tree-”

                            Riker laughed, poking his sister in the rib and giving back her suitcase. “Alright, that’s enough weirdo. Go with Iris to your dorm and I’ll head to mine.”

                            “Okay Riker! See you later!!!” Angelina cried.

                            Iris smiled, opening the dorm room door for Angelina, letting her inside, and turned to Riker. “Have fun, Riker.”

                            Riker smiled, adjusting his guitar strap. “I will. You and Angelina…you two have fun too.”

                            “We will. See you later.”

                            Riker waved and took off the hall.

                            Iris walked into the dorm room. “Alright Angelina, let’s unpack and when Jocelyn gets here…”

                            Angelina laughed. “Let’s party!!!!”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12 @whalekeeper @esther-c (hope you didn’t mind me talking for Ev 😅) @awsumfaith @keilah-h


                              They continued down the hall, having just left Wolfgang at his dorm along with a boy named Lukas. There was another roommate but none of them knew who it was.

                              And the rest of them needed to get to their dorms.

                              “I can’t believe Dad actually let me come here…” Alec mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck, walking with them.

                              Jakob nodded in agreement, arms crossed as he walked down the hall. “Tell me about it. Glad you’re with me and Reuben though, Alec.”

                              Reuben smiled, brushing a strand of his dark brown hair behind his ear with paint-stained fingers. “Yeah, it’ll be fun!”

                              “Who do you have as roommates, Leo?” Joshua asked. “Did you look?”

                              Leo nodded. “I did, actually…didn’t want to be too surprised, you know? I have November and Riker as roommates.”

                              Joshua smiled. “That’ll be fun.”

                              “Joshua got stuck with us.” Dietrich said, motioning to himself and Adolphus. He laughed. “You could maybe be with another group though if you found one that isn’t filled.”

                              Joshua smirked at Dietrich. “Maybe I should…I don’t know if I want to be stuck with the two of you.” Joshua laughed. “Just kidding, we’ll have fun.”

                              Adolphus turned around from where he was leading the group, now walking backwards. “Yeah, we will…maybe. What in the world would we do for fun?”

                              Dietrich laughed and winked. “We’ll think of something…Adolphus, look out!”

                              Adolphus turned around and only narrowly missed getting hit by someone, a blonde’s, flying bag.

                              Jocelyn’s bag, actually.

                              Reuben raised a hand in greeting. “Oh, hey guys!”



                              “This will be fun.” Aadelheide said softly, turning to one of her roommates. The other one wasn’t there yet.

                              Natasha nodded. “Yeah, it should be. Have you ever roomed with anyone before?”

                              Aadelheide laughed quietly. Shook her head. “I haven’t…other than my twin brother. I looked at the list though…I think…yes, Luna will be with us. I think I remember her…” she chuckled, “sorry, I’m not good with remembering names.”

                              “You’re not? I could help you with that.”

                              “That’d probably be helpful.” Aadelheide replied with a giggle. “Oh, and by the way, I love your outfit Natasha.”

                              Natasha looked down at her black clothes, but she wore blue bracelets and purple boots…but otherwise, all of her clothes were black. “Thanks.”

                              “You’re welcome!” Aadelheide replied cheerfully, putting away more of her things. “This will be fun. Can’t wait until Luna gets here. I wonder how Abelard is doing though…”



                              William stretched, sitting on one of the beds. “I got up way too early this morning…”

                              Abelard laughed. “Not an early bird, are you?”

                              “No way, and you know that. I thought you were my best friend…I thought you would know that by now!”

                              Abelard laughed. “Yeah, yeah…maybe I forget things.”

                              William rolled his eyes. “Tell me about it.”

                              The door opened and their other roommate stepped in.

                              Abelard didn’t know him, but William grinned and waved. “Hey Hunter! How’s it going!?”


                              Okay….I think that’s finally everyone other than Eva/Ami/Ara and Nyx/Grimm/Erich, lol XD

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6722

                                @freedomwriter76 YAY THIS WILL BE FUN XD! Oh man Arthur is gonna be hilarious with Tony and Ev…here we go! also imma go ahead and RP as Nyx and Grimm and some others going into their rooms.


                                Arthur leaned against the doorframe, glancing at his two new roommates, a smile on his face.

                                “I have arrived! You can all relax now.” The two stared at him, confused. He walked in, slinging his bags-he had four-onto a bed-he didn’t care which one.

                                “Ah, that’s mine,” One of the boys said.

                                “Don’t see your name on it!” Arthur said, shrugging, pearly whites showing. The boy, who had dark hair, narrowed his eyes, grumbling.

                                The other boy looked just as annoyed. He coughed, raising a brow. “You can’t just-“

                                “Man these rooms are nice! Ooh what’s the bathroom like? It better have a mirror…I can’t fix my hair without a mirror.” Arthur ignored him, peeking into the bathroom. “A shower and a bath?!” He pumped his fist. “Score!”

                                He poked back out, grinning once again. “Ah, sorry fellas. Name’s Arthur, don’t think we’ve ever met. How sad for you.” He extended a hand.



                                XD XD great first impression my dude….



                                Lyn squealed, hopping for the seventieth time, making the bags on her shoulders twirl again.

                                “Lyn for the love of-!” Nyx cried, grabbing his ears.

                                “This would only be better if you could stay with me…” Lyn looked over at her brother, the excitement in her eyes fading slightly. Her smile grew a bit solemn.

                                She dropped her bags in front of her dorm door, and then wrapped her arms tightly around her brother. He grunted.

                                “Lyn! Seriously? I’ll be right over the other side! We’ll see each other every day! We can eat breakfast together!”

                                Still, Lyn sniffled, squeezing the kit tighter. “Yea but…we haven’t been apart since you were adopted.”

                                At this, even Nyx’s ears fell a bit. “Lyn…oh…” he grumbled, “just hush. Geez.” But there was definitely a hint of red at his cheeks as he pushed his sister away.

                                Lyn nodded, sighing. “I’m really glad you’re staying with him, Grimmy.”

                                Nyx groaned loud at that. “Don’t remind me.”

                                Grimm shook his head, smiling slightly. He laid a firm hand on the boy’s shoulder. “I’ll take care of him, don’t worry.”

                                “Please, I don’t need a babysitter.”

                                “Thanks Grimm,” Lyn smiled. “Well! Guess I better go in! I’ll see you two later!” She gave Grimm a kiss on the cheek, and then turned to Nyx.

                                “Lyn…no…no!” Lyn grinned, catching her brother and giving him a few big fat smackers on his cheek and then his ear, and then his forehead. He gagged, immediately wiping them off, face red as a tomato.


                                Lyn laughed, just as she was bumped into and sent spiraling forward with a grunt. Grimm grabbed her before she fell.


                                “Oh Hey Guys!”

                                The threesome turned.

                                Nyx hissed, eyes narrowing at the sight of…Adolphus and Dietrich.

                                Jocelyn turned to him, “Nyx! Be nice…” Jocelyn said, although she also couldn’t help the anger that rose at the memory of her brother, hurt by the two brothers…

                                She knew they’d supposedly turn a new leaf…and she needed to forgive them. But…letting them near Nyx was another thing entirely.

                                She turned, plastering a smile on her face, as she and Grimm both stepped in front of Nyx, the boy still grumbling under his breath.

                                “Good…good to see you.”



                                Paxton stood in front of his dorm door, clutching his backpack anxiously. It gave him a small sense of comfort, knowing the treasure that was held inside…

                                The coarse, but soft fur of Hope that was hidden within his bag…

                                He winced as a hand touched his shoulder. It withdrew immediately.

                                “Sorry…I…ah…” Soren looked away. He cleared his throat. Shook his head. “I have to go now…just…be careful, alright? I’m sure you’ll be fine, okay?”

                                Paxton met his brother’s eyes, seeing a hint of concern and…

                                Something else he couldn’t quite place.

                                Something he saw when he was around his friends. Around November, and Luna, and Wolfgang.

                                Around Ara.

                                Soren gave a subtle smile, before walking away. Paxton’s stomach churned as he did, which made him feel a bit strange.

                                Usually…his brother’s presence made that reaction happen…not his brother’s absence.

                                But he felt a bit safer with Soren then his other brothers…

                                And this situation…was entirely knew. Strange. Maybe even scarier then…

                                He shook his head, gripping his backpack tighter. He winced, still feeling the bruises on his back.

                                They were better now, but still hurt…

                                He sucked in a breath, and then, knocked on the door.


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6722

                                  @whalekeeper u on? @freedomwriter76 u still on?


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