Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #199893
    Ellette Giselle
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3354




      “I met a knight once. He got it by writing some three hundred line long poem about something or other. Thinnest, most absent minded man I ever saw.”

      I. Just. Died.



      Rory’s brow furrowed and a frightened look came to his eyes. “I…” he swallowed and licked his lips. “I think we have knights. We call them Agents… they’re very cruel. They’re the ones trying to kill me. They trained for years and years, and they’re the elite soldiers. My commander wants me to be one when I’m eighteen. I… I don’t want to.” He trailed off, shocked that he was telling this to Leo. He lowered his voice. “Agents scare me. I’m not supposed to ever be scared. They taught us that fear is weakness, and they thrashed it out of us… but the Agents still scare me.”


      No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

      The Ducktator
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1360

        @whalekeeper @raxforge


        Celarent picked himself up off the ground and dusted himself off, relieved that Mateo had let go of him. Somehow, the all consuming fear had left him. He turned to Bird Boy and gave him his most charming grin, hoping to fix the terrible first impression he’d just made. “Thank you. Where is this Foreign Culture class?”

        Any salad can be a Caesar salad if you stab it hard enough.

        The Ducktator
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1360


          Ryla watched at Liko returned to his work. Great. Now she had to talk to more people. Not really sure where she was going, she wandered down a nearby hallway. Maybe no one would talk to her. She couldn’t decide whether that would be good or bad.


          Vyette pulled her schedule out of her bag. Her first subject was Foreign Literature. She could have studied that perfectly well at home with her tutors. She rolled her eyes and strutted off in the direction she hoped the class was. She had better things to be doing than attending school.

          Any salad can be a Caesar salad if you stab it hard enough.

          The Ducktator
            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1360


            Your characters can run into one of mine. ^

            Any salad can be a Caesar salad if you stab it hard enough.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2040




              He paused with his hand on the elevator button and looked back at Rory.

              “Be a bit hard to thrash fear out with more fear, don’t you think?” He watched the kid’s eyes narrow a bit in thought, then continued half to himself. “No, they wanted you to be more afraid of them than anything else, not make you unafraid. Only perfect love can conquer fear. Been there, learned that the hard way, kid.”

              The elevator chimed open. Leo stepped inside, waiting a moment for Rory to get settled before punching in the floor number. And that, he thought with a wry smile, is why those creeps hate my guts.

              Let them. Life could get boring without something to watch out for.

              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
              Fork the Gork

              Ellette Giselle
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3354




                Rory let out a slow breath. He even gave Leo a slight smile as they road up the elevator. He was still turning the older boy’s words over in his mind. It didn’t make much sense. After all, they said that fear was weakness and that’s why they were punishing him and the others. Rory chewed on his lip and then quickly stopped, darting a nervous look at Leo. “Well, I’m glad you’re not a knight,” he managed.



                No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2040



                  The elevator rattled on its assent, nearly drowning out the kid’s quiet words. Leo leaned back against the smooth metal wall an, enjoying the rythmic click of well built machinery even if it was a bit rough. His thumbs hooked into his belt.

                  “Ah, me too, kid. A title’d probably make it that much harder to be inconspicuous.” And double the price on his head. He grinned. As if knighting weren’t solely a Sorian practice.

                  Slowly the rattle came to a stop.


                  (You decide if we’re on the normal teacher’s office level, or the super elite level at the top floor.)

                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                  Fork the Gork

                  Ellette Giselle
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3354


                    Ooo. Hmmm. I wonder which one is going to have the least people……..

                    Prob. the top floor.


                    Rory looked up as the door opened. Leo stepped out and Rory followed him into the hallway. It was quiet here with no students running about. It seemed… not peaceful. Peaceful was the church. No, this was… stiff. It almost felt militaristic, except several aspects of military hallways were missing.

                    His boots squeaked on the floor as he turned toward Leo. “Where are we?”

                    No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 418


                      Oh okay! Sorry I didn’t get back to you earlier. I’ve been a bit busy.


                      Maverick let out a never ending sigh. “Nobody wants to answer my history-strawberry leaf questions. Will anyone ever answer me?”

                      “I’ll answer,” Navin mumbled.

                      Maverick spun around to face his brother and walked backwards. A wide grin took not even a second to spread across this face. “Answer me!”

                      “I already forgot what you asked,” he said, frowning at the ground, “Can I just… say yes?”

                      Maverick let out another long sigh then screeched when he tripped over a person’s foot during his backwards journey. (It can be one of your characters if you want XD) He then looked up at the girl he fell over and told her, “The floor… What a great place to delve in the deep depths of sorrow and ponder unanswered questions!”

                      PIVOT! PiVOT!

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2816



                        She grinned.

                        “Great! Come on, it’s this way.”

                        Chase hesitantly followed her down the hall.


                        The vending machine sat like a crumpled tin can against the wall, with a yellow note taped to its front reading “out of order” in messy sharpie handwriting. It had pictures printed all over it, advertising various drink brands. Somehow, the thing still partially worked. It was plugged in, and continued to hum stubbornly, keeping its contents cool.

                        “Might want to step back,” Felicity said. She gave Chase a wink, before pivoting her body suddenly, and kicking the side of the machine hard. It almost fell over. There was a loud rattling from the inside, followed by three metallic clunks.

                        Felicity pushed back the flap and retrieved three soda cans.

                        “Alright, which one do you want?” she asked with a smile, holding them up to Chase. Then she paused, examining them.

                        “Wait-” She took the Pepsi and stuffed it into her pocket. Then she held out the other two.

                        Official KP archivist ✨

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4155



                          Chase grabbed one of the two, not knowing the difference besides their colorful packaging. Then he froze, turning the can over in his hand. How do you open this? He had never seen drinks stored in a metal can. He panicked a little. He could ask Felicity, but would she think him stupid? What did it matter? If she thought it stupid she could just leave him alone in the hallway.

                          “Fel…Fel-i-sen,” Chase trembled, he wasn’t sure if he could say her name correctly. “Fel-i-sen…tee? H-how do y-you o-open …this?”

                          Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                          #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2040


                            Sorry this one is long. I just had too much fun.


                            A grin rugged at his lips. He turned to encompass the entire hall with it’s gold name plates and carved enamel in a wave of his hand. “Welcome to Destina Elite Lounge Rooms, also known as the administration offices. Here’s where the head of the school departments come to work and recuperate. They certainly have their hands full managing this place, even after the old headmistress’s sons got kicked out. It is a bit posh, don’t you think?” He glanced around, noting the general quietness of the place. “Ms. Barnes could probably use one of these rooms to herself. Sounds like she deserves one.”

                            Their boots squeaked over the marble tiled floor. Leo led them around a few twists and turns before stopping in front of a red door. Office 328 – Dr. Lendervost- Head of Botony and Natural Sciences. He checked it against the number on his tablet screen.

                            “This is it. Let’s hope the leak’s not too bad.” He knocked.

                            A second later the door flew open. Out stepped a frizzy haired woman in a pink lab coat. She didn’t appear to see Leo over the potted plant cradled in her arms. He had to jump back to avoid a collision as she shot across the hall, deposited the plant – some type of tropical fern – and dashed back into her aparently flooding office.

                            “Ma’am? I’m here to–”

                            “At last!” She stopped halfway through the door and whipped around to stare up at them. “Finally, someone to save us. Too much water I say. It’ll drown my geraniums.”

                            Leo blinked, taking the pot she practically threw into his arms out of instinct. He cleared his throat and slowly set the thing down by the bush thing in the hall.

                            “The AC, ma’am? We’re here to fix the leak. I–”

                            “Oh dreadful! I forgot the computer. Come led a hand, can you?”

                            He sighed and tramped into the marshy office. In a minute he had all the computer drive and cords safe atop a mostly dry desk. The doctor stood outside the door, a jug full of some kind of orchid cradled in her arms.

                            “Rory, come grab a side please. It’s not too heavy.”

                            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                            Fork the Gork

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2816



                              “Oh, right.” Felicity had really only been introduced to this herself about a week ago.

                              “You just…” She fumbled with the tab on her soda, struggling to get her nail underneath. Finally she did, and she popped it open. There was a hissing sound and suddenly foam started pouring out the top and over the sides. Felicity yelped in surprise, before quickly putting it to her mouth and slurping it off the top.

                              After a second, it stopped fizzing, and Felicity shook her hand, flicking droplets onto the ground.

                              “So, yeah. You just flip up the tab. Like I did, except more… carefully.”

                              Official KP archivist ✨

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2816

                                Idk why, but referencing things from farther back in the rp just makes me really happy, whether it’s me doing it or someone else

                                Official KP archivist ✨

                                Ellette Giselle
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3354


                                  No prob!!



                                  Rory watched in stunned silence as the woman raced about, Leo trailing her and trying to catch things she knocked over in her haste. She was rattling on about something, but Rory was having a hard time tracking. It wasn’t that he was unable to take in her words… he most certainly was, along with every object and position that would be an advantage in an attack, and width of space between each office door. No, his training was too well rooted to not hear her words. He just had never seen or heard anything like this, and he didn’t know what to make of it.

                                  “Rory, come grab a side please. It’s not too heavy.”

                                  Rory scrambled into the room and hurriedly grabbed the other side of the desk. He and Leo carried it out into the hall. There was a cry from the woman and Leo dashed back inside. She was gathering up armloads of things, all the time railing about faulty AC units.

                                  Rory stepped back into the office and his eye caught movement. He whipped to the side and came face to face with a mirror on the wall. For a moment Rory stared at it before starting back in surprise.

                                  He hadn’t recognized himself.

                                  Dressed in Leo’s clothing, his hair messy and falling over his forehead, his might planted more on one leg than the other, and several scrapes and bruises on his face, he looked…. he looked like…. like one of the lesser generations. Rory quickly snapped to attention… but that looked all wrong. So he slowly relaxed. He squinted slightly and looked himself up and down. It honestly wasn’t a very bad look.

                                  In fact…..

                                  If he would let himself admit it…….

                                  He liked the relaxed, unconcerned feel Leo had, and the way he was dressed now, he almost looked like Leo. A thrashed, messy Leo.

                                  Rory choked on a laugh that startled him. He blinked and hurriedly composed himself. A messy thrashed Leo.

                                  For some reason that was the most comical thing Rory had ever thought, and another laugh rose inside. He bit it back, but the corner of his mouth turned up in a grin.

                                  No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

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