Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #170423
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      🤣😭 Too true

      There has been no news for Silksong for today...

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @everyone do Y’all want me to intro the teachers? Get the practice moving?

        There has been no news for Silksong for today...

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
          ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

          Ruee Hamster Huey
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4109


            I just realized Chance doesn’t have a nickname (unless you count the names his father called him)! I’ll have to find one.

            Chase Duke

            “What kind of music do you like to listen to?” Music? Chase rubbed the scar on the back of his hand. His mother used to sing, he used to play the flute, he used to sing too. He blankly stared into the room as he remembered. But his father stopped his flute-playing, and his mother was dead. Chase’s music faded and died with his mother’s sweet voice.

            “I-I don’t listen to music, ex-except nature’s.”

            Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
            #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4135


              …I’m just going to answer my own question and start the practice 😅😊



              “Why should you apologize? Look at that,” Hugo beamed. He rolled down his sleeve and spun his arm like a pinwheel.

              Nar slung her satchel around to her opposite shoulder. Her face flushed faintly with confidence.

              Hugo looked at her again, checked himself, and addressed the rest of the group. He pointed over his own shoulder. “I believe dance class is starting just about now.”

              He wouldn’t have noticed, but for Seb tugging at his shirt.

              An older man, and a slightly less old woman stood near the front of the room, in between the two exit doors.

              The man at first seemed to be the primary instructor, but instead of speaking up, he let the tall woman dominate the room. She had strict, sharp wrinkles across her face, softened with a few laugh lines, and her long silver skirt trailed across the floor without picking up a spot of dust.

              “Students of Destina!” she called out.

              Faces perked up. Several boys and girls audibly gasped with nerves.

              “You may call us Professors Quibble and Amelia.” The woman held out her arm for the stooped, weak man to lean on. He gave her arm an affectionate pat, but her face remained stony. “Tonight is not a time for giggling or matchmaking, however the notion may tempt you.”

              A nearby girl giggled, and whispered loudly, “Rumor has it Quibble has been madly in love with her since preschool.”

              Professor Amelia stood like a statue, until the students stopped chirping. Quibble’s eyes sparkled. He looked all for the world like a fluffy crow on his favorite perch.

              “You will be learning a myriad of dances, at least one of which will seem to rip you soul from your body with its raw difficulty. But have no fear. We will start simple, with a basic waltz.”

              The two professors demonstrated.

              Students stood on tiptoe, trying to get a good look, but Hugo didn’t have to watch. He probably wouldn’t have to watch the next few dances either. When you had a swing fanatic for a brother, you picked up a few moves.

              Amelia finished and waved her hand. “Find partners. Get a move on, now!”

              Suddenly a hurricane seemed to pick up, as kids dashed to and fro, either laughing or terrified. Hugo caught a glimpse of Sebastian, miming out the dance with an invisible partner, and of the two Stonestians rolling their eyes. Nevertheless, he and Nar still stood facing each other.

              “Would you like to practice with me?” Hugo asked. He gave a little twirl and held out his arms welcomingly.

              There has been no news for Silksong for today...

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2738



                He relaxed slightly around Kate and Brian. These two did not seem like the overly stuck up royalty Dante was expecting.

                Seb wandered off as Hugo was distracted by a friendly curly haired girl. Dante smirked. It had only been a few minutes and Hugo had already scored a possible dance partner.

                The four remaining in the group talked for a bit about the pixie hunt from that morning.

                “Hey Dante, anyone from your world here?” Kate asked.

                “One,” he said with a joyless, sharp toothed smile. “But let’s hope for everyone’s sake that he doesn’t show his ugly face here any time soon.”

                Before anyone could answer, a woman called out, “Students of Destina!”

                The students quieted and listened as she taught the first dance. Then she told the students to find partners and try it themselves. People began clambering loudly around the room, looking for partners and clumsily trying out the waltz steps.

                Dante quickly separated himself from the chaos. He leaned against the wall in the back, crossed his arms, and watched as his fellow teens tumbled about.

                Official KP archivist ✨

                SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2818


                  Hey, my little sister’s name is Hallie!! XD

                  This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

                  Ruee Hamster Huey
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4109


                    Hugo is sooooo sweet! At this point, I’m forcing Nar in no way to like him, she just like…taking on her own life rn.


                    “Would you like to practise with me?” Hugo gave a little twirl and held out his arms. Nar pulled her hair out of her pony tail, the red curls falling to around the end of her rib cage. She tapped her right toe on the floor twice, before twirling on it into Hugo’s arms. She smiled and laughed.

                    “Yeh! But I warn you, I only know how to dance Realn-style!” She looked into his amber eyes, and a slight tint of pink rose in her cheeks. She could feel her heart racing a little. She hoped Hugo hadn’t seen it, and laughed again.

                    Together they waltzed, Hugo doing it controlled, with Nar in her flourishing, free style, adding tiny aspects to make the dance more “interesting”. While she was not clumsy, her waltz would be considered far from perfect.

                    Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                    #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4135


                      Aww, thx, he loves making people happy, it makes him happy 😊


                      The dance was so simple, Hugo could do it with his eyes closed. And he did. Holding Nar’s hands gently, he glided through the steps, and tilted his head up with a blissful smile.

                      When Nar did a funny spin under one arm, the slender boy laughed and gave her another twirl. His long legs stepped back, then along the music with precision and poise.

                      It was nice to dance again.

                      No killers on his tail. No guns. No lies, telling him to pretend everything was pitch perfect. Just genuine fun – something Hugo tried to find, but almost never found.

                      Nar really looked gorgeous, despite her plain clothes. She had way more freckles than her partner, and they scattered across her face like inked-in stars.

                      “So what kind of amazing things can you tell me about yourself?” Hugo swept her along in a new dance move, and raised his eyebrows boyishly.

                      There has been no news for Silksong for today...

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4135


                        Dante needs someone to dance with!! *glares* He can’t just stand there the whole time. He needs someone to at the very least annoy him.

                        There has been no news for Silksong for today...

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2738


                          Yes, he definitely needs someone to go annoy him. XD He can be convinced to dance, but he’s going to be really stubborn about it first.

                          Official KP archivist ✨

                          Ruee Hamster Huey
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4109



                            “So what kind of amazing things can you tell me about yourself?” Nar smiled, then laughed again as she often did.

                            “I’m a geek about doctoring, I know a little bit about machinery from an older brother. I…can fight, but only do it for protection. I like the color…” Pink rose in her cheeks. “Amber more than anything. I’m one of only eight Nayhelm’s left in the Universe. I’m the daughter of a lord, niece of a lord, and daughter of a former emperor and empress. I have one adopted brother, and two brothers by birth. Only one sister… Oh, dear, I’ve already said to many ‘I’ s! Now tell me about yourself!”

                            Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                            #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3704


                              Oh that’s awesome! You can tell her I love her name. 😉

                              I was trying to choose between Clementine, Maisie, Hallie, and Dixie. It was close between Maisie and Hallie, but Hallie won. 😁

                              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3704

                                The dancing has begun!


                                Alright, I’ll write some RPs



                                Lukas swallowed hard and faced Liv with an uncertain smile wobbling on his lips. “Well?” He held out his arms.

                                (I said in here that Chase was dancing, but I don’t know what you decided to do)


                                She smiled, all tears dried, and met Fynn’s eyes. “You ready?”

                                He smiled and took her in his arms. Callie found it easy to smoothly waltz around the room but Fynn was another story. He often tumbled over his feet, needing to take his eyes off Callie’s face and on his feet. “Sorry, Callie. I’m a mess.” He chuckled.

                                Callie laughed along with him. “I guess that’s what this dance class is for.”

                                As they floated across the room, Callie caught glimpses of Chase on the dance floor. She met his eyes a few times and made sure that he saw her confident smile.

                                and @anyone-else Sorryyy, I ran out of time, but I’ll write the rest of the RPs later. (:

                                Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                                SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2818



                                  She stood there for a moment. “Um…I’m not sure how to do this.”

                                  “Yeah, me neither,” Lukas laughed a little, “I was kind of hoping you would know.”

                                  “Well, I don’t.”


                                  “We should watch the other people, and maybe we’ll figure it out?” Liv raised an eyebrow, and Lukas nodded.

                                  They studied Fynn and Callista for a good minute, and finally had it figured out.

                                  “Oh!” Lukas exclaimed. “I think I know how to do this now!” Liv smiled, and Lukas held out his right hand. Liv took it. “Okay, I think you put your other hand on my shoulder.” Liv did, uncertainly. “And now I put my hand on your back.” He did, and her heart skipped a beat as he pulled her closer. His hand burned red hot from where it was on her back, and she thought she might faint.

                                  “Okay, this might not be so bad after all,” Liv said, and then blushed a little as she met Lukas’s eyes. They way he looked at her…It gave her goosebumps. His gaze was so intent as if he was seeing into the depths of her soul.

                                  And she was staring right back.

                                  This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

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