Cosmere/Brandon Sanderson

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    Cloaked Mystery
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      Yeah, I think he’s going to write them some time before the second arc of SA. Mistborn Era 3 is next I believe, and then the Elantris sequels.

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      Cloaked Mystery
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        Brandon Sanderson announced his plan for the next seven years of books.

        We’re getting Stormlight 5 WaT next year.

        A full White Sands novel is planned for 2025. (I didn’t even know that was planned.)

        Mistborn Era 3 Bk 1 for 2026.

        Elantris 2 for 2027.

        Mistborn Era 3 Bk 2 for 2028.

        Elantris 3 for 2029.

        And Mistborn Era 3 Bk 3 for 2030.

        I think Stormlight 4.5 will also be in there somewhere. Originally it was going to be sooner, but he said he decided to save it since he won’t get back to SA for about a decade.

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          If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.


          Cloaked Mystery
            • Rank: Chosen One
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            Well you’ll probably be about 30 by the time the Stormlight Archive is finished. Isn’t that more terrifying?

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              If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.


              Cloaked Mystery
                • Rank: Chosen One
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                Um… no…

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                  Um, YES.

                  If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.


                  Cloaked Mystery
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                      If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.


                      Cloaked Mystery
                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        For Christmas, I got Arcanum Unbounded, Dawnshard, and Elantris. So far I read the entire Scadrial section of Arcanum Unbounded, as well as Edgedancer. I am a few chapters into Dawnshard. I’ll post my thoughts on each of them as I finish them (but I’m not gonna start till tomorrow.)

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                        Cloaked Mystery
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                          I must correct something I said earlier. I got the schedule for the books off a bit.

                          Here is the schedule, copy-pasted from the source:

                          December 2024: Wind and Truth

                          Spring 2025: Skyward Legacy One(?)

                          December 2025: White Sand Novel/Dark One(?)

                          Spring 2026: Skyward Legacy Two(?)

                          December 2026: Skyward Legacy Three(?)

                          December 2026: Horneater(?)

                          December 2027: TBD

                          December 2028: Ghostbloods 1

                          Summer 2029: Elantris 2

                          December 2029: Ghostbloods 2

                          Summer 2030: Elantris 3

                          December 2030: Ghostbloods 3

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                          Cloaked Mystery
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                            @thearcaneaxiom @princesachronicle22

                            This is my full dawnshards theory, if you’re interested. So, between Dawnshard (the book), Oathbringer, and Mistborn Secret History, I’m pretty sure I’ve figured out what three of the dawnshards are: Change, Unite, and Survive. (And I’ll note that other people came up with this before me, but there is a surprising amount of disagreement on the subject. It seems pretty obvious to me.) Change is confirmed in Dawnshard. The reasons for Unite and Survive are as follows. The dawnshards are described as “primal Commands.” In Oathbringer, Dalinar hears “UNITE THEM”, capitalized, just like CHANGE was in Dawnshard. In Secret History, Preservation tells Kelsier “SURVIVE” again in all caps. Both of these are commands. As far as I know, these are the only three times we have commands capitalized like this. (There is another piece of information that supports the survive Dawnshard, but I’m not sure if it would be a spoiler. Are you aware of another person who has at some point carried a Dawnshard, other than Rysn?)

                            I’m pretty confident that each dawnshard corresponds to four shards, and we see a lot of shards that match a Dawnshard well. Cultivation, Ruin, and Invention clearly fit the Change Dawnshard. Preservation fits the Survive Dawnshard, as does the unknown Shard who has been characterized as “just wanting to survive.” Honor obviously fits Unite, as does Doninion, and possibly Devotion.

                            That’s as far as I’ve gotten with categorizing them. It becomes difficult since the last Dawnshard is unknown. Brandon Sanderson said that one Dawnshard is not like the others, and it seems likely that it would be this unknown one. Otherwise I would think it could be divide, the opposite of Unite, just as Change and Survive are sort of opposite each other. It’s possible that could be it, because there are shards that would fit this category, specifically Odium and Autonomy.

                            I have also wondered if this fits in with the numbers of shards, which I have ranted about already. Basically, I think that the numbers 1, 5, 9, and 13 correspond to Shards of the unknown Dawnshard; 2, 6, 10, and 14 correspond to Unite; 3, 7, 11, and 15 correspond to Change; and 4, 8, 12, and 16 belong to Survive. This fits because we know Honor is 10 and Preservation is 16, putting them in the correct categories. We know that Odium is 9, Endowment is 5, and Virtuosity is 13, which puts them all in the first category. I speculate that Cultivation is 3 and Ruin is 11, which puts them both in Change. I wouldn’t be surprised if Autonomy’s number is 1, which would put her in the first category. I don’t know about any other numbers, but I would assume that Dominion, Devotion, and maybe Ambition fill up Unite, Invention would obviously go in Change, and the “survival Shard” would go in Survive. That leaves Valor, Whimsy, and Mercy, and one slot in Change and two in Survive. I would say Valor and Mercy go in Survive, which leaves Whimsy for Change. (That’s kind of weird, but it doesn’t seem to fit any others better.)

                            Phew! That was a rant! I didn’t go into this thinking I would end up with a speculative position for all the shards!

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                              It does make a lot of sense. I just wonder what the Dawnshards are in relation to the shards in terms of what they can do in the first place. The shards are wells of investiture, whereas the Dawnshards are only spoken of as “commands” as you’ve said, and the sleepless seemed terrified of the prospect of them getting out into the world, so what are they, and what can they do? Can they “command” their respective shards, overpowering the vessels? That would indeed be terrifying.

                              I’m not sure, is it in Mistborn secret History? I remember that orb, but don’t remember what it was. There’s also Elantris, which refused to speak openly about anything, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s something hidden in there.

                              He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                              Cloaked Mystery
                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                Yeah it seems that the dawnshards are nearly, or possibly completely, useless on their own. It also seems to be implied that they could be used to supercharge invested arts somehow.

                                We know that they were used to shatter Adonalsium in the first place, but since they seem to do nothing without investiture, they must have also used something else.

                                People have , and Sanderson has suggested that they are right, that Shards from the same group could be combined without the issues that Harmony is experiencing with Ruin and Preservation. For example (and I think Sanderson explicitly stated this) Ruin and Cultivation combined would work well and would be one of the safest places for the Ruin shard.

                                Scadrial, Roshar, and Sel are considered the pillars of the Cosmere, so it would make sense if there was one Dawnshard associated with each one, plus another. (Actually it’s possible that Roshar has two, since I would guess that the Unite Dawnshard is there as well.)

                                🏰 Fantasy Writer
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                                  Does invested art mean any of the local magic systems? Like Allomancy? I didn’t realize that Harmony was having trouble, is that in Lost Metal? Yeah, the scale and importance of Roshar would lead me to think it likely.


                                  He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

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