Character Castle!

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  • #185814
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Ah, ok, I guess I just didn’t see it.

      Home is where your massive, overflowing collection of LEGO bricks is.

      The Ducktator
        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 723


        Freedom’s in here too, but I’m not sure where.

        Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1142




          Fin knew. Riker knew.
          Fin wasn’t afraid. Riker was terrified.

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1142

            …I’m gonna go rewrite mine really quick, and I’m also gonna introduce a second character because I don’t like Evelyn to be alone rn…


            Fin knew. Riker knew.
            Fin wasn’t afraid. Riker was terrified.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2449


              Oh yeah!





              Oh, I forgot Shadow! Shadow’s characters are with Whaley and RAE’s, I believe.

              Home is where your massive, overflowing collection of LEGO bricks is.

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 305

                @rae @whalekeeper


                “Amon sirs, miss.” Emeline glanced from the shadows into the doorway, where three men and one woman in a mask stood, all dressed strangely. “Sorry, about the green glow. I can’t get rid of it without dropping these two. Uh…you looking for the one who brought us here too?” One of the men said, looking more like a boy than a full grown man.

                “Yes, and I assume you are all as confused as we are as to how we came here, correct?” Percival replied, sheathing his sword. “My name is Percival, I apologize if we startled you all in any way. These two here are my… companions” (a look of disdain passed through his eyes for a moment) “Rowen, and Emeline.”

                Rowen put on a smile and bowed. “A pleasure to meet you all.” He said, putting his knives away.

                Emeline moved into the light and gave a nod in acknowledgement. “Where are you all from?” She asked, studying their clothes. She stared hard particularly at the woman with the strange mask. “No one from our country wears such clothes or has a… glow about them.”

                "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3141

                  @theshadow @rae


                  “Thank you. I don’t use products,” Barnes said, a rough edge to her voice.

                  There was a confused silence.

                  Save it, Barnes. She turned to fully face the newcomers, making a mental note to never deadpan again. She swung her rapier behind her and tilted her head. “A pleasure to meet you as well. I and the thinnest kid are from Lovedream. And you are not?”

                  “Everything is a mountain”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3555

                    @theshadow @whalekeeper

                    Tenz and Reid

                    “Where are you all from? No one from our country wears such clothes or has a… glow about them.”

                    “Once again I deeply apologize, mi’lady, about the glow. My name is Reid Grath, and this,” he opened up the encasing around Tenz to reveal his sleeping form, curled around the precious teal jacket. “Is my twin, Lei-uh, Tenz. We were born on a space station close to a star. The name escapes me. The glow is a trait of my family. And yes, we have no clue how we arrived here.”


                    “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1142


                      two days later…


                      @everyone @i-dont-like-tagging-cuz-i-dont-wanna-bother-anyone-and-i-feel-bad

                      Okay so that took longer than I wanted.


                      First, my second character….

                      Tyne Flynn.

                      Tyne is 14 years old, and stands 5 foot 4. She is willowy, but it’s not evident because she wears very loose clothes. Her skin is very pale. Her long white hair blankets her head. Her large, round eyes are gray andf crystal-like, and they sit evenly spaced—with a slender nose between them. Her lips are medium-full, and she has a slight underbite (it’s not very evident and her teeth will actually seem correct at first glance).

                      She is wearing a striped black-and-burgundy long sleeve under a short-sleeved black tee shirt—which reads “D23” across the front. Both shirts are tucked into her high-waisted black jeans, which are very loose and are scrunched at the top by a thick black belt. She also has a thin black choker necklace on. Oh and a backpack… but I’m not yet sure what’s in it.

                      Tyne is loud, extroverted, and optimistic. She has the tendency to become grumpy, especially when everything around her seems crazy. Oh, and she’s scared to death of thunder and lightning. If it storms at all, she’ll probably lose her head.


                      Tyne knows Evelyn fairly well, because Evy is a warrior and all… but Evelyn doesn’t really know Tyne that much, beyond like her name and race (and race only because it’s evident—in our world, Ethrinians are known for signature white hair and really pale skin).

                      Okay… now, here is my new RP for Evelyn… but i’m gonna reuse some things from my old one, so it may sound kinda the same—if anyone did read my old one… idk why I feel bad about this, but here it goes…



                      Evelyn sighed as she leaned up. She hadn’t really laid on a hard ground since she left Needslight—and even then there were a few blankets and a mattress between her and the cold floor. And, floors were never stone in Burne…

                      Something was different.

                      Evelyn peered around the room. It was a strange room—unlike that of a house or anything familiar. A large, arched, fireplace-like opening in the wall was filled with ashes—as though something had once burned inside of it. She looked at the stone staircase to the northwest—wondering where such an odd thing lead.

                      There were castles in Extroit—large, abandoned ones that weirdos and orphans lived in. Perhaps she was in one of those… or… no, that wouldn’t make much sense—but then, to suddenly find herself in any place that was not where she was before didn’t make sense either.

                      “…help… please… can someone help me…” a small voice called from somewhere outside of the room.

                      Evelyn stood up and looked around—were there other people stuck in this place? She looked up at the staircase, and then exhaled. Rickety old thing. She felt for her sword—it was on her back, where it should be—and then she walked to the stairs and placed one foot on the bottom step. She put some pressure on it, but nothing happened. She pressed on each one—and still, nothing happened. Evelyn inhaled and then quickly climbed the staircase.

                      “…please… someone…”

                      “I’m coming,” Evy stepped out into the hall and peered around. It didn’t take her long to see the young girl sitting hunched over against the wall just a small while away. The white haired girl held a backpack against her shaking body. Evelyn began towards her, “Here I come.”

                      The girl met Evelyn half way, “Oh Evelyn! I’m so glad to see you—I was so afraid of what might happen! This sure is an odd castle isn’t it? I tried to look around but I didn’t see anyone or anything! I was scared that there would be a beast in the dungeon, and I didn’t wanna wind up there on accident.”

                      Ev blinked, “Wait, do I know you? Are you Flynn?”

                      “Yeah,” Tyne beamed, “Tyne Flynn.”

                      Evelyn nodded. There was a moment of silence as she and Tyne began down the hall—occasionally stopping to test where different doors lead, “We need to get out of here. Are your other friends here too?”

                      “Not that I know of,” Tyne held onto her backpack straps, “Last time I saw anyone, I was back at Creed’s house… and Wolf, Creed, Bloom, Lane and I were playing a tabletop role play game. I’m not sure how I got here… but I went looking for them, but I saw no one. I, like, really don’t know how it happened! Maybe it’s a dream… WAKE UP TYNE! WAKE UP!”



                      okay they are just walking now…anywhere.

                      Fin knew. Riker knew.
                      Fin wasn’t afraid. Riker was terrified.

                      Cloaked Mystery
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2681


                        Izre returned to consciousness. She was crouching in an unfamiliar room made of stone bricks. It was something like the room she should have been in, but not the same.

                        She blinked in confusion as she examined her surroundings. The room was small and mostly empty. A closed wooden door was the only apparent exit.

                        Izre stalked towards it, eyes narrowed. She raised a taloned hand and twisted the knob.

                        The door had, evidently, been locked. There was a sound of things breaking inside, and the knob fell to the floor with a clatter leaving a small hole. Izre peered through but could see nothing except another wall.

                        Izre shoved the door, snapping the latch, which had remained in place. The door swung with a mournful creak and Izre padded through, her shoulders bashing the sides of the frame.

                        She entered a long stone corridor, just as unfamiliar as the previous room. Izre lashed her tail against the wall in irritation.

                        What is this? she hissed to herself.

                        She looked left and right down the hall, then picked a direction at random, turning left and stalking silently down the hall.

                        When Izre found the person who was responsible for this…

                        She flexed her claws against the stone floor and grated her teeth together.


                        If you want, your characters can meet Izre, since I see you are not currently in a group. Up to you.

                        🏰 Fantasy Writer
                        ✨ Magic System Creator
                        🎭 Character RPer
                        📚 Appreciator of Books

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1142


                          oh alright, sure! I’ll bring them over… one sec…


                          Fin knew. Riker knew.
                          Fin wasn’t afraid. Riker was terrified.

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1142


                            Sorry it’s long….


                            They’d been walking for a while now. Perhaps in circles…? If none of the doors opened, would that… would that mean they were stuck… really really stuck? Tyne pulled tighter on her backpack straps, holding them to keep her hands for shaking from fear. She looked up at Evelyn, “Aren’t you scared a little?”

                            “Not… not particularly,” Evelyn pushed on a door, but it didn’t budge.

                            Tyne squatted down and retied one of her shoes, and then stood back up.

                            She walked ahead a little and peeked around the corner—would there be another corridor that lead to nothing but more unmoving doors? Was this castle nothing more than a maze? An endless maze? Tyne looked up one side of the hall and then down the other side.

                            She caught a glimpse of something unusual walking down the way, but she jumped backward before she could tell exactly what it was. With a short shriek, Tyne ran over and stood behind Evelyn, shaking from head to toe. Scared? She was more than scared—she was terrified.

                            “What is it Tyne?” Evelyn turned around.

                            “Evy…” Tyne squeaked, her eyes wide, “We… there… I…”

                            Evelyn stepped back from the door she had just tested in the hall, “Did you see someone? Is there help?”



                            What was it? Evelyn stepped around the hall corner—but Tyne didn’t follow. She looked up, and then saw what must have scared Tyne. A creature—far from anything Evy had ever seen before.

                            Rolling her shoulders back, Evelyn put on a friendly smile and took several steps forward, calling out, “Hello… are—are you from around here?”



                            I’m I thinking of a different character, or was Izre in like the Dark Castle RP…? Idk why but she sounds really familiar for some reason.

                            Fin knew. Riker knew.
                            Fin wasn’t afraid. Riker was terrified.

                            Cloaked Mystery
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2681


                              Yes, she was. I find her fun to right, and it had been since then since I’d RPed her, so I decided to use her here.

                              🏰 Fantasy Writer
                              ✨ Magic System Creator
                              🎭 Character RPer
                              📚 Appreciator of Books

                              Cloaked Mystery
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2681



                                Izre continued down the hall. An occasional door lined the wall, but she had given up looking inside. All the ones she had tried had led to rooms like the one she had first found herself in.

                                As she glanced at another door, wondering whether or not to try again, she caught a flash of movement at the end of the hall. Her head whipped forward, and she bared her teeth menacingly, but whatever it was vanished around the corner with a shriek.

                                Izre paused, narrowing her eyes suspiciously, then crept forwards slowly. Before she reached the turn, someone stepped into view.

                                The human stepped forwards and smiled–that was suspicious–then spoke.

                                “Hello… are—are you from around here?”

                                Izre’s eyes narrowed even further.

                                “No,” she said flatly, then added, “Are you?”

                                🏰 Fantasy Writer
                                ✨ Magic System Creator
                                🎭 Character RPer
                                📚 Appreciator of Books

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3555

                                  We need meme.

                                  “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

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