Character Castle!

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  • #185097
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 305

      @theducktator @freed_and_redeemed @whalekeeper @esther-c @keilah-h @grcr

      Sorry, school has started and I was whisked away by it. Anyway, I will be introducing three characters.


      Age: 19

      Species: human, and from the fictional country of Terre, which is inspired by Germany and France.

      Appearance: tall, muscular though more athletic than strong (still very strong). Has blue eyes, freckles, and dirty blond hair, and carries a sword and dagger. Will be wearing boots, a tunic that is a royal blue color, trousers, a cloak with hood, a belt, and a cross around his neck.

      Personality: Percival is very friendly and kind, though can be hot tempered and bitter (he is still able to forgive as long as he isn’t too hurt though). He can also be rather showy, as he constantly feels the need to prove he’s the best at something to others (usually it doesn’t end well when he does this). He loves to play the flute and pulls it out at various moments, is sentimental, empathetic, and a great lover of his faith. He is also a knight, so of course very chivalrous.


      Age: 17

      Species: human, also from Terre

      Appearance: is an inch shorter than Percival, has brown hair, aqua blue eyes, and is also very athletic. He wears a cloak, a mask that he draws up near his face, a shirt and trousers, gloves, well worn boots, and keeps multiple daggers and carries a wallet (Medieval bag).

      Personality: Rowen is nearly insufferable to Percival. He is also rash and does things without thinking, and is cunning and sly. He is surprisingly caring and protective towards his younger adopted sister, and, even though he’s thief, he has an honor code. He does not steal from families, the needy, or those who are elderly. He and Percival fight a lot though.

      Emeline (thinks her name is Adaline but I will use her real name for this)

      Age: about 15

      Species: human, from Terre

      Appearance: has long, dark blond hair, hazel nut brown eyes, and is much shorter than her adopted brother Rowen, but makes up for this with her speed. She wears a hooded cloak, also a mask, gloves, and wool leggings with a makeshift dress that Rowen’s mom sewed (still figuring out her outfit).

      Personality: she is smart and crafty, as well as resourceful. Only trusting of her brother, she and Percival aren’t on the best terms either. She is very loyal, and also very sarcastic, but willing to listen to others and encourage them. She is secretly Percival’s little sister that was thought to have died, so the two are slowly coming to this realization.

      "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4721

        @theshadow ooh cool characters!



        “Get thee hence, thou beetle-headed flap eared knave! Only cowards shoot girls!” the girl yelled. Not threatening at all. Crosshair could barely tell what she was even saying, but he lowered his weapon anyway.

        Then she stopped, seemingly noticing that he didn’t look like an inhabitant of the castle. “Art thou, I mean, are you a prisoner in this place too?”

        Huh. She could talk normally after all, he thought.

        “It seems I am.” he growled, looking around. “I’m assuming you haven’t seen any living beings besides me since you got here.”

        She shook her head.

        “Neither have I.” he said. “And I’d prefer to keep it that way. I’ve been to a place like this before….and I don’t want to get caught in another war like last time.”

        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 305



          @whalekeeper @esther-c @keilah-h @grcr


          A crash sounded, and Percival bolted awake. He leapt to his feet and reached for his sword, scanning the room. It appeared he was in a castle, judging by the stone walls, and red carpet beneath him. Castle! Lord Damien’s castle! “Come out and face me like a man, Lord Damien!” He shouted, then realized he was not alone. No, he was with… oh great, Rowen and Emeline! Maybe, if he snuck away, he could leave them.

          That plan didn’t work out. His shout had startled the two awake, and as he tried to creep away, he heard Rowen say, “Percival, where are you going?” Percival sighed, turned around, and glared at Rowen. “Trying to get away from you two.” He admitted, his sword still out. Rowen gave an annoying smirk, “Maybe you should have tried that before shouting.” Percival tried not to roll his eyes; he was a knight, rudeness could not be tolerated. Still, most of the time, Rowen really tried that rule.

          “Where are we?” Emeline asked as she and Rowen stood up. “I believe we are captured by Lord Damien.” Percival replied, looking around. They were in the grand hall, a large spacious room, with a huge fireplace, chairs, tapestries, and various decorations and furniture. “If we’re captured by Lord Damien, then why are we not in the dungeon?” Emeline pointed out. She took out her knife, flipped it in the air and caught it. She has a point. “Where are Rosalind, Eldred, and Aurora?” Rowen asked, and Percival realized, with more panic than he would like to admit, that he was separated from Eldred. And then, with even increasing panic, he realized he was stuck in some castle with Rowen. “They might be somewhere around here.” Percival suggested, hoping they would be. He started towards the corridor nearby, “We should search the castle and look for them. I will lead the way.” “Who put you in charge?” Rowen scoffed, stepping in front of him. He drew his dagger. “Are you threatening me?” Percival questioned, readying his sword. The two stared back at each other, unspoken words of challenge passing between them. Finally, Emeline rolled her eyes. “If your both going to act like  that, then I’m going to go exploring on my own.” She walked towards the corridor, leaving the two. Percival was the first to relent. “Don’t question my authority again.” Percival growled, sheathing his sword and starting after Emeline. “What authority?” Rowen laughed. He caught up with Percival, and Percival shot him a death stare. Whatever this place is… I pray we soon are let out.

          "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3560

            *cracks door, pears inside*


            I used to be in a group on here with Freedom, Sara and Jonas, but Sara won’t be back here for a while yet (unless I miss my guess) Jonas hasn’t been that active recently and Freedom is off and on so I’m just gonna ask if I can add a charrie I’ve been dying to rp with, plus his twin. And place them somewhere new.

            Warning, both characters are in their baby-toddler stages of character development and the twin I really want to rp with is a young teen, but he’s rather immature.

            “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3144


              and the twin I really want to rp with is a young teen, but he’s rather immature.

              My charrie is pretty good at monitoring immature children. I’ll try to get her in here if my mind is apt enough; I’ve been in RP burnout for quite some time lol.

              “Everything is a mountain”

              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4721

                @rae you can totally join!

                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3560


                  These are my two charries:

                  Leith and Reid Grath 

                  As far as looks, they’re almost identical. Both have the signature black hair of their grandfather and father, but their eyes are blue with slit pupils. Their sclerae are normal. On their left cheeks, they have a triangular reptile scale that’s around to fingerwidths in size and their canine teeth are slightly longer than a normal humans’. They both have an athletic and slightly muscular build. The differences between them is Leith has a black birthmark on the back of his hand, shaped similar to a flower, his hair is less groomed than Reid’s and his scale varies from a purple to a turquoise while Reid’s is more turquoise with some blue. Also, Leith has black squares under his skin in each palm.

                  I won’t go much into Leith’s backstory right now, but just know his second name and the one he often responds to is Tenz.

                  As far as personality, Tenz is very childlike, and he carries around a woman’s XL teal jacket everywhere he goes, similar to little kids with baby blankets and stuffies. Reid is a gentle warrior. He’s fierce on the battlefield, but when not in a fight, he’s too gentle to say he doesn’t like a girl to her face. Which is a problem because he’s considered cute.

                  Both of them have strong energy magic abilities, though Tenz is a little stronger.


                  That’s all I’ll say for now.

                  Where should I put them?

                  “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                  The Ducktator
                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 723


                    I think you can just put them wherever.

                    @theshadow @grcr @whalekeeper @esther-c @freed_and_redeemed


                    Ooh, a war! This would make an amazing tale for my memoirs. “I’m Ayla,” I informed the stranger. He appeared to have changed his mind about killing me. “My guess is that we will encounter at least three more people. Rarely do adventures have only two. Who are you anyway? Do you want to see if we can find a secret passage or a long lost dying king or a dragon or library or something?

                    Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3144

                      Okay, anyone can bump into mine. I promise she doesn’t bite that hard.

                      Commissioner Barnes

                      A thin line of light fell over Barnes’ face, and she blinked behind her mask.

                      She leaned forward, and fell out of two swinging wardrobe doors, tripping on her petticoat. Her knees landed on solid stone floor.

                      The pain didn’t bother her quite as much as her confusion. Where was she? This was not the train compartment in which she was slumbering five minutes ago.

                      At least her briefcase lay on the floor beside her.

                      Barnes picked it up, blew her hair out of her eyes, and looked around to catch her bearings.

                      The large scarlet-floored bedroom could have fit twenty train cars, if stacked to the ceiling. The bed was on one end, and on the other, an open door led to a hall.

                      Barnes strode out. Her feet left marks on the velvet carpet, where there was no sign of prior walks. Whoever made the decision to kidnap her was very intelligent.

                      This was quite inappropriate. For heavens’ sake, how could she let her guard down? Now her targets could be hundreds of miles away, and would never be brought to justice. This was all because she closed her eyes for a little rest. Who was she kidding, she shouldn’t rest.

                      Her gray silk skirts swished behind her, like a neatly contained storm-cloud. Under the mask, her eyebrows curled, sharp and dark.

                      This was her fault. But she wasn’t going to pay for it, not this time.

                      “Everything is a mountain”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3560

                        I guess I’ll rp something and go from there.

                        Tenz and Reid

                        “What are you doing? Aren’t you the least bit concerned about how we got here?” Reid brushed the one loose strand of jet black hair away from his eye. His twin, immediately after waking up, had sat with his knees to his chest against a wall, hugging the folded teal jacket he carried.

                        “Be quiet,” The teen whined like a child. “I have a headache.”

                        “Me too.” Reid’s face softened. He didn’t like the fact they had just suddenly woken up here, but hey, they were together. And together, well, they probably could even take down their father if they wanted too. Nothing could hurt them. He walked over to Leith, kneeling down to be on his level. “But don’t you want to find out who owns this house of stone?” He asked in a soft voice, coaxing Leith. “It’ll be a game. And about your headache…” Reid looked down at Leith’s right hand, seeing the black flower birthmark. “I know those don’t last long for you. It’s probably gone already. So, c’mon, Tenz, let’s go find out who the scary bad guy is who brought us here.” Reid stood, waiting for Tenz.

                        Tenz slowly rose after him, draping the jacket over his arm. “Okay, I guess.”

                        Reid smiled. “Thanks, bud.” Reid looked around. The room had a high ceiling decorated with old, flaking paintings. The floor had a thick scarlet carpet covering the stone. There was a burning fireplace, signifying someone at least partially maintained the place, with two large chairs. There were two doors leading out of the room, both on either side. “Which one do you want to try?”

                        “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets, flood me with blue, I love them too. Horses and prancing, people and dancing, Never ending, goblins in green. That one!” Tenz pointed.

                        “Okay, that one it is.” Reid approached the door, but Tenz stopped him.

                        “You’re forgetting,” he said, looking at Reid with big, almost worried eyes.

                        Reid was confused. “Forgetting what?”

                        “You still have a headache,” answered Tenz, as a pale blue vapor surrounded his body, and his eyes were faded over. The same vapor made its way across from Tenz over to Reid, remaining there for a few moments before disappearing on both boys.

                        Reid smiled. “Thanks, now through the door!”

                        “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3144

                          I want to add Hugo, if that’s okay :] Dude cares about people and won’t bother anyone.


                          The hallway went for quite some time, eventually opening into a complex of stairwells. Barnes passed one before quickly retracing her steps.

                          On the bottom of the stairs lay a person. It was Hugo, the young man who belonged to a horrible criminal organization. He had on a dark green jacket, and an even darker red stain had begun to seep through his side.

                          “Angelo.” Barnes strode over as quickly as possible. She ripped off a piece of her skirt to staunch the bleeding. “What happened?”

                          “You’re – you’re -” The fear in Hugo Angelo’s gaze softened. “Miss Barnes? Where am I?”

                          “Yes. Now quickly, tell me your story, before the blood loss reaches your head and kills you. I am a big fan of knowing who might stab me in the vicinity.”

                          “It wasn’t here. They wanted me to lead and steal the safe, before the butterfly troupe. I got grazed on my hip, and suddenly I was lying here. But behind me -“ A blaze of fire crackled in his eyes. He sat up. “Queenie!

                          “So this place is safe.”

                          Hugo panicked. He stood, shaking, and stumbled up the stairs – but didn’t make it far. There was no indication of where he had come from, and the blood must have reached his head, because he let out a guttural sound and slumped against the wall.

                          “Oh stars, come to your senses.” Barnes smiled reassuringly behind her mask, only half realizing he couldn’t see her face. “Your friend will be fine. I wouldn’t assume it was her until you see the autopsy report.”

                          Hugo fell to his knees again. He opened his mouth wordlessly, and a dark tunnel seemed to lurk behind his sharp teeth.

                          It was rather unsettling.

                          Barnes slowly backed off. She played with her braid a while, pacing back and forth in the archway.

                          She was emotionally divided. The best she could do was give him some time. But sooner or later, they had to make a plan. This could go wrong quickly, especially with such a mess as this.

                          After some time, she sat down next to Hugo. She steadied the boy’s shoulders. “I understand your pain, I truly do. But we can’t worry about it now. Instead, think of how much good you can do here.”

                          A few minutes passed.

                          “Okay…” Hugo took a deep breath, and let his head fall between his legs before standing up. He managed a little grin. “We should find the way out, you’re right. I’ll follow you.”

                          Barnes shrugged, holding up one handcuff ring. The other was locked to Hugo’s wrists. “I am, Master Angelo. I always am.”

                          “Everything is a mountain”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3560


                            AWWWW Hugo! <333

                            “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3144


                              Aw thanks :]

                              “Everything is a mountain”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3144

                                @rae Tenz and Reid are free to meet up with us if you’d like that

                                “Everything is a mountain”

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3560


                                  Tenz and Reid are free to meet up with us if you’d like that


                                  Btw, your pfp, Lol!

                                  Tenz and Reid

                                  Reid opened the door Tenz had chosen, wondering where Tenz had heard such a ridiculous rhyme, what a gargoyle was and who thought up a ryhme to make decisions with!? On the other side of the door was a hallway, with oil paint portraits.

                                  “Look! Reid look!” Tenz shouted, grabbing his brother’s sleeve.

                                  “What?!” Reid spun around, half expecting some walking skeleton wearing a suit of armor. Why? He had no idea. Instead it was just a portrait.

                                  “Look at the size of his nose! And his lower lip!” Tenz laughed. Reid had to agree that this poor fellow did have a disproportionate face.

                                  “C’mon, Tenz, we should get moving.”

                                  They walked on down the hallway, until they saw a door ahead and heard muffled voices.

                                  The twins burst through the door to see two people staring at them. A young man was leaning against the wall, while a woman wearing a mask was standing next to him. Before Reid could stop him, Tenz had approached the woman. “Your face looks weird.” He poked the cheek of her mask. “And it doesn’t feel squishy!” Reid facepalmed.

                                  “Tenz! I’m really sorry, Miss. Please excuse my brother’s behavior.” Reid placed his hands together at about his sternum, bowing his head slightly in apology.

                                  “Reid! Her face is weird! What’s wrong with her face?!”

                                  “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

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