Character Castle!

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  • #184547
    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 4732

      @whalekeeper I have no idea lol

      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1144

        Okay… here is my character. I may or may not add another later, if that’s ok… but for now I’m only doing one. 😁

        Evelyn Bargomer

        Age: 17

        Ethnicity: In my book, she’s fully Burnish-Extroitian. If she were in the real world/from earth, she’d probably be a mix of South Korean, Chinese, and like Swedish, Danish or Norwegian… or something.

        Appearance: Stands 5 foot 6. She is a willowy figure with pale skin. Her thick hair is jet-black, and it’s silky. Her eyes are monolid, and their dark brown irises are very pertty and crystal-like. Also, her eyebrows are THICK. Her full lips are pinkish, and the are positioned below a slender upturned nose. Her ears are small (kinda) and have one-inch hoops hanging from them. She is wearing a tight black turtleneck, black pants, and some kind of black shoe.

        Personality: I have not figured out her personality type yet… Evelyn is introverted and she’s level-headed (we’ll see how well that turns out cuz I’m kinda crazy sometimes, lol). She has the tendency to point out where others have gone wrong, but thats usually after the problem has escalated very far and when she feels she’s in control. She’s kind, quiet, logical, and observant.

        Other: She’s a warrior, so she can use most common weapons—sword, axe, bow and arrow, and such—but she isn’t particularly good at any of them. Not like she’s bad either, she just isn’t an expert. (Her warrior training requires them to learn all of the basic traditional weapons.) She also knows Taekwondo and Krav Maga. Evelyn is carrying her sword in a sheath on her back. It’s long-ish, and has her name written in Burnish across it.


        Fin knew. Riker knew.
        Fin wasn’t afraid. Riker was terrified.

        The Ducktator
          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 723

          @whalekeeper @keilah-h @theshadow @esther-c @freed_and_redeemed @grcr

          I might add someone else later, but for now I’m just doing one.

          Ayla (I haven’t given her a last name yet)

          Age: 15

          Species: Human

          Appearance: Ayla is 5′ 7”, with pale skin, thick wavy dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and high cheekbones. She is slender, and typically wears a black cloak because she think it gives her an “aura of mystique.” Under the cloak, she usually wears a t-shirt, and a long skirt.

          Personality: Ayla attempts to be cool and mysterious, but generally comes off as goofy and overly dramatic. She is a writer, and always carries several notebooks around: one for her current WIP, one called My Plan to Take Over the World, and Then The Universe!, and one, which is sort of a diary, for her memoirs. She longs to get involved in some sort of conspiracy, and will love the idea of randomly ending up in a castle somewhere. She also loves music, weapons, and books, and longs for her own sword. As well as novels, she reads a lot of Shakespeare. She’s an ambivert, and her tolerance for people correlates with her sleep deprivation and caffeine intake. The less sleep and caffeine she gets, the more introverted she is. (She’s kind of like me in that regard.)

          Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4732

            @theducktator she sounds awesome lol

            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

            The Ducktator
              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 723


              Thank you!

              Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4732

                @theducktator haha you’re welcome!!

                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3428

                  @theducktator @freed_and_redeemed @whalekeeper @keilah-h @theshadow @grcr (i think I got everyone)

                  I guess I’ll start the first RP!


                  I closed my eyes tighter as light tried to force them open. My head throbbed, weighing me to the ground. The crisp, cold feel of stone met my touch as I tried to sit up. I slowly opened my eyes, the blood rushing to my head.

                  Once the room steadied, I let my gaze roam my surroundings. Gray stone walls. Two windows, out of the which light spilled across the floor. An arched ceiling. Clayton.

                  I blinked a few times. Clayton? I hurried over to where he lay on the ground and shook him awake. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, slowly sitting up. “Wha…?” His gaze found my face. “Audrey? What are you doing here?”

                  ”That’s what I’m trying to figure out.” I shuffled over to the window, hoping to get a clue into where we were. All that met my eyes were rolling hills of forests until the edge of the horizon. On either side of the window outside, I caught sight of large gray stones. I turned to Clayton. “We’re in some kind of castle.”

                  He joined me at the window, looking outside to confirm my suspicions. “How’d we get here?”

                  “I wish I knew.” After a moment of silence I sighed. “But I really want to get out. I don’t like the feeling of this at all.”

                  “Hey.” He faced me, gently pushing down my hand from where it had been combing through the ends of my hair. “We will, okay?”

                  I took a deep breath before meeting his eyes. “Okay.”

                  “Besides,” he shrugged one shoulder as a smirk curved his lips, “it’ll be fun, don’t you think?”

                  I managed a small smile. With him, yes. He made anything fun. I could only hope that we’d meet no one else in this castle of sorts.

                  “I think we should look around. See what we’re dealing with.”

                  “Right. We might just find a door and get out of here.”

                  “Or find a talking teacup and a scary beast who’s only a prince learning to love.”

                  I tried to frown to signal to him that this was serious, but I knew my amusement was showing. I decided to play along. “I’ve already found the scary beast. But I don’t think you’ll find a princess to love if you leave your hair like that.”

                  He tousled his already messy hair, the caramel colored strands sticking straight up. “You sure?”

                  I just laughed, knowing he was doing this to keep me from stressing out.

                  “Besides, I think finding a princess will be easier than you think.” He held my gaze for a moment longer, winked, then started towards the open door at the end of the room. I paused a moment, letting his comment sink in. I tried not to read too far in between the lines. We were just goofing off. That was all. And the wink? Well, he winked at everyone. I knew that. He knew that. This was normal.

                  Before my over-analytical mind could read any further into an offhand comment, I caught up with Clayton and forced my mind to focus on one task—getting out of here.

                  Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 658

                    @theducktator @esther-c @whalekeeper @keilah-h @theshadow @grcr

                    (I’m going to have Leon/Riker vaguely remember being here before, but it’s up to you as far as Crosshair goes, Keilah 😉)


                    Light crested down, in a direct line into his gaze. Leon groaned and rubbed at his eyes. Where was he? Cold stone walls…cold stone floors with mere torches to light–everything looked vaguely familiar, but how, why?

                    Leon slowly rose to his feet, casting his gaze over the simplistic room. He’d been in wherever it was before…there was no doubt about it. But that had to have been years ago.

                    He crouched beside the only other person in the room, nudging a shoulder. “Riker, wake up.”

                    Riker groaned, rolled over, and slowly waved a hand.

                    “Riker. Riker. RIKER!” A shake of his shoulders, and Riker’s eyes flipped open.

                    He covered his eyes with his hands and sighed. “Leon, what are you-?”

                    “We’re in…a castle, I think–”

                    “Not again…”

                    “Come on,” Leon stood and extended a hand to his friend, “we’ll find a way out.”

                    What is strength?
                    Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1144

                      @everyone @i’m-feeling-to-blah-to-actually-tag-anyone

                      *caveman voice* I wrote. I post.

                      Here is an Evelyn pov/rp… Hopefully you guys haven’t already made a kitchen part of the castle…. if so, i can change this up or something…. cuz that’s kinda where she lands… though I don’t think I described good.

                      Alright, must go hide.


                      Her eyes were closed, but she was not asleep—in fact, she was far from it. Evelyn sighed as she leaned up. She hadn’t really laid on a hard ground since she left Needslight—and even then there were a few blankets and a mattress between her and the cold floor. And, floors were never stone in Burne! Something was different.

                      Evelyn opened one eye and peered around the room. It was a strange room—unlike that of a house or anything familiar. A large, arched, fireplace-like opening in the wall was filled with ashes—as though something had once burned inside of it. She looked at the stone staircase to the northwest—wondering where such an odd thing lead. There were castles in Extroit—large, abandoned ones that weirdos and orphans lived in. Perhaps she was in one of those… or… no, that wouldn’t make much sense—but then, to suddenly find herself in any place that was not where she was before didn’t make sense either.

                      Evelyn realized she was still sitting on the dusty floor. She stood up and dusted her pants off. Her head throbbed, as though someone had smacked it with a large, heavy hammer.

                      I’m getting out of here…

                      She looked around, and her gaze fell back on the staircase. A skeptical expression covered her face.

                      …but not on that rickety old thing.

                      She glanced around again, and spotted a door this time.

                      There we go! I knew there was a more reasonable exit.

                      She felt for the sword on her back, and then she pulled it from its sheath and held it in her right hand. Evelyn braced herself for whatever might be on the other side, and then pulled on the door. To her surprise it opened easily—but then, to her disappointment, there was no exit to the outside. Instead, several hooks hung from the roof, where meat-birds had once hung. Evelyn stared for a few seconds, but then turned around.

                      Okay, apparently that’s not the way out.

                      She looked up at the staircase and exhaled.

                      Seems like I don’t have much of a choice, hm.

                      She walked to it and placed one foot on the bottom step. She put some pressure on it, but nothing happened. She pressed on each one—and still, nothing happened. Evelyn inhaled and then quickly climbed the staircase. She reached the top step, tripped over her feet, and fell in the doorway—which opened to a long corridor.


                      Fin knew. Riker knew.
                      Fin wasn’t afraid. Riker was terrified.

                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4732

                        @theducktator @freed_and_redeemed @whalekeeper @esther-c @theshadow @grcr


                        His eyes slowly opened to see stone walls.

                        Not an Imperial facility. Not his home, either.

                        But something tugged at his memory, like he’d been here before.

                        He sat up. “Feather?” he called, his scratchy voice echoing down the hallways. His wife didn’t respond. He in turn called each of his brothers’ names, and his sister’s. Nothing.

                        He was alone here.

                        Footsteps echoed nearby, and Crosshair stood and readied his rifle. It seemed he’d been dropped in a maze of corridors that was long since disused, on a planet he couldn’t identify. Who knew what lived here?

                        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                        The Ducktator
                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 723

                          @freed_and_redeemed @whalekeeper @keilah-h @theshadow @grcr @esther-c

                          I don’t know if there’s an armory in this place, so I just added one.


                          I rubbed my eyes blearily. Had I fallen out of bed? I put my hand on the ground. It was…stone? I leapt to my feet. “Wow.”  Sun shone through a high circular window, glinting off of what appeared to be hundreds of Medievalesque weapons. I picked up a sword and brandished it dramatically. This was a dream come true. But what was this place? It looked like a castle. Unfortunately, it didn’t appear Narnian, and I was pretty sure Hogwarts didn’t have an armory. Singing silverware hadn’t come out and invited me to stay either. Regardless, I’d always wanted to be in a fantasy novel, and it looked like that was exactly what had happened. I buckled a sheath around my waist and gazed at my reflection in a nearby breastplate. Swords made excellent accessories.

                          “Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” I swung the sword at a suit of armor, and the helmet fell with a crash. I froze, waiting for the ground to swallow me or the walls to shoot poison arrows. Nothing happened, but I had probably alerted anyone in the castle to my presence. Hopefully there wasn’t a dragon or evil sorcerer in here. Well, I wasn’t waiting for an ancient castle guardian to find me. I opened the door.

                          “I do not why thou hast brought me to thy castle, nor what thou wantest with me, but I will say this oh villainous one: I shall never bow to your diabolical will. I may die, but I shall not care, because it will have been a valiant death in defense of-of-of-” What was I defending? Whatever. “Let me go from thy fortress and I shall spare thee a fight.” I shoved my hood off. “For I am Ayla, the incredible, the dangerous, the intrepid, the valiant!” I flung my arms wide and banged my sword hand into a wall, almost dropping my weapon. I was probably going to die here.

                          Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4732

                            @theducktator lol I’m just gonna have Crosshair come across your charrie



                            Something crashed in one of the rooms.

                            Crosshair stepped closer to it, cautious. It banged again.

                            He darted into the doorway and raised his weapon at it.

                            Oh. Just a girl. Not Omega, but definitely a human girl. And not an inhabitant of this castle, either, as her clothes didn’t look like they matched the old-fashioned, Mandalorian-like armor that hung on the walls.

                            “Who are you?” Crosshair snarled to her.

                            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 4732

                              anyone willing to go next?

                              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                              The Ducktator
                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 723

                                @freed_and_redeemed @whalekeeper @keilah-h @theshadow @grcr @esther-c


                                Some one had heard me, and he had a gun. Guns weren’t supposed to exist in fantasy novels! I pointed my sword at him, hoping I didn’t look terrified. My adventure had barely begun, and I hadn’t met a single old wizard. I couldn’t die yet! “Get thee hence, thou beetle-headed flap eared knave! Only cowards shoot girls!” The man didn’t look at all like an owner of an old castle. “Art thou, I mean, are you a prisoner in this place too?”

                                Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

                                The Ducktator
                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 723

                                  @whalekeeper @keilah-h @theshadow @grcr @esther-c

                                  Tags were weird. ⬆️

                                  Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

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