Character Castle!

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      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @freedomwriter76 @lightoverdarkness6 @godlyfantasy12

      Anyone have a villain idea?

      And yeah the cactus maze is specific lol

      My cactus babies are right below my lamp switch so I’m always trying not to get pricked


      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 5904

        @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @zemira


        “That child again. There’s no reason for him to shriek. Someone needs to teach him something.” the woman muttered.

        Actually, she did seem like the type to make kids scream…..

        Jareth wasn’t the shrieking type. If he was in a fearless mood, he would’ve come up to her and told her she was a scary person.

        Which would have gotten him in a lot of trouble…..but at least it would’ve been funny to see the looks on their faces.

        One man in the group growled and crossed his arms. “We’d better find a way out of this horrid place before long. Who is that child, anyhow, Riker?”

        The other raised his eyebrow. “One of yours?”

        Riker shook his head. “I’ve been watching him for a little while.”

        The woman sighed. “I’ve met him before. Disobedient.”

        The man who’s asked whose kid Paxton was glared at them. “As long as he causes no trouble for us, everything should be fine. Otherwise…”

        “Otherwise, what?” Crosshair turned to look at him with a snarl, his weapon at the ready. “Otherwise you’ll make Riker leave him here? Otherwise you’ll hurt him?”

        He looked down at the boy, still whimpering into Riker’s shoulder. “You leave Paxton alone…..or you’ll have me to deal with.”

        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 5904

          (They’re probably going to think Cross is Pax’s brother or dad or something, lol. He won’t care.)

          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6712

            @freedomwriter76 @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings I don’t really have ideas for the group Luna is in.

            GAH HANS!  AND FRIDA!!

            aww Crosshair!



            A few tears poked out from Paxton’s closed eyes, and he sniffled, rubbed his face against Riker’s shirt. He held firmly to Hope in his other arm, trembling slightly as one of the men spoke.

            “As long as he causes no trouble for us, everything should be fine. Otherwise…”

            A small, hitched cry left Paxton’s throat. He couldn’t help it; the threat hanging in the air making his stomach twist into knots.

            “Otherwise, what?”

            He heard Crosshair snarl, and the sound of boots clack against the stone. He opened his eyes a bit, peeking out and spotting the man, hand on his weapon, eyes narrowing at the new group of people.

            “Otherwise you’ll make Riker leave him here? Otherwise you’ll hurt him?” Crosshair’s grip tightened, knuckles turning white. “You leave Paxton alone…..or you’ll have me to deal with.”

            Paxton shifted slightly in Riker’s arms, gazing at the scarred man, eyes wide and innocent. Crosshair met his gaze for a moment, softening for a split second before turning back to the crowd.

            Paxton rubbed his head against Riker’s chest, wrapping both arms around Hope as the man cradled him.

            He was grateful…that…people cared enough about him to…to want to protect him.

            Though…it was still a bit strange.

            Knowing not everyone was out to harm him…

            Knowing he wasn’t just some…worthless heap of trash for someone to step on.

            His shoulders relaxed slightly, eyes gazing over to Crosshair for a moment, and then the nasty woman again. He frowned as they caught eyes, the woman’s dark and penetrating.

            She gave the boy a pursed, devilish smirk, though no one else probably caught it.

            Paxton immediately looked away, squeezing his eyes shut once again.


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h Paxton! Crosshair!!! Y’all…I love them so much 💖🥹



              “You leave Paxton alone…..or you’ll have me to deal with.”

              Hans stared at the man and scoffed. “You have no idea who we are, do you?” He growled, low.


              This man dared to stand in their way for anything!?


              “Now, now…we are just now making acquaintance. There is no need to fight.” Fin said softly, stepping in between the two groups, sending a small smile to both sides. “Violence isn’t the answer right now, and though I know things are heated, fighting may only make this situation that much worse. Can we all agree to peace?”

              Hans scoffed. “That crazed man is the one who threatened violence.”

              Fin raised an eyebrow and a half-smirk, completely turning around to face him.

              The ignorant man.


              “I believe you are the one who first made a threat, Hans.”

              Hans glared. “I said no such-”

              “But what you didn’t finish, everyone understood. It was an unspoken threat, maybe, Hans, but it was still implied.”

              “Müller, that’s enough.” Felix ordered, his voice with a hard edge, a threat hanging just off his lips, a threat he would speak if Fin continued.

              Fin slowly nodded, reminded of Felix’s superiority in the Schutzstaffel and reminded of his own place in life. “Sorry, sir.”

              He turned on his heel and walked a bit further away, obviously wanting to go to Riker, but holding back for the child’s sake.

              Hans scoffed.

              What an odd and idiotic man.


              Fin smiled at Crosshair. “I believe you can put your weapon down. I am Fin, Fin Müller. This is Hans Baumann, Felix Baumann, my commanding officer, and Felix’s wife, Frida. And all of you are?”

              “Crosshair and Paxton,” Riker introduced, still holding onto the small boy.

              Fin nodded and smiled. “Nice to meet you, Crosshair, Paxton. I trust you are doing well, Riker?”

              “Yessir, I am.” Riker replied, and for the first time since they had appeared, Riker smiled.


              Leave it to Fin to break the fear Riker possessed.

              Ah, no matter…Hans would make it return.


              (he’s so evil y’all…*shudders* 😬😩😱😠)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                Fin being the peacemaker as always; love my boi ❤️❤️



                no wonder i’ve been procrastinating the next part in my WIP…🫢😩😭

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @godlyfantasy12 @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings

                  I’m gonna go on ahead and add that extra charrie 😉


                  His boots echoed against the floor.

                  He didn’t know how, but somehow he’d gotten separated from Dante, Eddie, Ellie, and Arabella…somehow, someway.


                  And now he was alone.




                  Steve kept his shield tight in his grip, unwilling to let go, knowing he shouldn’t let go.

                  He had to be alert.

                  Steve heard voices, and he pressed himself up against the wall, listening.

                  One of the voices was familiar…very familiar.

                  He’d just have to take a chance.

                  Steve gently eased a door open and stepped into a dining hall.

                  People turned to face him.

                  The sound of a blast beginning to fire echoed in his ears, and Steve turned, quickly lifting his hands. “Hang on, Tony, it’s me!”

                  Tony slowly lowered his hands and grinned. “Steve…you should have said something before now. I almost shot you, you know.”

                  “Sorry, I thought I recognized your voice, but…” Steve’s gaze fell on the unconscious figure on the floor, “Tony, what did you do?”

                  “Ah, not me. Purple over there did that. He was a jerk though, so he deserved to be knocked out.” Tony turned to the other people in the room. “You guys can calm down, he’s a teammate. Everyone, meet Capsicle.”

                  Steve sent Tony a look, then turned to everyone in the room with a smile and a wave. “I’m Steve, Steve Rogers.”

                  Tony pointed at each one as he said their names. “And they are Matthew, Lesli, Jared, Purple, and Hurricane Hair.” He grinned, especially at the last name.


                  Steve shook his head and rolled his eyes. He turned to the boy and girl that Tony had given nicknames to. “What are your actual names? Ignore Tony, he gives nicknames to everyone.”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3060


                    YESS CAP!!


                    “And they are Matthew, Lesli, Jared, Purple, and Hurricane Hair.”

                    Tauren sniffs, further prodded by Lesli’s joyful elbow digging into his ribs. She laughs, a smirk plain on her face.

                    “What are your actual names? Ignore Tony, he gives nicknames to everyone.”

                    “I’m Tauren.” Tauren says. “And that’s Luna.”

                    “You… like America?” Tauren tries to stifle a giggle at the sight of Steve’s over-patriotic outfit.



                    (I’m assuming he’s got the outfit with the red and white stripes in all, right? Or is it the darker one?)




                    Also on another note i saw a clip of Tony calling Loki what was it, “reindeer games?” Lol i might have misheard but it was hilarious

                    As for conflict, I can still make prickly cactus’s sprout out of the ground…

                    Oh come on why does nobody like this idea 😭😭

                    I’m kidding lol, but we need something and if nobody comes up with something rational we might just end up with something stupid


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6712

                      @keilah-h I’ll let u go next


                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 5904

                        @zemira Where are your characters at? I’m planning to bring my currently-wandering charrie into the group with my other one, and I’m wondering if you want them to meet up with her first, since they’re all going in the same direction.



                        “You have no idea who we are, do you?” one man snarled.

                        “Now, now…we are just now making acquaintance. There is no need to fight.” said the one who looked kinder than the others. “Violence isn’t the answer right now, and though I know things are heated, fighting may only make this situation that much worse. Can we all agree to peace?”

                        The others didn’t like that. Crosshair didn’t pay too much attention to their conversation until Riker and the other man introduced him to the new characters.

                        The friendlier-looking one was Fin. Felix was the growly one, Frida–his wife–the woman who’d scared Paxton…..

                        And the last one was Hans.

                        Crosshair stayed a good distance from him, his weapon always ready, just in case.

                        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6712

                          @keilah-h @freedomwriter76


                          Paxton sniffled, playing with one of Hope’s ears, wishing he were far away from this place.

                          Back with Ember and Wulf. Back with Josie and Luna. Back with his sister.

                          He looked up at Riker, whispering softly, “R-Riker…we, we l-leave…?”



                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 5904

                            @godlyfantasy12 Aww, I love how Pax has nicknames for all his friends.

                            how, again, did he come to think of Ara as his sister?

                            "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 5904

                              I think you might’ve told me, but I probably forgot–it was a while ago. You can answer in your series forum if you don’t want to take up space here.

                              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6712

                                @keilah-h AHHH I’m glad u asked because I actually love this 😭


                                So, when Paxton is “sacrifice” to the sea beast, Eurochlydon, the beast is awakened because it gets a taste of Paxton’s blood. Thus it will never be satisfied until Paxton is dead (which is why everyone then begins hunting Paxton)


                                Originally Paxton was supposed to die/be sacrificed to the beast so the Icari could control it, but Ara and the group saved him, but not before the beast awakened.


                                The beast can’t be destroyed (or so they say) and so the only way to get rid of him is…sadly…to kill paxton.


                                Ara refused to do this however…and through a quick rite done in only seconds, that the Mer told her of, Ara ties her blood in with Paxton’s, making them, in essence, blood siblings.


                                She doesn’t tell anyone she’s going to do this (except Grimm so he can get Paxton out of there) and now with Paxton’s blood mingled with hers, she can appease the sea beast, with her death.



                                And she sacrifices herself to the Eurochlydon.



                                I love it because it literally just hits Paxton that this girl is willing to die for him, and he feels so worthless and like his only meaning on earth was to die.


                                Its almost like what Christ did for us- and Ara’s love for Paxton shows him the love of Christ.


                                from then on the two are brother and sister.


                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 5904

                                  @godlyfantasy12 Wow I love that! How does she survive?

                                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

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