Character Castle!

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    Elishavet Elroi
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1057

      @godlyfantasy12 @koshka @freedomweiter76 @keilah-h


      Winifrith stood in the center of a wide hall, a hall larger and more grand to her eye than any she has seen before. Arching beams reached up to the ceiling into ornate carvings. Flowering scrolls curled around great war horses and men with weapons drawn.

      Her right fingers played a rapid dance on the rim of her shield before settling into place around the hilt of her sword. The leather grip warmed in her hand and she turned to the door from which the growing sound of conversation echoed into the room.

      Her jaw set, she took two steps towards it before her heart faltered within her. She wavered four feet away in cold trepidation.

      A low male voice slipped through the crack under the door, but the words were uninteligable. She frowned and drew closer.

      Female voices laughed and spoke, cooling her feverish hesitation somewhat, but not moving her feet.

      Then a child laughed, and she let out a long-held breath.


      So, I don’t know if she should open the door, or if one of them should. Let it be as you like!

      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @elishavet-pidyon okie dokie! Also is winifrith is meeting the girls group or right? @freedomwriter76


        Elishavet Elroi
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1057


          Yes, I believe so!

          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4732

            @godlyfantasy12 Well, I didn’t know that! I guess it turned out to be perfect!

            Feather would totally adopt Paxton if she could….not that either of their worlds would allow that……lol

            @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @loopylin Anyone on? I’m waiting for someone else to RP to reveal what that sound was.

            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12. @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon. Sorry y’all! My weekend was completely PACKED FULL! I had to help clean my grandparent’s house on Sat preparing for Thanksgiving and Sunday, well, church of course! But I’m here now! XD And yay!!! We’re meeting Winifrith!!!! And I think I’ll add Edy and Camille to the group with the bois/Crosshair/Paxton/etc, because I think I’ll have Himmler be somewhere else. 😉


              Lily giggled at something Arabella said.

              Riker smiled faintly, watching her.

              6 years ago, he had been in this exact place with Naja.

              And now he was here with Lily.

              So much had happened…so much had changed…so much had been restored and redeemed.

              Riker smiled again.

              “Daddy! Look! A door!” Lily cried, pointing to a door that more than likely led to another hall.

              “I see it…” Riker mused, just as Lily began to reach for it.

              “No, Lily, wait!” Riker called, reaching for his daughter, but she had already grabbed the handle, turned it, and pulled the door open, with some effort, revealing a woman standing there.



              They hated Paxton because he was…different.

              Paxton was…lesser.

              Just like them.

              He heard Feather tell Paxton that he was perfect, and Leo smiled.

              Paxton suddenly giggled, just as Crosshair spoke up, drawing everyone’s attention. “Did any of you hear that?”

              Leo glanced around, just as he heard footsteps.

              Small and quiet.

              And, then…a sniffle.

              Leo raised an eyebrow, just as two, small figures stepped out of another hallway.

              They stepped into the light, and Leo’s breath caught.

              “Edy…Camille!?” He cried, just as they both looked up, and saw him, Joshua, Jakob, and Wolfgang.

              “Leo!” Edy screamed, rushing at him, grabbing his leg, almost knocking him over.

              Leo held Paxton a little tighter so he wouldn’t drop him, but still careful to not touch any of his wounds.

              Camille ran at Jakob, who lifted her into his arms.

              “Edy, Camille, what are you doing here!?” Joshua asked, concern in his dark brown eyes.

              “We…we don’t know…” Camille whispered, wiping away tears, “we don’t know how we got here, and we can’t find Daddy…”

              Edy nodded, sniffing, still clutching tightly to Leo’s leg.

              Joshua glanced at the others, who seemed very…very confused. “These are our little cousins, Edy and Camille, our Uncle Himmler’s two daughters. Edy is 7, and Camille is 9.”

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1643


                Oh my goodness! That’s so sweet đŸ„°. When Edy sees Leo
ugh so precious😍.


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2334

                  @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings @theloonyone


                  As the two boys ran closer, Simon saw that there were four people: three boys, one girl.

                  “Hello!” Carter called out once they were close enough to be heard.

                  Three of the new people who had had their backs to them spun around. Simon and Carter ran the last few yards and stopped in front of them, panting slightly.

                  “Hi. This is Carter and I’m Simon. We don’t know where we are. Could you help us please?”

                  “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4732

                    @freedomwriter76 That’s all right! sometimes I’m busy like that too.



                    Feather and Crosshair

Camille!?” Leo shouted as the source of the sound was revealed–two girls.

                    “Leo!” shouted one of the girls, running over and clinging to his leg.

                    “What are you doing here?!” Joshua asked, concerned.

                    “We…don’t know…….we don’t know how we got here, and we can’t find Daddy
” whimpered one of the girls.

                    Crosshair froze in his tracks; Feather realized he must’ve remembered Jareth being lost in the halls of this castle, last time they were here.

                    Joshua looked at them and the others.  “These are our little cousins, Edy and Camille, our Uncle Himmler’s two daughters. Edy is 7, and Camille is 9.”

                    Feather smiled at them. “Hello, Edy and Camille.” She introduced herself and Crosshair, and Grimm did the same for himself, Paxton, and Nyx.

                    Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4732

                      @freedomwriter76 you can make them react however you want!

                      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2334

                        @keilah-h @freedomwriter76


                        Chaos erupted between the two groups. Ellie ran to her sister. Kad shot into the air. Kursk, Bucky, and Steve jumped into action, fighting off the two armored men. Reuben had disappeared.

                        Dante used the opportunity to slip into the ship without being noticed. He walked swiftly across the main room and climbed the ladder up to the cockpit. He stood in the room for a moment, and let the feeling of triumph sink in.

                        I’m going home. Finally. And now those annoying bounty hunters can’t follow me. No one’s going to be in my way.

                        The images of his new friends flashed though his mind.

                        Bucky and Steve.


                        He shook his head. No, I can’t take them with me. They aren’t my friends. I’ve hardly known them for a day. Besides
 they won’t want to be anywhere near me once they know me better. No one ever does.

                        He sighed, dropped into the seat, and reached for the controls.

                        “Dante.” Someone spoke behind him, making him jump and spin around. “What are you doing?”

                        (I was thinking that the last line was maybe Steve, but it can be anyone you want : )


                        • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Loopy.

                        “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h


                          (arrr narr
two little girls
. Thankfully Grimm is in a better place now then before but still

                          Edy and Camille were small, younger then Paxton, by a couple years, though the one with brown hair was only a bit shorter then Paxton, since Paxton was
a bit on the smaller side.

                          Grimm stared at them, watching as they clung to Leo’s legs, faces pale and filled with fear, but also relief at having found someone familiar.


                          The one little girl, Edy, had bright blonde hair, in two braids that were flipped over her shoulders

                          Her hair was bright, as were her eyes, a dark blue, and she caught Grimm’s attention immediately.


                          For a moment
running through the dark space
.in the bleariness, with the fatigue and all that had happened recently
.Grimm’s mind had the sudden thought that

                          It was her

                          But of course. It wasn’t.


                          As soon as he saw her clothes, and got a better look at her hair, he knew it wasn’t.


her hair was the color fresh snow
like Paxton’s




                          It was impossible.


                          The little girls looked at the strangers as the boys introduced them as their cousins. Grimm continued to stare, unable to take his eyes off either of them

                          Especially the small blonde.

                          His eyes softened and he offered a smile that
didn’t reach his eyes.


                          “Hello,” he nodded, speaking gently, “My name is Grimm.”

                          Paxton was staring at the little girls too, half his face tucked shyly into his bear. He didn’t speak.

                          “This is Paxton.”

                          Grimm glanced at the bundle in his arms, still breathing a bit shallowly. He frowned, unsure if the girls needed to be introduced to the kit just yet
seeing as he was injured

didn’t want to upset them

                          But the little blonde had already noticed the kit’s ears sticking out.


                          “You have a cat! Is it your pet?” She cried.

                          Grimm couldn’t help the tug at his lips. Oh if Nyx were awake

                          Joshua smiled, “It’s not a cat, Edy. Or a pet. His
his name is Nyx. He’s a
he’s not exactly a fox but
he kinda looks like one.”

                          Edy blinked, as did Camille, eyes growing big as they looked at the kit’s ears peeking out from under the bundle in Grimm’s arms.

                          “Is he sleeping?” Camille asked.

                          Grimm swallowed, unsure of how to answer.

                          Joshua answered for him, thankfully, bending down. “Ah
the little animal’s just
a bit under the weather right now. But he’ll be alright.”

                          The girls nodded slowly.


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @freedomwriter76 do u wanna RP as Dawson after this?


                            Ara turned to the young woman standing the door. The lady gasped, eyes wide and face pale.

                            Ara couldn’t blame her, knowing exactly how she must feel.

                            Everyone stared for a moment, before Riker slowly approached, a kind smile on his face.

                            “Hello there,” she spoke softly. “No need to be afraid. No one here is going to hurt you.”

                            The young woman looked at him, and then the others, still a bit wary. But when her eyes landed on Luna and then Lily, her shoulders relaxed slightly.

                            However, she was staring a bit uneasily at Esen

a bird of Esen’s size was probably a bit
intimidating to be sure

                            Ara nodded her agreement, “Yes, don’t be frightened. My name is Arabella.” Ara stepped up next to Riker. “And these are my friends.” She motioned behind her.

                            Jocelyn saluted with a wink, Luna waved and November gave a dimpled smile.

                            The young lady smiled slightly, growing a bit more comfortable. Riker spoke, “And what is your name?”


                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 446

                              @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @lightoverdarkness6

                              So my incredibly busy schedule is letting off for just a little bit so I can finally get on here.


                              Milo stared at the two boys panting beside their group. He looked to his left to see Cammie turning away from everyone and walking away.

                              “Wait, where are you going!” Milo jogged after her and the castle in the distance. He glanced back at the boys to see them giving them lost looks and shouted a quick sorry before continuing after his friend.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2334


                                lol ok bye Cammie 👋

                                “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1643

                                  @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @theloonyone

                                  Lol, Cammie had enough 😂.


                                  “I’m Matthew,” I told the red head. “Who are you? Do you know where we are?” I asked. The red head looked me up and down, then said, “My name is Kaine. And no, I have never seen this place in my life.” He looked as if he were about to say something, when I heard a voice call “Hello!” Me, Kaine, and the other two—Milo and Cammie I believe were their names—spun around to see two young men jogging over. The one that had yelled looked a little older than me. He had yellowish blonde hair and light brown eyes that twinkled with mirth. The older boy had dark eyes and messy brown hair. I wonder when he last brushed it, I thought. Then I chided myself. Matthew Parker, I can’t believe you. Who knows how long he’s been in this place. Heck, I bet my hair looks messy too. I reached up and rearranged my hair in the way Lyla liked it. Lyla!! I’m all the commotion I had forgotten to ask the others if they’d seen her! The older boy with the messy hair started talking. “Hi. This is Carter and I’m Simon. We don’t know where we are. Could you help us please?” “Sorry . I’m as lost as you. You haven’t by chance seen a girl that looks kind of like me? She’s p-pretty and
she’s sweet. O-oh and she’s my t-twin. Sister!” I added. Wow, I thought, that was terrible. I blushed. Right before the boys looked as if they were about to say something, I heard Milo yelling, “Cammie! Where are you going?!” He turned back to us and said “sorry!” Then turned and jogged after Cammie, who was speed walking toward the castle. I turned back to the boys and Kaine. “Should we follow them? We’ll need a place to sleep and shelter if it rains.” My stomach grumbled. “And maybe we can find something to eat in that castle.”



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