Character Castle!

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      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @elishavet-pidyon. OOH! Can’t wait to meet Winifrith!!! 😀 @godlyfantasy12. PAXTONNN!!! THE SWEET BABYYYYYY!!!! *sobs* Kinda makes sense that Autism and Severe PTSD in kids can have some similarities! And now I may be able to get ideas for Peter/Pietro/Wanda in the AU…which I really need to get back to writing. XD But Paxton having moments where he can’t talk…now I want to add Eli…hehe. @keilah-h.

      Oh, and sorry y’all! My computer kicked me out of my KP account yesterday and I couldn’t get back in, but it’s (hopefully) fixed now! xD So happy the girls/Vince and Dawson are meeting with Viktor and them!!!! AHHHH!!!!


      “You think he’s alright to pick up?” Grimm asked, turning to face him.

      Nathan slowly nodded. “If you’re careful…yeah…I think so.”


      Paxton was asleep in his arms.

      Leo let out a deep breath.

      Poor kid.

      Joshua’s hand rested on Leo’s shoulder. “What…was…that…?”

      Leo shook his head. “I…I don’t…know…”

      He wished he did.



      “Nice to meet you.” The dark-skinned man, Vince, said, shaking Leon’s hand.

      Leon smiled. “Nice to meet you as well.”

      He then shook Dawson’s hand, and Riker shook their hands as well, before turning to the others. “It’s good to see all of you again. And nice to meet you, Luna.” He smiled.

      Luna smiled back. “Nice to meet you.”

      Lily slowly got back down onto the floor. She looked up at Luna in awe. “You look like a fairy! Daddy, Luna’s a fairy!”

      Leon laughed and Riker walked over to Lily. Riker chuckled. “Come on, Lily, give her a little space.” Riker replied with a chuckle, slightly pulling Lily away.

      “But Daddy, she’s a fairy! Like in the stories!”

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @freedomwriter76 yea KP can be kinda weird 😂 and ikr! My baby 😭 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h


        The kit was still twitching, fitfully resting. He must’ve been dreaming about something, because every few minutes his maw would open and close in a lethargic snap. Grimm frowned, hoping whatever nightmare he was in would soon fade.

        He carefully lifted him into his arms, wrapping him in the fabric the twins had given him earlier. He stood, looked back.

        Paxton was now fully asleep, and the brothers were staring at him.

        “He’ll be alright,” Grimm nodded slowly. They didn’t look convinced. “This has happened a few times before. Not many
but, certain things trigger special
episodes, I guess you could call them.” Grimm gently maneuver Nyx into one arm, so that he was able to walk over and run a hand through Paxton’s hair.

        He glanced at Leo’s side, brow raised. “You’re not hurting? We can switch. Nyx is asleep for now, he shouldn’t be any trouble until he wakes up again.”


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76


          Luna giggled at the little girl, Lily’s, obvious excitement. She wasn’t sure what stories the lass had heard, but she was obviously enthralled.

          “I’m afraid I’m not a fairy
” The little girl’s face fell slightly, making Luna’s heart quiver. “But I am an elf.”

          Lily’s eyes widened, “An elf!”

          “Mmhm!” Luna nodded.”

          “We do have a Fae in our group! Or, as you call them, Faerie. Not sure how they look in your world though,” Lyn smiled, approaching ReĂșven and Lily. Lily beamed, giggling as Jocelyn bopped we on the nose.

          Ara turned to November, “Speaking of
have you
seen any of them?”

          He shook his head. Ara sucked in a breath and then nodded. November frowned, but quickly took her hand in his giving it a squeeze. “H-Hey, he’s fine
I’m sure. He’s probably with Grimm. Or Nyx.”

          Arabella smiled.

          Luna looked up at the large bird in front of them, “You’re bird is gorgeous! What is it’s name?”


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @godlyfantasy12. IT CAN! xD Yes…he’s just a BABY!!! 😭😭😭


            “You’re not hurting? We can switch. Nyx is asleep for now, he shouldn’t be any trouble until he wakes up again.” Grimm offered, stroking Paxton’s hair.

            Leo smiled. “I’m fine,” he lied, the lie coming off easy.

            Joshua gave him a raised eyebrow.

            Leo shook his head at him and turned back to face Grimm. “I’m fine…really. It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @freedomwriter76 @keilah-h



              Grimm knew Leo was lying, but
he couldn’t blame him. He would’ve done the exact same thing. So, he said nothing.

              He turned to all of them. “We should probably keep going. See if we can find any others. I’m sure the rest of my companions are here

              He looked down at the kit in his arms, frowning.

              He could only imagine Jocelyn’s reaction


              But, perhaps it would be in the kit’s best interest to find her, and soon. He needed to recover, in more ways then one it seemed, and Lyn
they held a special bond. Grimm was sure she could help Nyx in ways he could not.


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2973



                I love your drawing of Kaine! The colors are really well done.



                Also, I love your drawing of Kaine! That is a cool manga semi relistic style. How old is he again? Matthew is 13.

                Kaine is 15, and thanks! 😄

                Also correct me about Mathews hair if that isn’t right. I was remembering a picture you posted of him.

                Also what is Mathew’s demeanor like? a bit nervous, right?


                Kaine whips around to see the boy approaching. His brown hair falls down, almost into his eyes as he walks.

                Where do all these people come from?

                Kaine studies him with suspicion.

                “Who are you?” He asks, facing the boy head-on.

                It’s going to be getting dark here soon. We should either go into the woods or try to make our way to that castle.

                Kaine glances back at the majestic castle.

                Whoever made that must have been really powerful.

                The sun gleams behind the castle spires, slowly moving down towards the horizon.

                "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4732

                  @godlyfantasy12 Ahh, makes sense! Poor Paxton!


                  That’s a nice drawing! Oh, by the way, do you want to RP next? I just did one yesterday.

                  @freedomwriter76 @koshka



                  “We should probably keep going. See if we can find any others. I’m sure the rest of my companions are here
somewhere.” Grimm looked down at Nyx.

                  Feather nodded. “That’s probably a good idea.” She looked around at the others.

                  Nyx would want to be with his owner, the girl she’d met before….Lyn, right?

                  And Paxton would want his sister.

                  And the others might have friends here, too.

                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @godlyfantasy12. @keilah-h. @elishavet-pidyon.


                    “We should probably keep going. See if we can find any others. I’m sure the rest of my companions are here
somewhere.” Grimm said, looking down at Nyx with a frown.

                    “That’s probably a good idea.” Feather agreed, looking around the room.

                    Joshua nodded. “Maybe we can find Paxton’s sister.”

                    Jakob nodded in agreement. “True. And maybe we’ll find Reuben too…”

                    Wolfgang’s gaze fell and he bit his lip.

                    Wolfgang blamed himself for Reuben running away.

                    “Wolfgang…” Joshua whispered.

                    Wolfgang looked up and offered everyone a smile. “Well, come on then. What are we waiting for?”

                    Julius (Y’ALL!!!! I CAN’T BELIEVE I’VE FORGOTTEN HIM ALL THIS TIME!!! DX)

                    So much had happened…even within the last few minutes.

                    At least Nyx and Paxton were bandaged…and sleeping.

                    Julius slowly stood from where he was sitting against the wall.

                    Hitchens had been…well…terrifying.

                    Julius shuddered.

                    He reminded him of his father.

                    He took in a deep breath.

                    None of that.

                    Not here.

                    Not now.

                    “Well, come on then. What are we waiting for?” Wolfgang said, suddenly looking around at everyone.

                    Julius followed the others, falling into step between Crosshair and Nathan.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2334

                      @keilah-h yeah, I can rp now! Sorry I was waiting because I was I was kinda out of ideas and wanted to see if freedom wanted to add anything first.



                      The gun fired and Eddie collapsed.

                      Ellie yelled and ran to her. She had fallen forward and now lay on her stomach in the grass. Ellie rolled her over and propped her head up on her knees with shaking hands.

                      She’s okay. It was just a stun. She’s okay. She’s just unconscious.

                      Repeating the thought to herself, she quickly inspected the spot where Eddie had been hit. A large bruise was forming just beneath her collarbone, a normal effect from a sun gun. Other than that, she looked alright. Ellie let out a small sigh of relief. Now, she just needed to get her to the ship. But how? Ellie tried lifting her up several times, but each time she slipped, and Eddie remained on the ground. Ellie has always been fast, but she wasn’t strong.

                      Panic started welling up inside her again and she looked around desperately for someone to help.

                      “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1643


                        Yeah his hair comes down almost into his eyes. And covers his ears.


                        Oh my gosh!! I forgot about Julius and Kursk! I knew I was forgeting someone XD.


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @loopylin. @keilah-h.


                          Everything descended into chaos…fast.

                          Everyone was fighting.

                          Reuben slipped into a corner, breath heavy.

                          But…then…he saw something.

                          The two girls…the one that was hit on the ground…unconscious…the other…trying desperately to help her.

                          Reuben moved.

                          He had to help.

                          He just…he had to.

                          “Reuben, v’ere are you going!?” Kursk yelled, as he fought off the dark-haired knight. (Wayne)

                          Reuben ignored him…and made a run for it.

                          He got down onto one knee beside the girl.

                          She turned on him with a gun. “NO! Don’t hit her again!”

                          Reuben held up his hands. “Wait! I’m not going to hurt you…I’m going to help you…please…let me help you help her…”

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @lightoverdarkness6. It’s okay. They’re so new, I forget about them sometimes too. You’re good! 😀

                            It happens! xD

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76


                              Grimm sighed, taking up the lead on their group. Leo and the brothers were in step next to them, the hallway wide enough to fit most of them in twos.

                              He glanced at Paxton’s sleeping figure, and then at Nyx’s, still curled in his arms. Thankfully the kit’s nightmares seemed to have lapsed, and he was no longer kicking or jerking in his sleep.

                              Grimm felt the silence grow around them, a bit stifling. He’d brown used to Nyx’s constant voice in his head, or Jocelyn’s cheerful conversation.

                              He glanced at the brothers, sighing. “I
must apologize.”

                              They looked at him, stunned.

                              “For your brother. Reuben. I apologize for the things I spoke, earlier. Was
not the best way to handle the situation I’m afraid. And
I apologize.”




                              (also do you want to start some conversations about backstory?? Because that about Grimm’s sister was kinda just Thrown out there. Also, Grimm doesn’t know much about the boys, and the boys got to see Paxton feathers for the first time, along with all the bruises on his back)


                              Keilah H.
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4732

                                @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @koshka


                                Feather and Crosshair

                                “Well, come on then. What are we waiting for?” Wolfgang asked.

                                The group set off. Grimm took the lead.

                                All was silent for several minutes. Crosshair eyed Julius and Nathan as they picked up their pace to walk beside him, but he didn’t attempt to start a conversation.

                                “I must apologize.” Grimm said suddenly. “For your brother. Reuben. I apologize for the things I said earlier. Was
not the best way to handle the situation I’m afraid. And
I apologize.”

                                The brothers looked at him, surprised.

                                Paxton and Nyx were still sleeping. Feather watched them.

                                She wondered what species Paxton was. He looked human….but what was on his back said otherwise.

                                What is Paxton exactly? Feather wondered, wanting to ask Grimm as soon as his apology was over.

                                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @freedomwriter76 u wanna RP??





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