Character Castle!

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      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @koshka. ZLATI!!!!!! *sobs* Okay…now I really need Zlati and Riker to talk this time…XD (and yes, I’m calling him Zlati. xD) @godlyfantasy12. PAXTON, YOU ARE THE SWEETEST LITTLE ANGEL IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!! @elishavet-pidyon. AGHHH!!! I love Reúven and Viktor so much!!!! @keilah-h I missed out on so much, y’all! XD


      November’s fists clenched, gripping the end of his shirt, and he was staring off at things that weren’t there.

      Riker glanced at him with a worried frown, as Reúven helped Viktor to his feet.

      “You good, Viktor?” Leon asked with a smile, as Lily grasped his hand in both of hers.

      Viktor nodded. “Yes. I’m fine.”

      “Esen is so pretty, Viktor!” Lily cried.

      Riker smiled faintly, but he glanced back at November, and it faded again.

      He wanted to help him…so…so bad.

      But what good would he do?

      “Daddy!” Lily cried, and Riker was suddenly back in the present. He looked down at his daughter, who was tugging on his hand.

      “What is it, pumpkin?”

      “Are we going to go home…? Viktor and Esen and Reúven and Novemby can come visit!”

      Riker smiled at Lily’s nickname for November and her question. “We have to find out how to get home first.”

      “There’s doors, daddy!” Lily cried.

      Riker couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s…not that simple, pumpkin.” He lifted Lily into his arms.

      She raised an eyebrow. “Why not?”

      “It’s just not that simple. For now, we have to figure out a way to get back to our house.”

      Lily slowly nodded. Yawned. “Okay Daddy…” She whispered, her eyes beginning to droop.

      Sleepy that fast.

      Riker smiled and held her in his arms, quietly singing a song in her ear, and within a few minutes, she fell fast asleep.

      He turned towards November. Touched his shoulder with his free hand. “November…are you alright?”



      He hadn’t heard all that happened…but he’d heard…enough.

      “Lord Jesus, they all need you…help them…” He silently prayed.

      Wolfgang was talking to Paxton and Nyx, and Reuben was speaking with Grimm, Julius, and Vulkasin.

      Beside him, Leo stumbled, and Joshua and Jakob, together, steadied him. “Take it slow, Leo…” Joshua whispered with a smile.

      Leo slowly nodded. “Yeah. I…I know…”

      “Leo…are you alright?” Jakob asked, voicing the concern Joshua hadn’t voiced yet.

      “I’m fine…let’s just keep going…”

      “We need to take care of that wound before infection sets in…” Jakob whispered.

      Joshua nodded in agreement. “We will. Zlatan is leading us somewhere safe.”

      Leo nodded. “That’s good. But I’m fine…really…I…I…” Leo took in a deep breath. Grimaced, then smiled, trying to fool them, “I’m fine.”

      “Yeah…I don’t think so.” Jakob replied.

      “You’re not fine…and it’s okay to admit that, Leo…” Joshua whispered. “We’re here for you…no matter what…”

      “No. You…you don’t understand…” Leo insisted. Closed his eyes.


      “I’m fine, alright!? Please…just…just…leave me alone…”

      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4743

        @freedomwriter76 @loopylin I’m actually working on a drawing of Kad, hopefully
        I’ll have him done by tomorrow!


        “Hey, look! I think this door leads outside!” cried the little alien–Eddie.

        “I’ll go first, just in case. Everyone, fall in behind.” said the human called Wayne, unsheathing his sword. Weird, it was metal, not like dragons’ lightsabers. Kad felt for his, just in case.

        Wayne flung the door open. Sunlight beamed in. Kad’s JediWing side wanted to roll in that light, it was so beautiful. And his CloneWing side could feel the wind coming from out there, cold air beckoning him.

        He had to get out and experience it fully!

        With a joyful screech, he ran past the others and out the door (which was almost too small for him), flaring his wings and lifting off. The air currents were almost greeting him as he glided.

        He swooped around and came to hover in front of his friends, smiling. They looked up at him.

        Unable to really control himself, he called, “Would anyone like a ride? The air up here is absolutely exquisite!”




        Is Corvina a villain at this point? Or has she already been redeemed?



        “Don’t I know you? Scary scar guy? Crosshair, right?” Nyx asked. The little fox-like creature was next to the other creature–the wolf that’d turned into a man–looking up at Crosshair.

        Feather chuckled. “I remember you.” she said to the fox.

        She looked at the shifter. “I know someone a little like one of your kind, although he wasn’t born that way. His name was Quill, and he could turn into a golden eagle. Do you have any bird shifters in your world or is it just mammals?”



        He watched the exchange between Paxton and Zlatan. Both had been hurt….somehow. Both wanted to make it right.

        He’d met Zlatan before, he remembered, but he didn’t remember…this.

        “I…I can’t imagine anyone wanting to hurt him…” whispered one of the boys they were traveling with.

        “Nor I….” said Julius, the man Feather had been helping.

        I can, Crosshair thought. I would have hurt someone a bit like Paxton if Howzer hadn’t stopped me.

        He shook his head. Why must everyone else’s problems lead back to his own?


        (It’s called sympathy, Crosshair…..)

        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2334

          @keilah-h @freedomwriter76

          Eddie and Ellie

          “I’ll go first, just in case. Everyone, fall in behind.” Wayne said and the door swung open.

          Kad suddenly screeched and ran past Ellie, making her jump and tense up. He took to the air and flew around a few times. So much for Wayne’s caution. Ellie thought, a bit irritated, but seeing Kad so happy eased her nerves a bit.

          Kad swooped down in front of the others.

          “Would anyone like a ride? The air up here is absolutely exquisite!”

          Eddie’s eyes practically doubled in size. “Ride? As in actually flying?!? YES. Take me flying. PLEASE.”

          (what time of day are y’all thinking it is currently in the rp? I know there’s some sunlight still showing, but that’s it.)

          “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2334


            I can’t wait to see the drawing of Kad! He has such a cool character design 😊❤️

            “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4743

              @loopylin @freedomwriter76 I don’t know, I guess it’s whatever time you want it to be.



              “Ride? As in actually flying? YES. Take me flying. PLEASE.” Eddie looked as excited as Kad felt. He landed to let her get on. “Careful of my neck spikes,” he said. “You don’t want to get poked by them. They’re pretty sharp.”

              As soon as she was settled, he lifted his wings and soared into the sky again. Eddie squealed as he shot up, but was laughing seconds later, clinging to his neck. Now Kad knew what his father, Darman, must’ve felt when he’d let Kad as a hatchling take rides on his back.

              It was a little hard to maneuver, due to there being extra weight, but he found he could handle it. He swooped around, taking in the whole giant castle. The walls stretched into the distance; even with his sharp vision, he could barely see the edge.

              Finally, he flew down and alighted softly on the floor, letting Eddie off. “That was AMAZING!!” she shouted.

              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76


                “November…” The ginger started, feeling a weight on his shoulder. He looked over at Riker’s concerned gaze. “Are you alright?”

                “Hm? O-Oh! Y-Yea…sorry…Just, spaced out for a second I guess,” he chuckled. “Umm…do all of you want to keep going? Or…umm…I don’t know…” he shrugged.





                He could hear the boys talking behind him, speaking to Leo, about his injury. And while he wasn’t in wolf form, he did smell some of the blood coming from the wound.

                His brows furrowed and he stopped, turning to face the young men. He sighed, locking eyes with Leo. He looked weary, worn, but more then that….

                He looked so…



                Just like the guilt Grimm had gotten used to living with…though it was exceedingly better since…

                Since his friends…


                Since Jocelyn.


                “Listen. I don’t know your story, or your brothers, but they’re right in what they speak. That wound is serious, and needs to be treated. Doesn’t matter what you think, or want.”

                Leo’s eyes narrowed, his mouth opening to argue. Grimm stepped up to him. “And if you won’t stop for yourself, then do it for the others. Your wound getting worse won’t help anyone, it’ll only make things harder. So get over whatever this is, and face the facts. Hear me?”

                Grimm sucked in a deep breath, never averting his eyes from the man. Seeing the same look in his eyes as his own.

                This man was older then him by a few years, but he wouldn’t be intimidated…


                He knew how important it was that Leo be treated…

                That whatever was plaguing him…not affect this decision….


                Because he knew how easily it could…


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keolah-h @elishavet-pidyon hola amigas! Anyone on?


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @freedomwriter76 I have a feeling before this is over Grimm’s gonna give Leo a good talking to….


                    because all of his siblings are alive. Grimm couldn’t even do that SO DO NOT EVEN TRY TO TALK TO HIM ABOUT GUILT AND FAILING YOUR FAMILY


                    heh… 😅


                    tho that might be what he needs…


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @freedomwriter76 does Wolfgang want to start a new conversation with paxton and Nyx or join an already started one (so I can be pax again 😂)


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @elishavet-pidyon I can’t wait for Paxton to find November and then because Esen is gonna trigger a memory with him and his brothers I’ve had brewing in my brain FOREVER!!!!

                        Aaaagghhhh I want to show y’all so bad but I gotta wait for the right time 😂


                        hey maybe it’ll show up sooner who knows 😂



                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4743

                          @godlyfantasy12 I’m on, want to RP? One of my characters asked yours a question I think.

                          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4743

                            @loopylin @freedomwriter76

                            I’m not the best artist in the world…..but here’s a picture of Kad! I especially like the six spikes on either side of the barb on his tail, down on the bottom there, and the tiger stripe patten on his scales. He has his armor in this drawing, but none of his weapons.

                            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @keilah-h  oops my bad!!! Lol!! Also Corvina is an antagonist. She hasn’t been redeemed yet, but throughout the series she keeps showing the reader more and more of how she can be, and even now she’s showing more of that side of herself, but she’s still considered a bad guy/the opposition (especially to some like Grimm)

                              @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon



                              Grimm hadn’t heard the question the woman, Crosshair’s wife? Had asked.

                              Nyx’s ears twitched, thinking of the familiar Raven form of their long battled opposition. The young woman he’d met all that time ago, with black hair, matching her shifter form’s feathers. His hackles raised slightly, eyes narrowing.


                              The lady was a deceiver. Not to be trusted….




                              She seemed to hold some of their group in some confusion…


                              Including…he had to admit…him a bit…



                              Back in the Faelands….


                              She’d been….



                              Yet the same. Deceptive. Rebellious.

                              But…kind to the Snow…

                              Like…she agreed with them.


                              With Ara. And November. And Lyn. All of them.


                              And…then she’d…


                              She’d saved Arabella.


                              of course, she’d told her later it had been a mistake. She’d been trying to save the boy. Snow.




                              But…Ara had her doubts…


                              And from then on…Corvina was just…


                              Bah. No. She’s a villain. The enemy.


                              Like Kainda. Lilith.





                              Zolten……He hissed….eyes practically becoming slits.


                              He huffed, “No…there are others besides…mammals. Birds, ocean life. Whatever animal there is, creature, there’s usually a shifter form to go with it.” And Nyx left it at that, preferring to get the dark-haired woman, and all like her, out of his mind.



                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @keilah-h. He looks epic!!!! 😀 @godlyfantasy12. I think Leo needs it right now. xD And…can Paxton or Nyx start a convo? I’m fresh out of ideas for things Wolfgang could say right now to start a conversation…sorry. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon.


                                “And if you won’t stop for yourself, then do it for the others. Your wound getting worse won’t help anyone, it’ll only make things harder. So get over whatever this is, and face the facts. Hear me?” Grimm said.

                                Something inside of Leo sparked.

                                Maybe it was a little bit of his dark side…

                                …maybe it was just the guilt reacting…

                                …or the bubbling anger…

                                …maybe the rage…

                                …or the hatred…

                                …maybe it was the pain that he’d tucked away for 18 long…grueling years…


                                …either way…

                                …he erupted.

                                “And what would you know!? You’re not in this situation! You’re not me! I FAILED my brothers, alright!? I promised I would keep them safe, but no, I let them get hurt! You have no IDEA what I’m going through…so. Leave. Me. Alone.”

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. So…yeah…Leo’s tucked his emotions away for so long…he’s starting to have more and more outbursts…heh…😅

                                  We all understand, right!? 😅

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