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- This topic has 6,971 replies, 43 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago by
Potato reporter.
October 14, 2022 at 3:22 pm #119459
- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 8156
@e-m-trepke. I think basically all of us. XD @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h. @godlyfantasy12. Oh, and y’all, like I already told Godly, don’t be alarmed if my activity on here becomes sporadic. I’m going to try and not write and type as much as we try to deal with some problems in my spine. 🙂 But don’t be alarmed, I’m okay, just trying to maybe slow down a little bit. XD
The fight…was finally…over.
He had cuts…bruises already forming…but he’d fought…for his family.
For people he loved.
“Daddy!” Naja cried, reaching towards him.
Riker smiled and took her into his arms, even though the bruises that were forming protested.
He kissed her forehead. “I missed you so much…”
“I missed you too Daddy!” Naja cried, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Riker hugged her tight, just as Naja pulled away.
Angelina and Franz rushed over.
“Riker…you’re here! You’re okay!” Angelina cried, throwing her arms around him.
Riker smiled and hugged his sister back with his one free arm. “I had to find my daughter…when did you get here?”
Angelina chuckled. “Not long ago. But now we’re here…together…” She smiled at Naja. “And that’s all that matters, right Naja?”
“Mmm hmm!” Naja mumbled.
Then looked at Franz. “Opa!”
Franz smiled, and Riker carefully handed Naja over to her grandfather.
The fight was finally over.
Ezra felt someone wrap their arms around him from behind, and he turned around.
“Oh Ezra…are you hurt?”
Ezra smiled. Gave Eva a kiss on the cheek. “Not too bad, darling. Just a few scrapes. Got myself into a lot worse back in Kentucky.”
Eva laughed, wiping away tears. “I’m glad…” She whispered.
Ezra laughed. “Not sure how I’m gonna explain this one back at the base. I don’t think they’ll believe me, do you? They’ll think I ain’t right in the head.”
Eva laughed. Ezra kept one arm wrapped around her and walked over to Riker. “Glad that’s finally over, ain’t you?”
Riker smiled. “I think we all are…hey, thank you both…for keeping Naja safe.”
“Of course. Naja is such a sweet little darling.” Eva replied with a smile, squeezing Ezra’s hand.
Ezra nodded. “Sure is. But…I think we may be wanting to find out a way to get home from here…don’t y’all?”
Riker nodded. “Probably for the best. I’m sure we all want to get home.”
Eva nodded but glanced around. “Of course, I do…but at the same time…I don’t know if I want to say goodbye.”
Ezra kissed her forehead. “…I don’t think any of us do Eva.”
Eva nodded. “I know.”
“I have to say goodbye to Bella, and November, and Nyx, and Zlatan, and Jareth?” Naja asked quietly.
Riker smiled faintly and took Naja back into his arms. “It’s not easy…but sometimes we have to say goodbye.”
Naja slowly nodded. “I know Daddy…and then we can go see Mommy!?”
Riker smiled. Kissed his daughter’s forehead. “Then we can go see Mommy.”
October 14, 2022 at 3:25 pm #119462@freedomwriter76 UGH THE GOODBYE BETWEEN RIKER AND NOVEMBER…I’m already imagining it….😭
#ProtectSebOctober 14, 2022 at 3:30 pm #119465Anonymous
- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 8156
@godlyfantasy12. NOOOO!!!! DON’T MAKE ME THINK OF THATTTTTT!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
October 14, 2022 at 3:38 pm #119467Imma go ahead and write a November RP actually….to kinda get it started…oh boyyyy 😖 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @keilah-h @e-m-trepke @freedomwriter76
Everyone seemed fairly okay, if a bit bruised and scratched up. November was thankful it hadn’t been worse.
He smiled when he saw Riker begin to make his way over, Naja in his arms.
The man smiled, but it shifted slightly when he caught sight of November’s torn clothes. “You alright?”
“Ah, yea, I’m fine.”
“I told him he should get Mikkel to look at him…” Ara pursed her lips, brows furrowing.
“I-it’s okay, really!” November rubbed the back of his neck, shrugging off their concerns. In truth, the wounds did sting, but he didn’t really feel like having anyone look him over at the moment.
“Well…” Riker cleared his throat, setting Naja down. He seemed…tense.
November frowned.
“Are you okay?”
Riker glanced at him, sighing. “Ah…yes…it’s just…”
“We’re gonna go find mommy, now,” Naja gripped her father’s hand, looking a bit melancholy. She sniffed slightly, glancing at Ara, before taking off and giving her a big hug. Ara returned it. “I’ll miss you, Bell!”
Ara’s eyes widened, then softened, crinkling at the edges.
“Oh…Oh.” She repeated. Her eyes squeezed shut as the two girls embraced. “I’m gonna miss you too, Naja.”
“I’ll miss you too Lyn! And Nyx! And November!” The little girl sniffed.
“Same here kid!” Lyn joined in the hug, while Nyx merely sighed.
“I suppose you’re alright….”
Naja giggled. “You’re a silly fox…”
Nyx’s nose twitched in annoyance, but November could see the tiny smile on his face.
“So…you’re…you’re leaving?” November glanced from Naja to Riker. A small tugging at his heart made his brows furrow and his eyes glassy.
The man scratched his head, then nodded.
Ara turned to November, obviously noticing his discomfort. “We…we should probably get going too…you know?”
November swallowed. After a few seconds, he nodded.
Huh…guess he never realized how bad he was at goodbyes…
(u wanna make a reply RP freedom?)
#ProtectSebOctober 14, 2022 at 3:42 pm #119468Ooooh…some of these goodbyes are gonna be hard on our poor charies.
First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
Fork the GorkOctober 14, 2022 at 3:44 pm #119469@koshka ikr…
BUT IT CAN BE JUST GOODBYE FOR NOW cuz they can always meet again later (and meet them when their older 🤣 which Is hilarious cuz some will be like “wait how are u now older then me?! Or the same age as me?! U WERE A BABAY!!!” XD
#ProtectSebOctober 14, 2022 at 3:48 pm #119471YES!!!
Sooo…now I have to think through which characters should I use.
This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by
First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
Fork the GorkOctober 14, 2022 at 4:35 pm #119477@koshka @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h
I’m just gonna make Vesper introduce himself now.
And… it was over. The dogs… gone, retreated to who-knows-where, the soldiers also gone. He took a deep breath and let his sword arm hang loosely by his side. The kids were safe.
He scanned the faces of his now-allies. Relief shone in their eyes as hugs and reunions happened among the battle’s aftermath. Corvina was… not here. Hadn’t he told her to stick close? But when did she ever listen to him?
He looked around again. He probably should introduce himself… “Hello.” He gave an awkward wave. No one noticed.
He now saw tears in some of the faces. A head of red hair caught his eye. The boy. He was with a few other people. Vesper moved towards them, aching from the cuts and bruises of the battle. “Hello.”
We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good on, eh?
-The DoctorOctober 15, 2022 at 12:52 am #119481@freedomwriter76 you’re all good! 😄 You have like ten different characters in here to keep track of lol
(btw, I’m not really sure what’s happening in the rest of the castle but I think there’s a battle going on right? Should that affect these guys?)Eddie
“Would you two like to accompany us?”
Eddie looked at Ellie expectantly. Ellie nodded, her tail swishing nervously. A smile broke out on Eddie’s face and she turned back to the brothers.
“Lead the way.”
The four started down the hall in the same direction Zayne and Wayne were going before they encountered the girls. Despite Eddie’s last statement, she ended up at the front of the group as they walked, simultaneously peering into every room she passed and firing questions back at the others.
“So how’d you get here? What planet are you from? You haven’t possibly seen a shifty lookin guy with pointy ears and one eye have you?”
Official KP archivist ✨
October 15, 2022 at 9:27 am #119483Anonymous
- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 8156
@loopylin. Thank you for understanding. 🙂 The battle just ended and we’re about to make our characters leave and some of us, like me, are bringing them back when they’re older, so the battle shouldn’t affect these charries at all! 😀 Also, I love Eddie and Ellie. XD They’re very similar to Zayne and Wayne in personalities, which is very funny. XDXDXD
“So, how’d you get here? What planet are you from? You haven’t possibly seen a shifty lookin’ guy with pointy ears and one eye, have you?”
Eddie had a lot of questions.
Zayne liked that!
Zayne smirked and walked up ahead, to walk beside Eddie.
“We’re not quite sure how we got here. One minute we were sleeping, and the next we were here. We’re from a planet called Earth, and nope, can’t say I have. He sounds like the picture-perfect villain though…do you fight against him?”
“Zayne!” Wayne hissed.
Zayne turned on his brother, now walking backwards. “What!? I’m just trying to get to know them better!”
He turned back to face Eddie. “So…who is that guy?”
October 15, 2022 at 9:35 am #119484Anonymous
- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 8156
@godlyfantasy12. *sniff* The babies…DX @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @keilah-h. @e-m-trepke. (Someone needs to notice Vesper. Riker would have…but he’s distracted right now, lol. XD)
“We…we should probably get going too…you know?” Arabella said to November.
Slowly, November nodded.
Naja finally stepped away from the hug and gripped Riker’s hand.
He squeezed her hand.
“Yeah…we…we have to go.”
“We’re going to go find Mommy.” Naja added.
Riker turned his attention back to November, whose eyes were glassy. “Thank you November…for everything.”
November looked up at him. “W…what?”
“I don’t know if I would have survived inside this place without you, kid. You protected me…pulled me out of memories…out of a low place inside this castle.” Riker smiled. “I wouldn’t have made it if you weren’t there, November. So…I wanted to thank you…for…being here for me…and…believing in me…when I can’t even believe in my self.”
October 15, 2022 at 11:26 am #119486@freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @keilah-h @koshka @e-m-trepke
Emotion swelled in November’s throat, making his eyes water. He gripped his teared shirt, blinked hard. His lips puckered, trying to keep himself under control, but….
The words…they meant a lot….
From someone so…so brave…
And strong….
And noble.
So….unlike his father…yet…
Everything he’d wanted in one….
And before he knew what he was doing, his arms were wrapped around Riker’s waist, squeezing him tight. Tears flowed freely from his eyes. Riker stiffened, then realized, returning the embrace with full force.
“Th-thank you…” November whispered. “For-for everything…” The man’s strong arms sent a deep sense of warmth through him. It gave him something he didn’t realize he’d been missing.
A kind of love that…that he didn’t realize he’d been wanting.
Was this how a father’s love felt?
He breathed it all in, wanting to soak in every emotion. Take in every feeling and sensation. Not even caring how he looked, a teenage boy, being coddled by this grown man.
He’d feel embarrassed later.
“Riker….I….” He choked on the words, trying to find the right words. “I…I just wanna say…I don’t think you’re a mistake. Whatever you did, or think you did, it doesn’t matter anymore. Not to me. I…I love you, Riker. I’m gonna miss you.”
Jocelyn & Nyx
November was…saying goodbye to Riker.
Lyn felt the need to give him some privacy, and was given ample opportunity when a young man strode up, one she hadn’t met before.
“Hello,” he smiled, waving.
“Hiya! Name’s Jocelyn!” She extended her hand. They shook.
“Vesper,” he replied. He glanced behind her at Ara and November crying, in the midst of goodbyes. “Are…they alright?”
“Ahh….well…we’re getting ready to move on, looks like. So…they’re saying their goodbyes.” Lyn frowned, her heart tugging.
“Oh, I see.”
Lyn nodded, eyes flicking with realization.
She…she also needed to say goodbye…
To Alyona…
And Vulk….
Lyn’s brows furrowed.
“Err…would you excuse me for a moment?”
“Ah, sure?”
Lyn walked away, searching for her two friends in the crowd. She found both next to their siblings, close at hand. She approached the foursome.
“Hey…” She waves tentatively.
For all her spark and vibrancy…she…really wasn’t sure how to start this…
“Ahh…it…looks like we’re gonna be heading out soon. Umm…I just…wanted to say goodbye.”
Alyona’s eyes widened slightly, her mouth forming into a small o.
“Yea, yea. Bye and all that jazz,” Nyx sighed, but Lyn could hear the faint tinge of somberness in his tone. The fox’s eyes ticked to Zlatan. “I guess you ended up being not so bad…”
#ProtectSebOctober 15, 2022 at 2:12 pm #119488@elishavet-pidyon @koshka @freedomwriter76 @e-m-trepke @keilah-h anyone wanna RP?
#ProtectSebOctober 15, 2022 at 4:00 pm #119495boo bah boo da doo!! XD
#ProtectSebOctober 15, 2022 at 6:40 pm #119496@koshka btw I’ll add my new charries into the RP master list later 😊 and be editing some about my already in charries since they’ll be older
#ProtectSeb -
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