A Place to share/write whatever we’re working on: Worldbuilding, plot, etc

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  • #146110
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3735


      I love it!!

      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 5904

        @freedomwriter76 Wow, that was a great scene! Sad, but awesome how he cares for her!

        Yep! Otherside is awesome. And yes! I liked Subwoofer Lullaby too (I actually like all of them, lol).

        Crescent Dunes is from the newest update (which is coming out this Wednesday I think). The soundtrack was already up on Pandora and YouTube, so I listened to it and thought it was really cool!

        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2816

          @mineralizedwritings Ahh! Min!! Your comic is amazing! I’m sorry I missed it. I never check this forum. The colors and panels are so cool! I love it!

          Official KP archivist ✨

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            Umm… idk if my other post posted… let’s try this again

            @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @smiley @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings @starshiness @keilah-h @acancello @anyone-else!

            Here’s a scene I just wrote! I love when my charries goof off. 😜


            – – – – – – – – – –


            Ev woke up tired the next morning, so after they ate lunch, he let his eyes close and fell right to sleep. He woke up to the sound of someone giggling. No—multiple someones giggling. He opened his eyes and yawned, seeing Lukas leaning above him. Lukas suddenly backed away and his hands flew behind his back. He bit his lip, holding back laughter.

            “What’s so funny?” Ev mumbled, sitting up and looking around. Everyone was looking at him, amusement clearly on their faces.

            Fynn, who was next to Lukas, nudged Lukas in the shoulder. “Our work here is done,” he said, chuckling.

            Ev frowned and turned to Ami. “I don’t get it, what’s so funny?” His eyes glanced around the bus. Even Ruben, who was driving, casted occasional glances behind him, the corners of his eyes creased in a smile. “Why is everyone looking at me like that?” He cocked his head.

            Ami let her laughter escape and pointed to his head. “Check your hair.”

            As Ev slowly drew his hand to his head, suspicion etched in his features, Ami said, “I’m sorry, I tried to stop them.”

            Ev ran a hand through his hair, but didn’t get far. His jaw dropped and his eyes grew wide. He pulled his hand back, which was no covered in a clear, sticky gel, and cried out. “Lukas what in the—”

            Everyone else burst out in laughter and it echoed throughout the bus. Even Malyk chuckled slightly, though Ev could tell he tried to hide it. Ev shot a glare at Lukas. He shoved his hand in front of his face. “Can you explain to me why I have way too much hair gel in my hair?”

            Lukas just laughed. “Fynn—and—I,” he could barely talk because he was laughing so hard. Giving up, he plopped down in his seat and let out all his laughter.

            Ev raised his eyebrows, waiting for an explanation and trying to hold back his smile. Finally, Fynn spoke up, a grin plastered on his face. “Lukas and I were playing truth or dare. And I…” he exchanged glances with Lukas, who stood up again, still chuckling. “I dared him to style your hair while you were sleeping.”

            Ev rolled his eyes.

            “Sorry, Ev,” Lukas said, grinning. He held up his hands which were covered in the gel. “I may have used just a little too much.”

            “Just a little?”

            “But you should’ve seen how you looked before you messed it up.”

            Ev dropped his head and finally released his laughter. “Lukas Barlowe, I am going to get you back for this. I will.”

            “But Fynn dared me to do it!” Lukas protested, pointing a thumb in Fynn’s direction.

            Fynn scoffed. “Excuse me? You were the one who—”

            “Okay, okay,” Ev said, grinning. “You don’t need to fight. We all know who’s really to blame.”

            “Who?” Lukas asked.

            Ev’s grin grew wider. He turned in his seat. “Amidala.”

            Ami’s jaw dropped. “What did I ever do to cause,” she motioned to his hair “this?”

            “You didn’t stop them.”

            “I said I tried to.”

            Ev sighed, shaking his head. “Yes… but you still let them do it.”

            Ami turned away from Ev, her arms crossed. “Uh-oh,” Ev said, raising his eyebrows at his brother and Fynn. “Now she’s going to give me the silent treatment.”

            Lukas and Fynn chuckled.

            Ev dropped to one knee on the floor of the bus. “Oh, fair Lady Amidala. Do not cease to speak to me, for if I never hear thy melodic voice again, my heart… er… my soul…” Ev slowly came to a halt in his speech. He had been quoting a part from a story they had both read a little while back, and now he had forgotten the rest.

            Ami looked towards him again with a smirk on her face. “My soul shall never again know peace,” she said, finishing the quote for him. “Now please get up off the ground.”

            Ev would not until he finished his plea with the fair lady. He resumed his pleading airs, “My soul shall never again know peace.” He placed a hand—the one not covered in hair gel—to his heart and bowed his head. Ev peeked above him, waiting for her response.

            It was clear she was trying to contain her amusement. “My dearest Prince Everton, get thee up. I shall not cease to speak to thee. My own heart could not bear it.” Ami closed her eyes dramatically. She held out a hand and looked into his eyes. “I have forgiven thee of thy offenses.”

            Ev took her hand and gallantly stood up, resuming his spot beside her. Ami made a face of disgust. Ev cocked his head. “What now?”

            She chuckled. “You gave me your hand that had the hair gel all over it.”

            Ev flashed her a playful smile. Ruben called out from the front of the bus, “Maybe now is a good time to take a quick break. There’s a small creek running through the forest over here. Then all of you can get washed up.”

            Ev nodded, chuckling. “That’s a great idea.”

            Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 5904

              @esther-c I love that! Characters goofing off are almost always super hilarious.

              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2163


                Aww 😂😂

                The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. Beware.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2243


                  I loveeee it

                  they’re hilarious XD

                  I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                  ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3735



                    For sure 😉 😁


                    Ikr? ❤️😂


                    Thank ya!!

                    Definitely. 😉 The story without Ev would be a lot less humorous, ngl. 😂

                    (Not that my other charries aren’t funny, but Ev is definitely a comic relief character. XD)

                    Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3060


                      Thanks loopy! Glad you like it! 😊


                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 842


                        Haha! Thats so good! I love your characters!

                        "Would you kindly...?"

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3735


                          Thanks!! 😄

                          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @esther-c ahh, I love that!!! 😍😍😍 that made me smile so much 😂😂


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12 @esther-c @lightoverdarkness6 @euodia-vision @mineralizedwritings @smiley @felicity @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @anyone-else-idk-I-may-be-forgetting-someone-lol-apologies-XD

                              I wanted to share my most recent finished chapter of my book with Leon/Riker!!!

                              Poor Bois 😭😢

                              “No matter what happens, God will come through.” Fin whispered, wrists tied and behind his back, seated in a chair.

                              Hans scoffed. “Faith.” He muttered.

                              Hans had been brought in to interrogate Fin because Felix said he had better and more important things to do.

                              Riker leaned against the wall, wanting very much to interfere but knowing he couldn’t.

                              “You can still change, Hans…it’s never too late until you’re already dead. God can still change you. No one is ever too far gone, Hans…no one. You can change. God can redeem you…do you want that?”

                              Hans chuckled and rolled his eyes, slicking back his gray hair. “Not one bit. If he were real, God did nothing for me, nor do I believe in his existence.”

                              “Hans, God is very real.”

                              “It’s a lie. A childish fantasy. Stories, fairytales, passed down from generation to generation to scare children into submission and to give meaningless men and women a false sense of hope and of meaning.” Hans muttered, waving a hand in dismissal.

                              Fin looked up at him, gray eyes full of unmerited concern. “…I hope you change your mind on that before it’s too late.”

                              Concerned about everyone he came across, even if they were like Hans and didn’t care about him back.

                              Hans scoffed. “You’ll give me the information I want eventually. Riker, leave us.”

                              Riker glanced at Fin.

                              Fin gave him a smile and a slight nod, neither of which Hans saw.

                              Riker nodded, opened the door, and left the room. He walked down the hall to leave the office.

                              Thoughts pounded in his head. But he already knew what was coming.

                              Fin knew.

                              Riker knew.

                              Fin wasn’t afraid.

                              Riker was terrified.

                              Riker removed his uniform cap the moment he stepped outside, slicking down his wavy dark brown locks, a sigh slipping out of his lips.

                              Hurried footsteps sounded. “Riker, Riker!”

                              He faced Jezyk, who was running towards him, worry lacing his youthful face, making him look older than he really was. “Jezyk!? Jezyk, what’s wrong?”

                              “I-I was on watch duty, watching some men work, and-and one of the men collapsed. I-I didn’t know what I should do, and I-“


                              “Follow me.” Jezyk breathed, turning around, and running again.

                              The uniform cap slipped from Riker’s fingers and was left forgotten on the ground. He’d get it later.

                              He followed after Jezyk, running not quite at full speed, but running fast. It would look like they were heading somewhere because of an emergency situation.

                              Helping a prisoner wouldn’t count as an emergency situation to many, but Riker had to, wanted to, help as many people as he could.

                              Riker came to a stop, seeing a small group of men. He turned to the oldest man there, the one crouching over the man who was on the ground. The old man was the one Riker had given a break to, when he was working on watch duty a while back.

                              The man on the ground was Leon.

                              Riker crouched beside Leon. He looked at the elderly man. “What’s your name?”

                              “Isaiah. Isaiah Altmann. You’re Riker, aren’t you?”

                              “Yessir,” Riker knew to respect his elders, “what happened to Leon?”

                              “He coughed, couldn’t catch his breath, and passed out. He-he’s been sick for a while. Abba thinks it’s pneumonia. He coughs up phlegm and has said before that his chest hurts, and he’s had chills sometimes.” The boy beside Isaiah said, bright brown eyes filled with tears and concern, youthfulness still in his facial features. Couldn’t have been any older than Jezyk.

                              “This is my son Yosef.” Isaiah introduced. His gaze returned to Leon. “Is there anything we can do? Can we take him to the infirmary-?”

                              Riker shook his head, fast. “No. They’ll just kill him instead of treating him.”

                              Yosef’s eyes filled with even more concern, maybe even fear. “What can we do?”

                              “He’ll have to stay in the barracks. He can’t go to the infirmary,” Riker slowly shook his head, “and no one can find out he’s missing. He’ll need time to recover.”

                              Isaiah raised an eyebrow. “How do we do that?”

                              “We can say he’s ill…and they’ll never know that he’s not at the infirmary. They don’t pay that much attention…because they don’t care.”

                              Isaiah slowly nodded. “But how do we get him to Barracks 9? We have to keep working, else…” He trailed off, but the unspoken words were known and even more than that, they were understood by everyone around.

                              “Leave that to me,” Riker whispered; he turned around, “Jezyk, move the men to a slightly different area to work.” He faced Isaiah and Yosef again. “I’ll do everything I can.”

                              Isaiah’s eyes filled with grateful tears, and he smiled. He slowly and gently grabbed Riker’s arm and softly squeezed it. “God bless you, son.”

                              Riker gave him a small smile.

                              Isaiah, Yosef, and the other men stood and followed Jezyk to an area only a few feet away to work.

                              Riker slightly straightened his back. He got down on one knee, one knee on the dirt, one up to his chest.

                              He gently and carefully slipped his arms underneath Leon, who didn’t even stir. He got one arm underneath Leon’s back, the other underneath his legs.

                              Riker slowly lifted Leon into his arms and stood. Leon weighed next to nothing.

                              Riker gently got one arm out from underneath Leon and gently, carefully, draped one of Leon’s thin arms around his shoulders.

                              He got both of his arms back underneath Leon.

                              He looked around to make sure no one was around and headed for Barracks 8.

                              Leon groaned.


                              Memories floated before his eyes.

                              “Leon, if I don’t make it out of this war alive…”

                              Painful memories.

                              Isabel twirled, giggled, and grabbed his hand, her curly blonde hair and her pink dress fanning out around her. “Daddy, dance with me. Dance with me, Daddy.”

                              Fond memories.

                              Leon took Elias into his arms. His third child, his little, baby boy. Elias’ baby blue eyes slowly opened…and he smiled. Leon kissed his forehead. His Elias. His third child. His third baby. He turned to face his wife…and smiled. “Nothing is better than this.”

                              Absolutely beautiful memories.

                              Leon groaned, feeling himself be moved. He last remembered working, then coughing…the world spinning, and then darkness.

                              So where was he going…and how was he getting there?

                              Leon felt the familiar feel of rough straw, and his eyes slowly opened. He groaned at the light that shone into his eyes.

                              He blinked a few times to make sure his eyes adjusted.

                              He was back in the barrack, on one of the bottom bunks. But wait, he needed to work. He had to shovel rock. He had to be beside Isaiah and Yosef. He had to work. They’d kill him if he didn’t.

                              Leon almost got up, but someone gently grabbed him and laid him back down. “Wait, you’re sick. You need to recover.”

                              The voice, quiet, gentle, masculine, familiar.

                              Leon stared at the man standing beside the bunk. “You.”

                              Riker smiled softly, gently, tired lines lacing his face, along with bearded stubble that showed that he hadn’t shaved in a while. “Leon, you’re ill. You’re here to recover.”

                              “I’m fine,” Leon struggled, “get out of my way.”

                              Riker still held onto him. “You need to recover.”

                              Leon shook his head and was about to speak, but he coughed instead; long and hard. His chest stung. His body trembled with a sudden chill.

                              Riker raised a concerned eyebrow.

                              Leon coughed again, unable to stop himself, and more phlegm came out of his mouth, yellow and green. One streak of red came straight through the middle.

                              Leon glanced at Riker.

                              The faint alarm in Riker’s eyes told Leon everything.

                              They both knew what blood in phlegm meant.

                              But whether Leon had Tuberculosis or not didn’t matter. He had to work. “Get out of my way.”

                              Riker gently held him down, and much as Leon hated it, Riker was stronger than him, at least for now. “Leon, I’m trying to help you.”

                              “After you killed my wife?” Leon chuckled. “I’m not an idiot. You don’t want to help any of us, you just pretend you do. You’re a murderer and you know it.”

                              Riker bit his lip and turned away. An emotion Leon couldn’t quite pinpoint showed itself in his dark blue eyes.

                              “Why would you pretend to help us, anyhow? You could just as easily get off with being a complete jerk. All the other Nazis do.”

                              “I want to help.”

                              “You killed my wife! Why do you think I’d trust anything you say!?”

                              Riker didn’t speak.

                              Leon huffed. He wasn’t going to let him go, and he apparently wasn’t going to speak either. The familiar feel of itching came from Leon’s back, and he smirked. He knew how to get Riker out of the barrack. “There’s lice in here, you know.”

                              Riker turned to face Leon, wiping his eyes on his pitch-black uniform sleeve. He raised one eyebrow. “Yeah, I know.”

                              Leon blinked. That wasn’t expected. “Maybe even fleas.”


                              Most officers or even guards for that matter would flee. Any of the barracks that had fleas…guards and officers refused to enter them.

                              “And all kinds of bugs and other vermin.”

                              Riker released his grip on Leon to slick back a lock of his awry wavy hair. “I’ve dealt with worse. I’m here to help you.”

                              “How can you help? Why would you help me when you killed my wife!? Do you think doing good is going to change anything!?”

                              “No amount of good I do will change anything. I’m a murder and nothing will ever wipe my hands clean, I know that. I know what I deserve.”

                              Leon scoffed. Was he trying to make Leon feel pity for him? “And what do you deserve for being a murderer of dozens, hundreds, even millions of people like my wife?”

                              “…Hell, and nothing less than Hell.”

                              Leon stared at him for a long moment.

                              A man that obviously believed in God, in Satan, in Heaven and Hell. Same as Aadelheide, Isaiah, Yosef, Louisa, Joshua…so many people Leon knew or had known at one time.

                              But it was also obvious that unlike all of them…Riker didn’t believe in forgiveness.

                              But even if God would forgive Riker, Leon wouldn’t. He couldn’t.

                              Not for his wife’s murder.

                              He couldn’t forgive Riker for that. How could he?

                              How could he forgive the man that killed his wife? That was too much.

                              Way too much.

                              “…Even if God forgives you, I’ll never forgive you.”

                              Riker slowly nodded. One corner of his lips turned up in a partial smile. “I don’t expect you to. I’m never going to forgive myself. Besides, God won’t forgive me anyhow. I don’t deserve it.”

                              “Do you deserve anything good?” Leon asked quietly, softly, honestly. Truthfully, he didn’t know if he thought Riker did…after all, he was a murderer. But he also let Leon see Aadelheide…and now he was at least trying to help Leon.

                              Why did hatred have to be so confusing?

                              Riker shook his head, dark blue eyes roving down to the double lightning-bolt symbol on his uniform. “No, I don’t.”

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1308


                                Awwww they babies. 😭😭😭

                                That was so sad but sweeeett!!!

                                I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156


                                  Awwww they babies. 😭😭😭

                                  I KNOWWWWWWWWWWW 😭😭

                                  That was so sad but sweeeett!!!

                                  Ikr? ❤️😭


                                  tysm, I’m so glad you liked it!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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