A Place to share/write whatever we’re working on: Worldbuilding, plot, etc

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      @esther-c (here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhh!!!!!!) @mineralizedwritings @lightoverdarkness6 @godlyfantasy12 @gwyndalf-the-wise @felicity @thearcaneaxiom @princesachronicle22 @euodia-vision @hybridlore @anyone-else-that-is-interested-lol-XD

      Soooo….my main WIP Freedom’s Fire is going to be so long that I have decided to split it into 2 novels!!! 🎉

      The first one, still called Freedom’s Fire, is about 180+ pages in, and thus I have decided to begin writing the sequel, currently titled Broken Shackles, so when I finish the first one, the second one will already be in progress so maybe everyone doesn’t have to wait forever for the sequel to come out 😂


      And I just wrote the 1st chapter of the sequel this morning/afternoon and wanted to share!!!!



      Chapter 1

      May 1945


      His dusty boots clicked against the gravel. He rubbed his hands together. Leon looked up ahead at the small farmhouse he was walking up to.

      He had finally been released from the concentration camp, having been treated for various diseases by the American medics. The Americans had helped him get new shoes, new clothes, and had fed him and the other men as much as they could.

      He’d parted ways with Isaiah and his family, promising that they would be back in touch soon.

      And as soon as he could, he had gone and talked to Ezekiel…and got the address for where he needed to go.

      Leon unbuttoned the top button on his coat. His hair was mostly grown back, his black curls returning, and he had stubble on his jaw and chin. It would take a bit longer to gain back all the weight he had lost.

      His fists clenched, but he slowly eased them.

      He had more important things to do right now.

      He didn’t need to be angry.

      Not right now, at least.

      Many of the Nazis got what they deserved…many of the guards and officers had been arrested; he’d seen them.

      Hans’ body had been found, a bullet in his head, evidence of suicide.

      But he hadn’t seen Riker anywhere.

      If that man escaped…Leon let the disturbing, angering thought go, finally reaching the wooden porch of the small tan farmhouse.

      He walked up the steps.

      He stood in front of the door.

      He reached to knock; his hand hesitated just mere inches from the door.

      Would they even know him?

      He’d been gone for over a year…been through the darkest year of his life…he’d changed, he knew he had.

      Would they even recognize their daddy?

      He looked around the farm, hand still only inches from the door.

      Flowers still grew here…birds still chirped…the sun still shined; as if war never came.

      He turned back to the door.

      They must have been happy here.

      But no.

      No more doubts. No more questions.

      He had to do this.

      He needed to do this.

      He wanted to do this.

      He wanted his babies back.

      He knocked, quick and loud.

      Silence met him.

      He waited a moment; he knocked again.

      A feminine, accented voice called back, “Coming!”

      The door opened and a smiling, dark-haired woman opened the door. She paused, eyes widening, smile fading. “Sir? What are you doing here? Who are you? Joseph-!?”

      “Wait. I’m Leon. Leon Jedediah Wagner. I’m Isabel, Albert, and Elias’ father. I-I’ve come to get my kids back. Pastor Ezekiel gave me your address, and I-“

      “What is it, Hilde?” A muscular man came to stand beside the woman, eying Leon with suspicion.

      The woman, Hilde, went silent…eyes brimmed with tears. “It’s the Childrens’ father, Joseph.” Her blue eyes met Leon’s dark brown. “Oh, I’ve prayed and prayed that you would come soon. Your children will be so happy to see you. Please, come inside.”

      “Yes, please do,” Joseph offered with a warm, compassionate smile.

      Leon stared at them.

      Their kindness, their compassion, their hospitality…it was too much. Too much to get readjusted to.

      How long would it take to get readjusted to having people be kind?

      “Sir, are you alright?” Hilde asked softly.

      Leon nodded and gave the woman a smile he didn’t feel. “I’m alright. Thank you, for inviting me inside…and thank you for taking care of my kids.”

      He stepped inside the house, the house that instantly made him feel welcome.

      There were family pictures everywhere, beautiful tan and white walls, a beautiful yet small kitchen with tiny flower details.

      It felt like…a home.

      His kids had been wonderful here.

      “Would you like a drink, Herr Wagner?” Joseph offered.

      Leon nodded absentmindedly, carefully taking the glass cup of water from his host.

      “We wish we had more than water, but it is in the first month of the war ending.” Hilde noted.

      “It’s fine, truly, it is…” Leon bit his lip, “I’ve experienced much worse.”

      Hilde sat down in one of the kitchen chairs, eyes full of compassion. “How me and Joseph have prayed for your safe return. We were ready to keep the kids if we must, they’re absolute darlings, but how much we fervently prayed for your kids to have their actual parents back.”

      A whole lot of good anyone’s prayers did.

      “Herr Wagner?”

      “Please, call me Leon.” Leon replied softly to Joseph. He took a small sip of water.

      He was ready to see his kids, but these people were so kind…he couldn’t just dismiss their hospitality.

      “Forgive me if I speak too hurtfully and crudely, but why are you here alone? Where is your wife?”

      His head pounded. Greif squeezed his chest. He couldn’t speak; he couldn’t even think for a long moment. Leon slowly faced Joseph; his eyes brimmed with tears. “In heaven.” He set the glass cup down, afraid he was going to drop it and break it. “Has been for months now.”

      Joseph squeezed his shoulder. “I’m so sorry…”

      More pity.

      More apologies.

      But no one, no words, no amount of sympathy, nothing at all could bring his wife back.

      Hilde stood, tears coursing down her cheeks. “I-I can’t even imagine. I’m so sorry. I-I can’t even fathom your pain.”

      “I lost her in the camp…” Leon whispered, closing his eyes, forcing back tears, forcing back pain.

      Hilde came over and hugged him, tight. It was the first hug he’d had in over a year. Joseph squeezed his shoulder. “We’ll keep praying for you, Leon.”

      Leon pulled away from Hilde’s hug and faced Joseph with a small smile. “Thank you.”

      Not that it would do any good.

      God had already made his opinion clear.

      Anger threatened again, but Leon forced it back.

      He wiped tears from his eyes. “Can I see my kids now?”

      Hilde smiled, wiping away tears. “Of course. They’re probably playing in their playroom. We can-“ Hilde trailed off, gaze straying.

      Leon turned.

      Bright blonde, curly hair in pigtail braids, wearing a simple pink dress with a white collar, wearing black mary janes and stockings, clutching a doll to her chest…was his daughter.

      Tears already formed in his eyes again. “…Isabel?”

      She looked up at him, still holding the doll…and her bright blue eyes filled with tears. “Daddy?”


      “Daddy!” She ran to him, doll discarded, tears falling in droves.

      He fell to his knees.

      He enveloped his daughter in his arms.

      He covered her with kisses.

      Leon’s tears fell in droves, mixing with Isabel’s.

      He held her closer as she cried, as she clung to him, knowing that nothing could ever make him let go. “Isabel…Isabel…my cupcake.” He murmured into her curls.

      Isabel cried into his chest. “Daddy, I-I’ve missed you so much, Daddy.”

      He pulled her a bit away, laying his hands on her cheeks, tears blurring his vision. “I’ve missed you so much too, my cupcake,” he kissed her forehead, “but I’m here now. I’m here now, pumpkin.”

      Isabel wiped tears from Leon’s eyes with her small fingers. “You’re here forever? No leaving again?”

      Leon shook his head, tears still falling. “No, no, never again.”

      Isabel smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tight. “I love you, Daddy.”

      He hugged her back, kissing her cheek. “I love you too, my sweet Isabel.” He gently let go of her. Leon wiped tears from her eyes. “There we go. No more tears.”

      Isabel giggled and wiped tears from Leon’s eyes. “Smile, Daddy…smile.”

      He smiled.

      He had to.

      He couldn’t not smile. Not when his kids were around.

      Joseph walked back into the room, two boys with him.

      Leon stood, giving Isabel one last kiss on the forehead.

      He didn’t know if they would recognize him.

      Albert came around from behind Joseph’s leg, with freckles…curly black hair, dark brown eyes, walking perfectly, now almost three. “Dada!”

      Leon leaned down and grabbed him. He tossed him into the air; caught him again. Covered him with kisses. Tears fell just at having his son in his arms. “Albert…Albert…I love you so much…you’ve grown so much.” He kissed Albert’s forehead one last time before setting him down on the floor.

      He turned back to Joseph, who held Elias in his arms. Joseph smiled and handed Elias over.

      Elias looked up at Leon with bright blue eyes, a finger in his mouth, his bright blonde hair shining in the light. He’d only been three months old when they had parted.

      Now he was over a year old.

      He’d gotten so big…grown up too fast.

      Leon kissed his forehead, his cheeks, and Elias, though he didn’t recognize him, didn’t mind either. Tears coursed down Leon’s cheeks in droves. He grabbed Elias’ small hand, gently squeezing it. “Elias…you’ve gotten so big…”

      He slowly sank to the floor and onto his knees, Elias in one arm, Albert and Isabel in the other, surrounded by his kids.

      Tears coursed down his cheeks.

      He finally had them back.

      He finally had his kids.

      He looked up at Hilde and Joseph, heart full of gratitude. “Thank you…thank you so much.” He sobbed.

      And he held his kids tighter.

      Nothing would ever make him let go again.


      He hadn’t slept.

      He’d attempted to, but slept fitfully, unable to sleep, waking up every twenty minutes or so.

      Faces floated before his eyes…the people he’d hurt…the people he’d killed.

      He saw them during the day…he saw them at night. He saw them wide awake. He saw them while he slept.

      He couldn’t escape it.

      He kept his eyes closed, aching for sleep that refused to come.

      Maybe he could get to his wife and kids…just maybe.

      So he was laying low for a while…so he could get out of Germany and get to them.

      But maybe he should have stayed at the camp.

      He likely would have been arrested. But wasn’t that what he deserved?

      No, no it wasn’t.

      They would have punished him.

      Except he deserved nothing less than hell itself.

      But his family needed him…didn’t they?

      A swift kick to his side made the still healing wounds from torture sessions ache and burn, forcing Riker to open his eyes. He groaned.

      Maybe his hiding spot hadn’t been the best choice…but he didn’t have anywhere else to turn.

      Somewhere was better than nowhere.

      His father stood over him from where Riker was lying on the floor. “Get up. I expect you to do something to make it worthwhile having you here.”

      Riker slowly sat up.

      He had nowhere else to go…this had been the only option that he knew of.

      “You should be grateful for my help. I could have left you out on the streets, which I had in mind to do, considering the fact that you betrayed Germany.”

      Riker just stared at him. News had spread quickly.

      Franz scoffed, stepping into the kitchen for the briefest of moments to grab a drink. “Not that it matters anymore, considering we lost.”

      Riker brushed down his wavy dark brown hair. He’d fought as much as he could…suffered torture for his “treason”…but it still didn’t feel like enough. “Whose fault is that?”

      He thought he had spoken too quietly to be heard, but Franz glared at him when he stepped back into the small living room. “Traitors like you.”

      “I helped innocent people. I did what was right-“

      “Oh, shut it. Don’t try to justify your actions, there’s no need-“

      “None of what any of us did was justified! Millions of innocent people are dead because no one stood up-!”

      Franz slapped him, the slap full of nothing but malice. He grabbed the collar of Riker’s white button-up shirt, which was stained with blood from the torture Hans had put Riker through for weeks. “Don’t speak to me that way, boy. I let you into my house, and I can kick you out of it. I can turn you in. I can do whatever the heck I want to do with you while you’re under my roof. You may be a grown man, but I swear, Riker, I can deliver a beating you won’t forget for some time.”

      His father let go of his collar and stepped away. He grabbed the alcohol bottle, which he had set down, and took a sip. “Get off the floor and do something useful.”

      Riker obeyed, wiping blood from his stinging cheek.

      This house was still filled with memories of his mother, even several months after her death.

      But there was no more of her love here.

      It hurt…so bad.

      But maybe it was time for him to be hurt. After all, he deserved much worse.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @joy-calle meant to tag you too 😉

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3744


          Oh my word, girl!! That was so good!! 😭😭

          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @esther-c AHHHHHH, GIRLLLLLLL, TYSM!!!!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


            this chapter just made me cry writing it today😭😭


            I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT!!!!!!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3744


              You’re so welcome!!! ❤️

              I know, it’s so sad! 😢 But the fact that Leon gets to see his kids again is just so sweet. 🥹❤️

              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @esther-c ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

                I know, it’s so sad! 😢 But the fact that Leon gets to see his kids again is just so sweet.

                Yess! 😭 ahhh, ikr? That moment made me cry bc it was so sweet to me!!! ❤️❤️❤️

                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 5910

                  @freedomwriter76 AWW Leon and his kids!!! That was too cute.

                  And ugh, Riker, you’re making me think of Crosshair again……..Why must they be so similar?! I’m hoping it’s a coincidence (although, I mean, I have little actual control over Crosshair’s personality and experiences, at least in the fanfic I’m currently writing him in. So any similarities are his original writer’s fault, not mine…..lol)


                  And no, I still don’t have any idea when we can get them together…I have some ideas to separate him if I need them.

                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @keilah-h ikr? the cutest!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

                    AHH, IKR!?!? 😭😭😭 They both need to be healed from their guilt!! 😭 (haha, lol, yea, i know…some characters are just very similar XD)


                    yeahhhhhh…idk either 😅 at least you have a few ideas tho!!!! 😉


                    tysm for reading and your sweet words!!!!! ❤️❤️

                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 5910

                      @freedomwriter76 you’re welcome!!

                      I think I have a soft spot for traumatized characters who don’t like admitting that they need anything……lol

                      "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @keilah-h ❤️❤️❤️

                        haha…you and me both 😂XD

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3060

                          @FREEDOMWRITER76 THAT WAS AMAZING!!!

                          Absolutely loved it!! So good!

                          Poor Riker! Do tell me there’s some super sweet scene of him being taken care of later? Pls? I need it??!

                          Love Riker and hope it gets better for him!! <3


                          Idk what kind of feedback you’re looking for but I do think the family taking care of the kids would make the assumption she died without having to ask, but Idk how much people talked about that back then.


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @MINERALIZEDWRITINGS AHHH, MINNNNNNN, TYSM!!!!!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

                            ahhh, i’m so glad you think so!!!! this makes me so happy!!!!! ❤️

                            yessss, my baby needs some care and affection 🥺 trust me, i need it too for ma baby 😭

                            I’m SOOOOOO glad you love him!!!! Yesss, things must get better for my baby! <3


                            wellllll…they don’t know that she’s dead bc Leon AND his wife sent them away before they were sent to the camp, and last the couple knew, Leon’s wife Aadelheide was still alive 😭

                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 5910

                              @freedomwriter76 lol

                              So….the idea: Hitchens is set on convincing Thor and Loki that Crosshair is not to be trusted…but something he mentions (maybe some form of torture?) sets Cross off, and he just….er…straight up shoots him…..

                              (only a stun shot, mind you, but the other charries might not know that)

                              And when he finally snaps out of it, they’re all kinda either terrified or hostile, so……

                              He just slips into the shadows when they all freak out because HE LITERALLY SHOT SOMEBODY WHAT ELSE SHOULD THEY DO???

                              Feather chases after him, but he’s just like “No, leave me alone!!”

                              …and ends up stepping on the wrong spot and plummeting to the floor below, where he comes across Riker and Pax!


                              Things he hates include:

                              • being stabbed (this, oddly enough, includes a needle phobia. The Empire tried to poison/electrocute him with needles and probes enough times.)
                              • drowning (nearly happened to him once, my headcanon is while he can swim, he can’t do it very well)
                              • burning (happened once, although it was kinda his own fault for standing in the way of the flame)
                              • freezing to death/being buried alive by snow or ice (again, nearly happened, and this time a friend of his, who was there with him, died in the incident)
                              • basically, being called a failure or unworthy of anything.

                              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @keilah-h alright, cool!

                                i’ll get Hitchens to do something at some point…lol. i think it’s Loony’s turn tho, but i may be mistaken 😅

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 5910

                                  @freedomwriter76 ok, whenever you think it’d be good.

                                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

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