Active 7 hours, 32 minutes ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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Keilah H. replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 9 hours, 56 minutes ago
well there is like two ships that are straight… BUT ONE OF THEM IS WITH A BROTHER AND SISTER! THESE PEOPLE ARE TWISTED IN THE MIND!!!!!!)
ngl incest ships are worse for me. Gay ships? Disgusting. I hate them. But at the same time, that’s the way the world is going, and while I don’t agree with it I’m not gonna be surpris…[Read more]
Ruee Hamster Huey replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 day, 8 hours ago
speaking of jews, what are your honest thoughts on them? Like how to you see them?
I believe they are God’s people, and that the promises God made still apply. I don’t believe that the Church is the new Israel.
Other than them being God’s people, I don’t stand behind them. They support the lgbtq+ community last I heard, and I…[Read more]
Trailblazer replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 day, 9 hours ago
“those d*** Christians” Did she say dumb? Or something else Idk about… but besides that, I think that would take patience, not snapping back at them.
No- I didn’t type the whole word because most people consider it a cuss word- she said “damn”. I don’t consider it as bad as the f-word but I definitely still don’t use it.
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 day, 15 hours ago
What are your thoughts on catholic reconciliation? (For those who don’t know, reconciliation is where catholics go (supposed to be at least every month) to confess their sins. And then they are forgiven for them.) And what questions do you have. (That definition is the most simple version, there is more to it.)
I don’t think i…[Read more]
Liberty replied to the topic Short Short Story Prompt War! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 day, 16 hours ago
Ruee Hamster Huey replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 days, 6 hours ago
What do you react to finding out that an artist you like begins to do wrong things. (Like a draw and art piece disrespectful to God, or Jesus. Or makes a song about demons and worshiping them or something. Any range of “art”)
I recently dealt with this in a way.
At my 2024 piano recital, a student of my piano teacher pla…[Read more]
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Writing Fight Scenes in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 days, 8 hours ago
Thanks for the article! Unfortunately I’m not very good at fight scenes either, so I won’t be much help. 🙁
More tags: @whalekeeper @linus-smallprint @grcr @the_lost-journal @theshadow
Trailblazer replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 days, 8 hours ago
1. What are your thoughts on Catholic reconciliation?
I don’t think we have to go to a priest to have our sins forgiven. Jesus is our great High Priest, and He is the One through whom our debt has been paid and sins forgiven, so all we have to do is ask Him for forgiveness and we can receive it. Now if it is a sin against a…[Read more]
Esther replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 days, 9 hours ago
What are your thoughts on catholic reconciliation? (For those who don’t know, reconciliation is where catholics go (supposed to be at least every month) to confess their sins. And then they are forgiven for them.) And what questions do you have. (That definition is the most simple version, there is more to it.)
I basically a…[Read more]
TheShadow replied to the topic The diamond game. in the forum Film 2 days, 10 hours ago
I feel attacked.I’ll try to get to it this week… hopefully. We’ve got to write the next chapter as well. -
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 days, 10 hours ago
Ah yes, I can see why you are asking that. We are taught both that we should confess both big and little sins. (Which we call Mortal and Venial sins) but if you have Eucharist with venial sins on your soul all those venial sins are forgiven.
Good to know, thanks!
Yeah, that was a lot so I am unsure what to respond to first 😅 when…
TheArcaneAxiom replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 days, 13 hours ago
Hi Kefa (just realized I haven’t said anything on your WIP page yet, still need to do that)
What are your thoughts on catholic reconciliation? (For those who don’t know, reconciliation is where catholics go (supposed to be at least every month) to confess their sins. And then they are forgiven for them.) And what questions do y…
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 days, 14 hours ago
(I asked this question because I met someone who used to be a Protestant, and she said she used to hate catholics, she said that she thought they could sin and do what ever they wanted and then go to reconciliation and everything would be fine… that is FAR from the truth!)
Oh wow. I think reconciliation could be helpful in p…[Read more]
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 days, 14 hours ago
I don’t see why the priest has to be involved. I could go into this and why I believe it’s unbiblical, but this is a time when I’m not going to. Honestly, are you going to convert me to catholicism? No. Am I going to convert you to Reformed Baptist? No.
I find this topic really interesting, enjoyable, and even helpful, don’t…[Read more] -
Keilah H. replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 days, 15 hours ago
What are your thoughts on catholic reconciliation? (For those who don’t know, reconciliation is where catholics go (supposed to be at least every month) to confess their sins. And then they are forgiven for them.) And what questions do you have. (That definition is the most simple version, there is more to it.)
I’ve never heard o…[Read more]
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 days, 15 hours ago
Wow. I think I was 10. But I didn’t know the f word or about any of the lgbtq stuff until 7th grade.
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 days, 15 hours ago
And the priest isn’t the one forgiving the sins, it is God. You are just confessing them through the priest and then they go to God!
Oh, that makes more sense. XD
Wait, I was stunned by that respond… Huh?! That is kinda random and crazy!
Yeah…I’ve never had someone directly mock Christianity. That’s the only experience I’ve had…[Read more]
The Most Esteemed Feathered One replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 days, 15 hours ago
What are your thoughts on catholic reconciliation? (For those who don’t know, reconciliation is where catholics go (supposed to be at least every month) to confess their sins. And then they are forgiven for them.)
Only God has the power to forgive sins, and I don’t think it matters where sin is confessed, as long as it is c…[Read more]
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 days, 15 hours ago
What are your thoughts on catholic reconciliation? (For those who don’t know, reconciliation is where catholics go (supposed to be at least every month) to confess their sins. And then they are forgiven for them.) And what questions do you have. (That definition is the most simple version, there is more to it.)
I can copy and p…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 days, 16 hours ago
What are your thoughts on catholic reconciliation? (For those who don’t know, reconciliation is where catholics go (supposed to be at least every month) to confess their sins. And then they are forgiven for them.) And what questions do you have. (That definition is the most simple version, there is more to it.)
I believe every C…[Read more]
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