hybridlore replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 1 month, 1 week ago
Oh no, I’ve been saying your name wrong too!! 😂 I thought it was Key-la. Where is your name in the Bible?
I think I’m saying your name right? 😅 I know we already had a conversation about this. I feel confident about everything but the “Ette”. I might have the emphasis wrong, but oh well.
The trick to no one saying…[Read more]
Loopy replied to the topic Fantasy Adventure RP in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
Brea—with the rescue group headed to the river
Brea stopped running as she heard a horrible sound coming from the center of the city. Felicity stopped as well, right behind her, resting her hands on her knees and catching her breath. Brea turned to her with wide eyes.
“What was that?”
“I don’t know,” Felicity sai…[Read more]
Loopy replied to the topic My New/Old WIP! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
@godlyfantasy12 I second what the other me said. I’d love to hear a blurb if you have one!
(Could uhh I get some help tagging peeps cuz I only remember a few tags and…yea XD)
👍 I got you
@rae @the_lost-journal @raxforge @stephie @ellette-giselle @theducktator @hybridlore @highscribeofaetherium @grcr
Ruee Hamster Huey replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 1 month, 1 week ago
@ellette-giselle @raxforge SCANNER IS WORKING AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!
first, this is a rose in Baron’s art style (cross-hatch)
This was my second time ever doing cross-hatch in my life (I tried doing a cat years ago) and for second time it’s okay. I definitely need to work on it though.
Ruee Hamster Huey replied to the topic Magic Systems in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
@looylin @whalekeeper
YOU TWO SWITCHED NAMES AHHHHHH!!!! I kinda like it, it’s funny. lol
( @raxforge Can we? plz *puppy eyes*)
@loopy or whaley…ugh! @whoever posted this:
Reading your magic system was really interesting! I love it. I didn’t realize Chase and Baron were from the same world
Thank you
And yes, they are both from the same u…[Read more]
Keilah H. replied to the topic The Baron Chronicles in the forum Short Story Critiques 1 month, 1 week ago
@rae @raxforge @ellette-giselle It’s not that I forget to eat, it’s just that I can survive a solid portion of the day on a single bread roll I had at 11 in the morning.
And then when I do get hungry, I’ll eat a large meal, which will probably last me a WHILE.
Keilah H. replied to the topic The Quote Archive in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic The Baron Chronicles in the forum Short Story Critiques 1 month, 1 week ago
Loopy replied to the topic Fantasy Adventure RP in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
Ruee Hamster Huey replied to the topic The Baron Chronicles in the forum Short Story Critiques 1 month, 1 week ago
@raxforge (because this short story has changed a little since you last read it) @ellette-giselle @keilah-h @highscribeofaetherium
Fifth story!
(not sure if I like the title, but it’ll do)
A Scar Hidden by a Scarf
Cold. Freezing cold.Baron’s teeth chattered as he hugged himself, pulling his thin leather jacket closer around his body. His b…[Read more]
Ruee Hamster Huey replied to the topic The Baron Chronicles in the forum Short Story Critiques 1 month, 1 week ago
lol. No. I don’t do that until closer to 2:00 in the afternoon………………….
pretty much same for me usually, except the past few days. Mom and Dad have recently kept a stock of my favorite cereal so I now have incentive to eat breakfast, so recently I’ve skipped lunch.
And I just realized as I said that that I haven’t eaten anything…[Read more]
Keilah H. replied to the topic The Quote Archive in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
@raxforge lolllll what prompted THAT conversation?
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic The Baron Chronicles in the forum Short Story Critiques 1 month, 1 week ago
whaley replied to the topic Magic Systems in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
but most of the time they can simply pull moisture from the air and rehydrate.
Mooooost of the time. Except when they’re in the desert. 😁 Or if they get freeze-dried and packaged. (That got dark…)
If a Pitt can’t sing, they can’t control the plants as they do not…
The Most Esteemed Feathered One posted a new activity comment 1 month, 1 week ago
@rae @raxforge @savannah_grace2009
Wow, I didn’t realize socks were so controversial. XD I can’t stand mis-match either. -
whaley replied to the topic Magic Systems in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
That type of randomness must be preserved.
I agree. You can definitely keep that vibe and just make up the rules for yourself so you stay consistent. You wouldn’t have to tell anyone the rules of the system.
It seems like your magic comes from fantastical animals. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do think that would be a great source of…[Read more]
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
I’m more into creating characters and stories than worldbuilding. Although I have done a bit. I do like fantasy races and did spend a bit of time on those. But typically for my worldbuilding, I only do it when necessary. And I will often get distracted with writing the story itself. When I do world build, I base it on what I know about…[Read more]
Ellette Giselle replied to the topic Short Short Story Prompt War! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
thanks. I really hope so too. we have a two day drive coming up and it’ll be horrible if I’m still this bad off.
Ruee Hamster Huey replied to the topic Fantasy Adventure RP in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
Baron (Brutus)—with Ben Gunn, Flare, Ellis, and Jenna following after Felicity.
Brutus watched the creatures coming his way, dropping down his scarf. He didn’t know if the small band could out run the things. Could he muster enough wind to carry them away? He could try. A powerful wind came to him, and he turned…[Read more]
Cloaked Mystery replied to the topic Fantasy Adventure RP in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 month, 1 week ago
Ellis – Elderstrand (w/ Ben, Flare, Baron, following Felicity and Brea)
“Whatever made that sound,” Ellis said, glancing backward. “I don’t–Brutus! Come on! We’ve got to get out of here!”
He stopped, turning around. Just then with the sound of pounding feet, he saw a swarm of bounding spindly creatures burst into the…[Read more]
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Yay! At least there is another slightly sane person on here, lol