Racheal replied to the topic Leviathan in the forum Short Story Critiques 8 years, 5 months ago
@emma-flournoy Thanks for catching all those mistakes…I’ll get around to fixing them next time I get into my editor. 🙂
@kate-flournoy Glad you enjoyed it. I really enjoyed writing this one. It just came…
I’ve been doing my own headscratching over here. Sure, I’ve heard of “show, don’t tell”, but that was always in connection with…[Read more]
Racheal replied to the topic Leviathan in the forum Short Story Critiques 8 years, 5 months ago
@kate-flournoy Hmm. I just tried it and it opened just fine, but here it is again http://storiesbyracheal.weebly.com/leviathan.html 🙂
Racheal replied to the topic Leviathan in the forum Short Story Critiques 8 years, 5 months ago
@kate-flournoy Hmm. I just tried it and it opened just fine, but here it is again http://storiesbyracheal.weebly.com/leviathan.html 🙂
Racheal started the topic Leviathan in the forum 8 years, 5 months ago
I’m new around here…and I thought it might be in order to post one of my short stories to give y’all a bit more of an idea of what type of writer I am. Granted not everything falls into the same “historical fantasy” category as Leviathan, but it seems to be what I gravitate towards in my short stories. I wrote this sometime last year and it is…[Read more]
Racheal replied to the topic Introducing Myself… in the forum Start HERE 8 years, 5 months ago
@gretald The two historical fiction books I’ve read by Sir A.C. Doyle were “The White Company” and “Sir Nigel”. “Sir Nigel” is actually first (they are a series), but was written second. I read them one right after another and I could see that, but it didn’t bother me much. 🙂 I actually don’t know if he wrote any others.
Racheal replied to the topic Introducing Myself… in the forum Start HERE 8 years, 5 months ago
@hope Thanks! 😀
@rebelutoinary Hmmm…flcsagr(at)mailaka(dot)net. I replaced the @ and the . with the written words because supposedly it’s a spam-protection measure. Wonder why it’s not working? (And I am not your resident tech support. 😉 Unfortunately, I’m not as savvy as I might like to be…)
Racheal replied to the topic Introducing Myself… in the forum Start HERE 8 years, 5 months ago
@rebelutoinary Oops. I really was off the beam. I got a couple of the letters mixed up! The first part is flcsagr. Sorry about that. :}
@gretald Well, I really like O. Henry’s short stories. And I guess I’m rather partial to classic fairytales or similar stories–as might be evidenced by the fact that a good number of my own short stories (which…[Read more]
Racheal replied to the topic Introducing Myself… in the forum Start HERE 8 years, 5 months ago
I didn’t think you were insulting Florida! I just got to thinking how I’ve heard people say that Florida isn’t “The South” and well, stuff fell off the ends of my finger-tips. 😉 Neat that you’re a native–even though you’re no longer there…(lived in Arizona for about two years. Fort Huachuca was my dad’s last duty-station before…[Read more] -
Racheal replied to the topic Introducing Myself… in the forum Start HERE 8 years, 5 months ago
@sarah-h Showell Styles was a Welsh author. I’ve not read any of his other books outside of the Quinn series, but if they are as full of adventure and humour as those, I’m sure they’d be enjoyable to read.
I have dreams of writing edge of your seat WWII screenplays…I’ll read something and file it away for “someday”. (Speaking of which, any…[Read more] -
Racheal replied to the topic Introducing Myself… in the forum Start HERE 8 years, 5 months ago
@rolena-hatfield Perhaps we are! Might depend on which part of the US you hail from. (That’s another interest of mine–genealogy. You probably don’t want to get me started… 😀 )
I am a country-girl. Tell you, this corn up here in the mid-west seriously dwarfs me. I’m not from the mid-west really though, I’m Southern born and bred (as close as…[Read more] -
Racheal replied to the topic Sherlock Holmes in the forum Book Discussions 8 years, 5 months ago
Sherlock Holmes whetted my appetite for mystery stories. To this day, I love a good mystery. I believe I have read all of the the Holmes stories and consequently cannot remember them all or pick a favorite. Dr. Watson is actually my favorite character (I relate to him very well), but Sherlock’s immensely logical brain never ceases to wonder me.…[Read more]
Racheal's profile was updated 8 years, 5 months ago
Grace W. and
Racheal are now friends 8 years, 5 months ago
Ingrid and
Racheal are now friends 8 years, 5 months ago
Racheal replied to the topic Introducing Myself… in the forum Start HERE 8 years, 5 months ago
@dragon-snapper Sounds very interesting…a snapping dragon! 🙂 Thanks for the welcome. I guess I will have to learn more about all this interesting internet realm to see what category I might fall into.
@rebelutoinary Sarah, the chemical sensitives sound awful familiar too! I have started referring to my Lyme/co-infections, mold, etc as “The…[Read more]
Racheal replied to the topic Introducing Myself… in the forum Start HERE 8 years, 5 months ago
@jess Thanks for the explanation! 🙂 I’m ignorant of how Twitter functions as I never gave a hoot about it anyway, so double thanks.
@sarah-h Hehee, thanks. 🙂 Dear me. That’s some question and one that I really can’t answer. (I never could answer favorite book questions.) However, The Midshipman Quinn books by Showell Styles are launching…[Read more]
Racheal replied to the topic Introducing Myself… in the forum Start HERE 8 years, 5 months ago
Hi, Kate! (haven’t gotten the tag thing figured out yet) That’s an interesting question, really. I’ve mainly written short stories that verge on fantasy, but with a more historical and less fantastical flair to them. I have a dystopian novel in the works (me, who has neither read nor watched a dystopia. Ever.) I also have a HUGE historical fiction…[Read more]
Racheal started the topic Introducing Myself… in the forum Start HERE 8 years, 5 months ago
Hello. 🙂 Introductions on the websphere can be a little awkward…but oh well.
Howdy. Name’s Racheal. I’m 25 (just); a little older than the targeted age bracket of this here site, but happy to be here thanks to the management’s graciousness.I’m a wee bit of scribbler, but I suppose that’s obvious. I haven’t done much recently actually, but I…[Read more]
Racheal changed their profile picture 8 years, 5 months ago
Racheal's profile was updated 8 years, 5 months ago