Koshka replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 11 hours ago
And the fact that A_____’s captor is a bit of an infidel because he has spurned most of the religion for a form of stoicism. His wife is devout though, and it’s sad.
*Is sad with you*
I suppose they are. *Nods sagely*
The evil/weird religious system in my WIP so far only has moon worship and possibly vag…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 11 hours ago
OoooOOOoohHHHHhhhhh nnnNNNNOOOOooooo…….
I do have a rough mythology as much as I want to have it. The god of war and his consort the goddess of prosperity run around doing their thing while the god of the yurt (home/tent) tries to just keep the tents from burning in the chaos. I have decided not to go too in depth, since I…[Read more]
Koshka replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 12 hours ago
Oh, and then you’ll have to figure out what the gods represent, and then you’ll have to have a basic mythology, and then there’s the question of how they teach this mythology….
Koshka replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 12 hours ago
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 12 hours ago
EXACTLY. XD I even started a language simply so I could have it on signs in the illustrations. Like, no one speaks it in the story, but it’s there??? It did help me figure out the social hierarchy though, since I had all these neat names and no names to put them to.
HOWEVER. I am rather proud of the Dorwain’s pagan religion, as dark…[Read more]
Koshka replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 12 hours ago
Maps? I tried. I really did.
*Screaming intensifies*
Yeah, I probably need to find some natural boundaries I can stick in. I’m not trying to be Tolkien. I just don’t know where to make it stop.
Not that I don’t love it at the same time….. -
Koshka replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 3 days, 12 hours ago
It’s okay Keilah. The other day I called one of my characters something like “my little wolf child” and “baby”.
My older sister looked at me with this blank stare and asked who I was talking about because “Isn’t he the soldier?”
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 12 hours ago
And then what if… if theresafoodcalledshoemashandyoudon’tknowwhybutyoumadeitupanditsoundsdelicousandnowyouhavetothinkofareasonbecauseyourfamlythinksit’snastysoundingso-
It’s porridge, but the “everything but the kitchen sink kind” and is delicous.
Koshka replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 12 hours ago
Ahhhhhhhhhhh yesss…… It never ends …..
I actually really need to flesh out some of my cultures on these lines, but then there’s the cultures inside bigger cultures, and the random pockets of society, and this is just one tribe?!
*Screams into pillow in a mixture of pure joy and pain*
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Character Arcs in the forum Characters 3 days, 13 hours ago
And most of that you probably already knew, but there it is. You said “character arcs” and I got excited. XD Sorry.
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Character Arcs in the forum Characters 3 days, 13 hours ago
First off, that story sounds incredibly intriguing. Not your average story, and maybe one that you can use to deal with things most people deal with, but don’t talk about.
For developing character arcs, I would suggest you 1. Find a message, 2. Find a flaw that corresponds and fits the character uniquely 3. Determine what the…[Read more]
Koshka replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 14 hours ago
Ah yes. Some writers talk about their super organized notes, and I’m just like “I have a head. And some notes here…or maybe over there…”
Koshka replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 14 hours ago
I’m not sure what a good process is, but here’s basically what I do.
I have a doc for each of my series that is mostly just notes about the characters, the plotline, and a bunch of random culture things. And then I’ve scribbled some things down in notebooks, but I haven’t kept up with those so I don’t really know if I have that stuff…[Read more]
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic How do you world build? in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 15 hours ago
I talk about it to my siblings. XD And I keep an eye open for ideas. For instance, while at a funeral I realized I didn’t know my charrie’s traditional burials. Flash forward to when I ran across some archeology, and I decided to hunt for ideas. Now I have a detailed burial system depending on the place and/or culture in the world. Same thing…[Read more]
Koshka replied to the topic KP GOOGLE MEET!!!!!!!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 16 hours ago
Thanks for joining, y’all! It was awesome to kinda actually meet you.
May your words flow easily into your WIPs and all characters do as they should.
Koshka replied to the topic KP GOOGLE MEET!!!!!!!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 20 hours ago
And remember y’all, we did decide to wear light costumes of some sort this week if anyone else wants to (like nothing too nuts. I’ll probably just be wearing a hat)
Koshka replied to the topic KP GOOGLE MEET!!!!!!!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 22 hours ago
Oh gracious. Thank you. XD Time zones are not my strong point.
3! You have another couple hours!
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Portals: When My Story Ate Me in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 22 hours ago
Well, I obviously took those with artificial light. XD At least they finally came through. Any thoughts? 😁
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Portals: When My Story Ate Me in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 22 hours ago
Elishavet Elroi replied to the topic Portals: When My Story Ate Me in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 days, 22 hours ago
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